Chapter 50 – Clashing views, bouquets of Begonia and Geranium.
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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: Mid-October 1088

Location: Somewhere in Kjerag.

POV: Narrator

[We have a confirmed report that an Adeptus Official had become a victim of a car bomb!] A woman could be seen flicking around the channel with her remote, but no matter where; the content is the same. A terror attack had happened amidst the 21st Major. There is no doubt that K.G.C.C. is currently running around doing damage control in the background, something of this scale could reflect badly on Kazimierz… and that’s what puzzles her the most.

“Just what the hell is happening there… I feel bad for Nel in saying this but… that was a sloppy job. The whole thing felt like a last-minute group presentation with the project leads just winging it and hoping for something to stick.” The woman is none other than Nyx and she is deeply confused and angered.

She then sees a few minutes clip that shows the follow-up assault. The recording is from a CCTV near the area. She watches how the perpetrators tried, and failed, to overwhelm the Campaign Knight who is protecting the wounded, and unconscious, friend of hers. She also sees how Degenbrecher made quick work of anyone trying to flank around.

The Pythia noted how quite a few of those who fought Degenbrecher looked enraged and pretty much going total apeshit. She was being bombarded by sporadic Arts attacks that made the Knight look like a playfight by comparison. It doesn’t take long for her to conclude that they hate the Caprinae Champion with their soul.

“Just what the hell am I looking at? Instead of being intimidated, they went the complete opposite way. Either Leithanien hate boner is just that strong or there is something else at play…” She mused this contradicting situation.

Nyx had sparred against Degenbrecher and she knew just how scary strong she was as a fighter. She often felt apprehension when Degenbrecher’s whole fist came crashing down on her face, yet from the recording here she sees how those who are enraged cared little for that. If Nyx was to compare Degenbrecher’s uppercut to something then it would be like being smashed by a sledgehammer while the person wielding it was riding a motorcycle.

She lost count of how many times she lost consciousness instantly for a few seconds and just to make it clear, Nyx felt jack shit from an ordinary Ursus full-powered punch while those who are trained felt like mosquito bites. The Black Knight is the scant few who could hurt the Grey Serpent. Nyx turned her attention back to the news.

[The National Council had confirmed that the perpetrators are part of the Leithanien terrorist group. The details are hazy at the moment, but Adeptus Official who was a victim has been stabilized. Said official was none other than the infamous Internal Secretary Nelka Ramona. The last report showed her to be close with the 2 times-in-a-row champion. They were forced to take-] another channel…

[… So that’s why I think that it would reflect poorly on our champion’s fame. I mean just think about it, she attracts all manners of trouble! Then again, her fanatical fanbase is still enough as a breakwater.]

[Now hang on there, we can’t be so sure now, can we?] A gossiping channel, the woman chuckles while being unamused. She flicks towards another channel and this one appears to be more formal.

[Nelka Ramona, 30, has recently been on the rise. She was dubbed as one of Kazimierz's most influential women while maintaining her charm and business acumen. She is famous for being one of the Wladirosa’s most successful entrepreneurs. Miss Ramona has cultivated her image as a prolific investor in beauty products and fashion. Rumors abound that she has been approached by Marthe for modeling more than a few times.]

“Sure she is…” She searches for another channel, it is unclear why she has been doing so for the last hour…

[Another crazed fan assaulted a competition knight! The fanatic had gone rabid when news of her idol being intimate spread online! It is unclear why this sudden rise in violence happened, but the authorities assured us that the show will go on! This is why, it would be in your best interest to sign up for Tanner Insuran-]

“Another one… have Kawalerielki gone crazy or some shit? First Nel got dunked in broad daylight and now a surge of violence… Guess I need to expedite this faux-bodyguard gig.” After saying so, she turned off the TV. Leaning on her chair, she started wondering why a sudden streak of insanity happened.

“Conrad, fill me in with something…”

[At your service My Lady.]

“Give me the pre-incident projection for Nelka being physically harmed.”

[The data shows that the chance is a little above 4% and at maximum at 12%. I factored in how the balance of power within K.A. has been up in the air for a while. Then we must take into account how aggressive she has been towards K.G.C.C., which wasn’t all that high, to begin with. Grandmaster Ioleta had a staggering 38% of being targeted by comparison, and Lord Kiril’s chance of direct assassination at 33%.]

