Chapter 5: Wandering Knight Travern
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Cool down, bro.

Breathe in… Breath out. Breathe in… Breathe out.

Liz is just a kid. Even if she has levels for whatever reason.

Just need to extract myself from here, and I'm good to go. Maybe end it on a good note.

A sense of unease lingered at the back of my mind. Yet, with a conscious effort, I shelved those concerns, at least temporarily.

Ignoring the potential implications of Liz's level for the moment, I focused on the immediate situation. 

Liz turned to me as I came near the counter. "Come on, let's grab something to eat; you're going to love it here."

The girl turned to me with a smile, but I noticed her eyes scrutinizing me. "Ah, you must be the friend Liz has been talking about so much."

What did the troublemaker tell her about me?

A benign smile found its way to my lips, a gentle attempt to mask the sudden flutter of nerves. "I can only imagine what she's told you. Hopefully, nothing bad."

Her scrutiny was subtle, but I noticed the flicker of interest in her eyes as she looked me over.

“No, no, nothing bad, I assure you, I'm Sara by the way, and Welcome to Wandering Knight," she said with a smile.

"Nova," I replied, matching her smile with one of my own. 

"So what would you like to eat?"

Turning towards Liz, I sought her input, keen on making this meal memorable for both of us. "What's your favorite here?" I asked, trusting her.

Without hesitation, Liz said, "The shepherd's pie is unbeatable! The cook makes it with this secret blend of herbs that's just amazing."

"Then we would have two shepherd pies, Sara."

Liz looked at him as if she were wondering if she was seeing a ghost.

I almost rolled my eyes. I wasn't that much of a cheapskate. Right?

Sara also looked at a loss for words for a moment, "Oh, you are treating her?"

I shrugged at their looks. "Well, she has been helpful so far, and her favorite dish is as good a recommendation as any."

Sara's initial surprise quickly morphed into a warm smile. "Really? Well, two shepherd's pies, then," she confirmed with a nod. "Please, take a seat, and I'll bring them out to you."

"I know the perfect spot." Without further ado, Liz and I made our way to an empty table in a secluded corner, giving a nice view of the room.

"Here we are," she announced, a note of satisfaction in her voice. "Far from the madding crowd, but still watching everyone."

"This is perfect, Liz," I admitted, impressed by her choice. "How did you know about this spot?"

She shrugged, a playful smirk on her lips. "Let's just say I am almost a regular in Wandering Knight. You pick up a thing or two."

A regular? Doesn't seem to match her pickpocketing skills. Maybe…

"You get a cut for each dish, don't you?" I said, giving Liz a sidelong glance. "If she's going to charge me extra, I'll deduct it from your pay."

Liz's reaction was instantaneous, her eyes widening in mock horror. "Come on, Brother," she said, "I can assure you the price will be extremely fair. And I don't get any commission."

Like I would believe that young lady.

We continued to talk while I tried to steer the conversation to mundane topics light.

Sara approached our secluded table after ten minutes, balancing a tray with practiced ease.

"Here we are," Sara announced as she placed two steaming plates of shepherd's pie in front of us, the golden crust of the pies breaking slightly to reveal the succulent mixture of meat and vegetables beneath.

She then gently placed the glasses of mead next to our plates. "And to complement your meal, our house mead, brewed right here in the city. It's got a hint of spice to it that I think you'll find quite refreshing. On the house," she added with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Sara. This looks incredible," I said while surprised by the free drinks. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to pay for them indirectly.

Sara smiled. "Enjoy your meal. If you need anything else, just let me know."
I noticed her gaze lingering on Liz for a moment before she returned to her duties.

After the hearty meal, we stepped away from the Wandering Knight, and the reality of the city around us came back into focus.

Liz, with a newfound spring in her step, seemed eager to continue our tour of the city.

"Where to next?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

But my mind was made up. I hesitated for a moment, then spoke with a sense of finality. "I think it's time for me to head to the academy."

Her expression faltered, a shadow of disappointment briefly crossing her features. I could see her trying to mask it, but the change was noticeable.

It was an easy decision, and in the back of my mind, the rationale was clear: exceptional people like Liz, with their unique capabilities and mysteries, needed to be approached with caution.

I didn't have the resources —neither the time nor the money— to delve into the complexities of her world. More so, getting too involved could lead to me getting tangled in her world.

It seemed wiser, safer even, to step back now, to end on a high note after sharing a meal that held meaning for her.

Hopefully, it will help me in the future when she becomes a big shot.

She nodded, a forced smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Right, the academy. I did promise to show you the way."

As we walked toward the eastern edge of the city where the academy was located, the city's landscape gradually transitioned from the bustling market streets and lively taverns to the more serene outskirts, where the majestic silhouette of the academy loomed in the distance.

The walk was silent, with Liz turning quiet, but soon, I saw a large building ahead.

"That right there is the Sapphire Academy. It's a straight path from here on," she said after a moment when she noticed the building.

"Then you should go back," I said, looking at the tall, majestic building in the distance.

Liz stopped and turned to me. "Are you sure? I promised to take you to the Academy," she said, gesturing toward the road that led straight to the academy's grand entrance.

I rolled my eyes, hearing her words. "Come on, you're the kid here. You don't have to walk just to return back. How hard can it be to follow a straight road."

Before she could continue, I had already taken out my coin pouch.

I was sixty coppers poor from today, only paying ten coppers for our meal, but I was sure that Sara had actually provided a discount to me.

After already spending that much, I decided to splurge a little. Taking out twenty copper coins. Money is always the best gift for strangers.

Even though I spent a silver today, I made connections with a future powerhouse. Hopefully I wouldn't be embroiled in her problems.

It was not my first time living at the edge, and a normal meal would only cost two coppers, so I still had money for a month if I had to pay for my food.

"Here, take this," transferring the twenty coppers to her.

"It's more than the deal," Liz said.

I shrugged, "The money is yours for the help. If you don't want it, you can return it to me,"

She clutched the money tighter and retorted, "Fine, but only because you insist. I'll consider it as my tip."

I didn't insist that much. I felt my lips twitch at her eagerness to take my money as her personality returned.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go back and take care, Liz. Maybe I'll come see you later." After a long, long time…

She smiled, a little delight returning in her eye. "You better. I'll be expecting stories of your academy adventures."

With a final smile and a wave, Liz turned and started back toward the city. I watched her for a moment, then turned toward the Academy.

The academy’s walls stretched high, but the building inside stretched higher.

There were also other buildings that I could only small glimpse from the position.

[ Human Lvl 33 ]

Even the guards are at a higher level than the city. There were other guards on all the gates and some more patrolling, but only one stood outside.

“Hello!” I reached the gates and smiled at the guard.

The guard scrunched his brows as he nodded. He looked like the type that did not want anyone to bother him, so I got straight to the point.

“I am supposed to join as a student. Here is my acceptance letter.”

The guard gives me a scrutinizing look. He accepted the letter and scanned through it.

"Hold on a moment," The guard grumbled, his voice carrying an undercurrent of begrudging duty. He turned slightly, calling over his shoulder to someone inside the gates. "Hey, Jules! Get over here and give this a look, will ya?"

Another guard, previously unseen, emerged with a strong stride and took the letter. After a moment, his gaze lifted to assess me - or more accurately, Nova - from head to toe with a critical sharpness that seemed to pierce through any facade.

"Looks to be in order," Jules conceded, stepping aside with a gesture to follow. "But we'll need to check your mana signature before you enter."

I nodded, suppressing a sigh of relief as he followed the guard through the gates to my new start in life.


Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

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