Chapter 17
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At the bustling plaza in Jin Yang Town, a long queue of children forms, eagerly awaiting their turn to discover the grade or rarity of their spiritual root, bone marrow, and bloodline. They patiently climb onto the stage one by one, fill out forms with their names and hometowns, and then approach the Divine Eye Mirror at the center of the stage for their assessments.

The queue is indeed long, and the wait can feel tedious. To pass the time, many children strike up conversations with their fellow queuers or introduce themselves to those standing nearby. It's a simple way to alleviate boredom and perhaps make new friends.

While the majority of children quietly wait their turn, some draw attention. Those adorned in luxurious attire or accompanied by well-cared-for masters tend to keep to themselves, often avoiding interactions with those from less privileged backgrounds.

Amidst the crowd, a young boy stands out. He gazes intently at the stage, watching as children ahead of him receive their assessments, wondering when his turn will come. Lost in his thoughts, he's jolted back to reality when the child in front of him calls out, momentarily breaking his reverie.

"Madara, are you listening to my story?" Li Lu asks, her voice bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Sorry, Li Lu, I was lost in thought," he replies apologetically.

Upon hearing Madara's response, Li Lu falls silent, her expression shifting subtly. Madara notices her change in demeanor and interprets it as a sign that she thinks he isn't interested in her story. Concerned, he reaches out.

"Li Lu, are you okay?"

She merely nods in response, offering no further words.

Since that brief exchange, silence has hung between them as they stand in line, each lost in their own thoughts. Time passes slowly until the elder master finally begins announcing the results of each child's scan, using the Divine Eye Mirror to reveal their spiritual grades.

As they inch closer to the stage after hours of waiting, Madara considers apologizing to Li Lu for the earlier distraction. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, a boy tries to cut in line, squeezing past them on their right and disrupting the moment.

The boy, dressed in elegant azure silk robes, exuded an air of nobility. His handsome face was framed by flowing ebony hair, and a polished jade pendant symbolizing his noble lineage hung around his neck. With effortless grace and confidence, he attempted to cut in line.

Li Lu quickly noticed and confronted him. "Hey, why are you cutting in line? We've been waiting here for hours."

Her words drew the attention of nearby children, who turned to watch the unfolding scene.

"Get in line over there," Li Lu insisted, pointing to the end of the queue.

The boy, clearly displeased, was about to slap Li Lu when Madara intervened, grabbing his hand.

"I apologize for my sister's behavior. She will be disciplined for her actions when we get home," Madara said calmly to the boy, diffusing the tension.


"Madara, what are you doing?" Li Lu whispered, her eyes narrowing in confusion and concern.

"Just trust me, Li Lu," he whispered back, his gaze fixed intently on the boy ahead.


With a smug smirk, the boy looked down at Li Lu. "Tsk. It's clear from your attire that you're from some unknown village."

Li Lu's cheeks flushed with irritation. "You..."

Undeterred, the boy continued his taunts. "I suppose your parents struggle to make ends meet, given your simple clothing."

With a dismissive wave, he added, "And you're too clueless to even notice my elegant attire."

The guardian behind the boy chimed in, a hint of caution in his voice. "Master, be cautious. Your actions could reach Lord Zhang."

But the boy just grinned wider. "Only if someone tells him," he retorted, casting a defiant glance over his shoulder.

Choosing to avoid further confrontation, he turned away. "Let's move on," he declared, leading his group away with an air of arrogance.

The surrounding children couldn't contain their murmurs, clearly unsettled by the boy's behavior. As the crowd shifted, Madara reached out to touch Li Lu's shoulder, but she flinched away, signaling her lingering frustration. He understood her unspoken message: Now wasn't the time for comfort.

As Li Lu and Madara made their way closer to the stage, a change occurred in the announcer for the results. Elder Master Yu Yan had instructed one of his disciples to step in, allowing him to return to his seat, perhaps to oversee the proceedings from a different vantage point.

Soon enough, it was the turn of the boy who had cut the line to undergo the scan. Madara couldn't tear his gaze away, his curiosity piqued by the boy's earlier audacious behavior.

After the boy filled out his form and underwent the scan, the disciple took a moment before announcing the result, adding to the anticipation hanging in the air:


Name: Zhang Hao

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Where do you live: Taiyuan City (Supreme Origin City)

Cultivation level: Early Stage of Qi Condensation

Spiritual root: Common Spiritual Root

Nature Affinity: Fire and Earth (Common)

Bone marrow: Strong Bone Marrow

Bloodline: Molten Lava Bloodline (Rare Bloodline)

Molten Lava Bloodline: Enhances comprehension of magma-based techniques, providing insight into the fusion of fire and earth as well as the destructive power of volcanic forces.


The crowd buzzed with whispers and murmurs, eyes widening in astonishment. Even Madara, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't conceal his surprise at the revelation.

"So, that's why he's so arrogant; he has a legacy to uphold," Madara thought to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Seated among the elders, Elder Master Yu Yan stroked his long beard thoughtfully, his gaze fixed intently on the stage. "So, he's Lord Zhang's son," he remarked, his voice tinged with admiration.