“So you’re saying it is an outside factor, after all?”

[I have yet to rule out the rouge element that might have seeped through. My fairest estimation involves a proxy conflict between chairmen of K.G.C.C. that has been intensifying as of late. It is quite a puzzling mystery how they could still function despite constantly being on each other’s throat… which brought into mind…]


[It might not be a stretch to imagine that even if Armorless Union was involved, they might be trying to flush out a rouge element by doing a hands-off approach. As you might have noticed, their leader has been keeping an eye out for you, my lady. Your relationship with them is nowhere near frosty enough to warrant open conflict; if anything they might be offering you a favor you could potentially add.]

“Darksteel huh… Not to say I don’t have some debt with Armorless either… but something tells me you’re also referring to something else, right?”

[Indeed… I was alluding to a deeper actor who might have been controlling the turmoil from the very onset. It adds up with the fact of how the National Council and K.G.C.C. could seemingly go hand-in-hand while the Adeptus getting strong-armed into whatever scheme this potentially nefarious, unknown, figure might have in mind. We must also take in the fact of how neither K.G.C.C. nor Adeptus had entered another round of open conflict with this incident, someone must be smoothing out their differences on the side.]

“Hah… I worked for a bit outside, and now got exposed to another actor… just hope that said actor is not a Feranmut or some shit… the last thing I want is more headache…” She spat her piece with utter disdain, dealing with greedy merchants is no biggie for her but dealing with the closest thing to a godlike entity? Nyx might as well whore herself out. That way she knows which part of her body and brain is currently being fucked.

[Your orders?]

“Regardless of those horrible, and highly plausible, theories you came up with, I still need to plant my feet down. They fuck with my loved ones, I’ll fuck ‘em up back… So start gathering intel, I’ll be busy well into New Year’s Eve again…”

[Understood and it’s just in, Lord Silverash had just sent an email. I pore through it, he offers an amendment plan for your contract in light of the incident. He expresses his utmost condolence for what happened to Lady Nelka. Quite the smart fellow, if I might be so candid.]

“That kid knows how to play but no worries, the job doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Tell him that I appreciate the sentiment yet he has no stake to stick his nose in my business… do word it nicely for me, please.”

[Acknowledged.] Turning off her communication device, Nyx sauntered towards a wall. After pressing a specific spot, it unraveled to show guns and blades being stacked neatly. She traced her hand on one of the assault rifles before an interesting train of thoughts entered her mind.

“… Should I smash Deby’s face on the pavement for Zofia’s rough treatment? Nah, Zofia got beaten because she entered the ring. She knows the risk, so she pays for it… Nelka’s on the other hand…”




Location: Pharmaceutical Service District, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz.

Date: November 1088

 “…Hah… Maria, you stupid, your fault…” A young Kuranta girl, no older than 10, can only gaze at the occupant through the sterilized window sadly and longingly. The young girl is none other than Maria Nearl, the youngest member of the now-fading Nearl family. Sighing quietly once more, she steps away from the window and sits on the nearby couch. She is not alone of course, Kazimierz's reputation for security is only at its best for a select few otherwise the city will eat anyone alive in more than one way.

“Cheer up now girlie, Zofia is a big girl. She’s just a tad tired.” An Ursus man said and patted the young girl’s head, but that did little to alleviate the little one’s sadness. Unlike the girl who looks to be more humanoid, the man is more beastly in nature. His whole body is covered with white fur and the man stands an impressive 8 feet and 8 inches tall. He is wearing armor that was sewn into his jacket, goggles that won’t look out of place in a workshop, and steel boots that were left outside the room.


“You suck at comforting her, Kowal.” Another man said. This one is a Kuranta with black hair and tuffs of whites here. He is about 6'1 tall so there is that. The man also sports a rather archaic, messy, hairstyle, and looks like a thug or bandit that got lost in a hospital. Thankfully, he is rather well-known so there are complications along the way. He wears a blue, the now rare khagan style, armor with a sprinkle of modernity here and there.


These men are retired Campaign Knights, one currently works as a Blacksmith, and the other as a partly active soldier. They are here to accompany little Maria at the behest of her Grandfather and their old comrade-in-arms, Kiril Nearl.

