Chapter 44
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I was near the X-jet which was about to take off for the mission, waiting for the others who are getting ready. 

In the end, it was decided that Logan and I would take the lead and meet Bobby in order to extract him. The recruiting would take place once we were back safely at the X-jet.

For the backup, Kurt and Emma had been chosen. They would not join us and were only there to help us in retreating in case of emergencies.

Kurt’s teleportation power, especially was extremely convenient for extraction and retreat. Emma was joining us because a telepath always comes in handy, even in the most unlikely cases.

Originally, Jean was supposed to join us for the telepath position but she was having some headaches these days. And since Professor Xavier could not go, it was decided that Emma would go.

Besides, Emma’s powers had increased since her encounter with Spider Supreme. Now, she was not only a telepath but also telekinetic. And her diamond form could protect her in case anything happened.

Miss Ororo would also be joining us but she would be in charge of the X-jet and would not interfere unless there is an emergency.

Soon, everyone who would participate in the mission gathered, each wearing a specially designed uniform with an X insignia on them.

Emma, in particular, looked absolutely beautiful, radiating confidence and allure in that skin tight uniform.

“Peter, why aren't you wearing the uniform?” Kurt asked me. Then, a look of realization appeared on his face.

“Ah! I had forgotten that you have only been here for a few days. So, your uniform is not ready.” He looked sheepish as he realised.

“It seems that Professor has not told you that my uniform is always ready.” Saying these words, I activated my transformation bracelet.

An energy appeared from the bracelet and covered me and when it disappeared, I was already in my suit.

Kurt’s jaw looked like it would drop anytime as he watched me change into my suit in an instant.

“Dude! That’s awesome. Magic is so convenient.” Kurt expressed his admiration as he looked truly impressed by my show of magic.

“You have to make one for me too. You have no idea how hard it is for me to change into my suit because of my tail.” Kurt literally begged me to make a bracelet for him.

“Alright, I will make one for you.” I acquiesced in front of his nagging.

“Now, everyone listen. I will now explain the plan.” Professor Xavier drew the attention of everyone towards him.

“The plan is simple. Logan and Bobby will head to the station where Bobby is kept. Logan will guard the area while Peter will enter Bobby’s cell and convince him to escape with them. 

Kurt and Emma will stay close but still far away from the station, observing the whole situation. Ororo will be in X-jet ready to take off once the objectives are accomplished.

Peter, once you have extracted Bobby, regroup with the others and immediately return to the X-jet.”

It was a rather simple mission and not hard to accomplish if there were not any other factors. My portals were the linchpin for the whole mission to be accomplished swiftly.

“Time is of the essence in this mission. Bobby’s mutant status is already public, make him a prime target. So, Peter, go in there, extract Bobby and return as fast as you can.”

Professor Xavier once again emphasized that this mission needed to be performed swiftly because of Bobby’s mutant ability already being public.

“Don’t worry, Professor. We will accomplished the mission as swiftly as we can.” I said to Professor as all of us boarded the X-jet.

“ X-Men, taking off.” Kurt exclaimed, excited for the mission.

“Calm down, bub!” Logan chided Kurt, telling him to focus.

Logan and I were watching the police station where Bobby was held. The X-jet was parked a few kilometres away. We could not leave a fighter jet in an open place after all. Meanwhile, Kurt and Emma were on a nearby hill, watching the whole situation.

“Say no to the Mutants!”

“ Mutants are freaks!”

“ All mutants must be killed!”

We could see a small mob in a front of the police station chanting derogatory remarks about mutants.

“Looks like we must hurry.” Logan said to me upon seeing the mob.

We made our way to the back of the police station where Bobby’s cell was. As I didn’t have coordinates regarding Bobby’s cell, I had to near his cell so that I could directly open a portal there.

“Wait!” Logan suddenly asked for me to stop.

“What happened?” I asked surprised by Logan’s sudden warning.

“I can hear some voices in Bobby’s cell. There is someone else in there, talking to him.” Logan had enhanced hearing so it was absolutely possible for him to hear it.

I casted a life recognition spell in order to confirm Logan’s words. The results confirmed what Logan was saying. There were indeed two people in the cell.

“What do we do now?” I whispered to Logan as he was the more experienced one.

“Open a portal, not in the cell but near the cell. We need to see who is that other person.” Logan ordered.

Following his order, I opened a portal and both of us silently entered the police station.

“Wait a moment, Logan.” I stopped Logan from directly engaging and casted an invisibility spell on both of us. 

“Magic really is convenient.” Logan muttered after seeing the effects of the spell. 

We stealthily neared the cell where Bobby was. Surprisingly, there was a policeman talking to Bobby. Maybe it was a false alarm.

“Young man, you should really think about joining the Brotherhood. You are a mutant, a homo superior. You should not obey those who are inferior to you.”

Surprisingly, the policeman’s words were nothing like that of someone from police service. He seemed to be someone from a mutant supremacist brotherhood.

“How many times I have told you that I do not want to join your shady, supremacist Brotherhood?” Bobby said angrily, refusing the policeman’s offer.

Luckily, it seems that we were not too late.

“What is this bitch doing here?” Logan suddenly murmured.

Bitch? That’s clearly a man.


Guess who is this man or rather woman who got earlier than the X-Men. Every X-Men fan would know!

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