Chapter 11: Martial King
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There were many who would think that actions out of compassion came with strings and restraints attached to them. A bad neighbourhood bred bad impressions when it came to the nature of humanity.

However, not everything was all dark and grey.

Kang Hyuk proved this from the moment he'd met the duo of 'old geezers' in Gaia. They were originally stumbling about in life. Their constitutions were bad and looked like they'd went through a lot to get here.

That day, the duo were really worse for ware...

Kang Hyuk, the caring ascender of Pandorica, wore a personalised white hanfu. It looked like a pair of t-shirt and pants. He was different from them. His way of life had being a nice guy as a stipulation.

Like he couldn't live without being a busybody.

After 'ascending' to such an abnormal world, Hyuk was taken aback by the lack of interest people had of him. No one checked his identity or even cared where he came from. It was a different experience.

If this was the Jianghu he knew, there would have certainly been someone who'd overcharge him for food and water. Those who fought him simply because the girl they liked was 'stolen' were many.

However, nothing of the sort had happened here.

Was this the nature of the 'Divine Realm'?

Things were truly hard to comprehend in this fantasy world. After all, people didn't abide by logic or rationality. All they cared about was the so-called Job Class or the position they had in the monarchy.

They seemed more driven by instincts...

His first day in the realm above his own was spent living like a beggar, but distinctly better than his own world. Although having no roof over his head was concerning, Kang Hyuk wasn't uncomfortable.

He laid down a blanket next to a nearby stall selling meat, then he looked around. His mouth covered in drool. Looking between the food and his memories of the past. The kind of low quality food he's used to.

The owner of the stand gave him a look.

"What's a dud like you hanging around for?" That voice wasn't pleasant. He sounded like an average worker that had been doing this forever. Thus, the youthful ascender pointed at himself in response:

"Me?" Hyuk was being self-conscious.

"Yeah, you're not here to cause trouble... Right?"

"..." Although the man wasn't much of a fighter, the presence and vitality of the man was something that caught Hyuk's attention. He was sure that this man had the talent to become a known figure in Jainghu.

If this man was taught as a child in the ways of martial arts, he would have made progress better than the ordinary talents of Hyuk's time. This man would have become a Sword King or Sabre King.

However, that begged a question...

A mere stall owner in this world was so healthy?

Another look around allowed him to see that most of these residents of Gaia had 'optimised growth'. They all had healthy skin and pure bodies. The only ones who stood out even among them were the 'Classed'.

Those who cultivated the power system of Gaia.

It made him feel like he was in a land ruled by foreigners who had the characteristic of beauty. It was a strange precedent compared to tan skin from heat, and pale skin from living in the snowy plains.

As someone who had traversed his world, he knew that the only reason 'races' existed between humans was simply adapting to climate. If that was true, then the scene before him could be explained better.

The only problem was that Hyuk had seen many sacred lands. Places where humans had lived in Worldly Qi abundant air for centuries. Even they did not adapt the same people these citizens were doing.

It needed more investigation...

Hyuk was about to make himself scarce after thinking that, but the rumbling of his stomach gave away his intentions. His eyes locked with the salesman. Knowing he couldn't simply walk away.

Hyuk smiled at him embarrassedly and said:

"Good sir, do you take silver taels in payment?" A hand reached out with currency from his realm. It was both a test and sincerity. If metals from the mortal realm had worth here, it'd lead to business.

As expected, the man looked at him strangely. The butcher-faced food stall owner titled his head at the sight. He was looking seriously at the distinct shape of the coins. Seemingly finding them interesting.

"What's that?" The stall owner pointed.

"Ummm... Is this not enough?" Hyuk, the newbie of this Divine Realm, took everything out of his pouch one at a time. He wanted to find something valuable in this world, and maybe get a better sense for it.

But more important here was his hunger.

He put everything on his person on the line.

"Have mercy on me... I feel so hungry. I'm about to die." The feeling consuming Hyuk wasn't a joke. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like all his energy was used up to expanding his horizons of potential.

This hunger was only a side-effect from that.

Unfortunately, from what he could tell, more potential didn't mean anything if he couldn't fill his stomach. He didn't want to die. There had to be some solution before to resorted to eating his arms.

Still, the stall owner insisted:

"Get those things out of my face." It was around this time the man started to change. The butcher-like face of the stall owner seemed to twist with discomfort. Seemingly feeling his conscience prick.

"Please..." Hyuk felt so weak that he fell to his knees.

He would rather live longer in life than hold onto his pride. Even licking the stall owner's shoes was no biggie. All that mattered was that his body wouldn't collapse in on itself. The sensation he was feeling.

