Volume 02 Chapter 04
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As I made my way towards the Knights' direction, I paused momentarily to observe the situation. Peering through my binoculars at the Knights stationed 300 meters ahead, it seemed they hadn't noticed me yet. In fact, it appeared that a heated argument between two of them was escalating.


Another 50 meters ahead, I spotted Rizrina sitting on the ground, tears streaming down her face. Her companion in the argument scratched his head, wearing a troubled expression. Surrounding them, other individuals seemed to be offering comfort and conversation.


What on earth are they doing in a place like this?


As I approached within 200 meters, I called out Rizrina's name loudly. A person with a bow turned towards me upon hearing my voice.


Lucky! But wait, are they aiming that bow at me?


"Caution! Detected danger at 12 o'clock, potential enemy presence."


What?! Isn't that a bit extreme? I'm the one who helped them, yet they treat me like this! Well, I guess it's understandable. After all, besides Rizrina, they don't know me, and at this distance, it's hard to see clearly.


Ah, right. If I get closer, I should be able to use the microphone function on my headset, right?


I stopped walking and turned the knob on my headset to listen in on the Knights' conversation.


"Waaaah! El-chan must be here! I can only think of El-chan's attacks!"


"Who could pull off such a stunt?! Besides, I can't see anyone around!"


"Excuse me, Vice Captain. There's someone walking towards us. How should we respond?"


"What kind of person? How many are there?"


Finally, they noticed! But wait, did the person with the bow not inform them about me?


"I can't see clearly, but it seems to be one person. They don't seem to be carrying any weapons, but they have something like a black stick... they might be a thief disguised as a civilian."


"A black stick? Mulina, is that person's hair white?"


"Wait, Rizrina. I don't have the magical eyesight skill like Keith, so I can't be sure."


Rizrina, hurry up and recognize me. You might get shot by the person you're talking to with that bow! Well, it's still out of range for now.




"Now hold on, both of you! Mulina, are you sure there's only one person? Is there no one else around?"


"Yes, I don't see anyone else. I think it's just one person."


"It does seem like just one person. Let's leave the orcs for now and go meet them!"


"Vice Captain, there might be danger!"


"Azus, I'm aware of that. If that person turns out to be the Elraina that Rizrina mentioned, we'd be disrespecting Captain Guerl's benefactor. Besides, we're Knights, right? We can't be afraid of such things. And what if that person walking is really just a civilian?"


"I see your point, Vice Captain."


"Let's approach them cautiously. Keep your weapons sheathed, as they might mistake us for bandits and run away. Everyone, let's go meet them!"


The Vice Captain truly is capable of making decisive decisions.




"Hehehe... it's been a while since I've seen El-chan. I'm looking forward to it!"


"What nonsense are you spouting?! We haven't confirmed that it's Elraina yet! And where's your response?"


"Ah! I, uh, forgot! Sorry, Vice Captain Bega!"


"This guy... I'll inform Captain Guerl about this."


"Waaah! Vice Captain Bega, that's mean!"


Rizrina, my condolences. I'll make sure to pick up the pieces for you.


After lowering the volume on my headset, I continued walking towards the Knights to meet Rizrina.


Volume 02 Chapter 04


As soon as she recognized me, Lizlina sprinted towards me, shouting my name at the top of her lungs and wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"Haa... haa... Elle... haa... thank goodness... haa... I found you... haa..."

"Lizlina, I'm glad to see you too, but did you really have to sprint at full speed like that?"

Between her heavy breathing and sweat, it was hard to decipher what she was trying to convey. Wait, is Lizlina leaning on me? It feels like I'm supporting her weight, but maybe it's just my imagination?


Her summoned creature also looks up with concern.

I bring up the menu and purchase a bottle of Potion with my points, then hand it to Lizlina after opening the lid.

"Here you go, Lizlina. Have a sip of this Potion."

"Haa... haa... thank... haa... you... haa... Elle... haa..."

I'm not sure what she's saying, but after stepping back from me, Lizlina takes the bottle and starts drinking.

"Haa... finally caught up. Hey, Lizlina!! What's with the sudden sprinting?! You're always like this..."

But Lizlina, completely absorbed in drinking, pays no attention to me scolding her. So, I decide to greet the people holding swords nearby.

"Um, since it doesn't seem like we're getting anywhere with our conversation, let me introduce myself first. Nice to meet you, I'm Ellraina from the Adventurer Department of the Comprehensive Guild."

"Hm? Oh yeah, let's save the scolding for later. My name is Beiger Dolton, a human, and I serve as the vice-captain of the Second Knight Division of the Kingdom of Reedgalm."

"I'm Azez! As you can see, I'm a dwarf residing in the knight division. And this here is my pride, my axe."

The short man proudly displays his long-handled axe. Come to think of it, the guild staff mentioned that dwarves tend to cherish their weapons as much as their lives.

"I'm Murina Livias, a beastman, specifically a rabbit, and I'm in the same cohort as Lizlina, although our ages differ."

Oh, Murina is Lizlina's cohort.

"Could it be that you heard me earlier because of those ears?"

Actually, there weren't any obstacles around, so it wouldn't be strange if my loud voice reached them anyway.

"Hehe, that's right. I'm sorry for aiming an arrow at you earlier. I couldn't hear clearly because Lizlina was crying and screaming."

Ah, I see. My voice was probably muffled by Lizlina's crying.

"Elle, thank you! It was sweet and delicious!"

Lizlina says as she shows me the empty bottle.

You drank it all!?

"I'm glad you liked it, but since we've finished greeting Vice-Captain Beiger and the others, let's get to the point."

"Huh? When did you finish greeting Vice-Captain Beiger and the others?"

"Just a moment ago. Weren't you listening while you were drinking, Lizlina?"


Ah, she wasn't listening. You can tell by her expression.


Vice-Captain Beiger furrows his brow at Lizlina, but I'll let him scold her later.

"Um... is it okay if we discuss this after I finish talking with Elle?"

But since Vice-Captain Beiger is scolding Lizlina while looking at her, it seems like he didn't hear me.

"Ellraina. When Vice-Captain Beiger gets like that, it's best to leave him alone."

"Haa... I guess so."

I look at Vice-Captain Beiger scolding Lizlina with his hands on his hips, and Lizlina repeatedly saying sorry while kneeling on the ground... yeah, it seems impossible.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about? We're fine with hearing you out!"

Well, we're all in the same knight division, so it doesn't matter. Plus, I want to save time.

"Well, just to confirm, when we left Gozes, did we receive any communication from the Comprehensive Guild about orc sightings around here? Did we come here to investigate the orcs?"

The two exchange glances before turning their attention back to us.

"We came here for training. We haven't heard anything about orc sightings."

So, the knight division hasn't heard about the orcs either.

"Does that mean we're the first to confirm the presence of orcs?"

"Looks like it!"

"Wait a minute!"

Murina looks at me with a concerned expression.

"Hm? What is it?"

"We have something we need to confirm with you too."

"If it won't take long, I'll listen."

I want to collect the orcs I defeated and hurry back to the kingdom.