Paimon’s First Job
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Paimon and her party head out of the guild as she floats next to them, constellations flying off her.

"Umm..." Paimon starts. "Paimon thought goblins were a part of society? Why are we hunting them?"

"Do you not know?" Asks Julian as Paimon shakes her head. "There are two kinds of Goblins Civilized ones, who evolved to appear more human and be a part of society. Then there's Feral Goblins, they stayed in the wild and never evolved that much, they're not very smart or strong, but in groups they are very dangerous. Feral Goblins like to raid villages for their valuables and food."

The party leaves the city, the guards watching the gate step back in fear as they see Paimon.

"Wait..." Paimon starts to sweat. "Do they steal women and you know...?"

Demai raises an eyebrow as her tail twitches. "Rape them? No, feral goblins never do they, they have females among their kind. If they don't have a female in their group, they raid other groups and steal their women. Though Goblins can kidnap people so they can eat them, they prefer very fresh meat."

Paimon sighs in relief. 'Good, they're not like Goblin Slayer, goblins. Those are the worst.'

"But still, Feral Goblins are a disgusting, vial creatures." Teina states in a quiet tone.

Rein rests his simple spear over his shoulders. "They're just really annoying, I could easily take a hundred of them off."

Demai and Julian deadpan as they stare at their cocky friend. "You'll get killed easily..."

"What?! No way, I'm the strongest of the group!" Rein shouts and Albuis glances down at him, but Demai and Julian still stare at Rein with deadpan looks. "Fine, second strongest." They continue to stare. "STOP STARING AT ME!!!"

Julian chuckles and points into the forest to their right. "Off to the Crescent Scar!"

The party heads into the forest as they glances around every once and a while.

Paimon floats up next to Julian. "What's the Crescent Scar?"

Julian glances at Paimon. "You don't know a lot do you, Miss Paimon?"

Paimon glares at Julian. "Paimon knows a lot, she just doesn't know what the Crescent Scar is!"

"Paimon knows a lot, she just doesn't know what the Crescent Scar is!"

Julian sweats as she holds up his hands. "Sorry, Sorry." He clears his throat. "The Crescent Scar is one of two scars created during the Great Schism. The second scar is the Waning Scar. The scars are about three miles long and half a mile wide. The village is in the center of the two scars, which are 60 miles a part, so it'll take us a while to reach the Crescent Scar."

'That's rather large, what caused that?' Paimon questions.

"What's the Great Schism?"

Julian scratches his cheek. "Not much is known about the Great Schism, since it happened about 4,000 years ago. But what we know is that a war happened between the gods. The legend goes is that there was a really powerful Tyrant Goddess that made people fight just for her amusement and destroyed kingdoms just for a laugh."

We see a goddess sitting at a table, her appearance shadowed, What we see is she has a tall, slender body, with long, free-flowing hair. But we see her amber eyes with a small line going horizontally across her pupils.

The goddess grows a smirk as she holds her hand out, making two people fight. It looks like she's controlling them with strings, like puppets.

"But one day, the other gods had enough of her games and stood up against her."

We see many gods pointing up at the evil goddess, but all she does is give an evil smile.

"But they seemed to forget, that she's one of the most powerful gods at the time."

The evil goddess just swipes her hand and the head of the closest god goes flying, making all other gods step back in fear.

"But the gods didn't give up, so an all out war started against her."

The Evil goddess floats in the air as hundreds of cube shaped tendrils shoot out of the ground behind her, as many gods charge at her or cast magic.

"The war lasted a long time and hundreds of gods died because of the war. But in the end, the evil goddess was slain."

The evil goddess lays on the ground as blood pours from her wounds. Blood pours from several holes on her chest and stomach. Her amber eyes dull as she stares up to the sky, she whispers something before smirking.

"And that war was here, in this valley. The scars were created during the war, and it was once said this valley was flat, but now it has rolling hills and large lakes. And this valley, set between two large mountains, is called Mortem Dei."

Paimon puts a hand on her chin. "Wow, Paimon wonders why she was allowed to grow so strong if she was a tyrant?"

Julian shrugs his shoulders. "I don't think we'll ever know, the gods don't exactly come down to talk to mortals about that stuff. Who knows, the story could even be a fake one, but that's the only explanation here is for the massive Scars in the valley."