“Like you any better V, remind me when was the last time you didn’t scare people away with that thu- lawbreaker face of yours?”

“Leave my face out of this!” the two old men now start bickering with one another, while Maria could only wallow in her helplessness. Her mind has been buzzing around the idea that this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if she weren’t so childish. While that’s ongoing, a man entered the room. He is dressed like your typical office worker if not slightly more prestigious. The man however is no ordinary office worker; he is none other than Młynar Nearl.

“Do not cause a ruckus, please.” The middle-aged Kuranta could only deadpan seeing 2 manchildren ragging on one another. Maria looks up from her self-vilification and looks towards her uncle.


“Uncle?” her words stopped the other 2 from bickering and focused on the man who just arrived.

“Oh hey there Młynar, how’s it going with the docs?”

“Yeah, don’t keep us hanging too long here.” The blonde Kuranta heaved a sigh before answering.

“Zofia suffered a serious side effect from her forceful bloodline awakening. She would naturally wake up, but not any time soon. I must say, I still have no idea how she does it; forcefully awakening your blood was thought to be a lost technique.”

“Yep, I had seen the recording and that was 100% Pegasus bloodline flaring up there, albeit briefly.”

“Uncle, will Auntie be alright?” Młynar approached the young girl and patted her head, still with that eternal scowl etched into his face.

“Nothing dangerous will befall Zofia, but now it is time for you to leave. The allotted time for your visit will be exhausted in 15 minutes.”

“Already? Well, guess there is nothing we can do about it. Come, lassie…” The Ursus man stretches his hand towards the young Kuranta who takes it. She takes one last look before leaving the room. Now, Młynar is the only one left in the room.

He takes a seat before turning on a television for local news, he has nothing to do so might as well look for something.

[… Another case of crazed fans assaulting their idol has been reported just now! K.G.C.C. chairmen said that the problem would be handled promptly and the final will go without problem!] The Ex-Hero could only stare incredulously, not from the content but from the fact that it happened again. Kawalerielki is a city that cares little for personal space; if you’re profitable then be ready to be marketable, legal or otherwise.

It is still unusual seeing how the news keeps pouring out something that looks like trash consumption that is anything but. He recalls seeing the news of how a foreigner seems to be stalking a knight for days straight just from a few weeks ago. Or how there was that one time someone tried to assault him for being too close with Nyx, despite how bad assaulting him sounds, to begin with.

There is something that stokes them to be so… so… courageous. A crazed fan is one thing, but when said crazed fan hardly felt a thing when he was finally forced to retaliate? Either they are souped up on drugs or there is something more going on beneath the surface. If he counts his luck into the equation with certain someone's penchant of attracting danger; the chance doesn’t sound funny even as a joke.

He also could not dismiss the assassination that happened to Nelka Ramona, to do so in such a blatant manner was beyond foolish. Even if the group of perpetrators in general have little knowledge and faith in what Nyx could do on her lonesome, Nelka is still a very important person. To assault her in broad daylight in all but name was beyond insane.

He stands up and walks towards the window separating him and his cousin. He watches on impassively, the girl has tubes and health apparatuses attached to her body. She had yet to wake up from her trauma-induced coma, he remembered how the doctor in charge of Zofia illuminated the facts that she goes above and beyond what was possible of her body. How she transcended the limit using something as a springboard.

Then how her demeanor truly changed drastically after that one night.

Then a certain someone entered the scene…

“You should learn to use the front door.” A pair of arms hugged the man from behind and he tried his best to ignore the pliable heaven being squished into his back.

“Too long and it caused people to keep looking at me. I’m hot, yeah, but I would rather have your eyes on me… I’m just a gift waiting to be unwrapped. What should I give to have your hands on me…?” a pleasing note reached his ear before his back was mercifully released from the torturous marshmallows.

“It is not the right moment you have in mind to coax me for affection, is it not?”

“Hmph, don’t keep a lady wait too long… else someone will spirit her away.” She drops the flirty act before turning her gaze towards Zofia, her worry is all too easy for him to see. Nyx cared about those close to her to an unhealthy degree, it is a miracle that she has yet to show rabid aggression to anyone who dared so much as harm a hair on their body with malicious intent.

