Chapter 17: The Little Black Gryphon
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Only a few minutes had passed however Alice was no longer caring for the happenings below her.

She instead peacefully sat on a two foot high wall; legs crossed as she utilised her thighs to rest her right elbow while her hand came to support her beautifully face jaw. Her plump lips retained the same kind smile that they always possessed nevertheless it was hard to focus on them when she finally had her eyes opened - even if just a small amount. Those eyes held none of the same warmth.

That small slit into her soul was so profound in its depths that one could easily get lost. As if sinking into the icy depths of a magenta ocean - so cold that it truly caused anyone caught within them to be frozen stiff immediately - falling deeper and deeper still. No escape as they radiated with endless power.

“Ohohoho~ if only you were this forthcoming earlier we would not have needed to get so aggressive with your punishments; no matter~!” <Mother>

This version of the little dragoness was one that no one could recognise (except that cat who always seemed to see a little deeper) as not even her parents were aware of it. Not even her previous “unci” could notice the aspect of her personality. Simply because she was completely unable to unleash herself on a world where she was uncontested as the “precious princess” and a “wise leader”.

What was this aspect of her?

At the moment her geta was firmly planted on the massive head of a magma drake; its body heated up as if to resist her push but could not do anything more than make her eyes curl up in pleasure. A pleasure that is enough to make anyone instinctively step back. Even the cats were rendered silent as they witnessed the cruel determination of the girl to make a martyr of someone who could be called kin.

Both of its front limbs had been removed in such a clean manner that its molten blood flowed out ceaselessly. It had already long melted the stone tiles below. This was actually very helpful as (without the melted earth) it would prove quite difficult to rest her foot upon its head. 

Flames licking the bottom of her feet bothering her.

In her left hand she carelessly held her sword, letting her arm fall loosely, genting swinging back & forth to tap the wall she sat on.

Due to the blade being dull it caused no physical damage yet the mental damage of this simple act had already broken all the defences on those refusing to look at her. Those who were looking at her seemed almost euphoric. Hardly taking a genius to figure out they were far too happy with the situation; especially considering not a single person where had both their arms or racial equivalents. More erie than that was the faint glow of intertwining magenta & green that shed literal light on their bright smiles.

“The thing about illusions… They can do so much more than simply change what one can see, feel, taste, hear or smell. If you overpower their spirit one can even change the very person it is cast upon. A far more difficult method than hypnotism as illusions require a constant upkeep that not even the strongest of gods could even think of accepting…” <Mother>

“You… You won’t get away with this?” <Magma Drake>

The struggle in its voice was obvious as the streets of the once prosperous port city were filled with an uncountable number of limbs. Kneeling upon those scattered limbs were the very people they once belonged to. All of them looked directly towards the one responsible with none of the hate expected - only pure worship was left on the beasts - who were too proud & mighty to even lower their heads to the primordial gods who overthrew the first god.

There was not even a single other look of fear trained upon her except the drake that had proven himself to be the strongest within the area. Although, evidently, even he was not able to fully resist the unknown depths that the girl had. Giggling at his desperate question while moving her hand to readjust her hat.

An act that hid those menacing eyes for a moment as those all around her began to call out.


“Ara~ ara~ ara~ it would appear there is nothing to get away with~.” <Mother>

Lifting her sword wielding left hand to slowly guide the tip upwards much to the drakes horror. The massive dragon-kin began to throw his body about - causing wads of molten rock to fall onto her as well as her newly minted followers. She did not even react as it merely slid down her nor did her followers scream as their flesh & bone was burned to a crisp.

Not even stopping their chant.




His massive eyes watched the blunt tip, it seemed to almost move in slow motion, as it aligned with his massive forehead to show off an almost comical difference in scale.

A scale that did not help the drake.

“I have no limits~.” <Mother>

Tapping its head caused its eyes to tremble with fear as all the hatred appeared to be washed away with the infusion of pink & green energy. As if bored of “playing with her toys” she kicked the head of the drake which resulted in it sailing through the sky. Anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in its path found themselves a meat patty on its scales yet whenever it approached one of the “beautiful infrastructure” it mysteriously bounced off a green barrier as if it were a molten pinball.

“Now I know which way that blue haired girl ran with that human and three oni… Those babies really do make me have some unpleasant feelings.” <Mother>

Shaking her head as she turned her attention to the not-insignificant army of worshippers that were willing to do anything to appease her.

