Volume 04 Chapter 05
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Having displayed such an unsightly spectacle, I hastily changed into casual attire and, accompanied by Mr. Keith, departed from the clothing store towards the Silver Dragon Pavilion. However, an indescribable sense of unease permeated the air, causing us to walk a little apart from each other.


By the way, Miss Lenka desperately wanted some underwear! She insisted on trading with me! I mean, it's a matter of physiology...


But it's so awkward, truly, this situation is so awkward... Ah, it's so frustrating!!


"Um, Mr. Keith!"


"Hmm, what is it?"


"I'm not bothered anymore, so it's fine! Really... yes."




Why is he laughing after I mustered the courage to speak?


"Oh, it's just that this is the first time I've had to consider a lady on a date, so..."


"Is it not normal to consider someone on a date?"


I think being too familiar from the start would make the other person dislike you, and above all, in the manga and light novels I've read, dates often involve caring for each other.


"Is it normal to care for someone on a date... Elrina?"


"Yes! What is it?"


She looked at me seriously, so I braced myself, thinking she was going to tease me again.


"You're a bit different from ordinary women."


"Huh... I've been raised as a boy until now, so my way of thinking and gestures are different from those of ordinary girls. I've been trying to be careful lately, though..."


"I'm not saying that to you in that sense."




What does he mean by that...?


"Anyway, we've arrived, Elrina."


When I looked ahead, I saw the Silver Dragon Pavilion.




I was so engrossed in my conversation with Keith that I didn't realize we had come right up to the Silver Dragon Pavilion.


"Then, Elrina, I'll be going now."


"Are you leaving already?"


"Yes, I've had enough fun for today. Besides, tomorrow is your D-rank promotion exam, so I can't keep you out too late."


Keith knows my exam date!?


"How do you know about that?"


"I heard it from Aid. He's the one who told me. Aid seems to believe that you'll pass."


"Instructor Aid..."


Instructor Aid believes in me... Oh no, I feel like crying.


"And I also believe that you'll pass."


"Is that so?"


"Your reaction seems different from when Aid said it, but... well, never mind. Anyway, good luck tomorrow."


"Yes! I'll do my best tomorrow!!"


As Keith turned to smile at me and waved, I waved back at him.




As he disappeared from view, I remembered that I had forgotten to ask him what he meant by those words he said earlier.


"...I'll ask him next time we meet."


After saying that, I entered the Silver Dragon Pavilion, and at that moment, a cute girl rushed at me and hugged my stomach as a welcome.


"Welcome back, Big Sis El!"


"I'm back, Lima-chan. Where's Granny?"


"Granny went shopping!"


Ah, she's out shopping.


"Then, Lima-chan, could you give me the key to my room?"



Observing the figure heading to fetch the key with a cheerful response, it becomes somewhat heartwarming.

Recalling the days when I used to study in a class that felt discouraging, facing gossip and harassment, and returning home alone after school to engage in training and games, it's striking how much more fulfilling my current days are. However, what still lingers in my mind is the rumor that my classmates were summoned as heroes, but I haven't heard anything about what happened afterward.


Training within the kingdom? In that case, such information should be available. Could they be imposing information restrictions? To avoid detection by the demons?

No, if that were the case, news of successful hero summoning wouldn't circulate. Perhaps they...

"Sorry for the wait, El-sis! ...El-sis?"

"Hm? Ah, thanks for the key, Lima-chan."

Extending my hand towards Lima-chan, she inexplicably recoils with a frightened expression.

"El-sis... you looked scary. Were you angry?"

I must have unintentionally displayed a scary face while lost in thought. Probably the lingering anger towards my former classmates surfaced without me realizing. But now, it's about Lima-chan.

"I wasn't angry at you, Lima-chan. I was just thinking about something unpleasant, and it showed on my face."

"Really? Lima wasn't in trouble?"

"Not at all."

"Yes, El-sis."

"Alright, thanks. Let's go to my room."


Accepting the key from Lima-chan, I enter my room and find myself falling into self-loathing.


I scared Lima-chan. I hope she doesn't dislike me.

"What should I do tomorrow?"

