Chapter 4: A Mage interrupts A King Slime’s royal meal.
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Looking carefully at the large puke green King Slime, Alexia remained as still as possible, so as to not alert it. The King Slime was massive, taking up most of the passageway. It was almost as tall as her and was at least six feet around.

The green color of its ooze was intense, almost an emerald vibrant hue. A large crystal core can be seen in it’s jiggling mass. Alexia had never come across a monster this big before, and a trace of cold fear went down her back. Without the aid of Jack, there was no way she would have faced it.

The King Slime was bunched up against a wall sucking on a pipe skirting the wall. The pipe had been busted and the slime was sucking out the sewage that was spilling out. It was producing gurgling noises that sounded like it was happy. Using Examination, she brought up the King Slime’s information to judge how to engage it.


Race: King Slime

Lv. 6

DV: 2

Weak: Fire

HP: 70/70 

MP 50/50


Constitution 7

Intelligence 5



Acid Shot

Acid Cage

Acid Spray



Despite the King Slime enjoying a more massive pool of health compared to its frailer siblings, Alexia felt she could execute it with two hits of Flameshot. Taking care not to instantly alert it as best she could, she charged up a shot and fired at it. With a surprising speed, the King Slime pushed itself off the wall, barely avoiding the shot. Without pause, it fired off a shot of it’s own at her.

A huge green liquid mass of acid whizzed past Alexia's head as she managed to dodge at the last moment. Hitting the ground right behind Alexia, it burst, spraying acid all over the floor and onto Alexia's back. The acid quickly eats its way through her clothes and into her skin.

As the acid dissolved her skin, pain and a sense of coldness began flooding her back. Catching her breath, Alexia jumped to the right getting closer to the King Slime. Too close to dodge, the King Slime was hit by the Flameshot and began to gurgle madly at her.

With a speed unbelievable for something so large, it charged at her in a roll. Alexia jumped out of the way, quickly rolling to her feet as it passed. Feeling a sense of danger, she quickly dodged out of the way from a nasty stream of acid burst from the slime at her. 

Dodging out of the way of the spray, she quickly shot off another Flameshot at the King Slime. Flattening itself to the ground, it narrowly missed being hit, and with a gurgle it sprung back up. A torrent of acid began spraying out of it at Alexia. Skipping backwards she prepared another shot to fire at it.

Cutting off the torrent, the King Slime started to roll at her. Alexia moved out its path, but slipped on the wet grate. Hitting the ground hard, she started to roll back up when the King Slime fired another acid shot. Unable to dodge the corrosive acid this time, Alexia took the hit right into her stomach.

With a loud pop, the acid shot burst and instantly started to carve into her. The pain was so tremendous Alexia nearly blacked out. Dizzy, she pushed herself to her feet. Sensing that Alexia was weakened, the King Slime Gurgled hungrily and jumped at her.

Roaring from the pain, Alexia poured out the magic and fired a Flameshot right into the approaching slime. The King Slime was hit with the explosive shot of flame and let out a gurgling wail of pain. It died slowly and collapsed into a pile of goo, with the giant core at the center.

Alexia fell to her knees on the wet floor, and relief filled her as a surge energy flowed through her indicating she had leveled. The intense pleasure from the level up was greatly dulled from her fear on how close she had come to death. In spite of that it forced her to the edge as it regenerated her body with it’s teasing touch. 

Feeling angry at herself, Alexia had made several critical mistakes in the fierce battle. To begin with she realized she had been complacent and put herself at unnecessary risk. Alexia had purchased a defense skill then promptly forgot to utilize it, in her toughest battle yet. 

Bitterly cursing her stupidity Alexia anxiously examined her body. Where she had been struck had luckily been returned to healthy looking skin from the level up, however her shirt was completely ruined. It was little more than rags at the moment. When she left the sewers, she would have to go home and arrange a new set of clothes. She reactivated the Flameshield and vowed to keep it on while she was down here.

Pulling up her personal status, Alexia saw her HP had returned to full just like her MP from the level up. Alexia had felt her health go perilously low, a few seconds more, she would have likely passed out from the pain. While she could take out a King Slime with two hits, they could still do a great deal of damage to her in return.

Looking at her skills, she had five skill points and promptly decided to upgrade Flameshot again as it was her primary means of dealing damage down here. What she required however was a way to heal herself. She couldn't rely on being lucky and leveling up every time she got injured. Even if she had killed that King Slime, the acid most likely would have killed her quickly afterwards.

She began searching the System Store looking for a healing skill that would satisfy her. Most were out of her price range, and the few that weren't seemed kinda gimmicky. She was just scrolling through them when one caught her eye. 

Called Lesser Renewal Flames, it cost two skill points, and could heal ten HP for fifty MP. She felt it was the best she could afford at the moment. Saving the last skill point, she finished by putting her free attribute points into constitution and intelligence.