Demai steps up beside the two. "I think the stories real. it's said that the Goddess Lyssa was the one who told the story to mortals. And my goddess doesn't lie, her pride won't allow her."

"Well, if its true, I'm glad that the Tyrant Goddess is gone."

Teina speaks up behind the ground. "We've arrived."

Everyone steps into a clearing, that has clearly seen battle, with broken trees, charred ground and massive holes. But among that is small blood red crystals, that shine in the sun, which look like spattered blood on the ground.

"Wooow." Julian, Paimon and Demai say in awe.

"Wow, this one looks to have been brutal..." Rein states and Albuis nods.

"What happened here?" Paimon questions.

"Smaug got into another fight." Teina informs as they walks towards a group of the crystals, and Albuis follows them.

"How does that form crystals?"

Julian starts to explain as the rest of the group starts to rather the crystals. "From what we know, Smaug's blood has a high density of magic in it. So when his blood is exposed to air for a while, it hardens and crystallizes into these magic crystals. So the guild sends people out to collect them so they can use the crystals to make magical weapons, armor, and potions. We're lucky he's been staying in this valley for nearly a hundred years now."

"If he has magic blood, wouldn't that make him a target for powerful counties for magic research and stuff?" Paimon asks a smart questions for once.

Julian winks. "That's if they knew about that. Aslely's Guild Branch keeps that secret to themselves, even the adventurers that came and go are required to keep the secret, or face the wrath of Guild Master Lillian, I heard she's an extremely powerful magic caster."

Julian walks over to his friends and helps collect the crystals.

"Huh..." 'This is a weird world. Just what kind of place have Paimon been transported too?'

Paimon floats over and helps collect the crystals.

After several hours of collecting the crystals formed on the ground, the party has them in a large stack in the middle.

Julian sighs. "I wish we could carry all of them, but we can only carry about a fourth of it."

Demai sighs as well. "There goes a lot of money..."

Rein clenches a fist. "If we take all this back, we would receive so much money, that girls will fawn over me!" Everyone gives him a weird look. "What's with those looks?!"

Paimon just holds her hands out to the pile of blood crystals and star particles fly out and cover them. After a few seconds the crystals disappear and the star particles float back into Paimon's hands.

Everyone's jaw drops as they stare at Paimon in shock. "What was that?!" They all shout, minus Albuis.

Paimon looks over and tilts her head. "It's Paimon's inventory."

Everyone's jaws fall to the ground. "Inventory! THAT'S A REALLY RARE MAGIC!!!"

Paimon chuckles nervously.

Demai shoots forward and stands right in front of Paimon with stars in her eyes. "You're so cool, Miss Paimon!"

Julian appears next to Demai, also with stars in his eyes. "Yeah, you're so cool!"

Paimon grows a smug look. "Yes, keep praising Paimon!"

"Guys, can we continue with our mission

"Guys, can we continue with our mission." Teina calls out.

"Yeah, I would rather finish the mission before it gets dark out, we still have a few more hours of walking to go." Rein calls out.

Demai and Julian chuckle as they rub the back of their heads. "Sorry." They both say.

Julian then points deeper into the forest. "Come on, let's keep going!" He walks off.

"Yeah!" Demai shouts as her tails sways side to side.

Teina sighs as they follow after their party members. Rein chuckles as he uses his spear like a walking stick. Albuis gives Paimon a thumbs up as he follows after them.

Paimon smiles and floats after her party.

After a few hours the sun is on its decline as they reach a massive and deep ravine, in the shape of a Crescent. Paimon floats to the edge and looks down the ravine. She sweats a little as she doesn't see the bottom, only what looks like a bottom less void.

"Be careful, Paimon." Teina calls out.

Paimon waves a hand. "I can fly, I don't need to worry."

Teina grumbles as they cross their arms.

Off to the side Julian and Demai are looking off in the distance as Rein and Abluis are eating some food.

"The goblin camp should be a couple miles down." Julian says to Demai.

"We need to hurry, the sun is setting and the goblins will start to wake up soon." Demai states.

Teina walks over to them. "We're nearly out of food, we've only got a couple more pieces of lembas bread." They holds out something wrapped in some leaves. "You two will have to share."

