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Independence Day. The Fourth of July. Whatever you called this holiday, it was the celebration of America being free from Great Britain. And the custom of celebration was often pool parties and cookouts. Commonly the party was held at the only resident’s home that had a pool — Mr. Fiddlehorn — and that was no different this year too. However, unlike most years where he does all the barbecuing, Joseph joined in too to grill the burgers. 

Mr Fiddlehorn was an older man who moved to this little neighborhood for retirement. He wasn’t pruning yet, but was clearly an elder by the wrinkles and white hair. He was relatively active in the community, and was known by all. His wife had died shortly before his retirement, and he never remarried. He believed in heaven, he would reunite with her, so he was faithful to her. 

Joseph’s fiancée was there too of course. Wearing a swimsuit that barely covered much, leaving little to imagine. The eyes of some of the men and women alike were drawn to her, either from shock, disgust, or lust… but Faith could care less about their eyes, as she tugged on her man’s arm. 

“Joey, please come into the pool with me~! I wanna play!” She begged as she tried to pull him along. She wasn’t strong enough to make him even move. Joseph sighed at this action and looked at her. 

“I can’t. I’m working on cooking the food for the people.” He explained. Faith rolled her eyes and sighed. 

“Yeah… I know…” she said defeatedly, “but how about afterwards? If not here, maybe we can have some alone time to play…” 

Now Joseph could see where this was going. It was because he didn’t want to have sex with her until they wanted kids. He narrowed his eyes as to say ‘no’, and Faith sighed, making way to the pool on her own. 

This all happened just as Flora and her family was arriving to the party. Her husband wore a T-shirt and swim shorts, while her son wore his swim trunks and floaters on his arms. Flora wore a somewhat simple swimsuit; two piece, green. Eyes went from skimpy Faith to modest Flora in an instant. 

The thing about Flora is that she is curvaceous, but she always wears clothes that covers up her figure so that it’s not as noticeable. She’s still an obvious mother, but when her body was unrestrained by most clothing, she appeared more defined. Her breasts most notably were larger, and her hips felt a little more defined.  She had a desirable body that she often brushed off politely. She was a ten, and her husband wasn't giving her the light of day anymore.

This look of hers was in no way an attempt at wooing other men, despite that it was having that effect. 

Even Joseph couldn't help but stare at her. His across-the-street mother neighbor was a ... MILF. He winced to himself, doing his best to clear up the thoughts in his mind. He wanted to wait until he was ready for kids with Faith, but... he was still a man with needs. He didn't like to think lewdly of his fiancée, so he didn't. But her numerous attempts at sex did have him a bit riled up. He didn't know what he could do other than masturbate, but even that was starting to get a little old for his liking. Was that really all he could do? 

The party came and went with everyone chatting away. The children all played in the shallow end of the pool with the moms, the men all talked among each other in their little possies, as did all the moms. Faith herself would start talking with the other neighbors, as she hadn't really had the chance to meet them all before. This was her and Joseph's first celebration with the people, despite living here for about a year. Usually they celebrated with her family. Despite that Flora was an instant hit, things died down when she didn't outwardly start socializing with the other men, so they were pleased to see skimpy Faith once again. 


Things started to die down with the fireworks. A lot of the elderly people headed back home before the firework shows due to an early sleep schedule, and a lot of the young adults wanted to get a bit freaky with each other at this time, and also left. Faith and Joseph were still here of course, with Faith having yet another failed attempt at sleeping with her fiancé... Flora was enjoying the fireworks with her family, until her husband abruptly got up. 

"Well, I have work tomorrow, so I'm gonna head back," he said to his wife, Jake already having fallen asleep on his mother. Flora looked sad to see her husband leaving so soon, but handed him their son. 

"Sure... I'll be home in a bit. I should probably help Mr. Fiddlehorn with cleaning up the party..." Flora looked around, finding Mr. Fiddlehorn fast asleep in his poolside chair. Her husband nodded, before leaving. Faith also left around this time, but with a huffy attitude for not getting her way. Flora would walk over to Joseph and ask, "rough night?" 

Joseph looked up from cleaning the grill. He'd get back to work shortly after staring at Flora's face and respond, "yup." 

"... well, I won't pry into it, but I'm here if you--"

"She keeps hounding on me for sex. I told her already that I don't want to have sex with her until we're ready for kids." 

Flora was shocked by how he outright shared, despite that she didn't expect him to do so. However he continued talking after this, and she would continue to listen to him. 

"I want her to be pure. I know that we've both had sex with other people before, but I... I want to know that we're right for each other, and that when we're ready to have sex, it isn't because of any lustful desires, but because she genuinely wants to start a family with me. It's a promise we made each other when we first met." 

Flora nodded, understanding Joseph's explanation of the situation. Faith was in a similar boat to her; her partner didn't want to have sex with her - and yet, at least Flora knew the reason for Faith's inability... Flora still didn't understand why her husband no longer wanted to have sex with her, and when she tried to bring up the question, he always evaded it with an excuse or outright changed the subject. She tried waiting a bit before asking again, but the same thing. Even when wearing outfits that she knew her husband liked, it just seemed like... he just couldn't get it up, but specifically by choice.

It was displeasing, making Flora wonder how he felt about her.

Flora helped clean up the party with Joseph for a bit, until about midnight. There was an awkward silence that filled the air for the two of them. Both had a lot on their minds regarding their relationships, their feelings, and the likes. But when everything was cleaned up, Joseph finally had the courage to speak up. 

"I love my fiancee... I really do." 

"hm?" Flora tilted her head slightly as she looked at him.

"That's why when I tell you I want to fuck you, there's no love involved." 

Flora's cheeks became flushed, but it was hard to see in the dark. She felt his rough hand take hers and lead it to his crotch, which was starting to bulge from his shorts. The flushed expression only grew from feeling him. He didn't even have to say the words he was about to say to get her to know what his intentions were, but she wasn't one to act without confirmation:

"I want to fuck you. Here and now."