She walked towards the transparent window and put her palm on it, she closed her eyes and seemingly melded with her surroundings. The view of her putting her palm on the screen could pass for a scenery photo due to how natural it is, but he sees something else from the side. He watches how her lips tremble minutely beneath notice, and how her hand moves around the window like tracing a shadow of… something.

Pulling her hand away, she turns her gaze to the Kuranta. A backdrop of translucent screen frames her whole visage for him to see. She walks forward, step by step until there is but an inconsequential distance between them. She puts one of her hands on his face, the passive and unmoving face of a man hardened by circumstances. She breaks the silence first.

“… It is all connected, someone is behind the streak of lunacy that happened. You feel it, don’t you?”

“Yes, there is a lingering Arts residue, dormant but potent, a thin wisp it may be, but enough to influence the mind.” They turned their eyes towards the sleeping beauty just beyond the translucent wall, Młynar felt a sort of abyss that demanded a sentient being to sacrifice everything they had. While Nyx feels nothing but disgust from the unabated energy that keeps battering her psyche with truthful falsehood; telling her that being true to herself is all she would need.

It takes everything within her to not physically try to tear the source apart piece by piece, her mind traces back to what happened to her not long after she finished doing her work for the Silverash. Simple monitoring, guarding, and delivery were nothing for her, what’s interesting was what happened during her gig.

Nyx was on her guard duty protecting Silverash from the shadow when she witnessed a seemingly ordinary pedestrian get assaulted by what she once thought to be drug-induced lunacy until she probed the perpetrator’s psyche and felt intense disgust on an intangible source of Arts.

She feels an excess of unrestrained and unbending will. How the very notion of rules and factual limitation feels absent. If that’s that then she might waved it off, but the perpetrator had been spouting their delusions so confidently. Then when the victim retaliated, they did not relent and pushed ever so onward even when the victim’s anger got the better of them.

The victim pulled out a weapon and hit the crazy Terran so hard their upper body was bent out of shape, but they kept coming back before finally succumbing to their wound. More damningly, there are pedestrians around and they too were shocked seeing something so unnatural played out. Nyx decided to have the incident reported to authorities using a burner account and address.

This string of incidents once piqued her interest but now it has her undivided attention. Nyx started using Cordelia to gather recorded acts of assault that happened during the Major. The result was a spike of recorded assault against pretty much everyone with the only commonality being that suspected drug-induced lunacy. The spike started happening a few days before Zofia and Degenbrecher fought.

From there it just got worse. Nyx couldn’t help that Zofia or Degenbrecher were somehow linked to the incident, she just doesn’t know what the trigger was. It would have been nice if she could ask Zofia about what and where she was before the match. She tried getting in touch with Degenbrecher and she understood that her guess on what was happening was as good as hers.

Zofia showcases a marvelous display of both grit and skill, but that’s what she sees on the surface level. Nyx knows her students well, and she already deemed her a lost cause against someone like the Black Knight. It is not meant to be demeaning, she always sees things objectively when it comes to skill; never once did she ever mince her assessment.

“Zofia had done her finest, yet I never knew she was that accomplished… or was she?” The man left the unsaid part for her. She promptly completes the unsaid part.

“That she got outside assist, that’s what you think right?”

“Yes, such an explosive growth should have… now, before you slap me, I’ll have to make it clear how dangerous that was.”

“… Shoot.”

“Zofia simply doesn’t cut it, she should have died there and then.” Just as Młynar said beforehand, Nyx's right palm is already flying right to his face. The Tenebrous Hero dodged the incoming pain train reflex by a breadth of a hair, thus he needed to remind her of something.

“You really should handle that emotion of yours a lot better. You trained people based on their capability and limitation, but when someone said something about said limitation, you lashed out.”

“Sorry, out of habit.”

“Which is why you should fix that awful side of yours but regardless… If you wish for comprehensive detail on how her body reacted with such a hefty strain, I can forward the necessary information to you, the bureaucracy of this country is just that complicated but this with a good reason.”

“Security with slow processing is just an unnecessary hurdle…”

“Bear in mind that the process could take time since I’m the currently assigned guardian of Zofia and bureaucratic obstacles might occur just because I was the one requesting it. You do realize how welcomed the Nearl is in Kawalerielki ever since we have no active knight primus.”

“Then why don’t you step up?”