Julain nods and grabs the lembas bread. "Thank you, Teina."

Teina just nods as they go to a tree a little ways from the group and sit by themselves, and pulls out some berries and nibbles on them.

Rein huffs. "Even if we run out, we got Emergency Food over there." He points his thumb at Paimon, who nibbles on some lembas bread.

"HAH?!" Paimon shouts. "Paimon's not Emergency Food!"

"Then you can be a mascot." Rein smirks.

Paimon yells in anger and flies over to Rein and starts to hit him on the arm. "Paimon's not Emergency Food or a Mascot."

"Ow, stop!" Rein shouts. "Ow! OW! HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!"

Albuis picks up Paimon by the back of her scar. Paimon kicks and yells as she tries to get at Rein. Rein rubs his arm.


Albuis sweat drops as she sets her down, and begins to pat her head, lightly. Paimon just sits on the ground and pouts as she crosses her arm.

"Paimon's not Emergency Food..." Paimon grumbles.

Rein flicks his right arm. "I think my arms getting numb."

"That's what you get for annoying a Faerie." Teina calls out.

"Quiet you!"

Julian and Demai chuckle.

Julian then stands up and wipes some crumbs off his clothes. "Okay everyone, lets move out and get this quest done."

Everyone nods as they get up and pack up their stuff.

A little while later the party is standing behind some trees a few meters away from a camp that's surrounded by wooden walls. A watch tower is next to a wooden gate and a goblin stands in it. Bushes litter the area in front of the fortress.

'These goblins look a lot more wild and ferocious, then eat Felin and Falin look like.' Paimon says in though as she observes the goblins.

"Wow, how long have they been here?" Demai questions.

"Had to have been a couple weeks." Julian puts a hand on his chin.

"It's fortified on all sides, no real easy way in." Teina informs.

"So we'd have to go through the front gate." Rein sighs.

"How would we do that?" Paimon asks. "It seems locked and guarded."

"I can handle that." Demai inform as she brings up her hood and it seems to covers most of her facial features.

'Why does this remind Paimon of something?' Paimon questions.

Demai crouches down and slips into some bushes and silently makes her way to the wooden walls.

'Wait... wait... This is really familiar.' Paimon questions.

Demai reaches the wall without being spotted, she then jumps up and starts climbing the wall with a great amount of skill.

'This reminds me of a game...'

Demai reaches the watch tower and the goblin walks onto her side. And suddenly she grabs the goblin as a blade comes out from under her robe on her right wrist, and goes into the goblin's neck.

Paimon's jaw drops. 'She's just like an assassin from Assassin's Creed! Are there more like her?! Wait, does that mean there was another reincarnated person that came to this world and made an Assassin organization? Ugh, this is giving me a headache.'

Demai throws the Goblin's body of the tower and it falls into a bush.

"Heh, it still amazes me every time." Julian watches with a smile. "She's so amazing, haaa..."

Demai climbs into the tower and disappears into the fortress.

"Now we wait." Rein leans against a tree and sighs. "I wonder how long it will take..."

"Don't forget, she's really a skill Thief." Teina states. "And she's shooting to upgrade to the Assassin's class."

Paimon deadpans. 'If she's skilled why doesn't she already have the Assassin Class?'

Albuis smiles as he nods and his eyes shine in amazement.

"Hey, look!" Julian shouts in whisper.

Everyone looks over and sees the gate open, causing the two goblins at the gate to grow confused. Demai runs out and twirls as she cuts open one goblin's throat with her hidden blade. Then jumps onto the second and stabs it also in the throat.

Demai stands up and motions for everyone to come. Everyone silently runs over to the cat-kin and the open gate. Demai flicks her wrist and the blade disappears.

"They're are twenty other goblins in the came, a little over half are sleeping." Demai informs. "But there's something in a large tent in the back of the camp, I couldn't find out what it is, because its heavily guarded."

"We'll take a look after we've dealt with the goblins." Julian orders. "For now, do your best to take the goblins out silently. Remember, a goblin by itself isn't dangerous, but a group can take down even a C rank adventurer." Julian turns to Albuis. "Albuis, guard the gate, we don't know if any Goblins event out hunting."

