Volume 02 Chapter 05
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After retrieving the corpse of the orc that hadn't been devoured by the wolf into my storage, I headed towards the capital on the Humvee 1151...


"Hey, Elaina! I-is this thing really moving? Like, seriously moving? It's not gonna break down, right? Please, tell me it won't!!"


Glancing at Baiger through the rearview mirror, I saw him clinging to Azess's neck, his voice filled with despair.


"Baiger-san, Azess seems to be in pain, so please let him go. He might die."


"You guys aren't scared riding this incomprehensible thing?"


This guy just isn't listening to me at all.


"Well, I find riding it quite enjoyable."


Myriana said casually to Baiger.


"I trust El-chan, so I'm not scared."


Lizrina answered Baiger with a smug expression. Is it just my imagination, or is there some resentment in her tone?


"B-Baiger... Vice... Squad Leader... please... let... go... It's... painful..."


Azess, with a pale face, said to Baiger in a strained voice, but it seemed like he couldn't hear at all, not loosening his grip on Azess's arm.


Baiger-san, you are the vice squad leader, right? Get it together!


"Alright, everyone. We'll be arriving at the capital soon, so please get ready to disembark."


Initially, Myriana had been leaning out of the gun turret, but upon seeing Baiger clinging to Azess, she struggled to pry him off. However, the moment she heard me speak, she stopped trying and turned to face me.


"It's quite fast reaching the capital from here."


No, no, Myriana, please don't stop. We need to help Azess quickly!


"El-chan, you're so mysterious. Do you have any other tricks?"


"It's a secret."


"Aww, come on, El-chan. That's mean. Just a little hint?"


"Nope. If you try to find out, I won't give you the drink from earlier."


"That's mean, El-chan. Being mean to me... Whine!"


Uh-oh! Lizrina started crying. Did I go too far?


Thinking that, I slowed down the Humvee 1151 and parked behind the last carriage waiting for immigration procedures, then turned off the engine.


It seemed quicker to walk to the gate from here rather than waiting in the carriage immigration queue.


"Let's get off here and walk to the gate. Pull this lever here, and the door will open."


I instructed Baiger and the others on how to open the door as I got off first.




"That was fun. I'll ask for your help again if there's a chance."


Lizrina and Myriana got off normally, but the other two didn't.


"Di-did we stop? We stopped, right, Elaina?! What's going on!?"


"We've already arrived, Baiger-san."


Saying so, I opened the door on Baiger's side with a bewildered expression, urging him to disembark.


"Arrived? At the capital? Alright! Let's get off, Az...!!"


As Baiger said that and looked around, his gaze stopped, then his expression changed from fear to astonishment.


"Azess? Azess! Pull yourself together!"


Baiger shook Azess, who had turned blue and was foaming at the mouth, but Azess only moved his head like a doll and didn't regain consciousness.


"What the hell!? Why is this happening... Huh! Could it be, was the orc's weapon poisoned?"


Baiger laid Azess down inside the vehicle and began rummaging through his backpack.


...What is he even doing? Is he foolish?


"...None... Dammit! Mylina! I remember you had an antidote, right? Give it to me..."


Baiger looked at us with a dark expression and stopped moving as he stared at us one by one.


"W-what are you all doing?"


"Baiger-san, Azess isn't affected by poison."


"What? Then why is Azess like this?"


"It seems you're not aware at all."


Everyone present pointed at him and said, "Because you were strangling him!"




After that, the culprit hurriedly performed CPR on Azess, and thanks to that, Azess was saved without incident.

"I thought I was a goner," Azes muttered, his expression still sour as he regained consciousness.

"I'm sorry, Azes," Baeger apologized sincerely, his remorse palpable.

"I couldn't enjoy Elraina's ride," Azes continued.

"I'm truly sorry," Baeger reiterated, feeling the weight of his actions.

"This could be considered attempted murder on Vice Commander Baeger's part. With three witnesses, it might not just result in demotion but even resignation from the knight's order," a voice chimed in, dripping with resentment. It was surely Lizlina, still holding a grudge from earlier.

"Please, forgive me! You can hit me if it helps!" Baeger pleaded, bowing his head towards Azes. It was a scene devoid of the usual dignity befitting a vice commander.

"Vice Commander Baeger, let's discuss this after the report is filed," Myurina interjected firmly.

"But Myurina, I can't rest until this is resolved!" Baeger protested.

"Prioritize the orc report first, Vice Commander Baeger," Myurina reminded him sternly.

Oh? Myurina is upset! But her anger is softened by her cute demeanor, making it less intimidating. Wait, I hear something approaching. It's not showing up on radar as an enemy, so it should be safe.

"Oh, it's you after all. Elraina, it's been a while. Are you doing well?" Amy appeared behind them, accompanied by twenty knights, whether on patrol or not, was unclear.

"Amy-san, long time no see!"

"Hehe, it's been a while indeed. I'm glad to see you, Elraina." Amy embraced me suddenly.

"A-Amy-san?! This is embarrassing!"

"Oh? Is it? You react like a boy."

No, no, no, no, no! I used to be a boy! Of course, this situation is embarrassing!

"Anyway! Please step back, I have something important to discuss!"

"Oh? Can't we talk like this?"

"I need to talk seriously, so please step back!"

"Fine... I understand."

With that, Amy stepped away from me.

"So, Elraina, what's this serious matter?"

"Well, actually..."

I told Amy about the orc attack on the road between Gozus and the capital, and how I helped Baeger.

"I see... I understand the situation now. So, you all came back to report?"

"Yes, I feel inadequate."

Baeger and his companions looked at Amy with a sense of inferiority.

"No sulking, Vice Knights! If you feel inadequate or pathetic, then become stronger! And if Elraina helped you, don't forget to thank her sincerely!"

Watching Amy's resolute attitude towards Baeger and the others, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration. Perhaps it was because I was seeing someone who resembled a knight in the truest sense.

"That's right... you're absolutely right! Let's make today's experience a lesson for the future!"

"Such spirit, Baeger!"

"Oh, Amy, why did you bring twenty knights here? Wasn't the patrol scheduled for tomorrow?" Baeger inquired.

Amy looked troubled as she answered Baeger's question.

"Well, you see, we received information about an unknown monster heading towards the capital."

An unknown monster appeared? I didn't see anything like that until I came here.

"Is that about the orc I mentioned earlier?"

"No, it's different."

"So, what kind of monster is it? Can you share the information?"

"Of course. Since it was an urgent letter, there's not much information. It said the monster was covered in metal all over its body and was running at incredible speed along the road."

Urgent? Did someone send a letter with a tamed monster to deliver it to the capital? But... covered in metal?

"An Iron Golem?"

"No, it's not. According to the information, it looked like there was a person inside the monster. So, maybe it's some sort of carriage? Since there might be danger, we're here to check it out... Baeger, would you come with us?"

"Understood. I'll accompany you, Amy. Lizlina and the others will report to Guildmaster Gwel about the orc."

"Roger that!"

"Huh? Is that monster...?"


"What's wrong, Elraina?"

"Could that monster be... this?"

I pointed to the Hanvey 1151, seeking confirmation from Amy.

"Huh? Oh!"

After looking at the Hanvey 1151, Amy came over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"It's exactly as described! Elraina! Why is this here?"

Uh oh! Amy's face is too close and it's intimidating! Plus, she's gripping my shoulders so hard, it hurts!

"I-I, well..."

"Tell me straight, Elraina."

Yeah, I should've held back a bit more. I regret it now.

"This... belongs to me."

"Let's have a serious talk, Elraina... shall we?"

As I faced Amy's intimidating gaze, I wished I had been more restrained.