He'd do anything to survive...!

"...So you're a new guy over here." The stall owner didn't accept money, but still threw out some grilled food. The ascender chomped on the cartoonishly big roasted leg. He ignored the bone going through it.

Not realising the size was unlike any animal from his world- No, he didn't care about that either way. Meat was meat regardless of its origin. Looking at how Hyuk ate like a starved wolf, the one pitying him didn't interrupt. Watching him swallow it down.

This was accompanied with a better explanation:

"I'm not saying what you have is useless. Most of the things here already have an owner, and what you ate was from my pocket. Digital currency is all the rage right now, so go sell those things at a blacksmith shop. They'll give a good price." It was real kindness.

The stall owner didn't take advantage of his weakened state. Truly wishing the best for this new citizen. In fact, there was an odd amount of pity in his eyes. The source of such a feeling was unknown.

"...Thank you, my saviour." Hyuk was still grateful.

"Don't be so polite. Next time, come around when you have money." The stall owner smiled and saw him off. When the ascender left, his bright smile started to dim. Knowing the future was dark.

After that, Kang Hyuk really WAS able to sell his previous world assets. He found ways to scrounge up some money in this realm, and was also warned by a powerful being (with an imperial air) to not cause any large disturbance. All ascenders had that visit.

The imperial prince personally helped guide him.

It looked like there were these pro establishments called 'Guilds'. They gave out regular requests to vagrants like him. Allowing there to always be work on the market. Especially for no named ascenders.

They did so personally over a 'Phone'.

A contraption that looked like a smooth miniature box. It held a number of materials put into a mysterious 'Array' within. This complicated item was somehow being sold at a fair price in this world.

He wondered what kind of Witchcraft this was...

Gaia originally seemed simple and easy enough. It may seem odd from the lack of interest people had about him being an 'Otherworlder', but he was slowly coming to terms with the rules of society.

It took a while until he met Simon and Sebas. He was simply looking around until coming across the unusual pair. The duo looked quite lost. There was a lack of life in their eyes. Different from him a lot.

They stumbled towards the district. After all, many ascenders of Hyuk's kind hadn't found a place to stay holed up. This place they were in seemed like a natural extension of what ascenders really needed.

Also known widely as the 'Adventurer District'.

"You're gonna be fine. Stay strong. You just need to stay strong." Sebastian said these words faintly. It was hard to tell who the words were meant for. Was it for the injured old drunkard nearby, or himself?

Naturally, Hyuk reached out his hand and helped Sebastian take care of the geezer. How long was it since then? Months? The strange trio took care of themselves and talked about their future plans...

Though none of them expected to end up being tenants under a landlord from a lower realm. The shift from being homeless to having a roof over their heads was significant. Whether they admitted or not.

"What are you thinking about?" Sebastian, who Hyuk had put to bed, had woke him out of his momentary daze. He wasn't feeling well. Even worse than the consistency smashed drunkard downstairs.

"I'm wondering why the house owner, who called the three of us, doesn't like me." Hyuk shrugged at such a question. His answer wasn't completely untrue. A social butterfly like him took great pride in his ability to naturally charm others, so why was he rejected?

Even now, there felt like a barrier between them.

"Cheer up. He's probably not used to having tenants." The white-haired young man smiled. It was strange but not at all unrealistic. This mansion didn't seem like it was built for tenants in mind.

He wasn't sure if these words were sincere or not.

"...Anyway, it's time for 'that'." The charmer threw all the unimportant matters away and took off his gloves for a moment. He'd promptly laid Sebastian down so he could have a good look on his vital signs.

"Seriously... I wish there was an easier method than this." Hyuk thought while grabbing his patient's hand readily.  As someone who had rooted himself in aspects of the Medical Dao, he was aware of the situation of his friend. Things weren't looking good.

Sebastian Pegasus was a young man that had seriously overtaxed his 'Life Energy' in the past. This was despite how he looked. The deep wrinkles and harmed skin weren't natural to his current age.

But that wasn't the end of his injuries.

His patient also showed signs of rapid ageing and cellular degradation. At least, that's the new terms he'd learnt to label them as after coming to this world. There was no known cure for this condition.

Even in Jianghu, people who had overdrawn their vital strength would end up permanently scarred by it. That was unless they took a miraculous Longevity Pill or transformed after breaking their upper limits.

The level of 'Earthly Rebirth of Divine Physiology'.