Albuis nods and takes out a large club off his back. It's a little larger than the Rein, who's the second tallest in the ground.

Everyone nods and they sneak in and separate. Paimon floats around a tent and bumps into something. Paimon and a goblin fall to the ground.

The Goblin looks up and stares at Paimon in fear. It goes to yell, but a ray of golden light goes through its head, and it falls to the ground dead.

Paimon holds up a finger and blows on it. Another Goblin appears behind Paimon and goes to yell, but she points her finger and it and another ray of golden light appears, piercing the goblin's head.

"Hehe, no goblin can handle Paimon!" Paimon smugly smiles.

After nearly half an hour the party regroups in front of a large tent in the back of the fortress.

"That's all of them?" Julian asks as he wipes blood of his sword.

Demai nods as she flicks some blood off her short sword and Dagger. "That's all of them." She turns to the tent. "Now, what's in here that they hand to keep it guarded."

"Most likely their treasure." Rein states as she pokes a headless goblin with his spear.

Paimon's eyes shine. "If it's money, we could afford so much food!"

Teina's stomach growls and they blush; Everyone laughs.

Julian readies his sword as he walks towards the tent. "Everyone be ready, just in case there's something in here we didn't see."

Everyone gets their weapons ready, Paimon just holds a hand out. They all enter the tent and lower their weapons as they look confused. Inside the middle of tent is a cage with a strange looking creature.

The creature is imp-like that is black to dark purple in color. It has two long ears and two small blue horns on the top of its head. The eyes are a reddish-pink with light eyelashes and are shaped to appear sinister- or malicious-looking, while its mouth bears a couple of exposed fangs. The hands and feet are of a lighter purple that somewhat resemble hooves. Around its neck features a woolly collar that is blue, like its horns. The flowing, woolly hair is bright and colorful, featuring a cosmic starry pattern that moves and illuminates in varying gradients of pink, blue, and purple. Their hair blows in the darken tent, and it's twice the size of its body.

Their hair blows in the darken tent, and it's twice the size of its body

The creature looks sad as it sits on the cage ground.

"What is that thing?" Rein questions in wonder.

Teina grows confused. "I've never seen anything like it before."

"Neither have I." Demai states.

"Why do the goblins have it captured?" Julian questions.

"That's a Daedream." Paimon informs.

"Huh, how do you know that?" Rein asks.

Paimon blinks a few times. 'How do I know that? I've never even seen something like this before.'

The Daedream looks up and notices the group, its sad eyes look over the group, until it lands on Paimon. The Daedream floats up and smiles as it lets out a happy cry.

Everyone looks at Paimon and she grows confused.

"Um... let's get this thing out of there." Teina states.

"What if it's dangerous!?" Rein shouts.

"It doesn't seem dangerous." Demai states.

"Really, look at it!" Rein points at the Daedream.

Everyone looks at the Daedream and it brings a paw to it's chin and tilts its head in question.

"Awww, it's so cute!" Gushes Demai.

The Daedream smiles as it lets out a happy cry.

"Paimon says we let it out." Paimon floats over to the cage.

"Why, it could be dangerous!" Rein shouts.

Paimon flexes an arm. "Paimon's strong, so if it tries something, she'll blast it away." She grabs the bars of the cage.


Paimon rips the bars open wide enough for Daedream to float out. Daedream smiles and lets out a happy cry as it flies out and floats next to Paimon.

'This thing is the same size as me...' Paimon smiles. 'Hehe, I'm not the only short one now!'

Daedream floats towards the side of the tent, and starts to dig in a large chest full of random items.

"Um, what's it doing?" Julian questions.

"Searching for something it looks like." Teina states.

Daedream pulls out a slightly large amber glass marble from the chest and floats over to Paimon. It lets out a cry and holds the marble out to Paimon.

"Um..." Paimon raises an eyebrow as Daedream smiles at her.

"I think it wants you to have that." Says Demai.

"Okay?" Paimon grabs the marble.


In front of me is a massive army, hundreds if not thousands march towards me. I looks behind me to see my few hundred soldiers, all with fear on their faces. They all wear blue steel armor with red highlights, same to my armor.

