04 Calix Gets a Wife
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To say that the trip to Roam was the last thing Calix ever wanted to be on would be an understatement. He was never good at playing diplomat or being a spy.

Give him a battlefield and a sword any day. Just direct combat.

Yet, his thoughts immediately changed when he saw her.

There was an immediate sense of déjà vu when he looked at the delicate princess. It was a sense of familiarity that seemed to travel down to his bones. Like he had known her for all his life.

Which was absurd, as he did not know when he would have seen a woman like her before. He had lived a life with mercenaries or the army, and she looked like a gust of wind would knock her over. Definitely not the type of woman who would be riding on a battlefield.

There was a moment where he thought of speaking with her, but she had acted just like every other noble with her nose stuck in the air. He sighed and assumed this was going to be an endlessly annoying trip.

While he did not avoid her, he made no effort to spend time with her. Nor did he reveal to her maid that he was the Grand Duke of Batra. He would rather be a nameless soldier than have to deal with some stuck up princess. He even kept his helmet on when he was not sleeping.

It all changed when they were just outside the palace when the carriage broke a wheel.

Because, of course, that is just exactly what had to happen.

Yet, it had led to an outcome that he had not been expecting at all.

He had demanded the princess ride his horse instead of waiting. His goal had been to have her refuse. It would give him an excuse to leave the half-broken thing behind and the king could deal with this stupid princess from Roam.

Never had he expected she would agree. That she would practically jump out of the carriage. Calix was a bit surprised by her actions. Stranger yet was the fact that he felt pleased that she will ride with him.

Calix had ignored the thought before he lifted her onto his horse and rode towards the capital. He guided the horse with his legs while he kept one arm wrapped around her in a firm effort to prevent her from falling off.

The entire ride to the capital was even stranger. He just could not deny that it felt right for her to be in his arms.

Like this was where she was supposed to be.

He wore a frown behind his faceplate the entire time. His mind was a complete mess as they passed into the capital and marched straight for the palace.

That frown that became apologetic when they reached the palace and the princess struggled to get off his horse. She tried to look dignified, but he could see the look of pain when her feet touched the ground.

His hand was still reaching towards her when a group of servants came and ushered her away. He could not say a thing as he watched her disappear into the palace.

“His Majesty is waiting for you in the Throne Room.” Someone said to him.

Calix nodded before striding into the palace. He pulled his helmet off and ran his hand through his hair before he reached the Throne Room. The guards standing there opened the doors while the herald announced his arrival.

There was murmuring from inside as other nobles began to filter out of the doors. None met his eyes as he walked past them.

He knew exactly what most of the nobles thought of him.

The rank of Grand Duke was bestowed upon a former mercenary. Some had thought it a waste, but most had been unable to argue when King Alric decided to give him the title. Especially when the King claimed he was from a distant line of the old Grand Duke.

Even now, when the nobles looked down their noses at him as he entered the Throne Room. They were, however, smart enough to keep silent.

It was not long before it was just him and Alric.

“How was your trip?” King Alric had waited until everyone else left before he rose from his throne to meet Calix.

“Roam is nice at this time of year.” Calix shrugged before he found himself gripped in a tight hug by the king. He did not return the hug, merely stood there in an awkward pose.

While there was a similarity in their appearance with the same dark hair and golden eyes, Calix was nearly half a head taller than the king and found himself looking down at him.

“Glad that you’re back.” Alric’s voice was honest, and for that moment, they were not king and subordinate but the brothers they had been born as.

“What? Did you expect I’d run away from the responsibility you foisted on me?” Calix asked with a sarcastic voice.

“Hey, you’re the one who made me King.” Alric responded with a laugh before stepping back. “Consider it a turn of fair play.”

Calix shook his head before following Alric towards the throne.

“We made that decision together a long time ago.” Calix said with a shrug. It was a decision he rarely thought about.

He had traded freedom for the crown and still ended up as a Grand Duke. A loss in his mind.

“Anyway, what is the report?” Alric asked as they walked. “And your opinion of the country.”

Nodding in response, Calix thought about the real reason for the trip. He had gone to look at Roam with a critical eye while using the excuse of picking up the princess. Their spies regularly sent back reports, but there was nothing like getting a firsthand look to confirm things for himself.

“Our spies report that no one has seen the King of Roam in over a year. I suspect someone will make a move for the throne soon.” Calix answered while he watched Alric returned to the throne. “A lot of nobles have been hoarding food, leaving the common people to starve. They’ll need something eventful to draw the attention away from empty bellies.”

“You suspect it was this marriage?” There was no masking the distaste in Alric’s voice.

“I think there is something bigger planned.” Calix shrugged.

“Bigger?” Alric frowned. His fingers drumming on the arm of the throne as he talked. “War?”