“Is that what you want?”

“…” Nyx scrunched her eyebrows and bit back her actual answer, this confusing problem seemed to be chipping away at her patience.

“The National Council is a bunch of useless dolts…”

“That they are, but I daresay it is a much better alternative than electing a king according to olden days. Then for the record, Grandmaster Ioleta is part of those so-called useless dolts. Your words, not mine.”

“Hmph, you’re no fun…” Nyx sports a displeased expression seeing how he doesn’t seem to be in the mood to play around… or that’s just what he has become. The Pythia sighs before turning her face outside the window, the city is nowhere close to sleeping. Not when they have the losers’ final that is currently playing out.

“They never sleep.”

“It has always been like this since the time of my grandfather.” Młynar walked beside her, he wrapped her into an embrace she welcomed with open arms. They said nothing more but gaze towards the darkened sky lit up by the artificial prowess of mankind. City built upon moving, interconnecting, metallic plates that challenged the natural order.

The more something changes, the more it will ultimately stay the same.

A serene and somewhat slow night had sadly been interrupted by Nyx’s terminal. She clicks her tongue before reluctantly part ways with him and pulls the annoying device out from her pocket.  Młynar could see how her pupils dilated and her breathing turned a touch more rabid.

She shows him a sweet smile before opening the curtain. He doesn’t need to ask why, her smile is enough as an answer. Like spectating a volcano about to erupt he just watches on silently when she flew outside, blending into the night sky like flipping a switch… well someone did flip her switch after all.





Location: Armorless Union Disposable Safehouse, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz.

Within a desolate underground district, there appears to be an activity that contradicted the damp and quiet hallways. Dozens of people bearing the Armorless Union insignia could be seen moving about inside one of its hidden rooms amongst the steel wall.

“We got the blacksmith guild’s arrow supplies here. Hey you! Help me count it.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“We got confirmation from those corpos dealing with transportation, they are trying to tilt the negotiation in their favor.”

“I’ll coordinate with our negotiation team, we mustn’t let them dictate the pricing as they please.”

“This is why I hate those greedy fucks.”

“Hey, who the hell bought these bouquets of Begonia? What the hell is the accounting team doing?”

“I don’t know man, probably a rookie mixed up his girlfriend’s present or something.”

“Who the hell bought their partner a fucking begonia? Are they mad?”

“Don’t ask me, also it is just flowers I don’t care about. Rose, lily, or wild grass looks the same to me.”

“… You people need to understand the art of flower language…”

“Holy damn, we got thousands of arrows… are we about to rob a bank or something?”

“You dolt, this is for this month’s supply. No way would we use it all up in a single operation, not to mention that the operation is nowhere near as big as back in our homeland.”

“I’m just saying, you don’t have to bite back like that…”

Other than these people, one person could be seen handling explosives used to breach a walled environment, another is cataloging consumables, and then there is one of their members who provides maintenance on equipment. This hive of activity underlined the seriousness of their assigned task.

One thing to note, most of them have visage and physical cues of eastern Terran, from Higashi to be exact. It is not to say that everyone is from said place, it is just that the concentration of people bearing the likeness from there is unusually high.

The reason for that is none other than Lazurite Aoyuki who is currently coordinating the upcoming operation. Ideas are currently being thrown around and molded into practical use.

“I had inspected the wall near the garden, we could create an emergency breach in case things went downhill.” A Zalak said while pointing towards the map being laid on the table. She points towards the garden near the eastern wing of the place.

“What about the surrounding buildings? The Nearl’s mansion is still stupidly large, typical posturing for a vain noble.”

“Yeah, yeah, keep saying that if it makes you happy… but we are not here to talk about Kiril’s ancestor.” A kuranta man immediately interjects, he still finds it displeasing when someone talks down on his people.


“If you cannot add anything meaningful, then shut up, the both of you.” Aoyuki has little patience for those who are less useful.

“I apologize, chief.”

“Sure thing boss.”

“Fuku, how is the local security looking so far?” She turns her head towards the tallest man near the table. He is not an Oni but a Sarkaz towering above 9 feet tall, one could only wonder why someone so big became an assassin.

“We got the local security from the noble district to turn a blind eye for an hour. It is pitifully easy to sway them, back in Higashi this sort of thing won’t fly.” Said the man called Fuku, his easygoing tone contrasted with the sarcasm he just spouted.

