05 Manor in the Capital
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Lia could not help herself.

She stared out the window from the time they left the palace until they reached the manor. She could not see as much as she had when she had ridden the horse earlier, but she focused her attention on the skyline whenever she could see it.

She felt no regret, just a sense of acceptance as she continued to sight see. She ignored every other thing, including her body’s growing discomfort. Hunger was something that had faded in the final moments of her dream, and feeling it now was almost strange. The discomfort from riding the horse was much more familiar.

Once they reached the manor, she was not at all surprised to feel that sense of familiarity. Just like before, it was like she had just returned somewhere. There was nothing in her memories of how the place looked, but she was certain she could find her way around the place.

She glanced at the line of servants waiting to greet them. They were all dressed in the same uniform. Only one of them stood out to her in her memories. A man with gray hair and eyes.

He stood in front of the others and wore a well-pressed suit that seemed like it was of a higher quality than what the others were wearing. There was something about him that made him feel old, yet he only looked a decade or so older than Calix. She did not remember his name, but she remembered that he was the butler for the Grand Duchy.

Lia was about to open the door and exit on her own, but Calix moved faster than she did. He stood behind her and opened the door in front of her. He stepped out before turning back to her. His hand held out to guide her down the steps.

“Your Grace?”

The butler had spoken as he neared the carriage. His voice lacked the Soce accent she had heard since arriving. The butler went silent as Lia took Calix’s hand to exit the carriage. There was no look of surprise on his face.

Lia’s attention left him. She climbed down from the carriage and stood rather calmly next to Calix. Her eyes continued to rove over the manor and everyone present.

Even with that feeling from her dream, it still felt strange to be there.

“Once everything is in order, we will leave for Batra.” Calix said.

Lia was not sure if that was for her or for the butler, but she did not ask. Either way, she expected to travel to the actual estate. That had happened in the dream. It simply made no sense for them to remain in the capital when Calix was the Grand Duke of Batra.

“Understood.” The butler answered before bowing to Lia. “Welcome to the Batran manor in the capital, Your Highness.”

“You know who I am?” Lia felt the barest hint of surprise before she realized a messenger must have arrived ahead of time.

It explained why he did not seem shocked at all to see her there with Calix.

“Of course.” He said. “Shall I show you to your room?”

Her stomach grumbled again, and she was certain she heard Calix stifle a laugh beside her. She simply ignored both noises.

“Ah, forgive me. Dinner first.” The butler said with a small smile before he turned on his heel to begin barking orders to the assorted servants.

“I don’t-” Lia started. She did not want them to go to any extra effort for her.

The smaller the impact she had on living with them, the more likely that Calix was going to let her stay.

“I am also hungry.” Calix said firmly before he placed her hand on his arm. “Come, let me show you the dining hall.”

Lia thought about rejecting him, but she reminded herself that she needed to be a good wife. Staying in Soce was all about being married to Calix. She had to make sure that he liked her. If she said no to his suggestions, she doubted he would be willing to have her around.

“Sure.” She answered in a quiet voice.

Calix said nothing as he guided her. They passed by a variety of shrubs and plants grown in specific designs. Stone pillars at the front and a set of stairs up to the front doors of the manor. It was very much like any manor of nobility.

There were more of those black armored soldiers inside. All of them standing at attention as Calix neared.

“Don’t be afraid of the guards.” Calix said as they walked. “They’re all my men.”

“I’m not afraid.” Lia answered.

Truthfully, she did not feel afraid. She knew the armor was meant to be fearsome. The black color to hide the tint of blood on the battlefield. The sharper bits to make them look like monsters. Yet, she only saw it as another outfit for someone to wear.

She knew monsters did not need armor.

“Is there anything you like to eat?” Calix asked her.

Her thoughts turned towards food, and she found herself frowning.

What do I like to eat?

“I am fine with anything.” She answered. She truly could not think of anything that she had liked to eat. Her dream had only given her soup or the leftovers from the maids. Before that, she could not really remember anything.

Lia glanced over at Calix’s face and saw the frown. She guessed that this was the wrong answer.

“It has just been a long trip.” Lia said quickly. “I am fine with whatever the cooks have already started to prepare.”

His frown deepened as she continued to speak. She had no idea what thoughts were running through his head, and she did not ask. She just did not want to know in case they were bad.

“The cooks are here to serve.” Calix said flatly. “If there is something you want to eat, they are paid well enough to make it.”

“Okay.” Lia bobbed her head. She had no idea why he was still frowning at her.

Lia decided to remain silent as they walked.

