Chapter 14 She is okay.
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I came to on in a bed and tried to look around, but only looked blankly at the wall. I tried to move, scream, or do anything. Nothing, I just looked out into a blank room. A hand held mine and I saw Emma sitting beside me. She looked like she had been crying. {Hey my little wolf pup, what’s going on?} Travis came into view and he looked sad and worried. 

“Emma, he is awake.” Travis said as he moved to my other side. She dried her eyes and looked over at me. 

{What the hell guys? What is going on? I need to know.}

“Steven, Sorry we don’t have the system set up.” Travis said as he looked away from my face. Of course he knew I’d be trying to talk to them.

{I don’t care about that, tell me about Lu-Shi.} Hell’s gate I had forgotten how annoying this all is. Not moving sucks. Not being able to speak sucks. This whole freaking thing sucks. Emma was watching a screen and wiped her nose with a tissue.

“Lu-Shi is alive. A nurse was changing her feeding tube, sneezed and it dislodged something in her spine. They have her in the ICU and are trying to get it out. For safety reasons we had to pull you out too.” Emma said as she looked into my eyes. Her makeup had started to run, but I didn’t care.

{Are you reading my thoughts on that screen?} Emma just shook her head and gave me a weak smile.

“I have an idea what you are asking because I’ve been looking at this damn thing for so long.” She said as she squeezed my hand. Travis leaned over me and took a deep breath.

“Hey buddy, we can put you in a waiting room if you like so you can at least talk and move.” My best buddy comes through again.

{For all that is holy and unholy, put me in a room before I get out of this bed to beat someone up.} He looked at Emma as though asking her what I was thinking. My freaking wolf pup was so freaking smart.

“He basically said yes.” He nodded and walked over to a keyboard and pushed a few buttons and I faded again.

(Steven Edwards)

I was sitting in a hospital waiting room with a large black screen. I looked around and was able to move around the room. “Finally.” I said standing and starting to pace. The screen flickered and Travis came into view.

“You there buddy?” He asked and I moved to the screen quickly. I gave him a sad smile and nodded.

“I’m here, any word?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. This rollercoaster was going to be the death of me.

“None yet. Emma has asked to join you. She will be in there in a little.” I just nodded and sat down. I couldn’t think of anything else to do. The door opened and both Lupa and Kara walked in. I could see the tears on both of their faces as they moved to me.

“I told Kara what’s going on. She knows the kittens are safe.” Lupa said as she took her place on my left. I rested my head in my hands and bowed my head crying and screaming like a baby. It was all so wrong.

“Emma, Lupa, she woke up. For a moment she was herself and then everything fell apart.” Lupa looked shocked and wanted to ask questions, but stopped. Both women just rubbed my back and placed hands on my shoulders. “ What do I do? What can I do?” I asked hoping someone would tell me. Lupa choked up as she answered,

“All we can do is wait.” It felt so hollow, but she was right. I grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug as I sobbed. My little girl was in trouble and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t even hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be okay. I just waited, cried, screamed and paced the room. My heart was breaking with fear, anger and pain in every moment. The women helped, but I still felt like an ant raging against something I couldn’t even hope to fight. In here I was as useless as in my real body. This world wasn’t right, wasn’t fair and even now I wished, prayed to every god and goddess I could think of for my little girl to be alright.

After what felt like hours the screen flickered and I ran to it. Travis was there. It looked like he was using a tablet and passed it to an older man from India. He was a bit on the bigger side, with a mop of gray hair, dressed in a white lab coat. He smiled at me and I wanted to break the screen with how happy he looked. “You must be Mr. Edwards.” I looked out at him with a mixture of hope and fear.

“How is she?” I somehow managed to say. He smiled

“She is fine. She had a piece of cartilage blocking between C2 and C3. Somehow it avoided X-rays and her nurse just happened to move in just the wrong or rather right way to shift it. It let us find our little fiend and pluck it out.” He said the last part like it was a lego left on the floor that one could just pluck out of the bottom of your foot.  I was numb. She was fine. That is all I cared about and all I seemed to hear. “She is out of surgery and should be awake soon.” I frowned as I looked at the screen.

“She can’t wake up. She is locked in like me. Out there is torture for us.” The Dr chuckled at my words and I wanted to beat his brains in. My soul had run the gambit and I was long past my limit.

“No no no, my friend. She is no longer locked in. The problem is no longer there.” He said with a joy filled shrug. I soon found hands holding me up and guiding me to the ground. I had gone a little light headed and was happy I hadn’t passed out. All I remember saying is, she’s safe. over and over again. I was crying and didn’t care about anything else other than that little girl was safe. When I calmed down the girls helped me up. 