“Perhaps.” Calix moved to stand next to the throne. “We know Elliena is fairly greedy, and she’s the current power behind the throne. She’s already removed every prince but her own sons.”

“Then why would they bother to send their princess here?”

“I don’t think Elliena is aware that it happened. She’s in mourning for her grandfather.” Calix answered. “This whole thing seems to be planned by the Crown Prince.”

“The Crown Prince?”

“There are still two other princes that could possible take the throne of Roam.” Calix elaborated. “Not that I think they have a chance. I would expect that we will shortly hear the death of the half brother of the Crown Prince. My guess is he sent Princess Anilia to remove the other potential competitors.”

“Why?” Alric frowned.

“She may be a princess, but she is the daughter of the previous queen before Elliena.” Calix explained in the most neutral tone. The situation for the Roam royal family was just as awkward and confusing as it was in any country.

“What do you think of her?”

“Elliena?” Calix asked as one eyebrow quirked in confusion. He was certain that he had expressed his opinions about the Queen of Roam many times before.

Especially since Alric seemed to be far more concerned about Roam than any of the other kingdoms on the continent.

“Princess Anilia.” Alric asked as he leaned an elbow on the arm of the throne. He fixated his bright golden eyes completely on Calix’s face. A curious glint shining in his face. “What do you think of the princess?”

“She’s a princess.” Calix said with a small shrug of his shoulders. “Arrogant but bold.”

He thought about her for a moment but realized he really only had two moments where he had spent any length of time with her. The first meeting and then when she quietly rode his horse. Her behavior at either incident was almost polar opposites of each other. ‘Arrogant but bold’ was truly the best he could think of.

Calix pushed the thoughts from his mind. He would think more about her sudden change later once Alric finished this mini-interrogation.

“Oh?” Alric’s whole body perked up. “So, you have been paying attention to her on this trip? Anything out of the ordinary?”

Calix glanced at the king and wondered what the man was getting at.

Of course, he had paid attention to her. She was the most important person on the trip. He could only imagine the mess that would have come if something happened to the princes on the trip.

“Nothing out of the ordinary. She remained in her carriage for almost the whole trip.”

He tried to think of any moment she had exited the carriage during the trip. The only moment was just after the wheel had broken. Otherwise, the maid brought her meals and dealt with whatever issues a woman would have while traveling.

Calix could not even think of a comment from a soldier about the princess exiting the carriage. She had just holed up inside it like she thought the rest of them had the plague.

“Ah hah.” Alric’s face became plastered with a silly little grin.

“Ah hah?” Calix quirked an eyebrow at him. “What are you ‘Ah Hah’-ing about?”

“I have a rather good way to solve two problems.”

“Get to the point.” Calix said in a flat tone.

“As you know, I’m rather happily married.” Alric said. “I cannot marry the princess. You, on the other hand, are still very unmarried. Something that has been rather problematic as I’ve been fielding all the nobles who want to marry their daughters to you.”

Calix grimaced at the mention of the other nobles. It seemed his marriage was now the way everyone was attempting to get the power of the Grand Dukedom after he gained the position. He certainly had no interest in welcoming a father-in-law that would only seek to use him as a tool.

“So, what do you think? You ready to get a Grand Duchess?”

Calix paused as he considered it.

Out of all the options, the princess was indeed the best one. She had no ties to the nobility in Soce and none would try to curry favor with a foreigner.

“Oh!” Alric’s voice became almost boyish with how thrilled he was. “You are considering it! I say that’s a yes!”

He managed not to reveal his shock at the fact that Alric was right. He actually was considering it.

“I didn’t agree.” Calix said with a huff before crossing his arms.

“Close enough.” Alric said with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure this will be fine. Besides, if you figure out that you don’t like her, it’s not like anyone will object to you divorcing her to marry someone else.”

Calix paused for a moment as he thought of divorcing the princess.

For some strange reason, he did not like that idea.

In fact, he felt almost angry that the king even suggested it.

What the hell is going on with me? He shook his head, trying to clear away the strange thoughts and feelings that were racing through his mind.

“Well then, I think it’s time to meet my future sister-in-law.” Alric said. His face still lit up with a bright smile.

“Please don’t call her that when you see her.” Calix answered him with a long-suffering sigh.

“Of course I won’t.” Alric laughed and shook his head. “Older brother, you need to relax. I am not so foolish to endanger what we’ve managed to make work.”

“Yeah.” Calix said with a sigh, as there was little else he could have said.

Alric laughed before he reached over to pull on the nearby braided cloth.

It was not long before the princess entered. Calix noticed with surprise that she didn’t have any maids with her, but then he remembered that he had instructed them to leave the Roam carriage behind. He guessed that everything from Roam was still running behind, including the maid.

Calix watched every step she took as she approached. She was the sole focus of his attention. He even ignored the king.

