3|A World Without A…
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The forest floor beneath Mae's shoes crunched each fallen leaf and twig. Sunlight filtered through the canopy of emerald green and dappled her path in a mosaic of light and shadow. 

The forest vibrated with a symphony of nature's orchestra: birdsong fluttered from treetops, a babbling brook chimed its melody, and the wind hummed through the branches.

Towering trees, their bark etched with the wisdom of centuries, stretched towards the heavens, their leaves shimmering in colors of emerald, jade, and the occasional glint of gold. 

Vines, thick as Mae's arm, are woven intricately around their trunks, adorned with jewel-toned flowers that exude a sweet scent.

As Mae ventured deeper, the forest revealed its hidden inhabitants.  

Ethereal butterflies, their wings painted with moonbeams and stardust, fluttered gracefully amongst the dappled sunlight. 

A family of deer, their coats the color of burnished copper, paused to regard her with gentle curiosity before melting back into the emerald depths.

Overhead, a red bird, giant as she is, chirped from its perch, its gaze seemingly holding the secrets of the ages. 

The place itself thrummed with unseen vitality, a tangible essence that tingled on Mae's skin. 

"Hey, Four, System 0 didn't send me to an ancient world where no sentient beings like humans are around, right?" No matter how much Mae walked around, she didn't see any human beings around or something similar.

"The superior system wouldn't do that. And isn't it too early for you to judge? You're still stuck in this huge forest. Who knows, maybe the point you walk into the edge is the moment you can see other people or their traces." System 04 would have shrugged its shoulder if it had it. 

"I just have a little sneaking suspicion. After all, you and System 0 like to throw me into unforeseen situations, so I'm a bit guarded." Mae complained.

Offended, System 04 replied with a dramatic tone. "You're suspicious of me?! I have done for almost like, 5000 years of serving you as your great and loyal system, and you doubt me?!" 

"I do. Don't think I would forget about that #134 mission world." Mae couldn't help but scowl at the resurfacing memories of that awful mission. 

System 04 immediately became quiet. If it ever had eyes, it would have avoided looking at Mae. 

[Well, that one is my fault.] System 04 thought.

"Forgive and forget. Stop being petty." System 04 kindly said, trying to avoid talking about the past. 

Mae only scoffed and proceeded to ignore her cowardly system.

Finally, after hours of traversing the forest, Mae's legs ached from the uneven terrain. She then stopped as her eyes stumbled upon a beautiful sight.

Lush ferns parted to reveal a hidden haven, a glistening creek snaking its way through emerald foliage. 

The babbling hymn of the brook, punctuated by the infrequent trill of unseen birds, created peaceful music. 

Moss-covered stones edged the stream, beckoning Mae to go there and put her feet on the cold water. 

But the true crowning jewel was the waterfall at the head of the creek. Cascading down moss-draped rocks, the water forms a curtain of liquid crystal. 

Sunbeams caught the mist, painting rainbows that glowed and danced in the air. The roar of the falls, powerful yet peaceful, filled the air with a sense of wonder.

Tiny wildflowers, the color of sapphires and rubies, clung to the rocks around the falls, their delicate petals kissed by the mist. 

Butterflies, their wings painted with the colors of dawn, flitted between the blooms, adding to the scene's ethereal beauty.

"Damn. It's been so long since I last saw a beautiful spot like this." Mae murmured, mesmerized by the sight.

The last two mission worlds that Mae completed before retiring had been set in an apocalyptic setting. So seeing such a beauty was refreshing to her eyes.

"Well, this spot wouldn't place in my top 5." Four chided, ending Mae's surprise.

Annoyed, Mae rolled her eyes.

"Four, do you have any idea what kind of 'theme' is this world set up as?" Mae asked and began to walk to the edge of the creek.

"As I am not connected to the System Management anymore, I have no idea. What kind of world did you ever wish to retire to in your contract with the superior system? Maybe we can get hints." Four asked back.

"I did say in the contract that I don't want a world running on the bullshit of having a golden child," Mae answered as she put her shoes beside her and sat on a dry rock, putting her feet on the running water. 

"A world without a golden protagonist? That's a very hard condition. What else did you put on the contract?" 

"Uh...A higher plane? I mean, a place far away from the reach of the System Management." Mae closed her eyes, relaxing as she continued talking.

"I wrote in the contract that any setting in my retirement world is acceptable as long as it is a livable one. For an apocalyptic environment though, I wrote that it must be after the apocalypse would I arrive." 

"A good measure." Four praised.

"Of course, I don't want to be pranked. By the way, I also asked that the world's consciousness will allow my existence to run and play around. I don't want a repeat of the #110 mission world. I guess that's all." 

"So a world that is on a higher plane, with the world consciousness allowing your bug-like existence, and without a golden child around? You do know that worlds' like that are highly unstable right?" System 04 felt shocked at its owner's stringent demands. 

"And?" Mae opened her eyes, gazing at the blue sky and white clouds. 

"Ah, yes, you're a bug-like existence, of course, you could survive environments like that." Four said in a sour tone. 

"So? What do you think the theme of this world is?" Mae asked the important question once again. 

"Well...There are still plenty of answers even if we narrow your contract condition-" 


Suddenly, a man wearing white clothes landed on the opposite edge of the creek. 

A woman's cackling was then heard, following a vague female figure hovering in the sky, stepping on a big black sword. 

"Four, you don't need to analyze things anymore. I think I know the answer." Mae groaned.

Her retirement world's theme is Ancient cultivation.