Chapter 43: Hana: The Lost Daughter of the Senju Clan.
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"Hana, why do you keep hugging me?" Nawaki asked, feeling somewhat helpless.

Ever since he rescued her and heard her story from the past few years, Hana had become noticeably attached to him. Initially, her eyes seemed lifeless, but now, as she hugged him, there was a hint of liveliness in them.

"I just like it, can't I?" She looked up at him.

Nawaki sighed: "Okay, but this makes walking difficult."

"So what should we do?" Hana then shifted from encircling his entire body to just wrapping her arms around his left arm, resting her head on his shoulder.

Hana, being around 169-170 cm tall, was slightly taller than him. In this position, she resembled an older sister walking with her younger brother.

However, if they continued like this, reaching the Leaf village would take an eternity.

"Okay, how about this," Nawaki suggested. "Climb on my back, and I'll carry you."

"Yes, yes, I really like that idea!" Hana exclaimed and clapped her hands as she released his arm. However, her expression remained emotionless, and her voice didn't convey much happiness.

Nawaki was puzzled. After all she had been through, how could she seem so energetic? But then, why did she struggle to express emotions? She appeared both insincere and genuine simultaneously.

In some ways, she reminded him of his granddaughter from another life. She was lively and always stayed close to him. But that couldn't be the case here, right? His granddaughter was very expressive, unlike Hana Senju, who seemed much more reserved.

Perhaps he saw similarities merely because of the similar names, leading him to associate this 15-16-year-old girl with his granddaughter.

Once the thought entered his mind, Nawaki found it difficult to dismiss it.

As Hana climbed onto his back, she began to affectionately rub her cheek against his, a gesture of intimacy.

Nawaki was left speechless yet again.

He wondered, 'Perhaps she feels a sense of familiarity due to her genetics, which is why she's so affectionate with me?'

It was a melancholy realization that Hana had lived her life devoid of love, merely as a tool for experimentation. With this in mind, Nawaki resolved to allow her some freedom in her actions, as long as she remained respectful.

Nawaki was briefly distracted by the sensation of Hana's breasts, comparable in size to Tsunade's, pressed against his back. However, he quickly refocused when he sensed approaching ninjas.

"Hold on tight, I'm going to pick up the pace. I think ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village are on our trail," Nawaki informed her.

"Okay," Hana responded, her voice still lacking emotion.

Nawaki sighed at her tone but knew there were more pressing concerns.

With the divine art of wind, he and Hana were surrounded by a green wind, and his speed through the trees increased dramatically.

As Nawaki moved at superhuman speeds, Hana, perched on his back, watched the scenery blur by.

Utilizing the divine art of wind, the energy expenditure for running was significantly reduced. This method relied not just on chakra but on a purer form of energy that depleted more slowly when used for enhanced speed.

Soon, they had gained a considerable distance from the pursuing ninjas. Only then did Nawaki reduce his speed to a moderate pace.

"Incredible," Hana commented, yet her voice still lacked emotion. She seemed to be teasing, but in reality, she was genuinely amazed.



On their return journey, a shadow clone of Nawaki, carrying Hana Senju, detected a ninja from the Leaf Village approaching.

Nawaki concealed himself, waiting to identify the newcomer. When he realized it was actually his own shadow clones, along with Hana, he revealed himself.

"We finally caught up with you two," one of the shadow clones said.

Hana, somewhat perplexed, had seen Nawaki use a shadow clone before, but that was just one in the Hidden Cloud Village. Now, she was faced with ten more.

"I don't have much time to explain. Put Hana down and disperse," instructed Nawaki's shadow clone.

"Understood." The shadow clone gently set Hana on the ground, performed a hand seal, turned into a smokescreen, and then vanished.

"You two," the speaking shadow clone directed two others, "go back with Hana. We will complete the mission."

"Oh, what's happening? Are we going back to that awful place?" Hana inquired. Her voice lacked emotion, but her disdain for the Hidden Cloud Village was evident.

"Yes, they will pay for what they did to you," Nawaki responded, not entirely truthful but not fully deceptive either. "They will face severe consequences."

"Oh, thank you~" Hana replied, her face flushed, mirroring Nawaki's, yet her expression remained somewhat impassive.

Her reaction wasn't entirely robotic, but it was akin to someone being slightly sarcastic, as if she wasn't genuinely enthusiastic about the situation.