His focus intensified when he saw the tremble when she stood after the bow.

Is she afraid? Or hurt?

He remained where he stood, but he continued to stare down at her. He tried to sort out what might have happened, but all he could think of was the awkward stop of the carriage or perhaps the horse ride.

Even though she seemed to be uncomfortable standing there in front of them, he could see no signs of emotion on her face.

She simply looked blank.

Like there was nothing here that interested her at all. That they were not important.

Calix suppressed his frown when he noticed she was looking in his direction.

Once more, he felt that strange feeling of déjà vu. It was like they had done this before. That they had stood here in this Throne Room. Even the words from the king reverberated in his ears with that same otherworldly sense.

Everything felt familiar and foreign at the same time.

He knew it was impossible for the two of them to have been inside the Throne Room before. She had never been in Soce before now, and he certainly doubted that Roam had a room that looked like this one.

He was also certain that he had never met her before this trip.

Calix was still trying to understand what was going through his mind when she had already turned to leave. Shaking his head, he looked over at the king. Alric was looking at him with a rather amused expression. Neither of them said anything while they waited for the princess to leave the room.

“Well, seems I’ve made a good choice.” Alric said with a laugh.

Calix found himself glaring back at the king.

“Don’t look at me like that. You stared at her the entire time she was here.” Another laugh followed his words. “Of course, you didn’t look like a love struck fool, but you are definitely interested.”

“There are just benefits to marrying her.” Calix said.

“Sure. Benefits.” Alric looked back towards the door where the princess had just left. “She’s definitely pretty.”

Calix soured at the comment. It made him feel strange to hear someone else calling her pretty. He was uncertain what this feeling was, but he definitely did not like it.

His face must have twisted into a scowl when Alric’s laughter grew even louder.

“Are you done?” Calix asked in annoyance.

“I suppose I cannot convince you to stay in the palace for a few days?” Alric asked between chuckles. “I promise to behave.”

“No.” Calix shook his head. “I want to go home, Your Majesty.

“Fine, fine. No need to be rude.” Alric shook his head. “I’m sure your princess is waiting for you to sweep her off her feet and carry her home on your horse.”

“I’m not sure.” Calix suddenly frowned as he thought of how she had looked standing in the throne room.

“Well, she does seem a bit delicate.” Alric mused.

“Who seems delicate?” A gentle voice echoed from one of the side doorways.

The pair glanced over to see a regal blonde haired woman approaching the throne. There were several servants and guards trailing behind her, but she quickly waved her hand back at them. The group quickly left the way they came and only the trio remained in the Throne Room.

“Looking as beautiful as ever, Your Majesty.” Calix said as he bowed to the woman.

“Oh, shove it, Calix.” She said with a playful light in her blue eyes. “So, who is it that you and my dear husband are talking about?”

“The recently arrived princess from Roam.” Calix answered before Alric could speak.

“Oh.” The smile died from her face.

“Don’t worry.” Calix did not hesitate. He had known the Queen since before they had titles and knew exactly where her mind had gone. “I will be the one marrying her.”

“Oh.” The smile returned once more, and she looked at the king with genuine affection in her eyes.

“I told you I would never take on a second wife.” Alric said in a sour tone.

“I think this is my cue to leave.” Calix said as he glanced between the two of them. He recalled how loving their words could get. He would rather be on the way home than listen to the two of them talk to one another.

He considered this a good excuse as any to leave.

“It is good to see you again, Calix.” The Queen responded to him with a smile before motioning for him to be on his way. “Do drop in again. Bring your wife for an actual meeting next time.”

Calix merely nodded his head in silence before turning to leave. He could hear the pair beginning to discuss the new Grand Duchess, but he said nothing. Only hurried for the door.

“Where is the Princess?” He asked the guard outside the door once he stepped outside the room.

“This way, Your Grace.” The guard responded before he led Calix to one of the side rooms.

Several maids were standing outside the room. They all bowed as one as he neared.

“Dismissed.” He waved his hand at them before opening the door.

He stopped on the other side of the door and just stared. The princess was curled up on the couch in a rather unladylike manner, sound asleep. Calix approached quietly, but his eyes remained glued to her.

Alric is right. She is pretty.

Calix gently reached forward to push a strand of hair away from her face. He could not deny that he found her mesmerizing. There was something about her that he found immensely attractive.

He watched her twist just a little in her sleep. Her mouth opening to reveal pearly white teeth and a little tongue that darted across her bottom lip.

A whole host of things happened to him at that moment.

Several thoughts on what to do with that mouth galloped through his mind. A flash of heat followed, starting in his abdomen and going all the way to his ears. It was quickly followed by a sense of shame at himself for thinking such.

Even the shame faded near-instantly as he remembered that she was going to be his wife.

Any man should think about their wife like this.