“How about you all go out and share my wisdom with your families~?” <Mother>

Such an innocent description for such a cruel act.

Those followers did not care nor think about what her declaration truly met; rather they were unable to actually care what the consequences of her demands were. Her powers have wormed their way too deeply for anything other than her to make sense in this senselessly violent world. A demand from her was all they needed to quickly spread throughout the city, like a swarm of locusts, with not even her knowing where they would end up.

Neither did she really care since she was already over the antagonistic beasts she seemed to always run into no matter where she went. It was about time they ran into their own problems. Soon she found herself left alone with her own thoughts as she finally closed her eyes once more… Then just sat there.

Completely unmoving as she thought about what she just did and went through; the euphoria she felt as she lorded over the arrogant beasts who bullied others. What was there to differentiate her between those nasty people? Was it not true that the primordial gods etc. also lost themselves due to retaining too much power and thus had no one to challenge their choices?

<Perhaps I may need equals… Together we can act as pillars that hold up the mortal realm; defending it from all threats which include each other…>

Her mind wandered over the “what ifs” that could happen in the future - at the same time she could not help having her thoughts wander to the past. Worried about repeating the same mistakes. The first obviously being underestimating the greed of those that could potentially challenge her like her unfortunate mama had seemingly done.

Another was that famous tale, the one that started the world hurtling down on its path to destruction, for which many mocked as being the story of a fool. The betrayal and fall of Atlas. Where all those who ruled over turned on him. Not because he was unfair… Rather due to him being too fair for their liking.

Those with power wanted to utilise in order to enforce even their smallest and most petty of desires so all came together to usurp the throne of adjudication. A choice that led to the most unsuitable people becoming the ones who made all the choices for managing the mortal realm. While the divine realm had reached a golden era - the world below had never been in a worse state.

Such thoughts were also one of the reasons why neither she nor Cheshire realised the appearance of a brand new figure on the bloody streets.

“You look like you could use a boat [ɐɯɯoɔ] yes a boat [ɐɯɯoɔ] no a ship [ǝuᴉl ʎlƃƃᴉnbs] [ʞɹɐɯ uoᴉʇɐɯɐlɔxǝ]” <?????>

Hearing those words made her promptly turn her head to the newcomer while hopping off from the wall to land atop the roof of her building said the wall was made to protect. Right in front of the wall was a strange creature she had never seen before; a weird cross between what seemed to be a radiant lion & a phoenix with hints of something… Else.

An abyssal black lion body that had a long black cat tail that ended in bubblegum pink flames. From its back came two fiery wings with the exact same flames - its front paws also breaking at the joint to instead become crimson birds feet that had rather menacing opposable metallic black talons. Their head is more akin to that of a bird with a crimson beak yet with a mane (signalling his gender) of crimson. Overall it was not very intimidating on account of only being as big as a certain little black house-cat but that did nothing to stop the goddess from furrowing her brows.

It even had two familiar white tufts coming out of its black cat ears.

<It’s energy is… Chaotic. At some points it seems to have even more than me only to also have levels akin to that of a new born mortal; all at the same time. I cannot tell how strong it is meant to be but I can’t be sensing this incorrectly since I am me.>

“What are you and why are you saying your grammar out loud in arcane?” <Mother>

“Chehehe~ I guess you did not like my joke, my frightening goddess, I am just a humble artisan and maker of deals which provide everything you could ask for~.” <?????>

<That laugh is… Familiar.>

Still she took no chances as she rose her sword to point to the little creature

“What do you want?” <Mother>

“I have a ship that is calling to me; it tells me that you are the perfect match ofor it so you must must MUST come see it hehehe~” <?????>

That little thing bounced around while mumbling something along the lines of “finally an owner”, “found someone who lives” and “time to share my precious works” like an overexcited child. Slowly bounding towards the docks only to stop. Looking back to the goddess who tried to sneak away using an illusion only for the cat to stare right at her with those eyes.

Those eyes contained…

Quickly her energy flared up as the little thing bobbed its head as if understanding something only to not care at all as it continued down the street.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry, you must see the precious treasure that belongs to you~!” <?????>

She let out an unconscious sigh as that thing turned its gaze away from hers; having unconsciously opened her eyes for the first time since she had stepped upon land. A fact that made her look down to see a shaking hand. Clutching it closed with resolve to follow the weird creature that contained types of divinity she simply did not know about.

<How can there be something unci did not tell me about…>