Hot Sun Day ii
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If you want the full experience,go to the first chapter and find Š∃⊗ mark and reread this from there


He suddenly took his lips away. I was startled and snapped my eyes open wondering what happened but as soon as I saw his eyes I knew the answer, his eyes told me that.


When he said I want to eat you and then bit my ear I lost my footing and I could swear I had butterflies in my stomach somehow.


He came back to my lips but with much more urgency he let go of my ass and slowly opened the zipper of my frock in the back and then just slipped the sleeves off my shoulders and the frock fell to the ground easily. I felt his heated gaze all over my body; having a feast.


How can I accept defeat?




I also grabbed his shirt and took off with his help then I loosened his belt and tack button then it fell down to his knees and Max got rid of just using his legs, while his eyes were still on me.


Even though I also wanted to feast off his body.


Hmph, I still had some dignity left as a devotee of Jesús,

so I just feasted at his reflection in the mirror.


Max stood half a foot taller than me, approximately 6 feet 2 inches. His eyes were as dark as black holes, and his hair was a standard black. While he wasn't conventionally handsome or had six packs like my husband, he had broad shoulders and a well-toned body with arms to match. His white skin bore a tan, with areas darker where his clothes left them exposed and lighter where they were covered.


All in all he is what we call a “Big guy” coupled with that broad kind smile of his, 


No wonder girls are all over him.




Even though I checked out his body from the mirror I never wanted to see the most important part from it. I Wanted to see the real thing but I couldn't gather the courage to look at him. But I still stole a glance and carved what I saw deep in my mind.


Oh, my god… is he hiding eggplant in there or something, poor underwear trying to its best to not be torn into pieces.


It must be painful, isn't it? Just to be sure, let's take another peak.


Without letting me have another glance, he kissed me again. 


He exclaimed, "You look absolutely ravishing. Any man on this planet would give anything to witness what I'm seeing right now."


I felt my cheeks get hot. I'm pretty sure my face must have looked like a tomato.




Without allowing me a moment to ponder, he pulled me towards him and swept me into his arms, much like a prince carrying his princess in a Disney movie. Carrying me to bed, he never ceased staring at me with his intense gaze. After laying me down gently, he positioned himself on top of me and began kissing and touching me as if there were no tomorrow.


First all started from my lips, then he went for my neck and finally reached his destination. Yes, he kissed his way down to my bra.


After a few tender kisses in the area. He enveloped me with his hands, unfastened my bra, and tossed it aside.


I think I was expecting him to gasp or look surprised by them, but,




He just looked at my breasts like he was being hypnotised by them, after more than a few seconds he finally came to his senses and slowly put one breast in his mouth and started to slowly suck it while his other hand was busy kneading the other one.


It was sooo hot. I was barely able to not to moan like a bitch. I grabbed the bed bedsheets with my hands with all of my willpower to keep my mouth close.


He played with my breast for more than a few minutes. It was like a kid got his favourite toy in Christmas. he kissed them, kneaded them, and bit nipples and I was barely holding on while I was leaking below like a pipe.


Then he started his journey to go down again. When he crossed through my stomach, I felt shivers run down my spine. Then he slowly slipped down to the hips and then to the forbidden region.


He ran his fingers along the side of my underwear's elastic, then carefully grasped it and slowly slid it down while looking at my honey pot and then he threw it away.  


I tried to cover my leaking kitty, but he brushed my hands aside and gazed at it passionately. Then he got closer to my honeypot, and I was so sensitive I could feel his hot breath down there. Suddenly,




Yes, he licked me down there and It was a rough licking. I could feel his tongue dancing in my honey pot which caused it to supply even more honey!

I clenched my jaws tightly, determined not to let out any moans. I needed to protect my dignity.


In that few minutes, I was overwhelmed by such intense pleasure that words completely failed to describe what I was feeling. He finally stopped. I wanted more, but no words came out of my mouth. Then he started to laugh.


“No matter how hard you try you can’t stop your body telling the truth, can you?”