“Have you ensured the locals also turn a blind eye to the upcoming raid?”

“Yep, we just either paid them off or made one of theirs missing. It was really funny seeing them panicking so much and then groveling for a chance to remedy their mistake.”

“Good. Maya, how is it looking for the rotorcraft?”

“It was hard to find a good spot to conceal it, but that stupid whore was too easy to coax. We could use it to extract the package while posing as one of a few news stations. I had also mapped out several vantage points to make anyone think twice about interfering.”

“That should be useful, we could station our marksmen and QRF there. Also don’t forget the land transportation, who knows we would need it for something.”

“Consider it done, chief.” While the general demeanor is that of utmost confidence, one member couldn’t help but voice their misgiving about a certain problem.

“… Who would deal with the Grey Serpent? In case she is around…” His voice is timid and he even yelped seeing everyone’s eyes on him. Fuku snorted before replying.

“What about that worm? We already agree that her fame is just an overly inflated opinion. No one strong and I doubt a single veteran of a brief war be that good.”

“We survived years in Higashi, what’s a single Pythia could do to us?”

“Don’t fuss about her too much Katsumaro, she still bleeds and that means that she can still die.”

“Maro.” Aoyuki’s voice made him turn his face towards her. He can see how the Oni smiled at him.

“Don’t worry, she shouldn’t be stronger than either me or Fuku. We fought both the Ittori Clan of Kougon into submission and held the Ursus army back, didn’t we?”

“Our chief is right, Maro. While we did get exiled by those idiotic merchants who knew no better, our Clan could adapt everywhere and anywhere. It will just be like that time when we carved out a territory in Yannese underworld before that Darksteel fella offered us better pay.”

“Everything would be fine. Don’t you think so too, Oleg?” Aoyuki turned her attention to the local Kuranta of which he nodded confidently.

“Yep, I personally never believed the ashen worm to be that strong. Roy is just an idiot to tip-toe around like a coward. Oh yeah almost forgot…” He turns his attention to another local, this time an Elafia woman who is fiddling with her terminal.

“Eva, how is it looking for the other splinter group?” The woman looked up from her terminal.

“They agreed to help us with the raid. They are also really dissatisfied with Darksteel’s passive stance, though some of those dickless chicken refused to join.”

“Doesn’t matter we should have more than a hundred people now and when we succeed we will have their attention. Who knows if we could usurp Armorless Union even?” They brushed aside the matter with the Grey Serpent and continued their tactical meeting. They ironed out several details and potential mistakes. After another hour passed, they finally perfected the plan.

“That’s settled then, we will begin next week when the people’s attention is concentrated on the final. Have a good rest.”

“Yes, Chief.”

“Copy that boss.”


She dismissed the meeting and they immediately went about for tomorrow or just lazed around. Aoyuki left towards her personal, makeshift, dorm. She greets her clansmen and women along the way. Her confidence is important for the group and she has no qualms with how the situation unfolded.

The clan she led during her exile has an impressive track record of rarely failing. Yet she still doesn’t know why those old coots exiled her clan during the previous chief’s leadership. Choosing to shelve that thought, she laid down and rested in her dorm. She dreams of a time when her clan proves itself against them, against the people who betrayed them.

“Uh… where is the chief?”

“Probably resting already, what’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing, it is just that Katsumaro got a bunch of flowers inside his dorm.”

“Really? You wanna waste chief’s time just for that?”

“Hey, I’m just doing my job for that brocon…”

“Whatever, probably just the rookies who have a crush on him… by the way what was the flower?”

“Uh… Geranium?”

“The heck is a Geranium?”

“I don’t know man, that’s what our resident florist said…”

“Just throw it away if he doesn’t want it.”

“Huh, good idea…”


Author’s Note:

Yo there, this is me, myself, and I, the author who had vomited a bit of blood irl.

I’m fine at the moment and sorry again for not updating last week. Now, we are moving into the penultimate part of the 21st Major… but we won’t be spectating Degenbrecher's assured victory.

Instead, we will watch a bunch of numbsku- brave aspirants trying to make it big. Be warned that the next chapter will be a lot more gory than usual…

So yeah that’s all…

Update as… usual?
