Chapter 3: Exploration and the majestic library:
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Two weeks had passed since Katherine entered Heaven, and she felt a strange mix of relief and guilt. She had left behind her son as well as the children she had cared for at the orphanage, but she also knew they were strong and capable of making their own choices. She had now settled into her new life and hoped that they were doing the same. 


but a sense of restlessness had begun to creep in recently. She yearned for something to do, something to occupy her time. And then, a thought crossed her mind - why not explore this wondrous place? When she was a child and her family was well-off, she used to explore the woods near their home, much to her father's disapproval, I might add. But as she got older and her family lost all its money, she got bogged down with responsibilities, she had to help around the house or help earn money.


 She simply had too many responsibilities in life but now was different, with a weight she didn't know she had lifted off her shoulders she set out With a newfound sense of purpose, to explore Halo City. She started wandering through the city, admiring the ethereal beauty of her surroundings. Her journey led her to a grand library, a magnificent structure that piqued her curiosity.


“Why not?” she thought to herself. “What better place to find something to do than in a library?” With that, she stepped inside, only to find that the library was far larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside. Shelves of books stretched out as far as the eye could see, a sight that left Katherine in awe.


Determined, Katherine began her search. She moved through the library slowly at first, trying to be thorough. But as she delved deeper into the library, her pace quickened, driven by a genuine curiosity to see how much the topics covered and how strange they could get. She skimmed through countless books, each one a gateway to a new world of knowledge.


As she explored, she couldn’t help but marvel at the vast collection of books. From ancient texts to modern novels, the library seemed to house every book imaginable. It was a treasure trove of knowledge, a testament to the wisdom of the ages.


Just as she was getting sidetracked, she heard a soft but violent "ahem!" behind her. Startled, Katherine jumped and stopped in her tracks. She then realized that, of course, a library would probably come with a librarian. She turned around slowly to find a man standing behind her. He was tall, with a lean build and a pair of glasses perched on his nose. His hair was extremely straight, and he had an air of authority about him. Oddly though he had a name tag on, his name tag read 'Metatron'.


"Can I help you find something?" Metatron asked, his voice calm and composed. His eyes, hidden behind the glasses, were focused on Katherine, making her feel slightly self-conscious.


Caught off guard, Katherine hesitated for a moment, slightly embarrassed. “Ummm,” she began but was interrupted by Metatron.


“Wait, let me guess,” he interjected, a hint of smugness in his voice. “New soul, new realm, and still struggling to get a grasp on things?”. She nodded slowly, like he hit the mark. Before she could say more, three books seemed to just drop into his hand, as if they just appeared into existence.


Metatron handed her the books, saying, “These should help you get started, and please remember to return them”. His straight face started twitching strangely before correcting itself “I don't want another fiasco on my hands.” He then turned and walked away, leaving Katherine with her new books and a sense of bafflement about the character she just encountered.


Katherine, now armed with her new books, decided to stay in the library to read them. To avoid whatever a “fiasco” was from happening. She found a quiet corner, nestled between towering bookshelves, and settled down in a comfortable armchair. The library was peaceful, the only sounds being the occasional rustle of pages and the distant footsteps of other patrons.


As Katherine delved into the books Metatron had given her, she discovered a wealth of information about Heaven that she hadn’t known before. The first revelation was that Heaven was far more expansive than she had initially thought. It wasn’t just Halo City, the city she arrived in, that was just the capital, she found out that there were other cities, some with their own unique theme and inhabitants. One such city that caught her attention was Cherub Town, a city primarily inhabited by cherubs


The idea of a city filled with cherubs intrigued Katherine. She imagined a city filled with small, chubby, winged beings, their faces always lit up with innocent smiles. The thought brought a smile to her face. She decided that one day she would definitely visit Cherub Town.

The second revelation was about the vast natural landscapes that Heaven had to offer. There were mountain ranges that reached the skies, their peaks covered in snow and shrouded in clouds. There were also large forests, their trees reaching high into the sky, their leaves a vibrant green that seemed to glow in the ethereal light of Heaven. The thought of exploring these natural wonders filled Katherine with a sense of adventure.


So, Katherine decided that the first goal she would set for herself in the afterlife was to explore the wilderness of Heaven. She was excited at the prospect of embarking on an adventure, something she hadn’t been able to do when she was alive. She yearned to experience the freedom of exploration, to lose herself in the beauty of nature, and to discover the secrets that Heaven had to offer.


With this newfound goal in mind, Katherine spent the next few days preparing for her journey. She tried to prepare for everything she could think of.


timeskips are going to happen for a while, and might only stop whem main is born
