Volume 04 Chapter 03
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I sat down on the bench placed at the entrance of the comprehensive guild, letting out a deep sigh before speaking.


"I'm knackered... Properly knackered."


Because Miharu used me as a shield, I ended up getting scolded by Aid and Sidneil, being told to move aside, Elraina!? I understand that Miharu-chan hiding behind me is the reason for their annoyance, but both of them were shooting angry glances at me, making me feel as if I were the one being scolded.


And to make matters worse, Miharu-chan, who had been using me as a shield, was gripping my upper arm tightly to prevent me from escaping, which was quietly painful.


I've had enough of this. And my hands are all sticky with fingerprints too...


"I've reported the quests, so I reckon I'll head home and hit the hay for today. Hm?"


Another communication came in. This time not from God but from Meltna-san.


"Long time no see, Elraina-san."


"Yes, it's been a while, Meltna-san."


"Just now, God, c-cough! Excuse me, was rude."


"Oh... It's nothing to worry about, it's always the same."


I'm used to that conversation already... Yeah.


"By the way, God said they gave Elraina-chan something amazing! They said Elraina-chan would definitely like it, so let's talk about it later, they said... What did you get?"


Huh? Something amazing from God?


"I haven't asked God what they gave me, so I don't know~~"


"Well, I think you probably just forgot what they gave you, so please check your arsenal or storage yourself."


I've got a bad feeling about this...


Thinking that, I opened the menu and peered into the arsenal, but couldn't find anything. Hmm... I let out a groan.


"There are lots of guns and accessories here. Did you gather all of these yourself?"


"Yes, indeed. I invested more points than Beagle, you know. I've collected almost all the weapons and parts from that FPS game... Oh!?"


"What's wrong?"


"There's something here, a sniper rifle... but I don't remember buying it."


"Umm... a ma-mag? Mag-Fed?"


"Anzio's Mag-Fed 20mm rifle... God has given me something incredible."

"Elraina, aren't you happy about receiving a new gun?" Meltyna spoke as Elraina's face turned pale, beginning to discuss the Mag-Fed 20mm Rifle.

"No, Meltyna. Do you know the ammunition used for this gun?"

"Sorry, it's a bit...," Meltyna faltered.

Well, that's understandable. Meltyna doesn't seem interested in guns, so it's natural she wouldn't know.

"Do you know about .50 caliber sniper rifles? Like the Barrett M82A1 or the OSV-96?"

"Yes, I'm aware. They're known as anti-material rifles, possessing tremendous firepower," Meltyna replied.

"Indeed... Such anti-material rifles are commonly used for long-distance shooting in modern times. They can leave gaping holes in the center of a person's body upon impact. And if they hit the limbs, they can tear them apart. By the way, in that game, they're prohibited for use in battles like Battle Royale or Team Deathmatch. To put their power in gaming terms, even at full health, if you get hit, you're basically dead, unless you're lucky enough to survive with less than 10% health."

"In reality, and even in games, they are formidable weapons indeed. But aren't you happy to receive such a powerful weapon?" Meltyna inquired.

"I am, but... this is a different class of gun," Elraina responded.

"Oh... a different class of gun?"

"Yes, it uses ammunition larger than 12.7×99mm, like 20×102mm or 14.5×114mm. It's a fearsome gun that requires prone position to shoot, meaning you have to lie down, and it's also cumbersome to carry around."

"Difficult to carry around?"

"Yes, indeed. It might be easier to understand if I show you."

As Elraina spoke, she retrieved the Mag-Fed 20mm Rifle from the armory.

"Heavy!?" Almost dropping the hefty Mag-Fed 20mm Rifle, Elraina struggled but managed to hold onto it.

"Wow... it's completely different from what I imagined. It's even bigger than you, Elraina, and looks incredibly heavy," Meltyna remarked.

"Yes, that's why these weapons aren't widely used in the military. There we go!" Elraina propped the stock on the floor and supported the barrel.

"Phew... This is a gun that doesn't exist in games, so it's puzzling to find a use for it, but as a collector's item, it's still delightful," Elraina expressed.

Indeed, it's delightful, but I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to use it.

"If it was given to you by the gods, then the gun is already yours. So, you're free to use it as you please," Meltyna remarked, holding her head with her right hand, looking exasperated. She'll probably be going to argue with the gods once this communication ends... Poor gods.

"If Meltyna says so, then I suppose it's true. I'll cherish it," Elraina concluded.

『Heh... Please, do carry on. Well then, I shall return to my duties. Farewell!』

"Indeed, thank you very much!"

With those words, she ended the communication and once again focused on the Mag-Fed 20mm Rifle.

However, this gun is truly remarkable. I knew the size and weight of a 20mm anti-material rifle from my knowledge, but I never imagined it would be this heavy.

And it's even capable of changing the muzzle. Perhaps there are suppressors made specifically for this? I'll ask the gods about it later.

"Oh, Erlaina! So you were here, I've been looking for you!"

"You see, as I said, Erlaina is right here."

"Yeah, it was just as Ainya said."

Smiling at each other, the couple exuded an aura of bliss, yet there was a phrase in their conversation that caught my attention.

"You were looking for... me?"

"Yes, indeed. Sirs had something they wished to discuss with Lady Erlaina, so they were searching for you."

Just as I thought I heard a voice from behind, hands reached out from both sides and grabbed my chest.


Amidst my scream echoing throughout the guild, the mysterious figure who had grabbed my chest continued without seeming to care.