The screen was moving and I saw Travis walking through a door into a hospital room. A woman laid in the bed. I both didn’t know her and knew everything about her all at the same time. It was my little Lu-Shi. My happy elf princess. She was breathing slowly and I saw equipment all around her that blanked and beeped. They even had the machine that goes ping. I watched her eyes open and turn to the screen, her head turned, and her hand lifted slowly, shaking with the effort of moving as she reached out to me. I held the screen and cried joy and sorrow filling every ounce of me. I don’t know where it came from, but deep inside my sobbing throat came that theme song. The one I had sung under the tree this morning. That felt like a lifetime ago. She smiled at me and then her eyes closed. Travis’ voice came to me,

“She is only sleeping. That took a bit out of her.” He said and I could see the tears in his eyes. I just fell to the floor on my knees and held my hands over my eyes. I was happy and broken all at the same time. My heart had run the rainbow in a few moments. She was safe and could actually live a life in both worlds. {SHE WAS FREE!!!} Both girls held me and joined me in tears. I didn’t know it, but most of the building was crying and celebrating that day.

(Steven Edwards)

A few days later I stood on my porch looking out at my crops. A voice came from inside as a tall thin elf woman with dark red hair, green eyes and glasses came out. She was wearing a very inappropriate dress. It was a long green turtleneck that was sleeveless with a high cut slit showing a bit too much of her legs for my liking. A large belt held the dress to her narrow waist and seemed to let the dress show off her hips. She smiled up at my frown. “Don’t you think that dress is a bit risque?” I asked, a disapproving scowl on my face.

“Edwards. I’m almost twice your age. I think I’m old enough to pick my own clothes.” She said putting her hands on her hips. I frowned a bit more at her, with my eyebrow raised.

“It’s Papa. I’m still Papa.” She patted my shoulder and hugged me. I hugged her back, but was still upset about the dress.

“Can I call you Dad?” She asked sweetly. I hugged her close and kissed her forehead.

“Dad is fine. Did you talk to your mothers?” I asked hoping to not have this conversation again. She sighed.

“I don’t feel okay calling Lupa my mom. I did tell Mama Kara though. She told me that the Goddess altered the memories of the twins so as far as they know, Lu-Shi just had to leave for some reason. They won’t remember our fight.” She looked at the ground and seemed ashamed of the fight they had. I smiled and gave my daughter a hug before pulling away to look at her. Somehow she looked like Lu-Shi even though now she was an adult.

“That is for the best, but you should make up with Lupa. She cares about you and is strong as hell.” I said hoping this time she would see reason.

“Yeah, you have a thing for strong women.” She said with a smile. I chuckled and poked her shoulder.

“I think that is my pecker.” She pulled away and punched me in the gut laughing.

“Gross Dad. I did not need to hear that.” She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. “I can’t see her as my mom because she is my daughter in the other world.” I just looked at her slack jawed. What the actual hell?

“Lupa, Emma is your kid?” I asked, the gears slowly turning. She nodded and looked a little embarrassed. “I’m my own grandpa.” I sang as I swayed. My world had just been rocked again. Would it be too much to ask for things to settle down a little? I mean five minutes of things staying still would be nice. She just smiled and hit me again. “What would you like to be called now?” I asked, hoping to distract her and myself from the bombshell she had just dropped. She sighed and hugged me as she looked out over the farm.

“I think Lu-Shi isn’t me anymore. Maybe Lulu. I’ve got friends who know me as that.” I just smiled and kissed her forehead again.

“It’s nice to meet you Lulu.” I said hoping to send her every scrap of love I felt. She hugged me back and laughed sadly.

“Thanks Dad.” She said and I felt that love returned in full.

“What are you going to do now?” I asked as we watched the sun start to lower. She shrugged.

“I can’t stay here. I think I need to find my place in both worlds. I also have a meeting with a shrink in a few hours so I will need to log off soon. Still so freaking weird to be able to move in that world.” She said and I could hear the worry in her voice.

“Just remember you always have a home here. Also if that shrink bothers you, I’ll leave my bed to beat their ass” I said with a laugh. She smiled up at me and pulled away. “What class did you pick?” I asked. She gave me a sly smile and I could see my blonde elf again in that smile.

“I picked something new just like my Dad. I’m a traveling merchant. Forging my own path seems like fun.” She turned to the road leading from the farm and froze. Two elves stood there. It was Oberon and what had to be his wife. I just watched as they looked at us with a strained look on his faces. It was like they were begging us to tell them something. What was going on? 