He noticed, I want to bury myself right now.


“Mmm but that was tasty.” He said as he licked his lips. 


I didn’t know what to even think about that statement.

Inside, I felt excitement, but I also recognized my responsibility to ensure his pleasure. Realising that I had been the primary recipient of enjoyment from the beginning, I used all my strength to push him onto the bed. Understanding my intention, he complied and positioned himself underneath me, allowing me to take the lead.


I also wanted to kiss his chest and do things just like how he did, but damn my dignity, I couldn’t get myself to do it. But I still could feel he is happy that I’m taking the initiative, at least.


After a few awkward kisses on his lips. I confirmed I don’t have courage to do things he did so I just straight went to the most important part, After gathering all my courage I had for the day. My gaze finally stopped at his massive tented underwear. This time though, I did it the exact way he removed my underwear. But doing it was harder than I thought, but suddenly,




I was taken by surprise. His cock, which was caged by his underwear, suddenly got released and it soared upwards like a piercing sword.


I saw he is laughing wholeheartedly, but I had one thought in my mind.


“How the fuck that thing is gonna fit in my poor pussy”


“Ha Ha, have you ever seen anything like it?” he asked me with a cocky voice.


Well, matter of fact, I have seen something like it. Once I visited her friend's house without giving her prior notice. That day I accidentally found a weird big plastic toy thing in her closet. Later that day, I found out what a monster size dildo is and what is the usage. I went to church for a week just to get that blasphemous picture out of my mind.


And right now I was seeing it in real life, waiting to go inside of me.


Those veins in his cock, they look like roots all over it and the light pink colour tip was the only cute part about it.



She ignored my rumbling and slid my underwear into my kneecaps, then I removed it myself.


She grabbed my cock softly as possible and slowly stroked it.


She still looked at my cock with curiosity and a hint of fear in her eyes and she didn’t look away shyly like I was expecting her to do, it was like she was hypnotised by my cock. I felt proud, to be honest. 


Oh Good Heavens,” I screamed in his mind.


I almost moaned out loudly. I felt his whole body jolted with pleasure. It was like feathers stocking my little brother and he is silently screaming for more.

Oh man, how can hands be this soft?


I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. To be honest right now, I was secretly expecting a blowjob but I couldn't force her it and lose the trust we built. Maybe she noticed I closed my eyes, so she used both of her hands and gradually sped up the stroking.


Oh my god, it feels too good..


Finally, some pre cum came out of my cock.




I moaned.


why did I do that? I was embarrassed inside but more than that, it wanted it…


“Fuck it,”


I lifted Zara and got myself on top of her, immediately engaging in kissing, all the while feeling the pressure of our naked bodies pressing against my hot cock and her firm breast. but my attention was focused on my right hand middle finger, which slowly started to invade her pussy.


Yes, I was fingerfucking her. I started with one finger slowly, then I sped up. Then two fingers, then three. I felt she was squirming with pleasure below me. Suddenly she also grabbed my cock and tried to stroke it, which I also gave help to do so and instantly I felt how living in heaven feels like. Our manic kissing didn’t stop either.


Oh, God, fuck. I can’t take it anymore.


Yes, I decided the foreplay is enough.


Looking at how she was behaving, I knew she was also reaching her limit of patience and I stopped what I was doing.




Oh, just a little more, I thought.


Wait, why did he stop? I was surprised when he stopped and opened my eyes in a hurry to look for the reason. What I saw was Max putting a condom on his massive cock.


I’m sure my face got even more red.


It's fortunate that he understood, as it would have been embarrassing to explicitly ask to get fucked.


Within seconds, he was on top of me again. I couldn't look at his eyes straight; I was avoiding them.


“May I?”


Max asked it like this was the most crucial question he ever asked. And she knew he was praying to gods for a yes.


I was surprised by the question. 


“How am I supposed to answer that, you idiot?” 


I couldn't even look straight at him, much less speak, I just gave a small nod.

Put your thing back in to your pants. HA HA . these chapters are hard to write BTW