What it means “to Love?”
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     The next day arrived, I arrived outside the cafe where Mei and I agreed to meet up. I dressed in a fairly casual attire, consisting of a blue dress shirt and light gray pants.


“She’s late. We agreed to meet up before afternoon arrives.” I looked up at the clear sunny sky, and I leaned behind a street pole and looked around to look around for Mei.


     I crossed my arms, closed my eyes while leaning on the pole, and waited for what seemed to be five minutes when I heard her voice.


“Sorry for the wait!” I felt a tapping sensation on my back.


     So here she is. I opened my eyes lightly, turned around, and there she stood in front of me with her arms behind her back.


     Mei was wearing an off-shoulder white t-shirt, she had black straps on her shoulder which could’ve been her bra, and black shorts, fitting for a casual meet-up between a client and the provider.




“You’re in front of a classmate who isn’t even your girlfriend. Can you not look at her with such perverted eyes?” Mei walked to my side with a teasing smile and a raised eyebrow.


“Is that something a girl who pushed her breast to someone who isn’t even her boyfriend should be saying then?” I averted my gaze in annoyance.


Mei walked in front of me, leaning a bit closer, and smirked. “You enjoyed it though.”


Well, that was a checkmate… Cus she isn’t wrong.




     I couldn’t help but look down at her chest without my consent… was this girl trying to seduce me?


“Ar-Aren’t you staring at it too much?” Mei’s face got flustered.


“No, I was merely observing your collarbones.”


“Eh!? That’s creepy! I think it would’ve been better if you just stared at my breasts!” Mei angrily complained.


“Y’know Mei, Your collarbones look nice for your age, and second If you hate being looked at then wear something that doesn’t expose your chest.”

“I don’t even know of any correlation between my age and collarbones! And second, I can wear what I want!!” Mei crossed her arms above her collarbones but not her chest.


“Hold on, did we have this conversation before?”


“I rather suffer through purgatory than have this conversation again!” Mei’s handbag hung on her arm.


I guess her big personality was part of her big personality.


“Anyway, let’s go inside-” I suddenly got hit on my shoulder as a man with a facemask and dark glasses, wearing a beanie ran past me.


“Stop that robber!!!” shouted a man from the nearby Nine-Eleven, I guess he was robbed.”


“Huh!?” Mei gasped.


“Gagghhh!! Screamed the thief in pain.


     Mei gasped as her jaw dropped.


     I was grabbing the dirtbag’s twisted arm behind his back, and holding the bag with stolen goods on my other hand, right as Lady Saffron arrived to pick up the thief.


     I’m guessing Lady Saffron was already nearby, so it’s likely that someone from the Nine-eleven saw the robbery happening and called the cops which led to the proper timing, as to how I was able to quickly reprimand the criminal, just assume that Koharu’s training and the fact I get involved in trouble a lot were finally paying off nicely.


“Damn Kid, it’s you again?” Saffron lit up a cigarette and took a whiff at it.


“Nice to see you too.”


“Of the many crimes in this city, 35% of them had you involved in stopping them.”


“That doesn’t seem that ba-” I jokingly responded before getting cut off.


“Which skyrocketed to 69% after you started working with your “partner!” still think it’s not that bad?” Saffron snarled.


“Okay, maybe I should take it easy.” I scratched the back of my head.


“With your luck, it’s probably gonna get to 87% anytime soon.”


“That might be an exaggeration.”


“Umm…” Mei awkwardly muttered.


“Ah right, Ms. Saffron, this girl is Mei, she is a schoolmate of mine, Mei, this is Ms. Saffron she is the police officer who used to babysit me when I was young, she’s also the cop that suspected I got involved in the crimes I stopped, whether it was alone or with Koharu.” I introduced them to each other.


“What’s this? Ya ditched your old partner and are now teaching newbies after 3 months.” Saffron continued smoking.


“Now that’s uncalled for.”


“Um, Nice to meet you. I’m Mei, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Mei bowed politely.


“My name is Saffron, and the pleasure’s all mine”


The two shook hands before Lady Saffron prepared to hit the road.


“Well, my break’s about to end, both of you stay out of trouble.” She suggested before going back in the police car and driving off.


“You too,” I responded.


I felt Mei tugging on my sleeve. “Elio, shall we go now?” Mei pointed at the cafe.




     We entered the cafe, found a seat for two by the window, and sat across from each other.


“Before we get down to business, what are you ordering?” I looked Mei directly in the eyes.


“Huh..?” her eyes widened and she had a somewhat surprised expression.


“What do you mean “Huh?” I said, what are you ordering?” I took out my wallet and prepared to order at the counter.


“Uh... It’s nothing… I was just expecting to be the one to pay for the drinks we buy…” Mei’s expression went from being awkward to being a bit embarrassed.


“I already told you yesterday that I’ll be the one treating you today, so just hurry up and tell me what you want, or were you expecting I don’t have a way to earn money.”


“I thought you were homeless…”


     I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to help this girl, especially if she was gonna be passive-aggressively talking smack to me the whole time we were together.


“Then explain my clean clothes and the lack of dirt on me.”


