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Anyma found herself on the sofa a few moments before the massacre. She remained shaken by what she witnessed. "Is something the matter?" Bianca inquired, seeing the blond frozen in her seat. 

"B-Bianca... no, everything's alright," Anyma replied, standing up from the sofa and heading to the kitchen, only stopping when she remembered the room blowing up as she stepped in. She thought about her following action, but what should she do? She cannot step inside again as it would make things play like they did. She backed away slowly and turned to the white-haired girl, "Could you make a shield for us?"

"Huh? I mean, sure, but why?" Bianca asked. Anyma knew what would happen, but Bianca did not. The blond could not just say what would happen either. She would sound like a lunatic.

"Well, at least you know that much," One of the redheads said sarcastically, comfortably lying on the sofa while enjoying popcorn. "Try pushing her in that direction then. Maybe that'll work."

While Anyma would not question why or how the redhead was there, she would take her advice. 

"I just want to make sure I'm wrong," Anyma replied to Bianca. "And If I am, that would be good news."

The white-haired girl heard Anyma, and though the response she got was ambiguous, she had no reason to object. "Alright," Bianca swiftly flicked her wrist, forming a thick ice wall before the two. Anyma then took a lamp resting on a table and threw it inside the kitchen. The room blew up at the exact moment the furniture passed through the room's frame. "What the!?" The white-haired girl exclaimed as debris hit her protective wall.

"Man, we got spotted!" Two red-skinned figures bearing bat-like wings on their backs. One held the ceremony mistress in her lengthy, sharp black claws. The hostage's face was pale. The white robe hid her almost skeletal body. The captor opened her mouth and plunged her teeth into her victim's neck, drawing and sucking the blood dripping out of the wound. 

The second creature observed her colleague, sighing at the sight. Then, she glanced at the two humans below herself. "I suppose you are the one blessed by that treacherous goddess of light." She remarked, looking apathetically at the white-haired human. "That would explain why you still have your magic working. Oh well, it won't matter much anyway, you better surrender bef—" Without letting her finish her warning, a sword spiked in the floor out of nowhere. Iliyana walked in; blood trickled down her face and lips. "Wow, you're resilient." The first creature said, letting her hostage fall to the ground. Bianca reacted quickly, forming a hand made of ice to catch the woman. This was futile, however. 

"She is dead," Bianca announced to the two. Iliyana frowned, and her straight sword flew back to her extended hand. "I was late..." She muttered to herself. Anyma's face darkened as well. 

"Twice... That's already two times I failed." She reminded herself. Flashes of the massacre came to her mind. She would not let that happen a second time. She glanced at the gray-haired girl briefly. She was bruised all over, and her dress was partially ripped. "She's battered... should I help?" Anyma questioned herself. Even though she was resolute not to let things end badly, she doubted her abilities.

"You two stay back. I'll take care of it." Iliyana announced, her hand drawing her slender thrusting sword. 

"You are not in shape to do that alone!" Anyma exclaimed.

"And you would hold me back." The gray-haired girl retorted coldly as she stepped forward. The creature that had been slammed into the ground rose into the bloody sky. "...You should run away. Things are about to get messy."

"Cute attempt," The creature stated, cracking her neck. "Was that supposed to hurt me?"

"No," The gray-haired girl shook her head. "Tch... Truly monsters! I don't think I can win that, but it's better than dying." Iliyana smirked, summoning a second thruster at her side, taking aim, and firing it at her target. The creature remained still, not batting an eye as the sword bounced off her red skin. 

Iliyana then appeared where the spinning weapon was and stabbed the creature with both swords she held. They barely penetrated the blood-colored skin. Grinning at the pathetic attempt, the creature said. "I'll play along for a bit since you are determined to take me down." The red-skinned female glanced at her accomplice before flying away with Iliyana. 

"Welp, I guess it's only us now!" The last creature announced loudly, and she pulverized the rest of the house, leaving a cloud of dust and vaporized blood. "Come on, I'll let you make the first move!"