Lord Sun Hao simply nodded in acknowledgment, his expression inscrutable.

After the announcement, Zhang Hao wasted no time. He swiftly descended from the stage, his guard trailing closely behind him. The plaza was left abuzz with speculation and whispers.

Soon after, the spotlight shifted to Li Lu. With graceful poise, she stepped onto the stage to fill out the form. The crowd watched her every move with bated breath, anticipation hanging in the air.

Once she completed the form and underwent the scanning process, the disciple announced the results with a clear voice. "The results are in!" The crowd held its breath, eagerly awaiting the next revelation.


Name: Li Lu

Age: 10

Sex: Female

Where do you live: Jiandan Village

Cultivation level: Early Stage of Qi Condensation

Spiritual root: Common Spiritual Root

Nature Affinity: Water (Uncommon)

Bone marrow: Refined Bone Marrow

Bloodline: None (Common Bloodline)


After hearing her results, Li Lu was about to leave the stage when a familiar voice rang out, catching her attention.

"Li Lu!" Xiao Yun shouted, waving excitedly to get her notice.

Intrigued, Li Lu changed her course, making her way towards where Xiao Yun stood, also eagerly awaiting Madara's results.

Meanwhile, Madara listened attentively as the results were announced. "Not bad," he thought to himself, a satisfied look crossing his face.

Drawing a deep breath, Madara approached the table to fill out the form. Carefully answered the questions before moving to the stage's center, where the Divine Eye Mirror was positioned. A disciple guided him to stand upright and relax, a directive he promptly followed.

As the scanning process commenced, a gentle warmth spread through Madara, starting from his head and gradually moving down to his feet. After a brief moment, the results appeared on the mirror, and the disciple read them aloud for all to hear.


Name: Uchiha Madara

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Where do you live: Jiandan Village

Cultivation level: Early Stage of Qi Condensation

Spiritual root: Uncommon Spiritual Root

Nature Affinity: Fire, Lightning, and Wood (Rare)

Bone marrow: Ordinary Bone Marrow

Bloodline: Uchiha Bloodline (Unknown)


As the results of Madara's scan were announced, a wave of confusion swept through the plaza, evident in the faint murmur that arose among the crowd. The rarity of possessing three nature affinities, coupled with the revelation of an unknown bloodline, sparked speculation. Many in the crowd pondered whether such a bloodline might naturally manifest weaker or less potent abilities compared to more established lineages.

This speculation was fueled by past occurrences, where similar situations had led to disappointment. There were precedents where a child's dormant bloodline was unlocked or awakened, only to reveal abilities that fell short of expectations, leaving the sect that had invested in them feeling disillusioned.

Even Elder Master Yu Yan, usually composed, paused, his hand lingering on his beard as he absorbed the implications of Madara's results. Then, turning to his companion, Lord Sun Hao, he sought further insight.

"Do you know where Jiandan Village is?" he inquired, his tone laden with curiosity.

Lord Sun Hao shook his head slightly. "Elder Master, I'm not certain of its location. It could be a remote village outside the jurisdiction of the Yun Empire."

Upon hearing this, Elder Master Yu Yan redirected his attention to the child standing on the stage, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

"Unknown?" he murmured, prompting Lord Sun Hao to seek clarification.

"Elder Master, what does that mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with intrigue.

"A bloodline that remains undisclosed or concealed initially may indeed harbor the potential to be either uncommon or merely ordinary, possibly suggesting that the bloodline is of weaker potency," Elder Master Yu Yan mused aloud, his voice thoughtful.

"We cannot determine the true grade of his bloodline based solely on this scan. If it proves to be above rare, it could be considered a blessing, despite the apparent limitations of his spiritual root and bone marrow," he continued, his gaze fixed intently on the stage.

"As for awakening his bloodline, it's a significant risk. It's uncertain whether any sect would be willing to take such a gamble," he added, his expression serious.

"Nevertheless, the ultimate responsibility lies with him to excel as a cultivator," he concluded, emphasizing the importance of personal effort and determination in cultivation.

Upon hearing his assessment, Lord Sun Hao cast a brief, contemplative glance back at the child on the stage, pondering the uncertain path that lay ahead for him.

Noticing the varied reactions from the crowd below the stage, Madara could distinguish a range of emotions. Some faces showed disappointment, others displayed envy, while a few seemed content, perhaps due to his ordinary bone marrow and uncommon spiritual root. Among the crowd, a lady stood out, waving energetically while holding a young girl's hand.

Despite the surprising results, she wore a reassuring smile. Intrigued by her warmth, Madara quickly descended from the stage to join them.

As he approached, the lady wrapped him in a tight embrace. "It's okay, Madara. Remember, success in cultivation isn't solely about the rarity of one's spirit root and bone marrow. It's your dedication, perseverance, and inner strength that truly count," Xiao Yun reassured her younger brother, gently patting his head.

Hearing these words, a smile brightened his face. For the first time in his life, he felt the warmth of an embrace from someone outside his immediate family—a hug freely given, without any strings attached. It was a moment that filled him with a newfound sense of comfort and belonging.