“No, forget it, I refuse to let a pervert that dirtied my hand get the better of me.”


“You’re still hung up on that?”


“You’re still hung up on touching my breasts!” her tone got a bit louder.


“I only looked at your collarbones.” I raised an eye.


“Are you ordering or what?”


“Yes… I would like a medium cappuccino, and I would like some croissants and macarons.”


“...I didn’t expect both of us to order the same drink and pastries. Do you also want some of the cherry tarts?”


     Mei nodded before she and I awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds before I headed to the counter to order.


     After ordering, I went back to the seats and took out the recorder and transceiver that I used last night.


“Now, first things first.” I looked directly at her eyes.


“What is it?”


“How was your morning?”


“Eh? That’s it?”


“Yes, it’s very important to greet each other, since we didn’t have time to do so when we met up.”


“Hmm… I see…” Mei turned away while rubbing her hand on her arm awkwardly.”


“Something wrong?”


“N-nothing, My morning was normal… How about you?”

“My roommate woke me up early by barging into my room and playing a large trumpet.”


“Eh?” Mei broke a sweat.


“Yes, I’m serious.”


     After awkward small talk, we waited 2 minutes as our brunch arrived, I ordered a couple of croissant sandwiches which had ham and cheese, and for pastries, I bought a medium bowl of macarons, 2 slices of cherry tarts and lastly 2 medium cappuccinos.


“Now back to business,” I announced as I took a small sip from my cappuccino.


“Did your partner decode the recording?” Mei asked as she took a bite from her sandwich.


“Yes she did, I haven’t listened to any of it because I went to bed early, but I assume while decoding it she already knew the gist. Other than that we’re gonna be finding out about it together.”


“So are you gonna play the recording?”


“Not until I know what you’re gonna be paying me once this is all over.”


“Haven’t I already paid you by letting your face rest on my breasts?”


     We stared at each other annoyedly for a few seconds.


I pressed the play button on the recorder.


“Today’s bounty was great Mr. Ishikawa…” A voice of a grown man  of what might be his 30’s spoke.


“That sounds like one of the men that picked up my dad all the time.” Whispered Mei.


“Indeed it is, sooner or later the underboss will be promoting us.” a different man responded, I’m assuming that was Mei’s dad.


“Mr. Ishikawa, how would you like to get extra pay every week?”


“I’m listening.”


I quickly paused the transceiver.


“Why’d you pause?”


“Is your dad acting any more suspicious than what you explained yesterday?” I whispered to Mei so that we did not draw attention.


“No, he just came home very late for the past 3 months, well… he didn’t come back last night,” Mei whispered back.

“Is that so…”


I pressed play again and the audio recording continued.


“What’s the condition for the bigger pay Mr Hajdarovi?” Mei’s dad questioned.


“We would want you to hand over your daughter, offer her to my side of the “familia” she will be my familia’s new- aagghhh!!” We heard a heavy landing on what could be the man’s head landing on the pavement.


“Eh?” Mei’s eyes widened.


“Listen here liar, none of you or any of your sick cronies know what it’s like to have a “family to love” you hear!?”


     We heard several attacks landing, this was likely the part where her father snapped and attacked whoever the man he punched was.


     I quickly paused the recording, I could not believe what the hell I was hearing from this bastard. Either the man that Mei’s dad was talking to was given direct orders by whoever their boss was to hand over Mei as some kind of offering to the familia as some sort of Sex slave in order to receive higher pay, or they’re trying to groom her into becoming one of them, well it seems like her father wasn’t having any of their bullshit and decked the man to teach him a lesson.


      Either of those fates was something I wasn’t gonna allow to happen.


Mei and I looked at each other, she was trembling and she was struggling to mutter a word.


“Do you want to continue the recording?” I asked gently.


Mei slowly nodded as if she was unsure.




     I reluctantly continued the recording.


“Listen here you sick son of a bitch, leave my daughter out of the familia’s business? Got that!?”


It sounded like he was threatening the psycho that wanted to have Mei.


“Ahaha!! You’re a fool for denying my offer of friendship Ishikawa! Mark my words! You won’t live long enough to see the sunrise!! I’ll be sure to pay your family a visit tomorrow!! And We both know that the girl’s blood was sampled from that “a–aggghhhh dete–eeegghhhive.”


“Boys, dispose of his corpse in the river.”


“Yes, Mr Ishikawa.”


“That side of the familia doesn’t have a smidgen of a clue on what was like “to love” someone truly.”


The recording has abruptly ended. I’m guessing that’s when Mei and I left the park after that kiss.


I could only assume that her dad was ambushed by the men of the man he just killed.


“Mei… Are you…?”


Tears were flowing down her face, and she was holding in whatever bottled-up emotions she had while listening.


“Okay… calm down okay?” I tried to signal her to keep her cool.




“Look at me, calm down alright? I’ll take you home-”


Mei practically threw herself on me… she started crying in my arms… I didn’t know how to make her stop crying. Seeing a strong-willed person just break down wasn’t what I expected.


“I’ll take you home okay?”


Mei nodded still sobbing while she embraced me, while I patted her on the head to attempt calming her down.


