Chapter 6 : The Start of a New Semester
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Reno was surprised that the seemingly shy Cassia asked such a bold question but answered it anyway.


“Yea it’s true, Is something wrong with being from a low rank rift?”


Feeling that she might have angered or upset Reno, Cassia did her best to show what she meant from asking. 


“I-I don’t mean it as something bad, I was just wondering because you have such a big and spacious room and teacher Kian told me to be wary of higher ranks as most of them are privileged, it’s sorry, I mean, I’m sorry if I upset you!”


Cassia then bowed as if apologizing to Reno.


Reno scratched the back of his head. ‘I know she didn’t mean any harm so I don’t think she needs to apologize for anything’

“It’s fine, lift up your head and lemme show you around my, or I guess our place”


Reno then started walking to the bedrooms while Cassia followed after him.


Still Thinking that she had upset Reno, Cassia was thinking of a way to get him to forgive her.


‘Urgh, good going Cassia, I’ve just reached the academy and I’m already causing problems to my roommate, I don’t see why uncle has so much faith in me when I’m so shy and bad at speaking’


Reno looked back at Cassia with a tense look on her face. ‘Good grief’


Reno stopped and then Cassia bumped into him as she wasn’t paying attention.


“I said it’s fine, we have a lot of rooms to go through so I hope you’re prepared.


Finally snapping out of her thoughts, Cassia nodded and then Reno showed her through the many different bedrooms, bathrooms and other rooms. 


He also made sure to lay some ground rules such as always knocking, the times when he would be using the shower, etc.


Throughout the tour, Kian also came back with Cassia’s belongings which didn’t seem to be much as he just carried 2 ordinary suitcases with him.


With his help, Reno also added Cassia as a resident to the room making it so that she can come and go without his help.


After finishing up the tour though, Reno looked at the clock in the living room and saw it was 9:55pm.


‘It’s already so late huh, the new semester starts tomorrow too. My focus skill is still on cooldown so I don’t have much else I need to do for the night, might as well hit the hay’


Cassia exited one of the dorm’s bedrooms and saw Reno looking at the clock. “Uhmm, I’m finished packing away all my stuff so I’ll be going to bed now, goodnight!”


When Cassia finished saying all this, she shut her room door. Hearing this Reno turned off all the lights via his smart watch and then hopped into his bed drifting into sleep.


When Reno closed his eyes and started sleeping for a while, he felt like he woke up but when he looked around it was still fully black as if he was still asleep.


The thing that was strange is that when Reno was in this fully black place and tried closing his eyes, he could see himself when he was using the focus skill to train the cut skill.


He could see all that he was doing from a third person perspective and how strange it might have looked when he used his skill, paused for around 10 seconds and then used it again with no delay as if he was a robot.


Seeing the process of his training from a third perspective, Reno could clearly see some basic mistakes that he was making and as soon as he realized that mistake it was as if the him from earlier that was swinging the sword would hear him and fix that mistake.


Although Reno wasn’t the brightest about swordsmanship or swordplay, having the memories of the original Reno that was a swordsman fanboy, he found a good amount of mistakes.


After around an hour of this, Reno blacked out once again. This time nothing else strange happened and he woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.


‘That dream last night was pretty weird, it felt pretty vivid for a dream though. Maybe a lucid dream but neither Reno nor me have ever had one before until last night, how weird’


Reno then got up and did his daily morning routine and got his neat and crisp white uniform with his sky blue tie out of his closet


Looking into his room mirror, Reno could see his neatly trimmed black hair and his brown eyes. After doing a few poses, Reno went to check if Cassia was awake and ready for her classes.


When he knocked her door and heard no response after around 5 tries, he gave up and assumed she already left for her classes.


Reno then walked through the hallway and made his way into the living room. 


He grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit he kept and then got the academy loaned sword that he used for training.


Upon getting his sword, Reno was feeling a bit antsy, especially due to his dream yesterday. 


‘Just a few warm up swings should be fine’


Reno unsheathed his spartan-like blade that seemed to made for killing alone and then swung it a few times. 


‘I’m definitely a bit more fluid than yesterday but I don’t think I’ve really grown much, let’s try out the cut skill and see what proficiency III is like at the least anyways.’


Reno got into a stance where he positioned the sword in front of him and he then bent his knees a bit and then thought back to his knowledge of the cut skill which activated it automatically.


[Cut - A Vertical Strike of a weapon]


He moved swiftly as he lowered the blade and struck at the empty air in front of him.


After using the skill, Reno still thought it wasn’t that good but was surprised by one thing. 


