Chapter 21 – Clara’s Obsession
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Scott opened the door and Sharon and Clara followed him in. 

Sharon looked at the exhibit in the middle of the room of Lisa and Tyrone. 

She had noticed the exhibit the first time she was here with Detective Danielle and Christian, but she was so excited to see Scott that she simply assumed it was just a regular piece of erotic art. 

Now that Scott had explained that it was his wife, she was more intrigued. 

"She's very beautiful" Sharon said, touching Lisa's body 

"Yes.. yes she is" Scott said as he stared at Lisa kissing Tyrone. 

Sharon squeezed Lisa's breast and was disappointed that her body was hard, like jerky. 

Clara went and grabbed Tyrone's balls and noted that there was no change in the texture of the exhibits at all. She glanced at the large penis lodged inside Lisa's vagina and noted that there thankfully was no deterioration nor degradation.

Sometimes in varying mummification processes, the body still deteriorates. The secret process Dr Gunther Van Hummel did on them was as perfect a method of preserving a body as can possibly be expected, Clara thought. 

"What are you doing?" Sharon asked Clara, who was carefully inspecting the exhibit.

"I promised Scott I would separate them. I am a professional curator and restorer of artwork, so I think I can do the job" Clara explained. 

"Oh wow!" Clara said. 

Scott stood silently and looked at Lisa, tears glistened in his eyes.

"I told you I am only secondary in his heart" Clara whispered. 

Sharon looked at Scott and nodded.


Over the next week, more and more of Sharon's equipment arrived by movers from Las Vegas.

Many books and artifacts were arriving from London as well for Clara. 

Scott wondered if it was a competition between the girls to try and fit more things into his office and living space. 

Luckily the place was rather big, if messy.

He had a large living area where he used as his office, where the main door was on one end, a couch set in front of the door, the exhibit was in the center, his desk and chair at the far end with all his files on top of his desk.

On one side of his desk was Clara's desk and chair, her table full of arcane texts and weird ancient books. She had another table in front of the exhibit with all her restoration equipment. 

On the other side of Scott's desk was Sharon's area. She didn't have a desk, but had a architect drawing table and a chair, where she designs her magic contraptions. Around her were her many contraptions for all her many magic tricks. 

There was a stairs behind them that led to a loft with a large oversized mattress on the floor. They shared the bed and there were three wardrobe areas up there too. 

While Scott made love to both of them, many times simultaneously, on most days in the daytime, he simply stared at the exhibit from his desk. He always thought about how to use his powers to rescue or reverse Lisa's condition. The longer time went on, the further away he had to jump in time to rescue her. 

Clara spent many days trying to get the process Dr Van Hummels used, but the formulae had vanished with his death. She researched other similar methods, but they were all different from the one that was used on Lisa and Tyrone. 

Clara had managed to acquire three other exhibits from Bare Bodies that were on sale by auction by the family of Van Hummels. They were all skinless and by now they were impossible to identify. But that didn't affect Scott's telemetry powers. 

One was a pair fucking doggie style. Another was a pair in the lotus position. The last one was an exhibit where the woman was riding a man in reverse cowgirl position. 

Scott was curious, and touched all 3 exhibits to find out who they were.

Couple A who was fucking in doggie style, the man was named Hanns Milner, a man who was looking for his wife. He traced the disappearance of his wife to the cult and got too close. He was murdered by an assassin of the cult. 

The woman he was fucking was a woman called Betty Cranburger, a pretty 30 year old housewife. She was spotted by the cult priest who wanted her as a sacrifice. She had just had an argument with her husband over him not wanting a baby when she stormed out and was kidnapped and sacrificed by the cult. 

Couple B who was fucking in the lotus position, the man was named Roman Stallone, a hitman for the cult. He was the main guy the cult used to get rid of people who knew too much about the cult, including Hanns Milner, the man in couple A! He was killed when the cops began investigating him, before the cops could link him to the cult.

The woman he was kissing and fucking was Tracy Dunberg-Milner, the wife of Hanns Milner! She was kidnapped by the cult because the priest of the cult saw her on the street and wanted to fuck her and sacrifice her in their orgy.

Couple C fucking in reverse cowgirl, the man was named Malcolm Johnson, an executed rapist who raped and killed 3 white girls because he hated white people. His body was sold to Van Hummels who regularly bought the bodies of executed criminals

The woman sitting on his cock was a pretty blonde 19 year old schoolgirl named Stacy Norberg. She was kidnapped and sacrificed for the cult. The cult had a long standing agreement with Van Hummels, who helped get rid of their sacrifices' bodies.

"The fucking cult again. They will get their just deserts.." Scott mumbled


Clara found that with as with Lisa and Tyrone, the 3 exhibits had the same issue, their genitals had been frozen together. She used several types of solvents and lubricants, but to her surprise, Dr Van Hummel's plasticizing methods were remarkably resistant. 

The flesh and skin were like jerky, even though they looked as fresh and supple as a living body. But they were nearly indestructible!

She tried cutting with scalpels, puncturing with knives, she even tried burning the spare exhibit bodies with a flamethrower, which she somehow had among her equipment.

Even a hammer and a pick could not damage the eyeballs of the exhibit. The eyeballs merely gave in a little, then restored it's shape as if nothing happened.

Scott watched in horror, glad that Clara got spare bodies rather than experimenting on Lisa and Tyrone like this. 

At the end, Clara managed to use coconut oil to separate a bit of the frozen parts that were together, like at the genitals where the exhibits were fucking. 

But she couldn't get deep inside, finding them impossible to separate, even with force. She used Sharon's contraptions, using pulleys and levers, but nothing. The bodies were stuck