Volume 04 Chapter 04
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As I walked towards the Silver Dragon Pavilion, I pondered what to do next.


"What should I do when I get back? Or should I play with Lima-chan? Ah! But if I do that, I'll probably get scolded by that old lady... so maybe not."


"I really have too much free time now..."


"How about going on a date with me then?"




I turned to the side to find Keith-san standing there as if he had appeared out of nowhere.


Well, I didn't notice him because I was lost in thought while walking.


"Keith-san! Why are you here?"


And why are you walking around in casual clothes?


"Even I like to take it easy on my days off."


Ah, it's his day off... Knowing Keith-san, he's probably looking for women to hit on, isn't he?


"Rather than that, Erlaina-san, care to go somewhere with me?"


"I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline."


"Hehe... but weren't you just saying you're bored?"


"Amy-san told me. She said to be careful when alone with Keith-san."


"Amy-san said that? Honestly, she teaches Erlaina-san such terrible things."


Keith-san looks a bit disappointed... Did I trust Amy-san's words too much?


"If Erlaina-san says that, then I can't even invite her for tea, let alone a date."




I take back what I said earlier. Amy-san was right.


"Because being able to go on a date with lovely Erlaina-san is something to be happy about, isn't it?"




He called me cute. Ah, my face, it's burning!!




"Your embarrassed expression is also very cute."




Feeling too embarrassed, I cover my face with my hands and crouch down on the spot.


"Pl-please stop praising me...!"


"If you want me to stop praising you, then say you'll go on a date with me. Otherwise, I'll keep praising you. Lovely Erlaina-san... right?"


"Nnngh! I-I can't... say no..."


Peeking through my fingers, I see Keith-san smiling as if he's enjoying this situation.


That's not fair. Not fair at all, Keith-san!!


"Erlaina-san, don't deny your cuteness like that."




Oh no, my mind's going blank... What will happen to me if he says more?


"Erlaina-san, let's go on a date?"


"Ugh... alright, let's go..."


I don't want to go on a date, but I guess I have no choice but to agree...


"Great. Now, let's hold hands."


As I grasp Keith-san's hand and stand up, he moves closer to me so that our bodies touch.




Blushing, I glare at Keith-san, but he just smiles awkwardly and looks back at me.


"Don't make that face. Let's make this date bright and fun."


Shaking my head to regain some composure, I start speaking to Keith-san.


"...But you forced me into this, didn't you?"


"Hehe... well, what do you think?"


Ugh, that smug look on his face is infuriating! I'll definitely tell Amy-san about this!


"Well then, let's not waste any more time and get going!"

While being led along, I notice something.

Bloomin' 'eck... I'm goin' on a date now, ain't I? But I ain't ever been one for dressin' up fancy. Ain't got a clue what to do, never mind about bein' stylish!!

"Ellyna, what's the matter?"

"I ain't dressed up... What am I gonna do..."

"You look fine just as you are, Ellyna."


I almost collapse, but Keith catches me. He peers into my face.

"Blimey, you're a shy one, ain't ya?"

"I-it's embarra... embarrassing!!"

"Really amusing, you are. Look forward to my recommended spot, won't you? Hehehe!"

After chuckling at me, Keith continues to support me as we walk. We arrive at what seems to be his recommended spot, but I freeze upon seeing the sign.

"Um, Keith?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Is this... the recommended spot you mentioned?"

"Yeah, it is. It's a clothing store I frequent."

"Oh, I see..."

Right, then. Them clothes in the window sure do give off a sense of style.

Oh! And they've got kimonos too! Quite a variety... but wait a minute!!

"No way! I can't go in there!!"

"Why not?"

"Well, I... I've never been in a shop like this before, and I ain't got no sense of fashion, so I ain't confident."

When I was with Mika and the others, I was like a dress-up doll, never had time to see myself. Plus, aside from military fashion, I ain't thought much about what I wear, so my everyday clothes are pretty much whatever.

"I see... I understand now. So that's why you always wear similar clothes."


Even though I'm covering my mouth, he can tell I'm smiling.

Oh no... I gotta get outta here, pronto!!

I try to make a run for it, but Keith grips my hand tightly, stopping me.

"I won't let you go, Ellyna. The date ain't over yet."

"At least... can we change the location to a café, please?"

"Nope. Let's go in here."


He half drags me into the shop, and a demon shop assistant notices us and turns our way.

"Oh, if it isn't Keith! Bringing another girl along as usual, you scoundrel!"

"Well, isn't that fine? Spending time with a lovely lady is what makes life worth living for me."

Lovely lady, huh... Guess it don't matter if it's me or not.

"By the way, Keith. Who's this little one with white hair and eyes like purple gems?"

"Lenka. This is Ellyna, the one who saved my life."

"Oh, really? She's so cute!"


Lenka suddenly hugs me, runs her hands all over my body, and then looks at my blushing face.

"Yeah, you've got a good figure. And the clothes you're wearing... while the colors ain't great for fashion, the fabric seems sturdy, so that's good.

