Chapter 11. A dark and stormy night.
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(Steven Edwards)

 I was sitting on a rocking chair looking out at a storm lighting the night sky. It was beautiful. Dark and moody but in a relaxing way. I had been talking to Travis and Emma more often. She had been even more flirty than normal and I smiled at the memory of both the messages and pictures. The last one was in a changing room where she had asked me if her new swimsuit would look good on her in the summer. I mentally saved that one for later use. I now had a full field of crops and a fair bit of coin saved up. I gained the ability to turn them into seeds at level five, but that did take a lot of work for me to get there. I had built the rabbit house and watched the little non murder wabbits move to the small building to hide from the storm. The girls loved playing with the bunnies. Turns out, the bunnies eat grass and veggies. Score, the only downside was the wolves, foxes and other things that would show up, but Kara seemed happy to have easy prey. I would have to talk to Kara about things before expanding. I was thinking chickens or cows. If I was really daydreaming, maybe even a few sheep. I had a feeling Yenor would love having wool to play with.

Heinz would visit us once in a while just to take the girls out to pick flowers. I would always join them in case something happened. I knew Heinz could always run away, but having a meat shield couldn’t hurt. I didn’t like that idea, but I would lay down my life to keep the kids and my friend safe. The house and beds had been upgraded. We even had feather beds with extra blankets and pillows. The kittens loved the larger beds and it felt like my life was coming together. Lately I was just saving for the sake of saving and planning for the future. A bright flash lit the sky and I smiled at it. I loved storms back home. I saw Kara running fast across the field. She looked worried and I stood looking for what might be chasing her. I might not be able to handle whatever it might be, but I couldn’t let her die. A clap of thunder made her look up, fear in her eyes. I wanted to laugh, but my heart went out to her. She was scared of thunder. I didn’t know a lot of adults who were scared of lightning, but who was I to judge? I was scared of.. Oh no I’m not telling anyone about that. She ran up to the porch and stopped looking up at me, she was panting hard and her green eyes were large and full of terror. She shook slightly as another thunder clapped behind her.

“You okay?” I asked, wanting to open my arms and hold her to let her know everything was going to be okay. She tried to shake her head yes, but was shaking a bit too much to pull it off. A raindrop fell hitting her ear and in a flash she was standing on the porch looking out, hissing at the rain. “Why don’t you stay the night?” I said reaching out to her. her tail puffed up and her ears went back. “Relax. You can take my bed, I’ll take the couch and the twins can sleep with Lu-Shi.” I said with an honest smile. Her ears stayed down, but her tail drooped. Was she upset or did she dislike the idea of walking home in the rain?

“Dinner?” She asked sniffing at my door. I smiled at her holding my door open. I hoped I was doing the right thing and not forcing her into doing something she didn’t want to do. I had grown close to her and hoped she saw me as a friend.

“I have a few things we could eat. Come on in.” I said thinking of the chicken dishs I could fix. Yeah I would have to buy the chicken from the store, but I had the coins. She stopped and sniffed at the edge of the door before nodding and stepping in. She had been in here before when I had gotten the girls the doll house, but this was the frist time she would be spending the night. I couldn’t fault her for being a little worried. 

We ate at the table and it felt almost like we were a large family. The girls went back to playing for an hour and I went back to watching the storm. The rain had started pouring down and it was lit by the occasional flash of lightning. Lots of people liked fireworks, but I liked lightening more. It was so beautiful and relaxing. Against my better judgment, I bought a beer and opened it. Kara joined me sitting in the chair beside me, but her ears were down and tail very frizzled. I reached out and she jumped when my hand touched the top of her head. She relaxed as I brushed her hair. “You don’t have to be out here if the lightning bothers you. Would you like a drink?” She got up and walked inside sitting near the door on the floor so she could watch me. I offered her my beer and she shook her head refusing it. “I think it’s a good time to call it a night. Kara, you are safe here. I won’t do anything.” I said draining my drink and going inside. she nodded but still looked small and scared.

“I just don’t like the storms.” Her speech had come along nicely with us talking every day. I gave the girls a bedtime warning and took Kara to my room. I went to crack a cleaning scroll over my bed, but she grabbed my arm and pulled it away. “No need.” She said, shaking her head.

“I thought my smell may bother you.” I said looking over at her. I would clean the beds every week, but it was getting close to that time.

“No need to waste it.” She said sniffing the bed. I shrugged and went to tuck in the girls. Kara followed me and stood in the doorway. The room was littered with toys and dolls and the large backless doll house. I tucked the girls into bed, one twin on either side of Lu-Shi. She looked up at me with those huge eyes.