Since he wasn't an alchemist and couldn't artificially produce the latter physical phenomenon, Hyuk had one choice. Rather than try to find a cure to the condition, he used his own Life Force to ease the damage. Slowly healing up the busted longevity.

This was an excruciating procedure that involved using his own Internal Qi to seep into his patient's body. Gradually seeping into the depths of the cells making up life and recovering what was consumed.

Of course, this procedure wasn't possible for even someone at the level of Martial God like others to reproduce. Hyuk watched as his patient stared at him with unblinking yet clear eyes, as if he had a lot to ask. Wondering why he'd go so far for him.

After the treatment was done, Sebastian spoke:

"How old are you really?"

It was an unexpected question that didn't suit the situation. After all, what was the point of knowing his age? Most ascenders took until the latter half of their lives to reach the point of ascending realms.

"...25." He came up with a random number.

"You said it was 27 last time." Sebas rolled his eyes.

"For the love of Buddha...!" Hyuk thought while losing his patience. He unconsciously face slapped himself, only to writhe around in pain. Not having fully mastered the control of his new strength.

His meridians were already burning since earlier, so even a single touch made them grind on his nerves like dry pasta on skin. The result was clear to see. It wasn't easy to 'rejuvenate' injured cells in the body.

"You okay?" Sebastian threw away the quilt.

He didn't hold onto the 'young man' personally, but raised his hand and induced a phenomenon on his doctor. Gravity became weaker above the newly conjured Magic Circle. It appeared under Hyuk's chair and made things easier for the aftermath.

Hyuk balanced himself and spoke weakly:

"Thank you." His hands were clasped. The strength used to keep his body moving was less than what he'd need normally. The anti-gravity field allowed him to move more freely after using up his power.

"I should be saying that to you. You're sure there isn't any way for me to pay you back?" Sebastian was not used to being in another person's care. There had been so much chaos in his past... but now?

Now he was receiving kindness for the first time.

"Don't. What are friends for?" Hyuk's radiant smile blinded his patient. That, or he was squinting to hold back his tears. Unconsciously, Sebastian used his magic to scan for any abnormalities in his 'friend'.

The reason for it didn't come to mind.

"I can't believe I'm being taken care of by someone apparently younger than me." Sebastian couldn't believe it. He was usually the carer, not the other way around. Too much kindness was uncomfortable.

"Is it too humiliating...?" Hyuk scratched his head. It was a reaction he'd expected from the beginning. A man would hesitate to get help. After all, they had to appear strong to appease the women in their life.

Without strength, life would be too difficult...

There had been many elderly healers and alchemists that took offence to Hyuk showing off his skill in the Medical Dao. Even his peers at home had never truly gave him praise for reaching such deep mastery.

"What? No! That's not what I meant." Sebastian didn't want to damper the good mood. Saying something so ungrateful wasn't like him. He would never call being saved by someone 'humiliating'.

"It's fine. You're two years older than me now, my senior in life. I've been too arrogant. Acting high and mi-" Before he was interrupted, Kang Hyuk was pleased by the reactions this joke was getting him.

However, things weren't so simple.

"Look, I said that wasn't it! Why are you looking down on yourself like that? Aren't you some kind of great genius?" Sebastian was looking embarrassed right now. He didn't want to look so unseemly.

"I'm actually not that talented." Hyuk admitted.

"Didn't you also ascend to this world? I'm sure that counts for something!" Sebastian may have had his best interests in mind, but the implication of those words weren't all positive. That's why it hit deeply.

Though not in the way Sebastian was intending.

An embarrassed look appeared on that normally cheerful face. Hyuk's face was as red as an apple. The feelings Sebastian felt from his present was nothing when compared to the shame Hyuk felt in the past.

"Alright... Fine. Can you tell me what's up with you lately? Is it what he said?" Hyuk waved that comment off and did not pursue. Not betraying any of his thoughts. Sebastian had sat up straight.

Listening intently.

Those words referring to Adam's earlier comment about him being 'lucky'. Having enough talent to have broken through to a new realm. A world that was unfamiliar, but proof he could grow further.

"Pretty much." Hyuk didn't deny his feelings.

"What are you embarrassed about?"

"Actually... Ummm... How did you gain strength in your world? Was there any easy path for it?" Hyuk changed the subject without even trying to hide his discomfort, but Sebastian didn't feel bad about it.

Even though Hyuk answered a question with a question, Sebastian didn't deny an answer. He knew better than to hold his saviour accountable for trivial things. Instead, he countered with a clarification:

"Yeah... You know I'm a 'Magician', right?"