‘The mistakes I fixed when I was in that dream yesterday, somehow I automatically corrected them when I used the cut skill, like it was muscle memory’


Thinking that something was strange, Reno checked his combatant evaluation sheet.


Name : [Reno Mochizuki]


Age    : 19


Courses : Swordplay, Rift Exploration, Survival 101, Energy Control [Year II, Semester I]


Gender : Male


Stats : [Strength : G+ ]


  [Speed : G ]


  [Defense : H ]


  [Vitality : G+ ]


  [Energy : N/A ]


Rank : G+


Skills  : Wendao’s Sword Art, Proficiency : [II] EXP : (28/1000)

    (Needs Energy to be activated)

   {This is a decent sword art made by the swordsman Wendao when he was bored with nothing to do, When the user keeps hitting consecutive blows the damage and speed of the user increases by 5% up to 25% after every new consecutive blow} (Rarity : C [Average]) [Cooldown time : 5 minutes] 


     Cut [IV] (1289/1500) (A very basic sword skill)

    {A vertical strike of any weapon that is able to swiftly deal a small amount of damage on hit  {Calculated based on the user’s speed/strength and the skill’s proficiency level} (Rarity : F [Common]) [Cooldown time : 7 seconds]


    Focus [I] (1 hrs/ 2 hrs)

               {Able to maintain full concentration on any task for 1 hour, during the skill duration, comprehension is increased} [Cooldown time : 1 day] (Rarity : N/A)


                           -Focus (Theory) [Unlocked] (1 hrs/2 hrs) 

                          {Must have the focus skill to use. After a session of using focus, the user is able to review the focus session and edit it before it is permanently saved to the brain.} [Cooldown time : 1 day] (Rarity : N/A)


‘Like I thought, that weird dream if it even is that, increased my comprehension of the cut skill, adding onto that, looks like it’s the doing of the focus skill.


‘I need to try finding out more about it, if the watch is picking it up then that must mean the school has some information on it.’


‘When I get the chance, I’ll search the library database and see if I find anything, if I don’t then I’ll figure out what to do at that point’


Reno then put his blade back in his sheathe and looked at the time.


“Shit! I need to go now or I’ll be late, it takes me 10 minutes to reach the Swordplay class from my dorm room” 


Reno dashed out of his dorm as quickly as he could after doing the security measures as quickly as he could and then bolted to the left and down some corridors until he saw a pair of doors that had the picture of an old man sitting down with two swords beside him above them.


“Let’s go, I made it in time!” Reno then walked into the room with no restriction as the doors opened automatically to let him inside. 


Looking around, he saw rows and rows of students talking to their friends which made the room rather loud.


After a short time of gazing around the room, he found the seat that the old Reno always sat in and then parked himself right there.


Reno then sighed and put his head on the desk. ‘Hopefully I won’t get into any more trouble for now, especially now that I don’t have a vital core to deal with them.


As if hearing his inner thoughts, a hand went over his shoulder. Reno looked back at the person and saw a girl that had dark green hair and brown eyes.


“All now, you haven’t responded to the poll I sent you Reno my boy, big or small, waist or thigh, protection or no protection, just spill the beans and tell your bestest friend what you need in a gal and I’ll hook you up”

Reno rolled his eyes. The girl that was talking to him was the previous Reno’s closest friend that had his back when he needed it, as anyone could infer from what she said a while ago though. 


Grania Hattie was a massive pervert. No filter and was out of pocket most of the time, sometimes, scratch that, most of the times, the original Reno had to just ignore half of what she was saying.


The thing that made the blow worse was that Grania showed herself as a caring and kind person to most others but just downright pervy when with Reno.


Reno sighed but smiled a bit knowing that Grania didn’t change much. 


“It’s a new term Grania, can’t you calm down on the pervy stuff for a bit, the semester starts today you know”

Grania looked at Reno as if he was an idiot. “I wish I could slap sense into your head sometimes you know, a new term means growth in the right areas, if you blink then you might even miss it all”


She then pointed at a guy across the room. “Take Koen Edmar for example, last term his backside looked flat as a cutting board but this term, he must have been on the grind because he’s packing something dangerous”


Right after, she then put her face right next to Reno’s own. “Look at that Reno! Look at it!!, I can’t believe that could happen in just one summer break!”


Reno wasn’t looking where she was, but based on how Grania was acting, Reno basically understood what she was saying. After rolling his eyes and then resisting his urge to not associate with this person, some more time passed.


Around five minutes later, a guy who was really short entered the class and dropped a heavy book he was carrying onto the ground.


The sound of the book dropping was loud which got the attention of everyone in the room.


“Enough of your chit chat with your friends, let’s start the class