Calix thought to himself before he leaned down to poke her cheek gently.

The softness of her skin was surprising. He had expected it to be soft. Perhaps even like fresh bread dough, but it defied his expectations. He gently ran his finger down that soft, downy cheek and realized he wanted to touch her more.

“Your Grace,” a voice called from the open doorway. “The carriage is ready on your orders.”

The sound was enough to jolt the princess awake, and Calix did his best to return his hand to his side. Acting as if he was not just mauling her face.

“If you are ready, Your Highness.” Calix said. All while trying to look as innocent as he could manage.

“Oh. Sorry. I…”

“You do not need to apologize.” Calix held up his hand. “It has been a long trip from Roam, and you are no doubt quite tired. However, we will not reach the manor until night.”

“Oh. Well, lead the way, Your Grace.” She said as she sat up with a wince.

Calix immediately noticed and frowned in response. His eyebrows furrowing together as he took in her rather uncomfortable looking appearance.

“Allow me.” Without waiting for a response, he leaned down and scooped her up into his arms.

“Your Grace!” The princess shouted.

“It’s fine.” Calix responded as he carried her into his arms. “We will be married upon our return to the Batra Duchy, but as of the King’s decree, you are my wife.”


The princess looked up at him with a strange expression and Calix felt at a loss as he tried to understand what it meant. The look was somewhere between loss and relief, with something else unknowable mixed in.

Never had he seen anyone look at him quite like that.

“One thing before we go.” Calix said calmly as he walked.

“Yes?” the princess responded.

“Call me Calix.”

“C…Calix?” She seemed hesitant.

Even if she seemed to have trouble saying it, he rather liked the sound of his name from her lips.

“Right. No more ‘Your Grace’. I want you to call me by my name.” Calix smiled at her.

“Then, can you call me Lia?” Her voice was strangely neutral.

“Lia?” He nodded to her. “Of course, I will call you that from now on.” He paused for a moment, but this time his steps never hesitated. “Or my wife.”


He suddenly found himself liking that word.

“Should I call you husband as well?” Lia asked as calmly as if she was talking about the weather.

“I would like that.”

He realized he liked that more than getting to call her his wife. A lot more.

“Alright… husband.” Lia answered before nodding. “But… can you put me down?”

“It is only a short walk to the carriage.” Calix said.

“Yes, but I would like to walk, please.”

He heard her, but it struck him that she was not as rude as she had been when she first boarded the carriage. The way she spoke was like the way she looked in the Throne Room. An almost blank tone that completely lacked any of the arrogance from before.

“You can walk around all you want once we get to the manor.” Calix said it firmly. “Once I have a healer look at you.”

“Oh.” Lia paused again. The silence was strange. It was like she was taking a long time to think about it. “Why?”

“I saw you in the Throne Room.” Calix answered. “You did not look fine. I want to make sure that you did not suffer any harm when the carriage broke.”

“Oh.” She responded before going silent.

Neither said anything else as he carried her. No servant dared to stop them, but most whispered as they walked by. He ignored them at first, but then he heard someone mention the woman in his arms.

The moment they were near the carriage, he gently set her down on her own feet.

“I will join you shortly.” Calix said to her before turning to one of the many black armored men standing around.

The man waited until Lia had climbed into the carriage before he spoke.

“The rest of the caravan is still running behind.” He said. “What are your orders?”

“Retrieve her things and direct it to the manor. The rest comes here as planned.” Calix glanced back at the carriage to where he knew Lia was sitting. “Investigate the maid that came with her. See if any of the other servants from Roam know anything detrimental.”

“As you order.” The soldier responded before turning away.

Calix did not care if someone over heard his order. In fact, he hoped it would be. He had long learned that fear was an excellent motivator to keep people’s tongues from wagging. Even if it was something as minor as palace gossip, he did not want to hear them talking about his princess.

He exhaled a breath of air before striding to the carriage and climbing in.

Lia had moved to the far side of the carriage and was now staring intently out the window. Calix chuckled under his breath as he watched her act like someone who had never seen the sky.

Apparently, he was loud enough to draw her attention. She turned to look at him and his breath caught in his throat. Sunlight hit the side of her face and made it look like she was almost glowing.

Calix sucked in a lungful of air as he reached towards her. The light seemed like a halo around her. Right now, she looked more like a dream than a real person.

Then the carriage shifted forward, and the light across her face changed, shattering the moment.

“It will be some time before we get to the manor. You can rest if you feel the need.” Calix said as he awkwardly dropped his hand.

“Okay.” She nodded before looking out the window. “Can I look out the window for a while first?”

“Sure.” He answered, surprised that she would ask him, but quickly dismissed the thought.

She did not smile, but she bobbed her head in response. Calix said nothing else. Just merely watched her as she stared at the world outside.