I smirk as I take out the sword on my hip and point it at the charging army. "Have no fear men! We will not die today, nor will we die tomorrow! We will die once this war is over and even then, you should refuse to die! So have faith in your abilities and strike down those who dare to go against the Empire!" I put on my helmet.

I give a battle cry as I charge forward, my men behind give their battle cries and charge with me.

I grow a large smirk as I feel excitement boil inside me. 'They're no match for me!'

I bring my sword up and yell as the enemy army and my army clash together.

'How exciting!'


I look over the quiet battlefield as I keep a hand on my bleeding side. Blood specks fly onto my face as the smell of blood reaches my nose.

Bodies, crumpled on the ground, cover the battlefield. A few of my soldiers trudge through the battlefield, searching for their friends, that are most likely dead.

I look down as the blood on my hand from the wound on my left side. 'Hng, it went deep.'

I look around as the skies shine red as the sun rises. We took out an army of three thousand with only 400.

I stare to the sky in silence.



I stand outside the kingdom of Jelieum, my large army stands behind me as they ready their bows and catapults.

"Get those catapults ready, aim for the walls!" My Captain orders.

"Have most of the catapults aim for the city inside." I orders.

My Captain turns to me in shock. "But ma'am, they haven't evacuated all their civilians yet."

I give my Captain a cold glare, and he cowers under my gaze. "Have mots of the catapults aim for the city."

"...Y-Yes ma'am." My captain turns to my troops as eye glances back to the large walls of Jelieum. "You heard her, get these aimed for the city!'

"But sir-" A soldier calls out.

"Do as your told, man!"

I see soldiers on the ramparts of the kingdom's walls, a smirk grows on my face. 'You stand no chance, against me.'

"Everything's ready." My Captain informs me.

An excited smirk grows on my face. "Fire."


Massive fireballs fly overhead and a few slam into the stone wall of the kingdom, nearly destroying it. The rest flies into the city and several massive explosions go off within the city and the screams and cries of people start to echo, as smoke raises into the sky.

"Good work." I say to my Captain as I look back to him.

My Captain sweats heavily as he stares at the smoke rising in the city in horror.



I point my sword to the neck of Gremus, the King of Julieum.

"Why?" Gremus shouts as I hold onto the color of his robe.

"You should have taken my deal." I bring the sword closer to his neck.

"But if I did, my Kingdom would suffer!" Gremus glares at me with his purple eyes.

"Not my problem, but now you pay the price."

Gremus glances behind me, most likely to the bodies of his family and guards. Then he looks back at me. "You'll burn in hell for this!"

I grow a smirk. "Where do you think I come from?"

I pierce my sword into his neck, his blood covering my blade. he gurgles as blood escapes from his mouth, the light in his eyes dim his I can see his life die out.

I bring up my foot and kick his body to the ground, blood flying onto my face.

I heard foot steps approach and someone speaks behind me.

"Ma'am, we've secured the city."

"Send a letter to Kriltris to prepare the Empire for my return." I ordered the soldier behind me.

"Yes, ma'am!" The soldier's footsteps echo behind be and they grow quiet as he walks down the hall.

I stare down at the king's corpse as blood pools under it.

I can feel a dangerous smirk grow on my face. "I should do this again."


Paimon gasps heavily and sweats as she drops the marble onto the ground. The marble shatters as it makes contact on the ground. Paimon nearly falls to the ground, but keeps herself afloat.

"Miss Paimon!" Julian runs over. "What's wrong?"

"What... what was that?" Paimon questions.

"What was what?" Demai asks as she lower her hood and walks over.

"Did... did not of you see that?"

"See what?" Rein asks as he leans on his spear. "All you did was grab the marble, then freak out and drop it."

Teina walks over. "What did you see, Miss Paimon."

Paimon puts a hand on her head. "Uh... um... Paimon really doesn't know." She rubs her head. "This is all giving her a headache."

Paimon looks at Daedream, and it gives her a closed eyed smile.

'Just what did you give Paimon?' Paimon questions.

"Come on, let's head back to Albuis, we shouldn't keep him waiting." Julian orders.

"Right." Everyone nods.

"Um... are we taking that thing with us?" Rein points at the Daedream.

"It'll probably leave and head for the wild once we get out of here." Julian theorises.