“Papa can I get a story?” She asked me sweetly. The twins nodded at the same time ensuring that I couldn’t say no. I smiled at them blowing out the candle and started telling them about the first happy elf princess movie. Lu-Shi’s eyes lit up when I started and she smiled as she held her friends. It didn’t take long for me to finish and once I was done, I left the door open and escorted Kara back to my room. The woman didn’t seem to want to take her eyes off me. Had something happened so she couldn’t trust men? No she didn’t seem to hate me, just that she didn’t want to be alone. Maybe the storm had her really raddled.

“I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.” I said bowing to her. I wanted to help her, but I wasn’t sure if it would be right or not. She just blushed and looked at the ground, her ears back. It looked like she wanted to say something, but lost the nerve. I rubbed her head and went to lay down. I pulled out the extra blanket and pillow and laid down in the now dark house. The nice part of having a little extra was the ability to buy some extras. The storm beat down on the roof helping me drift off to sleep. I smiled as I let my mind fade into a deep happy sleep.

A short while later I woke needing to go to the bathroom. A screen flashed before my eyes for a moment, but I was too tired to read it.



I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and tried to go back to bed. Something grabbed my hand and pulled me to bed. It was small, warm and I was just too tired to fight it. I followed as it pushed me onto the soft feather bed. It tried to let go of my hand, but I pulled it in. I was a small boy back at my parents house, suffering from the flu. Our big cat Cheese was trying to get away, but I needed to cuddle as I had a bad fever and didn’t feel well. I pulled the poor cat in and held it to my chest. It tried to fight, but I started stroking its head and back. “Be a good kitty.” I said as I yawned. It stopped fighting and started purring. Something was off, but I was too tired to notice or care. “That’s my good little kitty. Bed time.” I said in my sleep. My eyes were still closed and I leaned in kissing the top of its head. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I took in the cat’s scent. It didn’t smell the same, but this was a dream. Soon I fell asleep holding my softly purring kitten.


The storm had her fur on end and she was in his bed. She had wanted to tell him how she felt or even pull him into bed with her. She blushed at the idea of being that bold. She was deeply in love with Steven the Farmer Hero. He was just so large and friendly. He had stormed into town and in the space of one day saved everyone who was starving. Everyone she couldn't. She had been working so hard trying to keep the town alive and now she had easy prey every day, her sisters had good friends. She could see how hard he worked on his farm and how hard he worked not just to keep his daughter happy, but the twins happy too. She tossed in his bed, taking in his scent. He smelled so good and she had to work up a lot of nerve just to stop him from removing this wonderful scent.

Lightning flashed outside and the rain beat against the window and she shook slightly. The storm sounded like a dragon and scared her deeply and she was very grateful she didn’t have to try to walk home in this with the twins. Last time this happened, she had to hide in the woods and leave the twins with Yenor. She had given some vague answer about hunting something, but the truth is she was hiding in a log praying for the storm to pass. There was a sound in the house and she sat up in bed, her ears focusing on it to hear it better. Her long tail stood on end and she got her knife ready. She breathed a sigh of relief as she heard him move to the bathroom. She put her knife away and made her way out. If he was sleeping in the bed, she could sleep on the couch to keep an eye on the door.

He needed more sleep than her and it was his bed. She moved to the hall and could hear him use the bathroom before washing his hands. He came out and she blinked at him in the dark house. She had expected to argue with him, but he looked to be walking in his sleep. Reaching out she grabbed his hand. He didn’t fight her as she pulled him to the bed. She smiled to herself as she pushed him down. It didn’t seem right and she pulled off his shirt. He would sleep better without a shirt. She looked down at his pants, but before she could react, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into bed, wrapping around her. She tried to fight, to get away from him. It was too much, too close, and she felt like she was going to lose her mind or hurt him. Despite his size, he was soft like a small bunny. It was one of the many things she loved about him. Her face was buried into his chest and she swam in his scent.

One of his hands around her back moved up to her ears and started petting her. Waves of pleasure ran up her spine as he said the words that made her mind go blank. “Be a good kitty.” She stopped fighting and started purring. He was making her purr with pure joy. How had he done that? She hadn't been this happy in a very long time. Not since her mothers and father had left for the war. Her eyes started tearing up at the memory and the feelings that this man was invoking. “That’s my good little kitty. Bed time.” He said as she wept into his chest. She pawed at the fur growing on his chest and lay there, unable and unwilling to fight him, to fight her own heart. She needed and wanted him so badly. She could smell that he was still asleep, but she didn’t care. She was just happy to be with him in this moment. With his large rough hands stroking her, she fell asleep. It had been a long time since she had been held like this and shifted into a deep happy sleep.