The eight remaining shadow clones dispersed, leaving only two with Nawaki and Hana.

"Are we heading to the Leaf Village?" Hana inquired.

"Yes. Do you know anything about it?" Nawaki asked.

"Nothing," Hana replied tersely. "I only know that if what those bad men said is true, I should be from there."

"I see," Nawaki responded thoughtfully. "If that's confirmed, you must be a relative of mine. To be more precise, you're likely my cousin's aunt."

"Okay," Hana replied dryly, not sure what else to say, and simply accepted the information.



A few hours later, Nawaki, carrying Hana on his back, completed the entry procedures for the village with her and headed towards the Senju Complex.

Upon their arrival, Mito requested some private time with Hana Senju. After almost an hour, she returned.

"She is Tobirama's daughter," Mito stated plainly, then asked, "She will live with us from now on. Do you all agree?"

"Yes," the three answered simultaneously.

Kushina, not fully grasping the situation, also nodded, assuming the question was meant for her as well.

"Yay! Such happiness~" Hana commented, her tone lacking any real joy, almost as if mocking.

Her face, now slightly flushed, mirrored Nawaki's—perhaps an attempt to imitate him?

Nawaki, sensing the potential for misunderstanding, clarified, "She's been through a lot and struggles to express emotions."

"So, you are the real one?" Hana approached Nawaki, and upon seeing his nod, she hugged him. "Yay! I'm embracing the real one! Thank you for saving me. I haven't had the chance to thank you yet~!"

Although her words sounded insincere, the tears streaming down her flushed face were undeniably genuine.

Tsunade, witnessing this, felt a lump in her throat, unable to fathom what the girl must have endured to behave in such a manner.

Kushina, unaware of the full story, was overwhelmed with sadness, feeling an oppressive sorrow that nearly brought her to tears.

Mito silently mused, 'In every tear, there is hope...' as she gazed skyward.



The Senju Clan maids arranged for Hana to stay in the room next to Kushina's. Despite their age difference, which wasn't significant, Mito hoped that the two, being close in age, could forge a friendship. This would aid both Kushina, who was new to the village, and Hana Senju, who had endured much and needed to learn how to interact with people.

Mito informed the Third Hokage about the situation. It was a necessary step to establish Hana's identity as a village resident and as the heir of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

"What do you think?" Nawaki asked Hana.

As Hana surveyed her new room, she was taken aback.

The room was large and airy, with a spacious closet filled with various clothes for her to choose from.

She closed the closet and turned her attention to the bed, which was so large she imagined it could comfortably sleep five people—a stark contrast to the cold floor where she used to sleep with no warmth.

Sitting on the bed, she marveled at how she slightly sank into the mattress. The softness of the mattress, coupled with the smooth, silky bedding, felt like a dream to her.

Though unable to articulate her emotions in words, if she had to summarize her feelings in one word, it would be 'happiness'.

It was a simple word, but for Hana, who had known little joy in her life, it held profound meaning.

Hana could count the few moments of happiness she had ever experienced on one hand. The fact that she maintained any hope of reaching this point was a mystery, as she had nearly given up on everything.

Once again, she sniffled, tears flowing from her eyes without her realization.

Nawaki's question went unanswered, but it didn't seem necessary. His understanding was evident in his reaction to her emotional display.

His heart ached at the sight. Observing her immense joy over something seemingly minor, which moved her to tears even as she struggled to express her feelings, was deeply affecting.

Nawaki's eyes reddened. He had never felt an emotion as intense as this, not even during his battles with many ninjas.

Taking a deep breath and sighing, Nawaki spoke in a choked voice, "Take your time. I'll prepare something delicious for you to eat. Look forward to it!"

Hana turned to look at him, her eyes still wet with tears. She nodded silently in acknowledgment.

Leaving Hana in the room, Nawaki departed, entrusting her company to Kushina and Tsunade.



Nawaki put considerable effort into his cooking this time.

He chose a prime cut of lizard meat, mindful of its potency. To ensure it wouldn't overwhelm Hana and Kushina with too much energy, he decided to dilute it in a hot soup.

Soon, the tantalizing aroma filled the kitchen. The broth, made with lizard meat pieces, rabbit as the primary meat, and generous portions of sheep meat, wafted a rich and delicious smell throughout the Senju Clan residence.