Everyone leaves the tent as the Daedream follows them, even as they reach the gate.

"Um... It's still following us." Rein informs.

"Actually, it seems to be following Paimon." Teina ovserves.

Daedream smiles as it floats next to Paimon, who sighs.

"It won't leave Paimon alone." Paimon says.

Rein smirks. "Are you sure you can handle the responsibility, Paimon. You'll have to feed it, bathe it and make sure it doesn't get into trouble."

Paimon flails her arms in anger. "Paimon's not a child!"

Teina elbows Rein. "Don't make the Faerie mad, you'll regret it."

Rein rubs his side. "What's with everyone being mean to me today."

The group exits the fortress and spot Albuis standing with his club over his shoulder, several red mushes are in front of him. Albuis looks back to the group and gives the group a thumbs up.

Albuis then notices the Daedream and points at it in questions. Everyone just shrugs in responce.

"It kinda followed us after we saved it." Damai informs.

"We should really give it a name." Julian says. "Can't keep calling the Daedream an it."

The group looks at Paimon.

"Why is everyone looking at Paimon?" Paimon asks.

"Well, it seems to, you know, imprinted on you." Demai points out. "So you should give it a name."

Paimon puts a hand on her chin. "Hmmm, Nemuri!" 'It's Japanese for Sleep!'

Daedream gives a happy cry as it waves a hand in happiness.

"Hmm, not a bad name." Rein puts his spear on his back.

"Yeah, it's a good name!" Demai smiles.

"Nemuri, welcome to the party!" Julian smiles as Daedream smiles.

"It'll feel weird to have a beast in our party, but it could prove a great advantage." Teina states.

Albuis grunts and nods while he gives a thumbs up.

Paimon nods. "She'll be useful to us."

"She?" Rein questions.

"Yup, Nemuri is a girl. Paimon, uh... doesn't really know how she knows." Paimon informs.

"Miss Paimon, you are a strange individual." Julian states.

Paimon crosses her arms. "That's rude!" She puffs her cheeks out, and Nemuri pats her head.

Everyone laughs, even Albuis and Teina. Albuis' laugh is a deep one, and Teina's is slightly high pitched. After a few seconds, Paimon starts to laugh and Nemuri gives a happy cry.



The sun sets on the horizon as the party walks through the forest, looks fairly tired.

"Uh, today wasn't even that eventful, but I feel tired." Rein complains.

"Just a little more, and we'll set up camp." Julian calls out.

"I can't believe that there was no treasure at that fortress. But it was nice to see it burn down."

"Hng, we have to go to bed hungry again..." Teina complains.

Demai sighs in sadness. "Maybe we'll find some berries, and-" She goes stiff as her ears swivel around.

"Demai?" Paimon calls out.

"Quiet, there's something nearby." Demai whispers as she leads the group somewhere.

"Where are we going?" Rein calls out in a whisper.

"To find out what's over here."

"Shouldn't we be running away from danger?!"

Nemuri gives a quiet cry of happiness.

"Shut it!" Rein shouts in a whisper to Nemuri.

The party hides behind some trees as they reach a clearing. They look out and they all freeze in fear, even Nemuri.

"Oh god..." Julian whispers.

In the middle of a clearing is a creature that looks like a hideous hybrid of a lizard, bird, and a bat. It's eating a Great Wolf, with several other eaten corpses of Great Wolves around it.

"A Cockatrice?" Teina questions in horror. "So close to the village?"

"How powerful is it?" Paimon asks.

"What, do you want to fight that thing?!" Rein nearly shouts.

"It's an A rank monster." Demai informs. "We have no chance to take it down, we need to inform the Guild back at Aslely. Hopefully the Capital will send a party of A rank Adventurers to here and deal with it."

Julian turns to his party. "Okay, everyone let's get out of-"

Something massive slams into the cockatrice, sending up a large cloud of smoke. Everyone looks back in shock as the cries of the cockatrice are heard for a few seconds, before it goes quiet and the sound of bones cracking are heard.

The smoke clears and everyone grows a look of fear.

Standing over the Cockatrice, eating it, is a large red dragon

Standing over the Cockatrice, eating it, is a large red dragon.

"It's Smaug!" Rein nearly yells.

