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Restoring perception link

Adapting perception


Perception fully restored and adapted

Then a vast blue nothingness greets my eye. What’s this? Did the drug kick in when I down;oad the game and then the game booted up? Anyway, the game said tower defense but I see nothing. Is it a bug? I spin around in place and find that I can’t move. Up is also just blue nothingness, no sun or cloud but a bit bright. Oh! I am the tower. I look down and I am the tower in some kind of a black square. My point of view is put on the spire which is so high up that I need to look down to see where I am. I checked my auto-diary and it is working as usual. Everything is recorded. So does the clock showing 4 AM. So yes, the drug that forced me to sleep kicked in and I immediately woke up after 6 hours as usual.


Do you like to see tutorial?



Lemme figure things out myself. Will check the tutorial or encyclopedia if I am stuck. Looking around, the UI is pretty minimalistic. There are two main resources. Material and Mana. Got one thousand each for a start, one thousand mana capacity as of now and passive +10 mana income. Pretty standard. No OST? I heard nothing, so maybe not implemented yet.


Then I look around below. The area is 5x5 square. My tower is in the middle of the square. Then a pathway of one square wide to south based on the direction marker on the UI. There are already some buildings placed around me. There are four Ruins. One left and right of my tower then the other two are beside the pathway at the end. Then there’s a Soul Crystal to my north.



Build towers surrounding the ruin for 10 + Current Wave material per expansion


Soul Crystal

Build Mana Pylons around the crystal to collect Mana


I see. Pretty generous on the materials. Either the waves would be massive or the difficulty curve is vertical after some wave. Might be both. The only thing I have now is Bolt Throwers. 100 Materials. No Mana Pylons yet so that will be later. I immediately place the Bolt towers surrounding the Ruins. Placed seven Bolt towers to maximize the ruins' income for 910 materials. The Ruins are not fully surrounded yet but I will get 77 Material immediately after the first expansion south.


Clang! Ting!


The sound of thunderous metal clash resounded over and over. The Old Mayor kept swinging his mythril greataxe at the invisible barrier dividing him and the accursed tower that destroyed everything he had built. No one else survived but him. Even those that managed to run from the tower descent are immediately crushed by the force of its descent. He buried all those he could find all night long. Only then he resummoned his mythril greataxe for the first time in more than fifty years.


Hours he kept striking the barrier. Blood trickles from his mouth after roaring his hate to the tower, tearing his throat after the first hours. But eventually his old age caught up to him and he sat down tired. His stamina could not even last for days like back in the Great War. Direwolves surround him and he gives up. No more strength to fight after hours trying to break the barrier. But after minutes of nothing, he opens his eyes again. Finding even more beasts and even magical ones. Surrounding not him but the tower.


Then a bright greenish light erupts from the tower’s spire. And like an eye, the light moves around, illuminating the surrounding like its field of vision. Then cracks emerge in some spaces, more towers. Smaller, forced into existence and slammed to empty spaces that was once his village. He hears the growls and barks of the beast surrounding the tower grow louder. A wild cacophony as a second bright light from the tower spire streaked south, gathering in the sky before extending tendrils to all four directions again and making a square. Then mirroring what was, the square slammed down to the ground. Flattening everything, blackened the land into obsidian, and expanded the tower’s territory.


Immediately the beast charges. But differently like before, two direwolves, their crystal horns denoting their magical power, enter the tower’s barrier following the sandlike pathway before immediately dying as giant bolts impale them to the ground. But every beast that has no magical power is stopped by the barrier. Immediately the Old Mayor stood up. Some of his stamina returns seeing the possibility of retaliation.


The bright light extends again from the spire. Now he knows that the tower will claim another territory. In a snap he picks his mythril greataxe and starts running, the many beasts running along following the light. This time the tower expands east. A square formed in the sky. Slamming to the ground and turning more land into obsidian black. This time most of the beast stays back, giving more space for the magical ones through to attack.


Four magical beasts pass through the barrier running along the pathway to reach the base of the tower. Hoisting his greataxe above his head, he charges along. Determined to avenge his people. He slammed face first to the barrier. Thrown back from the rebound of his charge unconscious. Then as if commanded, some direwolves approach and pull the unconscious old man back.


Alright. The gacha of the layout is good. If I can make a snaking path to the east, this tower defense would be a breeze. Should I do just a bolt thrower tower challenge? The first two waves are simple. Only two at the first and four at the second. Hmmm. This might not be so easy. Let me count…. Oh shit. If each wave is double the last, then that would be 1024 at wave 10. Then 2048 at wave 11 and 4096 at wave 12. Alright, assuming this logic is true, the difficulty curve is vertical starting wave 11. Let’s see if I can win this game.


Since the target on making second story is achieved, my new target is 100$/month from patreon. Every help is appreciated and if I reach that, I don't need to look for jobs anymore.

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