If it's just me and Instructor Aid, we can easily progress through the labyrinth. But with her accompanying us, it might take longer. Whether she can keep up with my pace is also questionable.

"I guess I'll have to observe her and decide whether to increase or decrease the pace after checking her condition on the first floor of the labyrinth."

"After preparing for tomorrow, I should take it easy in my room today."

Hmm... Weapons and armor can be brought out if needed, so no worries there. I have food that I bought in case of need, and if it runs out, I can always buy more. Healing potions are stocked, so no issues there. Lastly, a light... not needed for that labyrinth, it's already bright enough.

"I'll wake up early tomorrow and think about it. Ah... so sleepy..."

There's still time until dinner, so maybe I'll take a nap?

After setting the timer for two hours on the screen, I lie down on the bed, covering myself with the blanket.

Today has been quite eventful. The request from Lady Ramuel turned out to be cleaning the orphanage... the reward was appreciable, even if it was just two copper coins.

"...Now, to report to the guild."

As I was about to go to the Comprehensive Guild, I met Sidneyre-san and her apprentice Miharu-chan, who decided to accompany and support me. However, looking at her face, I can't shake off a feeling of unease.

"What's wrong? She doesn't seem to be looking down on me, but there's something about her attitude."

Maybe I should ask her directly. But we're strangers, and it's probably none of her concern!

"I can't figure it out. Let's go to sleep... huh?"

Just as I closed my eyes to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

"Yes, who might it be?"

"Ella, may I come into the room?"

"Come in."


After responding thus, Lima enters the room, wearing a somewhat troubled expression.

"What's wrong, Lima?"

"Ella, are you still angry?"

"No, I'm not angry. Perhaps you were worried about me?"

"Yes! I was very, very scared. I was worried about you, Ella."


To think I've made such a good kid feel frightened... What a despicable person I am!!

With that thought, I rush towards Lima, embracing her tightly and patting her head.

"I'm really sorry, Lima. I'll be more careful from now on."

"Ella... it's hard!"

"Oh! I'm sorry."

"But I'm glad Ella is feeling better!"

Ahh... This child must surely be an angel reincarnate.

"What on earth are you two doing there?"

"Ah, ma'am."

This refers to the strongest creature on the surface, as seen in some martial arts manga. Perhaps if that old woman were to get serious, a demon face would appear on her back without fail.



I got hit on the head with a ladle. Moreover, upon looking at her face, she's emitting an aura of anger while raising her eyebrows. She's just like Hanku Ranro!!

"Who are you calling an Ogre?! Who!! I'm not big nor do I have any brute strength to speak of!!"

"That's right."

Probably the ogre that the old woman is imagining is a monster existing in this world.

"Well, whatever. You there, did you scare Lima?"

"Yes, ma'am. But we've made up already."

"Yes! Ella and I made up!!"

As Lima presses her head against my body and squeezes me tightly with both hands, I also hug her tightly.

"That's good to hear... but!"


I don't have a good feeling about this.

"You scared my cute granddaughter! I won't forgive you even if Lima does!!"

Hyyeeeaaaahhh!!!? The old lady is seriously angry!!

"Um, excuse me, grandma! Lima and I have truly made up, so there's no need to be so angry... right?"

"That's a different matter! I still need to punish you!!"


"Yes, punishment. Here!"


After hurriedly catching the object the old lady threw, I confirm what I'm holding.

"A broom, a bucket with a cloth, and a dustpan... Could it be!?"

"Looks like you've figured it out. Clean every room and the bath!"

"N-No way! Is it acceptable to ask guests to do this? Shouldn't you be concerned that someone might steal from the guest rooms while the person in front of you is cleaning?"

Wait, she seems to have a face that says she's found a reason to make me work for free... Or is it just my imagination?

"If something goes missing, we'll just blame you. And anyone saying such things wouldn't dare steal."

Ah, I see. She's speaking from experience. Well, I truly have no intention of stealing.

"Rather than that, hurry up and start cleaning! If you don't finish, you'll skip dinner!"


There's an Ogre... an Ogre right in front of me!!

"Y-Yes! I'll get to it!"

With that reply, I quickly leave the room and start cleaning as instructed by the old lady.