Volume 02 Chapter 09
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Duke Valdeck took a sip of his tea before speaking.


"Listen, Elraina, we've found remnants of the Debtor group."


What fantastic news! If they've been found, we can capture them alive...


"But, every single one of them was found dead."


"What? They were all dead?"


"Yes, each of them had their heads brutally severed. According to the soldiers, they were ambushed by bandits. That's what the reports I received indicate."


What on earth could this mean? No, there's not enough information to draw conclusions.


"I wanted to hear your opinion on this Debtor situation."


"My opinion? Please, go ahead if you think it will help."


Well, I'm not sure how useful my opinion will be...


"Firstly, about the condition of the bodies..."


"Wait a moment!"


"What is it, Elraina?"


"Could you please provide the details of how the bodies were discovered? It would help with understanding."


Of course, without the context, it's impossible to make any hypotheses. And more information would lead to better theories.


"Unfortunately, those details weren't included in the report."




"And besides, I only have the information from these documents. I don't know anything beyond that."


Unbelievable! Well, there's no use complaining to Duke Valdeck about it.


"Understood. Please continue."


"They were discovered northeast of Gozes. There were ten bodies in total: four with wounds resembling stab marks, two charred beyond recognition, one with evidence of a sword piercing the chest, and three completely unharmed except for their missing heads.


As I mentioned earlier, our soldiers pursuing the Debtors were ambushed by bandits and completely wiped out. That's the conclusion they reached."


Hm... It does make sense logically, but I feel like something's being overlooked.


"What are your thoughts on this, Elraina?"


"Duke Valdeck, may I speak honestly?"


"Of course."


"Is the information in the documents truly all we have?"


"I'm sorry, but yes, that's all there is."


I feel tension building in my hands as I place them on my knees.


This is getting tedious.


"Additionally, it's noted that two swords and a mithril armor, believed to belong to the Debtor's vice guild master, are missing... Do you perhaps find anything suspicious about these documents?"


"I believe this presents a good opportunity for our country, so allow me to be blunt."


I close my eyes, take a deep breath, then address Duke Valdeck.


"Firstly, the content of the soldiers' report is lacking. If I were their superior, I'd have them rewrite it."


"Why is that?"


"While the report mentions the condition of the bodies, it fails to describe their positions at the scene. Were they lying on their backs, faces down, or scattered around? These details should have been included."


"Is that really necessary?"


"Yes, it is. It helps the reader visualize the scene better. Duke Valdeck, based on these documents alone, can you imagine how the Debtor remnants met their end?"


Duke Valdeck glances over the documents again before meeting my eyes.


"...No, I can't."


"Furthermore, why was it concluded that the Debtors were killed by bandits?"


"Perhaps because a piece of mithril armor and two swords were taken? And one body showed signs of a sword wound, suggesting a confrontation with bandits."


"I see... Hm..."


After I spoke, I let out a sigh.


"What's with the sigh?"


"After reviewing the report, I have three questions that trouble me."


"Go on."


"Firstly, would bandits be satisfied with stealing just one suit of armor and two swords? What about any money they might have had?"


Duke Valdeck rubs his chin in thought.


"Quality armor and swords fetch a good price. Maybe they thought that was enough... Wait a minute."


He furrows his brow.