A gamble of fate and luck
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"To wield the power of spirits is to hold the essence of the universe in your hands. That is the Alsec way." 

The cloaked figure was surrounded in mysteries and a weird sense of deja vu looking at the eerie creature before me. "Who are you?" I blurted out as a reflex. 

"I am ….. ..." 

Surprised creeped up on my face like a turtle as I tried to accumulate the words coming out their non-existent mouth. "How can this be?" I fumbled back a bit in shock.

"Not to dwell on that. Your first choice is being reincarnated as a minor person but you'll have to watch the empire you tried your best to save, fall with another person in your place." I could feel its intense gazes piercing me like a dragger. "Or, you can go back as Alora and this time your destiny is in your own hands but if you cannot change the fate of your destiny you will forever be stuck as the beacon of all destinies for the rest of your life." It pauses between each word coming towards the end. 

I felt a pang in my heart hearing if I chose the first one I will have to watch my empire fall before me and watch my loved ones fall for someone else who's not me and the other choice where it's a gamble of luck and fate.

"Will you play the villain again or watch someone else fall to the mistakes you make? Choose wisely." 

How could I watch the people I hold so dearly fall for someone else? How could I be scared of going back to being the villain although I did it hundreds of times. My fate and if I continue this loop or die doesn't mean anything to me but I need…no…I want to save my people and the ones I care about. 

I drew in a deep breath. "Fuck it, I will be the villain again. And this time I will come out on top with my empire right behind me." I say confidence adorn on my face like a crown. 

"As you wish. However I may include this time things will be different." It stated. 

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head. 

"This time due to the obvious tries and fails you did, created the butterfly effect and in this loop things will be different." She reached out and touched the air before her, as if tracing the path of invisible wings through the mist of uncertainty.

"I don't care." My eyes were burning with something. It was a determination, a thing I lost along the way. 

"As expected." It let out a satisfied chuckle and a snap sounded but with no fingers flickering together in sight and abruptly I started to fade away. 

"Will I remember who you are?" I ask my voice with urgency. 

"How about this, if you can remember my name I will give you a gift or two." It pulled down its cape and I saw a smirk just as my mouth faded, only showing my eyes widening. "And, as a hint, your body will be different due to some minor issues." It smiled.