“Lulu, your quest bore fruit? You found her.” He snapped his fingers and a wave of magic came out. Sadness and hope filled his face. He was clearly not here for another drinking night. We both just stood there stunned as a small figure pushed passed us and ran to the two elves. The woman picked up a figure that looked just like Lu-Shi. Oberon reached out a hand and waved a hand over her head, her hair turned a light green and skin darkened to the same tan as the other two. He leaned over and kissed her forehead and I could see the love of a father reflected in his features. “Thank you Lulu for finding our lost daughter.” He said as his eyes watered. His wife was openly crying as she held the small figure. Both parents hugged her and disappeared into the evening sky. A screen popped up.




Travis came out of the house wiping his eyes and blowing his nose. Both of us just looked shocked and I’d be lying if Travis was the only one crying.

“This world needs a happy elf princess.” He said as he shrugged. Lulu just gave him a big hug and logged off. It was strange seeing it. Like someone was being transported in Star Trek. Their bodies would glow and flicker before fading into nothing.  He smiled and sat in one of my rocker before patted the arm of the one next to him and pulled a can of beer out of the air. It was a neat trick and I would have to see if I could pull it off one day. I sat down and he popped the top before passing it to me. He pulled out another and popped it taking a long drag off it. “Let’s have a drink and tie up some loose ends. I have so many questions.” I started rocking taking another long sip. Raising  a hand up, he pulled the sun down to the tree line. “Better. You really don’t know how to open the menu or about your admin controls?” He said with a smile. It almost felt like we were watching a movie and talking back before I joined this game world. I shook my head. “Did you even read the patch notes?” I blanked at his question.

“There are patch notes?” I asked. He started laughing and I couldn’t help but join in.

“How did you make it this far? One would think that blinking light would be driving anyone nuts by now.” He asked and then froze at my expression. I looked at him blankly not sure what he was talking about.

“What blinking light?” He slowly set his beer down and waved his hand in a strange way and a screen popped up. He typed madly and pointed at me at one point. I saw the screen shift to show my own view.

“Damn it Gabe. You have some hell to pay for this one. It was bad enough you somehow turned Herris into a centaur.”  He pressed a button and my view shifted. I could see displays showing everything. A map was in the top right and I could even see the time of day for both worlds. This was crazy. I could focus on any of the icons and a screen would pop up letting me interact with it. A small flashing blue light was blinking in the corner as though demanding my attention. It popped up and I saw my character standing in a T pose. I could alter my clothes, have a hot bar for my tools linked to hand signs and even distribute unspent skill points to which I had two hundred and thirty five of to spend.

“What the hell man. This is crazy. Now it makes sense why the creatures are so tough. If I had these back then that murder wabbit wouldn’t have stood a chance.” I said, pumping my fist.

“Gabe you dumb ass. Sorry, he should have told you how to toggle your HUD.” Tavis said and I could see how pissed he really was. It was the first time I had seen him angry.

“I was wondering if you guys just wanted me dead for a while there.” Travis just looked at me blankly. “I die here, I die for real, riggggggggght?” I drew out the last word so he would know I was a bit pissed. If I didn’t have Kara this whole thing would have been a real pain for me.

“NO. no you just lose a little XP and have to lose an hour of game time.” My jaw hit the floor at his words.

“Where is the freaking manual?” I demanded, looking around my new HUD. This new toy was going to get a crap ton of use. There was even a place to add notes. Travis just laughed.

“How the hell did you make it this far?” He asked picking his beer back up.

“I would say dumb luck, but my luck can be a mixed bag.” He just sat there rocking and thinking as we drank.

“How did you know that Oberon and Heinz wouldn’t attack you?” He asked, touching his chin. I smiled brightly knowing the answer to this one.

“The town and my farm are safe zones.” He froze and turned to me slowly. A hand moved to the bridge of his nose and he closed his eyes.

“Steven, follow my logic.” He said like he was talking to a small child. Why do people keep doing that to me? I just smiled and nodded knowing what was coming. “Your first day you were attacked by an elk.” I blinked a shadow of fear moving over me.

“Go on.” My smile was still large, but a bit of doubt was creeping in.

“You nearly died from that. You almost died from the rabbit and half a dozen other critters on your farm.” I shuttered, but it didn’t fully click in. “Steven, there are no safe zones in this game.” He said the last part and I could see the smile on my friend's face. I froze, my smile fading slowly. Holding up a finger, I drained the can and watched it vanish. It was neat the way things from the store did that. No waste on this game. Finally I smiled at my friend before saying,

“Well, I might be an idiot.”



Bedtime. There is an epilogue and a bonus story coming. This will set things up for the second book that will follow Betty and her grandson. I have the first few chapters on here, but they badly needed editing. It is fun looking back at how bad I was when I first started. Now that you are done with the first book. Who is your favorite character. Did you see the final twist coming with Lu-Shi? What are your thoughts about Steven being a bad gamer? Did I set all the running gags okay? Note him not reading manuals is a running gag. Do you think Emma knew about Lu-Shi?