After picking up the King Slimes core, she started to further explore the tunnels. As Alexia went she saw more and more broken pipes began to adorn the walls. Soon enough she came across another King Slime slurping at a corroded pipe. Sneaking closer this time, the King Slime was seemingly oblivious to her starting to charge up a spell. 

The Flameshot took it by complete surprise as it gurgled in pain and was charging up an acid shot when another bright flameball hit it. Alexia had been getting better at casting Flameshot, and found she could cut down the time of casting dramatically. Placing the King Slime core into her inventory she was about to set off when a glowing screen popped up.


Limited Time Offer!! - Slimes can be quite dangerous to fight without armor as they produce caustic acids. Today we introduce what happens if we take slimes and make them into armor!

Basic Slime Body Armor (Upgradeable) - +5 Armor, +2 Strength, +2 Charisma. Immunity to Acid. Basic ability to change color. Limited shape shifting and Pseudopod formation. Self-Cleans, and provides waste disposal services.

Original Cost 1000 Slime Cores, Special offer cost 10 Cores +2 King Slime Cores.


Alexia began considering the offer Jack sent her, she really did need armor. The Flameshield could only block so much, leaving her vulnerable to a point. Plus that Immunity to acid would be appealing, as she disliked the feel of acid on her skin.

Deciding it was worth it, she purchased it and watched the Slime Cores disappear from her inventory. A voice sounded saying “Crafting object… Crafted. Please check your inventory for your purchase.” A large red ball appeared in her inventory. 

Taking the red ball out, Alexia took a close look at it. Under the mana lights, it was a pale shade of red sort of like the dusk red light of the sun. She squished it in her hand and wondered how to properly put this thing on. Suddenly it exploded into a mass of goo tentacles and promptly proceeded to flow down her arm.

Alexia's clothes disappeared as the slime overtook them, and she saw they had gone into her inventory. She was pretty freaked out over the warm slime starting to cover her entire body in goo. The slime split into tendrils that caressed over her body, exploring every nook and cranny.

Going down her belly, she shuddered as it briefly explored her crotch, it soon continued on down her shapely legs before coming together in a form fitting bodysuit. She could feel it squirming under her touch, like it was alive.

From below her neck it formed a complete suit. Concentrating fiercely she could pull the slime back from her hands or other parts of her shapely body as needed. It felt like a gelatinous gel like substance, yet she could feel the slightest touch on it like it was a second skin. 

Messing around with it for a bit, altering the color but soon returned it to her original setting. Alexia attached her brother's sword to a loop of slime. Without a mirror handy, she nevertheless could tell the suit left barely to the imagination, though hid enough not to be indecent.

After trying to see if there was a helmet option, she got a negative response from the suit. Alexia got a feeling as if it could be possible if it was upgraded. Using the Equipment screen she saw it would take many Slime cores to upgrade the suit. 

Placing that aside for now, she continued onward. Looking at the Map, she could tell she was approaching the last part of the Main Sewers. Her steps were now more noiseless with the help of her armour, and she snuck up to the entrance of the last chamber.

Inside the chamber were two King Slimes happily gurgling to each other as they each sucked on pipes. In the far back was a wall plastered in Glowing Mushrooms, and a pool of liquid that was also glowing was near that. 

A motion caught her eye from the back wall. She realized that part of what she thought was a wall was in fact another slime that was far larger than the King slimes. It was currently munching on the growing mushrooms. Using Examine she carefully examined it to see what kind of slime it was.



Fungal Slime Lord












Constitution 10

Intelligence 8

Wisdom 3






Acid shot

Fungal Spores

Fungal Dash






That slime felt incredibly dangerous, wisely deciding it would be shrewder to take out the two King Slimes from the guaranteed safety of the Tunnel Alexia aimed at the closest King Slime. When the shot hit the King Slime, it gurgled loudly alerting the other two slimes to the grave danger. 

Alexia backpedaled down the tunnel waiting for the slimes to come to her. The first one to enter the tunnel was the one she had already hit. She released another shot into the King Slime, and it gurgled in horrified surprise but because the other slime was right behind it couldn't dodge in time.

Alexia briefly experienced a surge of energy through her from another level up. She disregarded it for the second King Slime came in, jumping over the corpse of its brother. She fired a shot and the King Slime couldn't dodge in the air and was severely hit. 

Gurgling loudly it fired an acid shot and started to move back into the chamber. Alexia rolled forward dodging the corrosive acid and springing nimbly towards the King slime shooting it. It let out a loud death rattle and died in a pool of goo. She quickly charged up another Flameshot and waited several moments.

From Alexia’s vantage point, she could only just examine the left side of the chamber, but no sign of the Fungal Slime Lord appeared as she waited uneasily. At that time it dawned on her; she would have to go in to confront it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. This is the finished version of this chapter. If you spot any mistakes please let me know. I will continue working on reworking the future chapters as well.