The pair arrived in the dining room, and the size was striking. While it was not quite the size of a hall, it was definitely large enough to cater to a family of ten or more. A long table with a white cloth was situated in the middle. Large windows on one side let the sunlight stream in.

She tried to remember if she had been there before, but this place did not feature at all in her dream. It was as if she had never ventured into the dining room at all.

Calix paused and wore another frown.

Startled, Lia looked up at him, and then in the direction he was looking. The servants had laid out the table in typical fashion. One dinner service at the head of the table. The other at the opposing side. Only the table seemed more for a large gathering, and both seats were far from one another.

“Methos.” Calix said sharply as he started walking with her again.

“Yes, Your Grace?” The butler, Methos, seemed to appear out of nowhere behind them.

“Set her plate next to mine.”

“Very well.” Methos responded before motioning to a set of servants that had followed him in.

The group erupted into a flurry of activity. They moved as one in rapid fashion to move the seating around. The servants had completely moved everything by the time she and Calix reached that end of the table. They all faded into the background, leaving Calix to pull out the chair for her.

“Sit here.” Calix said as he waited for her.

Lia quickly sat down on the chair without complaint, but her chair being pushed closer to the table did elicit a soft sound of surprise from her. She was certain that it was the first time anyone had ever done that for her.

“Food will be served shortly.” Methos spoke. “Are there any dietary needs we need to be aware of?”

Lia merely shook her head in response. She knew he was asking her. Just like before, she really did not remember anything at all about what she liked to eat or should avoid. Food was food.

“Very well.” Methos went quiet and led the remaining servants from the room.

“Wait here. I will be back before the food is served.” Calix said before striding from the room without leaving her a chance to speak up to him.

She sat there and looked around the room. There were only a few paintings on the walls, but there was a row of large windows that held her attention. Lia was staring out the window and watched as the sky gradually darkened. She could easily see the moon, but she preferred the few stars that began to twinkle in the night sky.

Maids went about their work, lighting up the various candles around her. It was enough to make the room nicely lit, and it did not block out the dim light from outside. She could still see the stars.

“Do you like looking at the sky?” Calix’s voice from behind her caused her to turn and look.

He had removed the rest of his armor. He was now dressed in a simple black pair of pants and a gray tunic. The outfit was simple, without any kind of embellishment.

Do I?

She questioned herself, but she really was not sure. She just knew she liked to look at the openness of the sky. Lia finally chose to nod at him in response.

Calix said nothing as he went to sit at his spot at the table.

Silence hung over the table with just the two of them. It seemed he could not think of anything to say to her, but she was fine with the silence.

Just having him sit there was enough for her.

A short time later, a multitude of servants—perhaps even more than what had been there before—came in with food. Wide serving plates were full of everything from poultry to fish.

They must have gone through the entire manor property for all of this.

It had been a long time since she had seen so much food and Lia tried her hardest not to stare. There were some that she immediately recognized, but most of the food looked foreign.

Once more, the servants moved like a well-oiled machine. The servants placed everything on the table and then left the room. They were silent the entire time. No one speaking as if not to disturb her or Calix.

Lia gingerly reached for the food closest to her and slid a small amount onto her plate. It was some manner of boiled yellow vegetable. She thought it was some sort of potato, but she truly had no clue what it was before she put a piece in her mouth.

The thing tasted disgusting. Like tangy day old socks. Yet, she slowly continued to eat. It was on her plate and she had to eat it. She did not want Calix to get upset with her for wasting food.

She bowed her head as she ate. Focusing on getting the bit of gross food down.

“Have something other than that.” Calix said and placed a piece of the fish on her plate.

Followed by some chicken and other vegetables. It seemed like he was picking from nearly every platter for her. Eventually, her plate was completely full of food.

“I…” She paused and looked at the mountain of food before bobbing her head in his direction. “Thank you.”

She went quiet and returned to eating.

Lia could feel herself growing full, but there was still food left on her plate. She discreetly glanced over at Calix before she sighed inwardly and focused on eating what she had left. She had eaten roughly half that remained when she heard Calix’s awkward cough.

“You don’t need to eat everything I put on the plate.”

She glanced up to see that frown on his face again. Her first thought was that he was upset with her.

Did I do this wrong?

“I only put the extra things there for you to try them.” Calix explained. “You don’t need to eat until you’re sick.”

“I’m not.” She whispered. “I mean… I’m not eating until I’m sick.”

Lia tried to keep her voice neutral. It just sounded like a lie, even to her. She hung her head and did not meet his gaze.

“I know you’re not.” He seemed to sigh. “Just… in the future, you don’t need to eat everything.”

