Chapter 1 Who Is Horse-kun
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Fate Grimsever awoke from his sleep with cold sweat coming down his forehead.

“What the hell? How can Truck-kun get me from playing a damn video game?”

Thinking about it more, Fate slapped his leg in frustration as he realized the answer.

“It was that damn video game Final Countdown. Who names their game something like that? I should have been more paranoid when that game showed up at my door. I never ordered a game called Final Countdown. But I just thought Mom or Dad got it as a gift for me.”

Looking at his surroundings, Fate noticed his room was set in a medieval style, with thick bed sheets and gold candle holders on the bedside, not to mention the animal furs on the floor.

Fate could conclude that he was still filthy rich at least. Money always makes any situation easier.

Getting out of his bed, Fate saw that he was dressed in a long pajama top, making him grimace in disgust.

“Well, at least the material is better than cotton,” Fate commented.

Fate looked around the room for a mirror. After seeing one, Fate ran up to it. Seeing himself in the mirror made him sigh in relief.

“I’m not a fat noble, which is already a good sign. Then let’s see, black hair, grey eyes, and around 18 years of age. That narrows things down a bit.”

Looking around the room, Fate saw a bell on his bedside nightstand. Walking over to it, Fate rang the solid gold bell, thinking that this bell is rather gaudy so he should get rid of it.

Wealth is one thing, but as any well-educated, paranoid young master is aware, flaunting wealth in a fantasy world is oftentimes a guaranteed way to raise a death flag.

“This room reeks of wealth and arrogance. So it would be best to put the money to better use for now. Like hiring more guards, that’s right, lots more guards are needed everywhere. I’ll be damned if Horse-kun is going to get me in this life.”

That’s right, modern worlds have Truck-kun, while medieval worlds have his evil cousin, Horse-Kun, the terror of dirt roads everywhere.

Finally, there came a knock at the door. Then entered a young lady no older than 16 with blue hair and green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful for a young woman, making Fate highly alert. He could sense death flags all over this girl.

The maid looked at Fate and spoke, “Lord Grimsever, did you need something?” with a frightened tone.

Fate's paranoid nature kicked into super overdrive. If she knows my name, then that could only mean I’m in that web novel.

Ignoring the young girl, Fate said out loud, “Shit!! I'm Duke Fate Grimsever.”

Well, now that Fate has a better idea of where he is, honestly, things could have been worse.

The maid looked scared and stiff. She wondered why her master was cursing like this.

“Did I do something to upset you, my lord?”

Hearing this question, Fate frowned. I’m Duke Fate Grimsever, and this is the novel Blissful Paradise, a goddamn academy novel.

This girl in front of Fate is Maria Valine, a heroine of this novel.

So the first thing to do when confronted with a heroine, “Maria, pack your stuff. I’m sending you to Bloomspire Academy, with all of your expenses taken care of by me, in gratitude for your years of service to me.”

Maria looked at me dumbfounded.

“No need to thank me. Someone come and see Maria off to her new school,” I yelled as some of the elder maids heard my orders and dragged Maria out of the room in a hurry.

Before Maria left, she asked, “Master Grimsever, what about me accompanying you to the Bloomspire Academy?”

Fate simply answered Maria, “Oh, no worries Maria, I have everything taken care of already,” lying through my teeth to this little girl.

Never tell the truth to a heroine; it could cause insane complications. 

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