"I didn't bring it up when the land owner was around, but I didn't forget it. You know how Simon is." Hyuk made a helpless look. It's not like he wasn't aware that Sebastian really hated 'teaching' things.

"Well... The easier path to magic, which my own students took while I was an instructor at the academy, was become a 'Wizard'. They took in magical energy and calculated using computers."

"Those round box things that Adam has?"

"...Similar to- You know, let's just say that there's someone inside the box doing the studying part for me." Simplifying it like that was the only way for Sebastian to simplify what exactly a computer did.

"That sounds really unfair." Hyuk didn't like it.

"It is... and they give up strength and variety of Invoked Spells for Conjured Spells instead. They have better flexibility and faster casting time than Magicians like me, but their progress is slower."

"If you came here, you must be a 'Magic King' of your era." Hyuk wasn't sure what exactly 'magic' meant from Sebastian's point of view, but he congratulated him all the same for the achievement.

"Not quite... Ranks in my world were determined by the level of external Mana we could gather into our body internally at one time. For me, I have the proficiency of a 5th Rank, but lack in strength."

"So your 'magic techniques' and technology can't keep up with your body, or is it the other way around?" Thought confused, he tried to understand it. There was praise in Hyuk's twinkling eyes.

"That's a nice way to put it. Yeah... Anyway, if you're a fighter and cheater, did you eat 'Pills'?" Sebastian felt like his guess was probably close, yet Hyuk shook his head. His cheeks turned red while scratching his ear, but he didn't look like he'd back out this chat.

"Actually, I'm a Martial King of Dual Cultivation."

"You say what now...?" Sebastian blinked his eyes.

"I ascended using the power of sex."

"That's kinda..." Even a friend would feel shivers.

"I know." Hyuk spoke. Why else would he feel ashamed to tell the fighters of this world what he excelled at? Imagine going into battle and being asked his proficiency, only to say it was 'that'.

"Does Simon know about it?" Sebastian noted.

"He doesn't. They all think my main focus is the Medical Dao. I'm holding back myself from going to the Redlight District. Did you know that there are girls with the Class of 'Prostitute' here?" Hyuk ended up revealing what he was thinking all this time.

May the gods bless this land of beautiful people.

"I didn't want to- Wait, are you showing your true colours?" Sebastian caught on that he was just venting. Or it was more accurate to say he'd been sexually frustrated for some time by abstaining. 

"I'm dying right now! To think that there are only high class brothels in this place. It's crazy...! I want to work~!" One could feel the sincerity in Hyuk's perverted voice. The longing for physical pleasure.

"As what...?" Sebastian raised his brows high.

"I want to jump into bed with a cute rich girl. I got out of the business before, but I'm thinking of going back." Hyuk's facewas covered in desires and lustful intent. It really made Sebastian fear for his purity.

"Why...?" That word didn't just question one thing.

He was really confused...

"Haven't you noticed that every girl in this world is either beautiful or spotless? The same for the guys too. I mean, I get why Otherworlders like me look good, but even people of this world look nice."

"Hyuk, you're freaking me out...!" Sebastian had never cared for the situation. He wasn't going to be a pervert just because 'people' looked nice. This was the exact opposite for the man in front of him.

He could not have predicted what'd happen next.

"Do you want me to help?" An unfamiliar stranger's voice made the duo freeze up. The sound of a silenced gunshot echoed in the room. Blood spurted from the Magician's forehead in that instant.

A flower of brain matter bloomed behind his head.

His body fell lifelessly...

A second gunshot unhesitatingly resounded once again, but that magical bullet ended up missing. The second intruder held the black Spirit Essence pistol of the Assassin after having knocked Hyuk out.

Blood seeped from the back of the ascender's head.

Before his consciousness waned, Hyuk heard the conversation between the people who attacked. It was faint, and he only partially figured out what they were saying. It was something along the lines of:

"You bastard! We're not supposed to kill them."

"Sorry... It was on instinct."

"I don't care if your Class makes you do that. You should've shown restraint and acted on orders." A strong sense of loyalty could be felt in these words towards someone far, but who was the perpetrator?

He listened to it further.

"My bad..." The Assassin apologised towards the hanfu wearing woman. She was masking her lower face like a ninja. Choosing to only bring up information to her tongue only if it was necessary.

Even the literal 'Assassin Class' didn't go that far...

Hyuk couldn't hear the rest of what they were trying to say, but he guessed they were royally screwed. His consciousness was fading, and Sebastian was killed right in front of him. Things did not look good at all.

"I let my guard down." Was the last thought Hyuk had before being captured and tied up by them.

Their next target being obvious.