She bobbed her head in response.

“If you’re done, one of the maids can show you to your room.” Calix motioned to the servants that had apparently been standing off to the side.

“My room?”

“Yes, your room.” Calix quirked an eyebrow as he spoke.

“I thought I would be in your room…” Lia tried to look through the table. She finally felt a little embarrassed.

The clatter of Calix dropping his fork against the plate echoed throughout the dining room. Everything had gone completely silent. Even the servants seemed to be holding their breath.

Oh, he’s mad. I said the wrong thing.

“I mean, it’s not necessary! My own room is fine!” She quickly spoke.

“No, no.” Calix said, his voice just a little helpless sounding. “Are you sure you want to be in my room?”

“Don’t husbands and wives share rooms?” She asked.

Calix made a mild choking sound before he nodded.

“Yes, they do.” His voice had become completely calm. “If that is what you want, we will have the same room.”

Lia merely bobbed her head and said nothing else in response. She merely waited for a servant to come forward and guide her out of the dining room. There were no glances back at Calix as she followed to the second floor and her new room.

This was a place she knew she definitely had never been before. In that dream, she had avoided Calix as much as she could until she could return to Roam. Venturing into his room had been something she had no interest in at all.

Now she stood outside the door and pausing. A black guard had already opened the door for her, but it suddenly felt like a huge task to step over the threshold.

“Your Highness?” The servant asked in a tentative voice. “We have been ordered to prepare a bath for you.”

Lia sucked in a breath of air before nodding at the servant. The maid merely stared at her for several long seconds before Lia realized that nodding was not enough.

“Lead the way.” She managed.

The maid turned on her heel and continued into the Grand Duke’s bedroom, but led Lia to a door on the further side. The door opened into a large bathroom that almost seemed too large. The bathtub was large, more than big enough for Calix to stretch comfortably in it.

“I am afraid your nightgowns have yet to arrive, but we have provided some outfits for you to choose from when you are out of the bath.” The maid stepped towards her as she spoke.

Lia instantly understood that the woman intended to help her undress.

“I will be fine by myself.” And Lia just as quickly refused.

She knew that her body did not look like it had in the dream, but she still did not want the maid to see it.

What if there are still marks?

What if Calix sees?

Lia could not chase away that strange sense of fear that there might be things on her body. She was determined to look first before anyone else saw.

The maid was unaware of Lia’s personal dilemma and merely nodded before leaving the room.

She breathed a sigh of relief once she was alone. Quickly disrobing, she was even more relieved to see that she had been wrong.

Her body was as it should be. Pale and pink. Squishy in the right places. Not a hint of the scars that had been left by her time in Roam. There were no dark patches of skin. No pock marks. Nothing at all to hint of the four years from her dream.

Lia let out a breath of air before she climbed into the tub. The water was the perfect temperature, and she found herself leaning against the wall. Her mind began to revolve around the events of the day and that strange dream.

It was like every other time she was alone. She simply could not help but think about it or the things that had played out differently.

Maybe I’m going crazy?

She shook her head as she thought about that possibility. It did seem more possible that she was going insane as opposed to knowing the future.

No. That doesn’t explain the things I know.

Lia shook her head again before climbing out of the now cold water. 

I’ll wait. If other things play out like I remember.

She said it to herself, but she already believed that it was the future that she had seen. It was just hard not for her to think back and forth about it.

She was not anyone important. Just a princess who was nothing more than a tool to her family. There was no reason why she should have the ability to see the future. That kind of power was something only for heroes in stories.

And Lia knew she was far from a hero.

Lia had dried herself off relatively quickly before returning to the main bedroom. She had only taken a few steps before she stopped. Her eyes going wide as she stared at the bed. It seemed someone had come along and scattered flower petals all across the bed.

Her nose wrinkled, but she did not summon any of the maids.

Instead, she merely climbed into the bed.

Yet, once more, she ended up pausing. This bed was not the same as the one from her dream. The colors were different and so was the basic design. It was just like every other noble bed with those curtains ready to drop down.

She lay there, staring at the edge of the curtains, and felt a strange sense of discomfort.

What if someone comes in and closes them?

Lia could not shake that strange blossoming fear that the curtains would be closed. That someone would shut out the world outside and lock her away again.

Her breath staggered at the thought.

She immediately climbed back out of the bed. Lia yanked one of the blankets off the bed, sending the petals cascading everywhere. She did not care as she dragged the blanket with her to the little couch just beneath the window.

Lia sat there and angled her body so that she could easily look out the window. She draped the blanket over her shoulders as she just stared out at the night sky.