Smaug, bites into the Cockatrice's neck as he rips at it.

'He's so large!' Paimon yells in thought. 'But he doesn't seem nearly as big as in the movie, is he still young?'

"Let's get out of here, before he notices us." Demai suggests.

"Yes, lets!" Julian agrees.

The party slowly leaves the area, while Smaug eats the monster under him.



The party makes camp an hour later. Everyone sits down on some logs as a fire crackles in the middle of everyone.

Rein sighs in relief. "I have to say, that was a scary experience."

Julian shivers. "I'd say, but at least we don't have to worry about that monster."

"We must pray to what every god you follow, and thank them that we're lucky to have gotten away." Teina calls out.

"Ha, I guess you do have a point."

Paimon floats onto a large trunk that Albuis cut down for everyone. Nemuri sits next to Paimon and smiles as she swings side to side in glee.

"Miss Paimon." Julian calls out.

Paimon looks over to him. "Yes?"

"As a fae, do you follow a god?"

Paimon shakes her head. "Paimon doesn't follow any god, but she can't say anything about her kind. Paimon was uh... born alone."

"Oh, you poor thing." Teina mutters.

"Oh, sorry." Julian mutters.

"What about you though, Julian." Paimon asks. "Do you follow any god?"

Julian nods. "Damai and I follow Lyssa, the God of Judgement."

Paimon glances at Rein, who scratches his cheek as he looks away. "I follow the Goddess of Tranquility, Grudea."

"What about you Albuis?" Paimon asks.

"Tekarae... Goddess of Fire." Albuis speaks in a deep tone.

Paimon then glances at Teina, who just holds onto something under their cloak.

"I, uh... follow an old goddess... I don't really remember her name, since no one follows her anymore." Teina informs. "That's... all I'll say."

Paimon looks up to the orange and red sky, with a sigh. "This is a big world, isn't it."

"Yeah, really big, there are still parts of the world that haven't been explored yet." Julian takes off his equipment and sets it to the side.

"I hope to one day see more of the world." Demai takes off her robes, revealing some leather armor and a gauntlet on her right wrist that holds her hidden blade. "Though, I feel like the demon king might make that hard." She takes off the rest of her equipment.

"Demon King?" Paimon asks.

Rein sets his spear down and takes off some of his armor. "Yeah, he's a powerful demon that wants to take over the world and destroy all of humanity and Demi-humans. He has five powerful Generals that lead parts of his army for him."

Paimon shivers. "That seems scary." 'I have a feeling that we'll get involved with that somehow.'

"Several heroes have already gone after him, but have since disappear or died." Teina informs. "And his forces keep growing and taking more land everyday."

"His kingdom is on the other side of the continent." Julian informs.  "In the lands of the demons, but I feel like it will be a long time before he reaches this far out. I just hope some heroes take him down before then."

Nemuri lets out a happy cry. Paimon pets her hair and gasps in delight.

'Her hair is so soft, it's like putting Paimon's hand through a cloud!' Paimon says in thought and Nemuri smiles with closed eyes.

Julian stretches and lays out some bed rolls. "We should get some sleep, so we can arrive back at the village in the early morning."

Teina stands up. "I'll take the first watch." They walks off.

"Teina, you took first watch last time, I'll do it." Demai calls out.

"It's fine." Teina states. "You all seem more tired than me, so get some rest. I'll wake one of you up in a few hours."

Teina sits down under a tree a little ways from the group.

"Heh, I feel as if they doesn't like us." Rein sighs.

"We hardly know a thing about them, maybe they just like being alone." Demai suggests.

"Well, if we all want to trust each other, they can't be so recluse all the time."

"Rein, let it go." Julian calls out. "They'll talk to us when they want to. So let's all get some sleep."

Julain lays down on a bed roll and so does everyone else. Albuis, since he's so large, just goes to sleep sitting next to the fire.

Paimon lays down on a bed roll and Nemuri lays down next to her.

Teina watches the group fall asleep, before pulling out something under their cloak. In their hands is three, four pointed metal stars connected together by one point. The middle is the largest.

Teina sighs as they set the stars back under their cloak and take off their gloves, revealing tanned skin underneath. They set their gloves to the side and rest their back against the tree and watch along the tree line.



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