Chapter 20- level up
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As the sky darkened, Yuji's gaze was drawn to two figures, motionless against the backdrop. They seemed suspended, as if tethered to an unseen force. Then, a sudden movement—a hand raised, and a voice pierced the air.


"Heavenly thunder!"


In an instant, lightning crackled and descended upon the monstrous bird creature, grounding it with a force that shattered its attempts to flee, leaving it quivering in fear.


The figure In the sky continued their onslaught, relentless bolts of lightning striking the bird monster until its once vibrant feathers turned to charcoal and the creature lay defeated, a smoldering remnant of its former self.


Yuji stood there in disbelief, his mouth hanging open for a few moments. This was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. As the figures gradually descended to the ground, Yuji's astonishment only grew. Finally, as they drew closer, he could discern their features. One was a boy, and the other, a girl.


The girl looks in her early twenties, possesses a youthful and delicate appearance. Her soft, almond-shaped eyes, the color of chestnuts, sparkle with curiosity and intelligence. Framing her heart-shaped face, her silky ebony hair cascades down her back in gentle waves, adorned with a colorful hairpin intricately woven into her hair. Her hair is tied back neatly, with strands gently framing her face. Her body is covered in a modest yet elegant attire, leaving only her face exposed, radiating with warmth and kindness.


As for the boy he is around 15, exudes confidence with a mischievous glint in his obsidian eyes. His black hair, styled with youthful charm, falls casually over his forehead. Clad in a expensive looking robe, his presence is both commanding and playful, hinting at a hidden fierceness beyond his years.


( Author note - 🙂)


Without hesitation Yuji used the skill ‘language’, which will grant him the ability to understand any species for half an hour. This is the perfect chance to use this skill. He wants to know his fate.


First it was a dog like monster, second was a goblin, something everyone consider one of the lowest ranking monster, and the third is the bird and now this two.




"You have grown stronger, Liu," said the girl as they approached the dead bodies of the monsters.


"I am still too weak compared to you, sis Xiaomei," said Liu.


"If you had listened to the master's teachings like I did, you would have been a lot stronger," replied Xiaomei after a few seconds of silence, not denying what Liu said. “You should stop relying solely on your thunder skill. There are lots of people who can counter it.”


"They are ignoring me!" This puzzled Yuji. The goblin ignored him, then the bird monster, and now these two, completely ignoring him as if he never existed. But this made him happy.


"What do you think?"


"About what?" asked Xiaomei as she approached the smoldering remnant of the bird monster and began searching for something.


"About master's decision."


"Which one? Be specific”


"Do we really need to hide? We should go explore the world, enjoy this new place, and perhaps kill—I mean, bully—some filthy shaman.”


“You can’t measure the depth of the ocean just by standing on the shore. Who said there isn’t any strong shaman?” Said Xiaomei as she approached the goblin. She retrieved a knife hidden in her sleeve and cut open the goblin's chest. From inside, she took out a glowing ball-like object and threw it toward Liu. "You have already seen what they can do, it’s best to stay cautious.”


"But, we can at least go meet with the cultivator of this world right?” Seeing Xiaomei answering to his question Liu sighed, he took a long breath and continued, “What should we about this thing.”


Yuji, who had been listening, shuttered upon hearing this. He didn’t walked away because this people were ignoring him. Most importantly he was learned something.


This two somehow came from a different world, they also have a master. They hate shaman which Yuji assumed are the magician. What’s more surprising this two call themselves cultivator not only that this world also has cultivators.


“This is just a normal animal. Probably end up here in mistake.”


Yuji looked at the girl name Xiaomei and noticed her eyes glowing. He felt this girl can see through what he was thinking.


“Huh! What a strange world.”


“What happened?”


“Nothing, let’s go.” Said Xiaomei before giving a second glance before leaving. Seeing Xiaomei leaving Liu also glanced at Yuji before leaving.


Yuji kept looking toward the direction the duo flow away. “What was that!” for a second he felt a little strange. For a second he felt a strange energy washing over his body.






As Yuji was thinking about what he just felt, he heard a sounds. It took him a few seconds but he recognized the sound, it’s a distinct chirps that hatchlings make to call their parents.


“So close!” Without wasting a single second, Yuji start searching for the sound and soon he found the nest in an open area above a flat rock. The nest appeared massive, hinting at the size of the bird that constructed it.


Yuji scanned the surroundings and noticed feathers scattered nearby. They bore a striking resemblance to those of the bird monster killed by Liu. Despite his curiosity, Yuji hesitated to take any risks. He hide nearby to see if the mothers return.


However, even after waiting for half an hour, he saw no sign of the bird. In the end he determined this neat belongs to the bird that was killed by Liu.


As Yuji got closer to the nest, he noticed a pair of hatchlings looking toward the sky, crying for food. But that’s not the only thing there; there were lots of eggs, exactly twenty.


"Sorry everyone, all of you must die; it’s for the greater goat.," Yuji declared with remorseless determination. He doesn’t wants to waste time. It’s a rift, anything can give him essence.


He placed his little horns under the massive nest and tried to lift it. At first, it was hard, but as the eggs were not square, they slowly started to budge.


Realizing the danger the are in both of the hatchlings started crying louder, with hopes of calling back their mother




[ You have destroyed one egg] Essence +1


As Yuji kept trying, something crashing came into Yuji’s ears with a sounds of notification. Hearing the sound, a smile formed on Yuji’s face.


[ You have destroyed one egg] Essence +1


Soon, more and more sounds of something crashing on the ground came into Yuji’s ears, and the sounds of the hatching intensified as they also fall to the ground.


[ You have destroyed one egg] Essence +1 x18


[ Congratulations you have reached level 1 ]

[ Congratulations, you have unlocked title- Egg crusher. One who loves to crush egg ]

[ All eggs will remember you, all eggs will fear you ]

Reward – 50 Essence.