     Holding a girl that just completely broken down all her defenses and was vulnerable made me question just how much baggage has she been bottling up.


     I could only imagine what it was like to find out your dad has been part of some organized crime gang, knowing he murdered someone for her safety, and has likely been murdered on his way back.


     All that must have taken a toll on the poor girl. I didn’t care anymore if the commotion we had been doing for the last 40 minutes was giving us so much attention, I just wanted to bring her back safely.


“I’m sorry for letting you see me like this Elio…” Mei wiped tears from her eyes.


“Don’t mention it, just take a breather okay.” I patted her head.


“I just couldn’t believe my dad was doing crime behind my family’s back.” Mei leaned on my shoulder.


“Let’s enjoy the brunch for now, and after that, I’m taking you home.”


“Thank you….” 


     After Mei calmed down, we agreed to bring her back home safely. We finished our brunch and headed outside towards the direction where Mei’s house was located.


“Hey look at that.” I pointed at the many police cars outside her house.


“Did something happen?” Mei asked.


“It’s what the recording was saying, those men are paying your home a visit!”


“Mom’s in danger!! We gotta hurry!”


     Mei and I rushed towards her home, we saw several police officers arresting several injured men.


“It’s over already?” Mei tugged on my shirt’s sleeve.


“Be happy that someone stopped them for us, I’m guessing it’s someone I know quite well…”


      Koharu came out of her front door with and threw out three injured men. Koharu’s hair and clothes were ruffled and she had a cut on her lower left arm and below her left leg.


“Did she play Tech Ken or something in there?”


“What?” asked Mei.


“Don’t think about it.”


“But why’s your partner here?”


“She decoded the audio recording, she must have prepared for the attack to prevent it from happening to begin with.”


“You were right Elio…”


“About what?”


“She does look a bit like me.”


“Well, it’s time we go and say Hi.”


     I quickly grabbed Mei’s hand and signaled Koharu to come to us.


“Good job out there.”


“Geez sidekick, were you just watching from the sidelines while this young lady had to fight off 3 dozen men?”


“I was busy having brunch with the girl of this residence. Koharu, this is Mei, she’s the schoolmate who asked for my help and Mei, this is my partner, her name is Koharu.”


“Why does she look like me…” Asked Koharu to which I just shrugged.


“It’s an honor to meet you… thank you for keeping my mom safe.”


“Oh…. that… how do I explain that~~?” Koharu shyly fidgeted.

“She got injured didn’t she?” I facepalmed.


Koharu nodded.


“But she wasn’t that hurt! I just threw her out the window so I was able to go all out against her attackers!!”


“So you paralyzed her…!?” I scolded.


“Oh…..I dropped a pillow first hehe!”


“Elio,  it’s okay, I’m just happy my mom is safe,” Mei reassured us.


“And where is she now?” I asked.


“Inside the ambulance.” Lady Saffron walked up to us while smoking another cigarette.


“So are you happy I wasn’t involved in this crime?” I joked to Lady Saffron.


“It’s not the same without you being involved, I almost thought you abandoned your partner detective over here!”


“Well I was busy having brunch, but I guess that’s what helped keep Mei safe,” I responded.


“So what’s gonna happen now?” Mei asked looking at the three of us.


“For now young lady, Your mom will be at the hospital for a few days, as for you, Try to find a friend to let you crash for the next few weeks, this street isn’t safe, hate to leave early but I have a paycheck to get, See ya everyone.” Lady Saffron answered as she left.


“Koharu, did you fight those guys alone?” I turned towards her, she was very ruffled from what might be several minutes of fighting.”


“Oh don’t worry sidekick, Emma was there to help me hehe! She’s probably helping the other officers clean up the mess inside.”


“I didn’t expect her of all people to go help someone that I was involved with.”


“She is a good girl after all, well I’ll be heading back in and help clean up, see you back at the apartment!” Koharu waved goodbye and I waved back.


     It seems like everything was cleared up in the end, the attack on Mei’s family has been averted, and Mei can finally be at peace with her mom, but sadly it cost the life of her dad. I guess starting today… Mei and I no longer had any relationship even as a client and detective.


“Um… Elio…” Mei tugged on my arm.


“What is it?”


“Can I move into your place for a few days?” Mei awkwardly asked.


“I wouldn’t mind, but wouldn’t it be bothersome to live with both Koharu and I?”


“I won’t mind…”


“What if we book you into the room next to us?”


“That’s fine by me… just promise to hang out with me a lot okay?” Mei shyly turned away.


“I promise. Now let’s go pack up your stuff and we can head back home.”


“Sure!” Mei smiled happily.


     Just a while ago I saw this girl completely break down in front of me, now she had a smile that was rivaling Koharu’s usual cheerfulness, I guess that’s what it was like “To love” someone and knowing things get better even in the darkest of days.


“Emma, don’t you find it sweet that my sidekick seems to have found a new girlfriend,”


“But Madame, wouldn’t this girl be interfering with our work?”


“Don’t be like that Emma, it’s not like she will join, Sidekick and us on our work you know~~”


“I guess you’re right.