Especially those trousers, they don't seem like they're gonna rip easily."


Could it be she was touching my body and checking my measurements and the clothes I'm wearing?

"Oy, ain't that Elly lass over there! Long time no see!"

That voice... could it be!?

Thinking that, I look towards the back of the shop, and sure enough, Kiori's walking towards us!

"K-Kiori-san!? Why are you here of all places?"

"Well, ya see, it's 'cause we own one of the shops around here."

"Ohh... So, besides the furniture and magical tools store, you manage other shops too?"

"Yeah, the Fang Oni Trading Company has its hands in various places! By the way, why is Miss El here?"

"Th-that's... um... I brought her here... for a date."

"Really!? El-chan, did you fall for this guy?"

"No, I didn't. And, I was practically dragged here against my will."

I firmly told Kiori-san that I didn't want to be misunderstood as being in a relationship.

"Ellyna-san has never worn feminine clothes. That's why I brought her to a clothing store," Keith casually remarked. Well, I admit I have no fashion sense.

"Oh, interesting... no, it's a shame for a girl not to have experienced that," Kiori-san commented, creating a somewhat dangerous atmosphere.

"Well, I'll coordinate for you! Come over here!"

Despite Renka-san inviting me with a smile, looking at her smile gives me a sense of crisis, or maybe it's not just my imagination!

Alright, if it's come to this, I have to use that move!

"By the way, do many demon people like Kiori-san wear kimonos?"

"Yeah! In the demon capital's Edo district. It's full of people wearing kimonos, like in the royal city here!"

"Oh, I see. So, is the cityscape different in the demon capital too?"

"Yeah, it's different. We have lots of brick buildings here, but in the demon capital, there are mostly wooden houses! By the way, El-chan..."

"What is it?"

"Instead of buying time, wouldn't it have been better to escape from here quickly?"

"Huh? ...Nyowaa!?"

Suddenly, hands reached from behind and firmly grabbed my torso.

"Hehehe! I won't let you escape!"

Renka-san's voice? Oh no! I got so engrossed in Kiori-san's story that I didn't notice Renka-san circling around! I can't escape like this!!

"Now, let's go to the back of the shop together! Huff, huff, huff, huff!"

"No, please let go! Please, let me go!!"

"No way!"

With that said, I was dragged towards the back of the shop as if being pulled.

"Wait, isn't the fitting room over there?"

"Yeah, that's right. Wasn't that place over there for making clothes?"

As the two of us tilted our heads in confusion, we heard voices.

"Let go! I'll undress myself, so let go of my clothes!"

"Wow! What's this? The jacket is stretching! This is so interesting! It makes putting on clothes easier!"

"Stop it! If you do that, my clothes will get creased! Kyaaaah!"

"Hmm hmm... the fabric of this underwear is gentle on the skin. And this bra fastens with hooks. What an innovative idea! No need to tie it every time!"

"Don't stare at my underwear! Give it back, please!"

"I'll borrow this bra and panties. I'll prepare replacement underwear for you, so don't worry!"

"You're not listening at all, are you?! Hey! What's that kimono you're holding?"

"It's a prototype kimono! Now, let's get you changed, shall we?"

"Wait a moment! You're not going to—AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH?!"

"Hehe! Hehehehehe!"

"What on earth is happening over there?"

"Just trying on clothes... I think."

After screaming several times, Ellyna emerged from the atelier, hiding behind Lenka.


"Come on, don't be shy, show yourself."

"But... it's embarrassing."

Embarrassed, Lenka stepped out in front, showing her kimono-clad figure to Kiory and Keith, who looked on in amazement.


"It suits you really well, honestly!"

"It suits you very well. Truly charming."


Feeling embarrassed, Lenka fidgeted while holding the hem of her kimono with both hands.

"Sh-shouldn't we change by now? I've had enough!"

"Right. Come over here then."

As Lenka took Renka's hand, Kiory looked disappointed.

"Eh?! You look so good in that kimono, it's a waste not to go out on a date wearing it!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!! And I don't want to!"

"Oh, alright then... I see..."

Kiory looked surprised at my intense expression.

"Why are you so against it?"

"W-well... you see..."

"Because I have your underwear! Look at this!"

Lenka pulled out my underwear from the sleeve of her kimono and showed it to Kiory and Keith.

"This underwear is amazing! The bra just hooks on, so it's easy, and the panties stretch, so you just have to put them on! Where did you get this underwear from?"

"What are you doing with my underwear?!"

Panicking, Lenka reached out to retrieve the underwear, but due to the unfamiliar geta sandals, she lost her balance and fell.


"Good thing I trained in breakfalls, really."

"Elly, are you alright?"



Huh? Why are Kiory and Keith turning away? Come to think of it, I don't feel as constricted around my stomach as I did earlier, and there's a cool breeze...?

"I'm fine, but...!"

Realizing what might be happening to her kimono, Lenka's face turned beet red.

"H-hey, n-noooo?!"

Despite her frantic attempt to cover up, it was already too late.