(Steven Edwards)

The dawn light broke through the window, right into my eyes and woke me up. It was strange sleeping in like this and the pest control quest was blinking like normal. Not until coffee. I inwardly growled. I felt something warm tucked into my side and froze. If Lu-Shi had snuck into my bed I would have to have a long talk with the girl. It was a little large for Lu-Shi and  I lifted the covers to look. I was greeted by a mop of long black hair tucked into my chest. It was Kara, why was she in my bed, when did this happen? I tried not to freak out as my mind started to race. She moved a little at the air disturbing her and moved closer to me. Please don’t freak out, please don’t freak out. I inwardly prayed that neither of us would freak out. Last thing I remembered was going to sleep on the couch. Did I come in here at some point? Was all this my fault? I hoped I hadn't ruined everything I had worked so hard to build with the cute cat woman. She looked up and blinked sleepy green eyes at me. “Good dream,” She said with a yawn before leaning up and kissing my chin. I laughed uneasily, not sure what I felt about this. Maybe she had feelings for me. I knew I liked her, but never once thought she liked me back. What about Emma? I liked her too, but couldn’t hurt either woman. 

“Sorry, not a dream.” I said, my voice rising hoping she wouldn’t freak out. Her eyes went wide, she blushed and hid her face in my chest. I didn’t expect that. What do I do now? This wasn’t like the simulations. I laughed a little and she raised a closed hand pawing at my chin. I was sure she was going to slap me or do something else. Her playfully pawing at me was not on any of the possibilities I had envisioned.

“Don’t be mean.” She said in a soft mewing way. SO FREAKING CUTE!! I inawardly screamed. My body seemed to move on its own and I wrapped my arms around her. She squirmed halfheartedly, but started purring softly. Catgirls purr, good to know. Her hands lightly pawed at my bare chest. I blinked and reached down. “Where is my shirt?” I asked feeling a little overwhelmed. She shook her head, answering in a soft embarrassed way.

“You didn’t need it.” Moving my legs, I thanked whatever god was looking out for me that she deemed that my pants were needed. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt a nightgown on her. It felt thin, but at least it wouldn’t be any more awkward. She looked up at me when she felt my hand on her back. Would she slap me? Her face was bright red as she reached up to my neck. I felt claw-like nails on my legs as she pulled herself up. Her eyes were large as she looked into mine. My heart hammered in my chest and I took a breath not sure where this was going or what I should or would do. She closed her eyes and I closed mine. She smelled like pine and flowers as she moved closer. Her hot breath brushed my stubble and then I felt her lips press softly to mine. At first it was soft and then she pressed in hard pulling my face to merge with hers. It was a shock, but pleasant in every way. I could feel my heart beating faster as I knew where this was going and didn’t want it to stop. She liked me and I was very into what was going on. Something moved near the foot of the bed and I froze, my eyes going wide to see three sets of eyes looking at us from the end of the bed. I pulled away and Kara looked at me with disappointment on her face.

“We have company.” I said leaning my head to the girls. She turned, her ears turning to them first. Her disappointment morphed into horror as she looked at the girls. She hissed and ducked under the covers hiding. I laughed as I looked at the smiling girls.

“Girls, if you will give us a few minutes, I’ll get started on breakfast.” I said with a slight chuckle. Meta or was it Leta asked,

“Does this mean you are going to be our big brother?” I blinked. I had thought Kara was their mother. She was really their big sister. I feel like I had heard that before, but didn’t remember. A hand reached out of the covers and swiped at the offending young girl. Lu-Shi pulled the little ones away as they all smiled and giggled. I laughed openly and lifted the covers. She looked up from my side, her face even redder somehow. It was like she was asking if everything was okay between us.

“I’m going to give you a minute to get ready.” I said starting to move. She pawed at me, but let me pull away. I pulled the covers back over her and slid from the bed before starting to get dressed. Luckily all I had to do was hunt down my shirt. A strange purring noise came to me and I looked over to see her peeking out at me. She pulled it back over once she saw me looking at her with a slight mew. It was just too freaking cute. Now I know why nerds love catgirls. Once dressed ,she pulled the covers off and I saw a long soft green nightgown covering her own body. It looked easy to remove and I had to shake my head at the thoughts coming through. I smiled at her and leaned over kissing her softly. She deepened the kiss and smiled at me as we parted this time. I could see she wanted to talk, but this wasn’t the time. I needed a moment to figure out what to do and how to act.

