Chapter 36 Too Lovey-Dovey
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Chapter 36

Too Lovey-Dovey

The next day we messaged back and forth, then Thursday I was almost bouncing by the time I saw him at the club.

In my enthusiasm to see Miguel, I rushed past a couple of the lads saying a quick “hi.”

Just as I passed him, Bob put a hand on my shoulder and said, “Calm down, you are almost glowing.”

I stopped and turned to the big number 8, “what do you mean?”

“I looked like you when I was courting Jenny.” Bob whispered in my ear.

“Oi, don’t hit on Stiffy. Sonny will be most upset.” Yelled VD from behind us.

Bob turned and said, “who do you think I’m more scared of in that, Sonny or Jenny.”

With mock horror VD said, “Jenny, definitely your wife!”

Bob stomped back to VD and hoisted him into the air, shaking him playfully he demanded, “what’s so scary about my wife?”

Laughing VD said, “Nothing, she is a delight.”

“Damn right.”

Taking Bob’s advice I slowed down a little, and kept my grin small when I saw Miguel.

Having had no such advice, Miguel stood up from the bench with a smile when he saw me and said softly, “hey Stiffy, how are you today?”

“I’m all good, been hard at work, how have you been?” I replied, trying to not let my eyes go wide and soft, no doe eyes!

I saw Bob shake his head out the corner of my vision. At Miguel’s quizzical look I whispered, “Bob thinks we are being too lovey-dovey to keep our secret.”

“I can be so much worse.” Whispered Miguel back.

Outwardly I laughed, but inside I was wishing he would smother me in his affection.

Out on the pitch I was finally allowed to play again, it was awesome! I wasn't allowed to be test dummy, but I did get flattened hard by Miguel, his tackles are so fierce! I wish it was just us on the pitch and only he was clothed. Crap! Don't get yourself hard on the field you idiot!

It wasn’t until I was going down into a scrum with Bob that I got nervous, but the big number 8 didn’t hesitate to bend down and grab me between the legs like normal. I was so happy, even Miguel gave me a quizzical look.

Our side won and we had the ‘joy’ of the congratulatory drills; damn is Cap having a bad day? Or is he just a glorious sadist?

In the showers after, Miguel and I were a little too cute as I washed his back, hehe just like a good sub.

When questioned, Miguel said calmly, “what? I can’t stretch like that.”

I was beginning to wonder if all our team mates had already guessed we are a couple. But then Paul said, “can you wash my back next then too, coz I can’t reach around myself... actually nope don’t worry, I don’t want a reach around from either of you.”

The team’s laughs echoed around the tiled room and I happily got to wash my man.

When Miguel turned me round to wash my back and I faced our team mates, Cap said, “oh Jonathan are you alright? You’ve got a jagged red mark just under your neck.”

I looked down but couldn’t see anything.

Moving closer to check, Cap asked, “are those teeth marks?”

Oh shit! Miguel bit me, those can’t still be visible can they? “no... why would I have teeth marks on me?”

Bob leaned over from the shower next to me and rolled his eyes as he said, “no those aren’t teeth marks, that looks like cleats, which of you gits kicked Stiffy?”

While the others protested that they hadn’t kicked anyone, I quickly washed up and walked out the shower.

Sat drying off, I felt relieved but also a little disappointed. It was the first time I had ever wanted to be found out. No, I don’t want to be found out that’s wrong, I think I am about ready to come out to them.

The whole evening I was distracted by the idea; when would be the right time, how would I say it? What would I do if Miguel and I were ostracised?

Stroking my thigh under the table, Miguel asked, “are you alright? You’ve been out of it all evening.”

“I’m fine, just thinking about earlier, I think I might be ready to tell people about us.”

Raising his brow, Miguel looked at our surrounding team mates and asked, “now? Like right now?”

“No not right now,” I chuckled, “I need at least a day to prepare myself.”

“I’ll be here with you, when ever your ready.” Said Miguel and took my hand in his.

He is so wonderful! My sexy as hell boyfriend is so supportive!

The next day I worked hard and tried to think up different plans, but none of them seemed good, they all seemed forced or over the top, or just... I don't know ; my plans suck!

That afternoon Stan brought me out of my thoughts by asking, “you got a hot date with your guy tonight?”

I was so caught up in planning for coming out, I had completely forgotten, I couldn’t help but grin, “Yep.”

Laughing Stan said, “I hope your freezer is as stocked as usual, your not going to be able to walk right for a week.”

“Stan!” Chided Joshua while I stood gobsmacked.

“What?” Said Stan, “you haven’t got a problem when I mock the others for their sex lives.”

“You really are an equal opportunity mocking grumpy git aren’t you Stan?” I said with laughter in my eyes.

“Modern man, that’s me.” Said Stan with a puffed up chest. “Go on then get off with you, the lads and I can finish this lot up.”

I looked at my two friends and they both nodded, “thanks guys.”