As it was still early and the clan servants were around, Nawaki prepared a larger pot of rabbit meat soup for them as well. He felt it would be unfair not to share some of the delightful meal, even if it was a version with rabbit meat, which was less rich than sheep and lizard. It was still superior to any meat commonly available.

Nawaki then asked one of the servants to take over the soup distribution, ensuring everyone got an equal share.

"Thank you, Nawaki-sama!" The maid tasked with distributing the soup bowed twice, her face beaming with happiness.

Nawaki was known for his kindness and generosity towards the servants. Even for those not well-versed in culinary matters, the value of the substantial pot of soup Nawaki shared was apparent.

"You're welcome," Nawaki responded humbly, wearing his characteristic smile.

Shortly thereafter, Nawaki turned his focus to preparing lunch and other dishes.

In just a few minutes, he had prepared Tonkotsu Miso Ramen, a recipe he found in one of the clan library's cookbooks.

"Nawaki-sama, you can go ahead, we'll handle the rest, right?" said the maid who had been cooking rice on the adjacent stove while the soup simmered on low heat. She spoke with a determined expression.

"Yes! Leave it to us, Nawaki-sama!" chimed in the other maids.

There were five maids in the kitchen with him, but fortunately, the kitchen was spacious enough to accommodate up to 10 people comfortably.

"Okay, thanks," Nawaki replied with a smile.

"No need to thank us," the maid responded, shaking her head and smiling. "Everyone in the Senju Clan treats us well, and this is our job, after all!"

"Hmm," Nawaki hummed in acknowledgment and left the kitchen after washing his hands and removing his apron.

In the living room, everyone was seated around the large table, eagerly anticipating the meal.

Seeing their expectant faces, Nawaki said with a small smile, "It's ready. The maids will serve the table shortly."

"Excellent! Can't wait dattebane!" Kushina exclaimed, quickly wiping away drool from her mouth.

"Dattebane?" Hana asked, tilting her head slightly to the left, her face betraying a hint of confusion, though she didn't overtly express it.

"Uh, it's just something I say when I'm excited..." Kushina explained, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, I see," Hana nodded, her stoic expression softened by a blush similar to Nawaki's.

Before long, the maids filled the table with an array of delicious dishes.

Each person received a large bowl of soup. The bowls were initially empty, and the maids inquired about the desired portions for each individual before serving.

Once everyone was served, Kushina, unable to contain her excitement, was the first to eat after expressing her gratitude.

"Delicious, so delicious dattebane~!" Kushina exclaimed, blowing on a spoonful of hot soup laden with meat and vegetables before taking a bite.

Hana followed suit and took a taste. The moment the flavors hit her palate, she was momentarily stunned.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Nawaki, her cheeks bulging with food. She was in a state of euphoria. Could something this delicious truly exist? She wondered silently.

How could food be so delectable that it made her feel she could never have enough? She questioned why everything she had eaten before now seemed tasteless in comparison.

Had she been missing out on such intense joy all these years? Was such culinary delight even real, or was she merely hallucinating? The flavors were so exceptional and unfamiliar, it was as if her taste buds were experiencing a celebration of tastes she had never known.

She couldn't help but wonder: was this all just a dream?

Hana was overwhelmed by the thought. It wouldn't be the first time she had dreamed of happiness, but could this experience be so vivid and intense?

The idea of enjoying such delightful food, surrounded by people who looked at her with warmth and even smiled at her, was foreign to her. Could all of this truly be real?

Now filled with apprehension, she wondered: what if none of it was true?

She swallowed her mouthful of food and looked around at everyone in shock. Was this reality?

For the first time, Mito showed a pained expression mixed with immense affection. She reassured, "Yes, this is all real. You're not dreaming or hallucinating. I promise you."

At Mito's words, Nawaki, Tsunade, and even Kushina offered comforting words.

Nawaki rose and walked over to Hana, embracing her gently. In a soft voice, he affirmed, "See? I am real, all of this is real. You're safe now, Hana. You will have a happy life from now on. You deserve happiness too."

This seemed to be the final reassurance Hana needed. She wrapped her arms around Nawaki and burst into tears...

Her crying was a release of all the suppressed sadness from her life. She wept more intensely than a newborn baby.

However, no one in the room thought to ridicule or judge her for her reaction. Instead, they felt only sympathy and affection for her, wishing her happiness in the days to come.

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