Out in the kitchen, I fired up the stove and pulled things from my inventory and the store to work on the surprise I had planned for. Putting fresh fruit as well as some chocolate syrup on the table, I hoped Lu-Shi could show the kittens how to turn it into chocolate milk. Young kids on a lazy morning need chocolate milk. I smiled at the memory from my own childhood. Once the pan was to temperature I added the mixture shaping it properly. When Kara came out in her normal armor and cloak I had a stack of pancakes ready for each. She refused to look at me, but sniffed in my direction at times. I set one plate in front of the kittens and they squealed with delight as they saw the triangles on the top making the shape of a cat’s head. I set one plate in front of Lu-Shi and she laughed at the long triangles poking out of the side of the pancake making an elf outline. Kara got her own cat faced pancakes although hers was a bit larger. They all waited for me to eat with them. I started another pan and looked over at them. “You can start, but make sure to make a face first.” I said over my shoulder. I wished I had an apron that said kiss the cook on. It would make this picture a little more fun. Lu-Shi shouted and grabbed at two blueberries and put them in place of the eyes. The twins and Kara caught on and the four of them made silly faces with their food as I made some bacon to go with the rest. I laughed thinking back to how I cooked this idea up. My careful planning had worked beautifully.

(Several weeks ago in Wayward Condor)

(Steven Edwards)

“Can I pay you some extra coin to get the cooking skill?” I asked Maggie late one night in the tavern. She frowned at me putting her hands on her hips. I tried not to drool over the beautiful bird woman. She didn’t like me like that so no point in daydreaming.

“Why do you want to do that? Why, why?” She asked, a scowl on her stunning face. I looked over at the door of the inn where the girls were inside eating and rubbed the back of my head.

“This is going to sound lame and feel free to laugh, but I want to make the girls pancakes one morning. I know how to do it in my old world, but here things work differently and I need the skill.” I said, laying my cards on the table. Her eyes watered a little as she looked up at me, a smile brightening her face.




I smiled at her and reached out my hand. She took it and gave me a peck on the cheek. Not going to lie, it sent a thrill up my spine. “You’re a sweet fool and to help you, I’ll pay you to cook in my kitchen each night. Not going to pay well, but that should give you the points you need to make those angels pancakes. That it should. Yep yep. Does that sound like a deal?” She asked, smiling at me.

“Sure. I appreciate all the help.” I said beaming at her like a silly fool. This woman was going to eat the players alive.

(Present day)

(Steven Edwards)

I ended up getting that skill, got it to a proper level and then some. I worked my ass off and gained a fair number of recipes. The pay wasn’t nice, mostly copper at first, but I did reach the point of one silver a night. One of the recipes stood out like the maple bacon I was fixing now. It smelled amazing and it wasn’t long before the three cat women were eyeing my back openly drooling. I smiled and served it up with a few other treats. Everything turned out better than I had hoped and it wasn’t long before Kara got up to get her day started. “Kara, can I talk to you outside for a moment?” I asked, my heart in my throat. She just nodded, but her ears were down and tail hung low behind her. Was she going to say that this morning was a mistake? We walked outside and I lifted her chin to look into her eyes. Why was she so beautiful? This was going to be hard as hell. “I have feelings for you.” I said laying everything out there. Her ears focused on me and tail puffed up. I frowned at her slightly, fearing the next part. “But there is another woman back home.” I said quickly expecting her to slap me. It broke my heart to say this, but she needed to know. “I have the same feelings for her. I’m not asking anything of you, but thought you deserve to know.” I said cringing as I knew she was going to call me names or demand I break it off with Emma. I wasn’t sure I had the nerve to do so. She looked deep into my eyes and gave me a sinister grin.

“She is a hero like you?” She asked, her eyes bright and large.

“She will be or at least I hope so.” I said not sure where this was going.

“She has not had you yet?” Kara asked, confidence in her voice. I blushed and looked at her slack jawed.

“No no no not at all. I want Lu-Shi to have a good life full of people in healthy relationships. So no, I just don’t jump into bed with anyone and I really wish these womanizer rumors would stop.” I said quickly getting everything out there before I lost my nerve. She was making me feel like a little kid and I really wanted everything to go well with her and Emma. She reached up and grabbed my shirt. I thought she was going to hit me, but instead she pulled me down and kissed me hard. Gods this woman was strong. My hands moved on their own and I held her. After a long moment she pulled away and smiled up at me showing a bit too much of her teeth. She had almost vampire-like fangs in the front. We both were a bit out of breath, but the smile was clear on her face.

“Good you are mine and I will not lose to her.” She said, lifting her chin up in pride. “Agreed on healthy pairings though.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I will wait to have you.” She pulled me back in for another kiss and then put her hood up and took off running after the nearest thing to kill. I stood there, blinking and blushing after the amazing cat woman. What in all the hells would I do now?


I don't think I could choose if I had the chose. I'd fall in love with both. Bonus points if you get the joke in the title. For those who don't get it, it is a common line in lame books. how many books do you know that start with "It was a dark and stormy night?"