Chapter 7: Message from Lyra
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“As you all know, In our academy the system is such that you need to complete monthly projects and various activities to get points and you can exchange those points for Enhancements.”

“You may ask, what are enhancements? Enhancements refer to technological or genetic modifications made to individuals to improve their physical or cognitive abilities.” Sylvan beamed broadly at the class as if he hadn't just coldly threatened them moments before. The sudden switch made everyone's skin crawl.

Earlier not a single student had taken him up on his offer to leave. Earlier, everyone had subconsciously considered him a goofy character, but now… Now, everyone realized that he is just as scarier than Professor Georgios.

Nox noticed how every student sat rigid in their seats. Even Thea, next to him, was unusually still. Her forehead glistened – sweat, or was she simply too warm in those heavy clothes?

To be honest, Nox himself was pressured due to the earlier outburst. At that time due to pressure he found it difficult to breathe.

In that moment, Nox truly realized the extent of the difference between this world and his previous world.

'Back in my original world, we all looked human because we were just...human,' he thought to himself.  'But here, despite the normal appearances, there's nothing normal about any of them.'

‘In face of Sylvan, I am just a normal human.’

A tendril of envy snaked through Nox seeing such powers but along with envy there was a sense of urgency. He needs such strength in order to survive in this world and this can be achieved through Enhancements.

He needs to find a way to get enhancement as soon as possible as he doesn't want to be a puny baseline human amongst gods and monsters.

Collecting points is one way... I should probably ask around as to how many points I require to get an enhancement..’ Nox's mind raced, ‘By then, I would at least have a clear goal.’

“... Like other instructors, I too have monthly project requirements. And as I am your combat teacher, my project is related to combat itself. And the project for this month is simple” Sylvan's voice jolted Nox out of his internal strategizing.

“In this month, You need to train with your desk partner after the class everyday. You need to train your body, combat techniques, and teamwork.”

Sylvan's grin stretched even wider, if possible. He punctuated each word by tapping the textbook against his palm. "Then, in four weeks' time, I'll evaluate your partnership prowess...through combat."

A hushed ripple of reaction spread through the students. It was an unexpected revelation for each of them. They need to train together and fight?

Most of the students had confused and fearful expressions on their faces. After all, anyone can get injured in the fight. And most of them have never fought against people.

Thea also had a pale face besides him, her earlier blush now completely drained away. Of course, some students in the class were excited hearing fights like, blad youth with cybernetic eyes. 

Sylvan seemed to take no notice of the apprehensive faces, that manic grin never faltering. "Your sparring results against the other pairs will determine your point totals," he proclaimed, sweeping his arms out grandly.

He let that statement hang in the air for a beat, taking visible delight in milking the dramatic tension. Just when the tension reached the peak, Sylvan dropped another bombshell.

"The highest scorers, of course,would get a special prize.” Sylvan's grin stretched even wider as he paused for a movement and then said, “The top three pairs would earn Tier 1 physical enhancements! It's a personal prize for myself."

A collective, shocked inhalation filled the room after hearing the prize. Tier 1 Physical enhancement? Not points? And he would provide that? Not an academy?

Nox looked at Sylvan with disbelief. From his memories he knew that Enhancements were expensive. Like even though previous Nox lived a comfortable life, he had nowhere near enough to get an enhancement.

And this guy was funding it himself? For six students on top of that?

“Thea, I know it's difficult but we need to give it a shot.” Nox said to Thea, with a determined expression. Thea who was initially filled with fear, Had newfound determination within her eyes. Although her face was still pale.

She nodded hearing Nox. Although the competition was tough, the prize is worth it. As it not only represented strength but a headstart from other students in the same year.

"Class, I have high expectations from you. Work hard! That's it for today, class is dismissed!" Sylvan's chipper voice cut through the chaos.  He left, that unsettling grin still lingering on his face.

Amid the commotion of students stirring,, Nox leaned towards Thea, his eyes alight with determination. "Thea, we can't let this opportunity slip by," he says, his voice lowered to ensure their conversation remains private amidst the clamor around them. "Those enhancements could be game-changing for us."


Nox's brow furrowed with concern. "But we need to start training as soon as possible. Every day counts if we want to stand a chance against the others."

Nox's expression grew pensive as he considered their predicament. "Honestly though, I'm at a total loss on how we should prepare," he admitted with a frustrated sigh. "Just do basic exercises and running? I can't imagine that'll be enough to compete against the others here."

Thea hesitated, chewing her lip anxiously. After a moment, she responded in a voice just above a whisper, her gaze flitting down shyly. "Umm...basic stuff alone won't cut it." She twisted the fabric of her layered clothing, acutely aware of Nox's expectant stare.

Finally, she peeked up at him through her lashes. "I...I could ask my older brother for advice?" she offered tentatively. "He's been in combat training for years. I'll let you know what he suggests."

Nox's eyes lit up with relief. "That would be amazing, Thea! Having real guidance would be such a huge help."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But where should we actually train? Hmm..." Nox mused aloud, and just as the question formed, a shimmering notification flashed across his vision.



[....First Phase of mission is completed….]


[Mission: Enlightening Lyra]



[Rewards are being issued… ]

[Tier 1 Enhancement Formulae(Fragment×1)]

Nox's eyes widened in surprise, his train of thought abruptly derailed by the unexpected system mission update. Yesterday, He tried to talk with the system but he received no reply for some reason and now he is receiving an update? And Wait, that mission about Lyra had multiple phases? And he'd already completed the first one somehow?

Before he could ponder further, a soft chime emanated from his communicator. Glancing down, Nox's jaw went slack as he read the message.

"I'll be at your place in 30 minutes. -Lyra"

Nox's eyes went wide with shock as he processed the implications of the message. "Holy shit," He thought to himself. That woman was coming to his house? For what?

Nox glanced at the system message again, and a thought suddenly occurred to him. 'Could it be...? She wants to tell me whether she's interested in physical intimacy or not?'

His eyes widened slightly as he considered the implications. 'If that's the case, I need to head home right away. If Lyra knows I'm still at the Academy, she might just show up and announce her decision here!'

Nox felt a chill run down his spine as he vividly imagined the frosty woman barging into the classroom. Knowing Lyra's blunt personality, she was exactly the type to reveal something so private without a care for propriety.

The thought of her declaring her intimate intentions - or lack thereof - in front of others made Nox's cheeks flush red. He abruptly stood up, nearly knocking his chair over.

He turned to Thea, who looked at him with confusion.

"Thea, I'm really sorry, but something urgent has come up," Nox turned to her, trying to keep his expression neutral. “So we will discuss things tomorrow. I apologize but I need to leave right away.”

"Is everything alright?" Thea asked, her voice laced with worry.

“It's okay, it's just a small, important matter.” Nox reassured her with a smile.

“Alright, then take care of your matter. I would ask my brother about training and would let you know tomorrow.” Thea adjusted her specs and said softly.

Nox nodded gratefully, already turning towards the exit. "Thanks. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Goodbye!"

With a final wave goodbye, he hurried out of the classroom. 

I've been working on this book for a while now, and as the story progresses, I've realized that I need to put in more effort and time into the new chapters. One of the reasons for this is that I'm relatively new to writing, and I'm constantly learning and adapting to the craft. It's not a complaint, though; I'm enjoying the process immensely.

After reading through the first six chapters, I've noticed that the characters lack a certain depth. While I've fleshed them out properly, they seem to be missing something. I plan to work on that in the future chapters. Additionally, I have a question for you all: Is the pace of the story too slow, too fast, or just alright?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a wonderful day!