"Your screams are as cute as ever. And as the lady says, this chest has a good feel to it. I've taken quite a liking to it!"

"Haauu!? ...Aah! ...Nya~ah!"

I was praised as... cute. Even in my hazy consciousness, I firmly gripped the Mag-Fed 20mm to prevent it from falling sideways.

"See! I knew you'd like it too."

"Auu! I-I don't want to be... touched like th-that... st-stop it... nya~aaahh!!"

"Let's stop now. We don't want a repeat of last time, do we?"


Releasing her grip with a dissatisfied voice, I turned around to see who had been groping my chest, only to find the maid standing there.

This person! Isn't she the maid who saw us off when we left Duke Valdeck's mansion?! Why is a person of interest here?

"Hehe! You needn't be so wary. I've had my fill for today, so I won't be groping anymore."

"For today," you say. Does that mean she plans to do it again tomorrow?

"Anyway, Erlaina."


"The Duke wishes to speak with you. Would you mind listening to what he has to say?"

"I don't mind, but perhaps we should change the location?"

It would be impolite to speak here and attract attention to ourselves in front of the Duke.

"No, no, it's fine. It's not something that will take much time. Let's talk here."

Saying so, Duke Valdeck sat on the bench.

"You should sit here too."


He patted the space next to him on the bench, so I stored the Mag-Fed 20mm Rifle in the armory and sat down. Ainya quickly sat next to me, hugging me and rubbing her cheek against mine.

"Hehehe! Your skin is still so smooth. I envy you!"


I wish she would stop rubbing against me. I want to say it, but... it's difficult since she's a noble.

"Erlaina, there are a few things I want to tell you, but since time is short today, I'll tell you just two things in advance."

"Alright... I understand."

Just two things... what could they be?

"Firstly, let's discuss the incident where you were attacked by the First Knight Order some time ago. May I inquire about the details?"

"Certainly, please do. I want to confirm the possibility of being attacked by the First Knight Order again."

If there is a chance they might attack in the future, we need to devise a strategy.

"True, if I were to reveal the answer now, the likelihood of an attack would decrease."

"In that case, I feel reassured!"

"Indeed, you can be reassured. Now, let's get to the main topic."


"Actually, three years ago, when the new commander took over the First Knight Order, internal corruption began."

"Because a bad person took charge, perhaps?"

"Yes, as Erlaina mentioned. Problems arose right after the assumption of duty. The contents were quite shocking."

"Shocking contents?"

When I said that, Lady Ainya began speaking.

"Yes, indeed. It started with embezzlement suspicions, followed by allegations of reselling weapons and supplies provided by the country. They even recruited individuals lacking the necessary skills to be in the knight order. Moreover, those who should be on the front lines were assigned to the latter. From the country's perspective, it was an intolerable situation!"

It's problematic that there were suspicions to that extent, and nothing was done until now. Perhaps they were pressured by the nobles supporting the First Knight Order, preventing them from investigating.

"So, the king's solution was to assign them to guard the East District."

Huh? Why did he think of assigning them to guard the East District? ...Hmm.

"Right now, why do you think the king ordered such a thing?"

"Eh!? Oh! ...Yes."

Why did the Duke Baldeck find out about this?

"Well, it's simple. It was to monitor whether they were performing their duties properly in guarding the East District."

"Monitor? ...Ah!?"

"Looks like you've figured it out."

"I see... It's easier to oversee if they're nearby than going far away. Also, if the First Knight Order causes trouble, we can report it immediately before it gets covered up and even apprehend them."

"Exactly, and considering the state they were in when I left everything to them, my brother was not just angry but beyond astonished."

From day drinking to closing down shops and various other issues... It's really a mess.

"Huh? The warrant Mr. Bega had... Could it be that it was made on the same day as the appointment?"

"Exactly. It was the warrant my brother prepared at that time. So, the First Knight Order is currently in the midst of an internal investigation."


"The more they investigate, the more hidden wrongdoings come to light. Fifty percent of the First Knight Order's members have been arrested. If the investigation continues, we anticipate more arrests in the future."

An increase in arrests... How many wrongdoings did they commit? And if half of the First Knight Order's members were lost, that means they're left with only half the manpower, making it unlikely for them to be active for a while.

"That concludes this topic. Let's move on to the second one."


What could the second topic be? ...Is it about the heroes from the other day?

"We have arranged a residence for you."

A residence! They seriously prepared a home for me!?

"Thank you!"

"However, the building itself was slightly damaged, so we are currently renovating it. Once that is complete, we will guide you to your home. Look forward to it."


Yay! I got a home without any trouble! Oh, but considering it's Duke Baldeck, it's probably some mansion-like place.

"Now, let's discuss another matter. Is that alright?"


What should I do? Comparing it to my knowledge of light novels, getting a mansion is a common pattern... Living alone in a mansion might be challenging.

"By the way, Lady Erlaina."

"Oh, yes! What is it?"

A maid who had somehow appeared in front of me spoke.

"Do you have any family, parents, by any chance?"

"Huh!? ...No, I don't."

Parents, huh... Even if they were in this world, I absolutely wouldn't want to meet them.

"I see. I apologize for asking such a rude question."

"No, don't worry about it."

Wait, why did she ask such a thing?

"Well, the discussion is over, so shall we go soon?"

"That's right. Look forward to tomorrow!"

"Well then, thank you very much!"

"Thank you as well."

Saying that, I waved goodbye and looked down at my hands.

Parents... Even if they were here in this world, I never considered those two as my parents... and I never will.

She sat there for a while, contemplating her thoughts.