A Game of No Hands Chapter 43
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With the manor being entirely devoid of TVs, their phones were the only screens the four of them possessed. Steve imagined they all looked pretty comical, a giant hyena woman laying on her side, a purple spotted sphinx stretched out across her like house on the back of a couch. Secured within the yeen’s four arms rested a two headed maid. All of their eyes are rooted on tiny screen of a cell phone. Steve didn’t even remember what they watched. A harem anime maybe.

Steph and Steve woke up to an urgent pawing at their faces and breasts. Groaning, Steve found a panting Angelica looming over them, one arm holding a wet towel across her bulging breasts.

“We’re not on duty yet?” Steph said in the midst of a yawn.

“Mew-lease! Mewlk mew! Feels like mew’s bursting.” She pleaded, “Mewtress won’t wake up! Mew tried.”

“Okay okay.” Steve said, intending to get up but Steph had a different idea. Hooking Angelica’s arm with a paw, she gently pulled it away and captured one of the long teats with her mouth. “One track mind sister.” Steve grumbled before latching onto the other nipple, praying they were more lactose tolerant than housecats. Still, it tasted better than any milk from the store.

Angelica mowed gratefully as they drank gulp after gulp from her. Her breasts had visibly lightened their load once the pair had drank their fill but remained laden.

“There. Good for another hour or two?” Steph asked, eying the light that leaked around the window curtains, couldn’t be past six AM. 

Angelica shook her head. “Mew udder. Mew waited as long as mew could.” She gestured at her rear end, where a wastebasket sat, positioned beneath the dribbling teats of her udder.

“Guess we have to milk you before bed.” Steve chuckled as they got up and felt the milk slosh around in their own laden tummy.

“I bet Tipper has a milker somewhere around here.” Steph said, rubbing at her blue eyes.

“We’ll look for it later, lets go down the kitchen, get it done so we can go back to bed.” Steve looked back to Tina, who sprawled across the length of the bed, nearly spread eagle with her feet and most of her muzzle dangling over the edge. She breathed slowly, occasionally issuing a deep snore. Totally dead to the world.

Shaking their heads at their mistress, the pair followed Angelica downstairs, stooping to hold the position of the wastebasket in position. Angelica complained about her udders the entire way, in her pet garbled speech, “Worst card mewer!” 

That lasted until they got to the milking, then she was all purrs and moans. Not that Steve and Steph could resist teasing her a little with their tongues and tentacles. Once emptied, she insisted on thanking them. They got another hour of sleep, but it was on the floor of the kitchen and their spade clenched around Angelica’s knot. 

Overall, a good morning. 

Tina, despite missing out on the fun, was all smiles when she got up. Possibly because they intended to go out, all she the primping she had to do was run a comb through her fur and slap on a bikini. Its bottom strained to contain her. She watched Steve and Steph run through their routine with predatory interest. Under her gaze and the knowledge they were going out, Steve selected a much longer skirt, as in it nearly reached their knees. Couldn’t bring herself to ditch the fishnets though, which combined with the cleavage still landed them in the realm of fetish anime cosplay maid. Yet next to Tina, Steve doubted she’d even be noticed. They were almost done, and it was minutes until the start of the shift when Tina interrupted them.

“I have a small addition to your uniform today.” A held up a sliver capsule two inches long that dangled from a thin wire. “I was thinking it's not very dignified of me to be roaring through the walls when I need you. Being that I’m fresh out of silver bells, I think a wireless vibe is the next best thing.”

Steph's eyes lit up with bright manic energy. “Ooooo certainly mistress.”

“I-if you wish,” Steve stammered, “Just for in the manor right?” A silver bullet. She’d bought one for Tina and she wore it a few times out to dinner dates. This one looked to be three times the size. 

“Heehehe.” She snickered, “Oh no, I have something else for when we get home from shopping. Something that might push your comfort zone but I promise you’ll like it. Now, let me help you put this in.”

 Although the clock was in a different room, they heard its’ sharp ding inside their skull as the mistress slid the cold metal vibe up into their already damp trifolded pussy.

“Thank you mistress!” They cried as Tina’s thick finger followed in after it, pushing the vibe higher. 

“Oh, you're very slippery already. Now don’t let that fall out and try not to drip,” Tina said, wiggling her finger until Steph whined, then withdrew. “None of that in the store. You are to remain proper and prim. Let no hint of our pleasure show. Understand?”

“Yes mistress.” They both said the words in distinct tones, Steph eagerly, Steve with a nervous flutter. Either way, their tail wagged with excitement.

“Now lets practice.” Tina said and the vibe sprang to life inside them, a soft buzz of pleasure.

Steve smiled in relief; they could totally handle that. No one would have any idea.

“That’s low.” Tina said, then the vibration kicked up suddenly with an initial buck that caused every muscle in their body to tighten. The pleasure slowly radiated outward, fostering aching longings for touch all over. Their nipples burned with an envious fire. Their paws trembled with the effort it took to keep them at their sides as they breathed through clenched teeth.