"She's not taking us seriously..." Anyma thought, gazing at the creature through Bianca's wall. "What are you, and what do you want!?" 

"I'm human, just like you. As for what I want..." She giggled, extending her arms outward, letting the blood rain restore her famished form to a more human look. "That'll depend."

"What do you mean human?" Bianca spoke, "We don't have red skin or wings!"

"I'll tell you if you manage to draw some blood. Come on, I'm waiting!" The human exclaimed and crossed her arms under the cloth covering her chest. 

"Stay back, I'll handle this," Bianca announced. She posed one hand on the wall. On the other side, multiple spikes formed as the wall extended outward, forming a circle around the red-skinned human. "Divine Ice Formation: Icicle Barrage!" The white-haired girl chanted, her eyes glimmering with an icy flare as icicles flew from various angles. Mist and ice fragments rose from the bombarded area. Bianca's assault had only just begun, however. "Divine Ice Conversion: Icicle Storm!" The blood raindrops suddenly stopped on their track as they converged and froze into red icicles, descending onto the target. The air around the prison grew more chilly as the assault kept going.

Anyma stood next to Bianca in utter shock, "I knew she was good with ice magic, but damn, that is just insane!" The generation rate of each icicle was near instantaneous, which was impressive on its own as very few could form objects that fast, and even fewer could sustain such a burden for more than two seconds. Not only that, but the white-haired girl just kept on looping the process together. "She is a genius, alright. No, a monster is more accurate." Anyma thought to herself, smiling out of fright as she observed the ongoing massacre occurring in front of her. Eventually, the rampage ended. Bianca did not look tired at all. 

"DANG!" The red girl exclaimed loudly from behind the ice walls. "THAT BLESSING SURE IS OVERPOWERED!" The walls crumbled down into dust, revealing Bianca's target covered in cuts, icicles piercing into numerous spots, even pushing organs out of their places. "MAN, I LOOK LIKE A PIN CUSHION NOW!"

"H-how in the actual fuck!?" Anyma exclaimed mentally, almost screaming at the sight. No one, especially not a human, should be standing after that. "HOW ARE YOU TALKING!? THERE'S A FUCKING ICICLE IN YOUR SKULL!"

"...can you two stop shouting? We aren't that far from each other." Bianca sighed. "You owe us a few explanations, don't you?"

"I do? Oh yeah, I do!" The red girl tapped her forehead, forcing the logged icicle to fall. "Ask me three things you wanna know. I'll be truthful."

Anyma and Bianca shared a glance before looking at the red girl. "Why should we trust you?" Anyma inquired, trying to sound cold.

"Hm, why not? I mean, it's not like you can kill me!" The red-skinned girl responded, lifting her head proudly.

"Ugh... Fine. What do you mean you're human?" Bianca said with a grunt. 

"To be simple, we were created by different goddesses. Yours are Lys and Morgana, while ours is Myra."

"Myra? Sounds familiar..." Anyma reflected silently. 

Bianca also had her thoughts on the matter but decided to keep them to herself. "Do you—"

"Do you know someone named Curio?" The blond asked while interrupting Bianca. Although it was curiosity, she wanted to know something. 

"She's... our goddess' deceased sister." The red girl announced, stuttering.

"Deceased!? A goddess!?" Both Anyma and Bianca exclaimed. Even if Myra and Curio were unknown to them, hearing 'goddess' and 'deceased' in the same sentence was shocking. "If you are human, then why do we learn about you only now?" Bianca asked. 

"Huh, that's right. We have nothing on supposed red-skinned humans, save for the people of the South-east."

"And even then, they are not bright red."

" might be better if you see it." The red girl announced, leaping onto Anyma. The blond did not see her move a centimeter. Even Bianca took seconds before registering what was happening. It was like she appeared right there. The red girl then smirked, leaning over Anyma and laying her lips on the blond's.