“Medium,” Tina said, “Now tell me what we need to pick up at the store.

Steve started, “Carpet c-cleaner, hardwood w-wax, d-d-dish-,” Oh! We didn’t do the dishes! The panicked though her mind and triggered a flush of embarrassment, that warmth spilled the pleasure of the vibe over into the ripple of orgasm. “-Soap!” Steve squeaked as their knees tried to buckle.

Steph continue her voice high and breathy, “A rug shampooer, soaps for the b-bathroom, silicon oooven mitts. Yipe!” The vibe delivered what felt like a donkey kick as it transformed into a whirling tornado within them. They barely caught themselves from doubling over.

“M-m-Mistress!” they cried out as their innards flushed with their own warm juices and instinctually clamped around on the vibe. It set off a firework display within their hips as muscles spasmed uncontrollably.

 “Continue. What else do we need.” Tina said as the scent of her fem juices tickled at Steve’s nose.

They martialed the strength to stand up on shaking knees and held their paws in up in a beggar’s pose, mouths working as they fought to urge to voice to the pleasure.

“F-f-fooood.” Steve managed to gasp.

“Sausaaaaawwwwwoooo!” Steph howled as a fresh orgasm ripped through them. Their legs buckled and they fell forward into the open wardrobe in front of them, their paws scrabbled for purchase on its bottom, knocking aside its collection of shoes. Their bottom kissed the floor and they expelled the sliver bullet vibe in a gush of fluid. They slumped against the wardrobe’s bottom part, comprising two large drawers, panting. Panicked thoughts racing around their heads, they had to get up, they had to be prim and proper. This wasn’t prim and proper! Yet, their body continued to simply breathe. Until a shadow fell over them and something brushed their cheeks. The tip of Tina’s pseudo dribbling pseudo cock and it smelled O’ so good. 

“Silly maids,” Tina laughed as both turned to suck on its edges, “We have plenty of sausage but for this is for later.”

She pulled it back to their whining protests. “No, that’s all you get until after your shift. I want to pound you both until it widens into a slit that I can shove your pretty faces into.” Reaching down, she palmed both Steph and Steve’s faces, trapping them within her musk. “But we’re going to make it very special.” 

“yyyYes.” Steve and Steve mumbled, every else melting away beneath her royal scent. Their tentacles slid down around and lifted their skirt in a vain attempt to reach Tina’s cock. She captured them and gave them a gentle squeeze.

“It will be almost as hard for me to wait that long as it will be for you.” She said, “Now put that back in and stand up.” With a tiny shove of her palms she released them. “Oh Angelica! Since I’m refraining from molesting the help today, you get cum dump duty.”

Steve and Steph’s hadn’t even been aware of the sphinx but the addition an udder hadn’t made her any less sneaky once milked. Her head peaked over the edge of the bed, watching Tina with wide eyes. 

Tina lifted the clicker and pressed the button. Ka-click! “Present.”

Angelica jumped on the bed, padded to the edge closest to Tina before turning around and lifting her tail. Her pussy was wet and shining. Without another word, Tina grabbed her hips, aligned her cock and thrusted in. Angelic cried out, her wings snapping open as the mistress picked her rear off the ground and rutted hard. In the less than ten strokes Tina came with powerful, “HA!” femcum squirting out around the edges of Angelica’s sex.

“Mewore, mease mewtress.” Angelica begged as Tina pulled out.

“No. That’s all you get for now. If you’re a good kitty at the store, I’ll let you suck it next time.” Tina said, taking the fluffy tail and bending it down over the feline rear. “Now get dressed, can’t have your udder hanging like that in public.”

Angelica made a sound somewhere between a hiss and a yowl as she turned around, ears back. “Mew not going out like this!”

“Yes you are.” Tina repositioned her speedo like bikini bottom over her cock. “I need someone to fuck if my mega clit here gets any ideas. Not like I can wear a dress or pants to cover this up, thanks to you.”

The big tail curled up around Angelica’s front legs as she lowered her head, and looked aside with guilty eyes. “This wasn’t what I had in mind.”

“Will you do it for a treat?” Tina voice deepened to a sugary growl as she opened a lower hand to reveal the canvas bag. Angelica mewed when she saw it, rising from her sitting position to taunt attention.

“That’s not mew-air.”

“Nope!” Tina cackled, “Nak nak naaaak!” Then took out a treat from the bag. “I’ll give you two treats. One fore getting dressed and one fore coming with us.”

“Mrowl! T-three! Mew. Mew. Mew. And mew can mrowl me in the mewing produce aisle!” Angelica kneaded the bed and her tail lashed with sudden eagerness. 

“Three it is. Although I’m hoping to be discreet, do this without mental scarring anyone.” The Yeen Queen cackled.




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