Chapter 16 – That Look In Her Eyes
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It was always tentative, at first. That made Evelyn smile. Roberta and her Eva were so similar, she had started to feel similar longings within her heart.

As Roberta grew more bold, Evelyn encouraged her to do what she wanted, and helped her to learn how. Her licks were soft at first, and soon became more firm. She started from the middle of her tongue, and licked Evelyn's button right to the tip. Evelyn rolled her eyes and moaned.

"Where did you learn that?" She whispered. Roberta grinned a little.

"I just thought that more contact at the same time would feel better." She said and continued.

"Good girl." Evelyn whispered. "Do not be afraid to try something new. Oh damn, so good." Roberta took it as encouragement, and changed her angle so she could look down at her mound, moved in closer, and licked up. That would put more of her tongue in contact for longer. Soon, her tongue was sweeping left and right, and Evelyn was losing her mind as she started to crest the wave of sensations.

As she cried out, Roberta went down low, slid her tongue within her and started to lap at her fluid. Evelyn lost it. She bucked, stiffened, and went limp. Roberta lifted up, slid up over, and laid on top of her lover.

"Evelyn? Are you alright?" Roberta whispered, looking down into her eyes in concern. Immediately, Evelyn reached up, grasped her behind the head and pulled her down. She kissed her deeply, delved her tongue inside her mouth, and tasted herself on her lover.

Once released, Roberta blushed brightly. She laid her head on Evelyn's shoulder as she was slid to the side, and hugged firmly.

"I am starting to believe that a six month minimum is far too short." Evelyn said softly. Roberta started to smile.

"It was my first time." Roberta whispered. Evelyn's gaze sharpened. "My first time someone gave me oral, and my first oral given. I've made myself climax before." She blushed as the word 'cum' felt too vulgar for this time. "But it felt empty. I didn't like sex." Evelyn smiled gently and kissed her cheek.

"My dear, this isn't sex." Evelyn said, and caught her attention. "This is foreplay for the sex we'll be having tonight." Evelyn said softly. "On any given night, oral is either the appetizer or the main course. Tonight, it is the appetizer."

Roberta thought that she was bragging, like Mike did before her. Soon, she rolled her eyes as Evelyn got her worked up again, and laid on top of her. She rolled her eyes as the strap on filled her. With how thorough a lover, and how experienced she was, Evelyn made sure her body's angle was able to not only thrust, but also bump the button with each stroke.

With a slightly longer model, she would sit higher, and allow the length to slide across her lover's button. Roberta was soon moaning softly.

"Remember to never allow bad habits to come into your sex life, Roberta." Evelyn said softly. "I will never force you to make noise to satisfy my ego. If it doesn't feel good, tell me. Let me know what is missing." Roberta started to blush. She didn't know how Evelyn was able to read her so well, and know that she didn't enjoy vaginal sex as much as others.

"I've always wanted to try anal." She said in a small voice. "I feel..." Evelyn smiled gently.

"A twitching?" Evelyn asked. Roberta nodded. Roberta seemed to be a woman who preferred anal sex to vaginal due to her own body. Evelyn smiled gently. She slid downward, slowly licked her crevice, and to Roberta's surprise, she started to lick her buttonhole.

Roberta's eyes widened a little, then narrowed as she felt indescribable pleasure at the sensations she had long been denied. Not only because of her own lack of self awareness, but also her choice of lovers. None could give her what she really needed.

When Evelyn mounted her again, and pushed the dildo deep, Roberta was lost. She had never felt anything like it. The deeper it went, the more she liked it. The smooth long strokes made her moan, stutters appeared in her breathing, and flexed her belly madly. Evelyn smiled down at her, her eyes sharpened again, and she pounded into that delectable butt of hers.

Roberta's climax was almost bone shattering in its intensity. It only took half an hour to get her revved up enough to have one.

Evelyn laid down on top of her, propped herself up on her elbows, and slowly ground the dildo deep. Once every ten to twenty seconds, she slowly pulled out and pushed back in.

After several minutes, Roberta came back to her senses, and realized that Evelyn was still in position.

"What happened?" Roberta whispered. "Oh, that was so intense!" She answered her own question. Evelyn grinned.

"It was your first, wasn't it?" She asked. Roberta nodded, still recovering from the intensity. Evelyn grinned again. "But not your last."

Roberta looked up at her lover, her eyes wide and innocent, and she started to smile. It was the most beautiful smile Evelyn had ever seen on her lips. The innocence, the happiness, the joy from being loved, and the desire for more.

Evelyn groaned inside as that familiar hunger rose up within her. Her excitement rose, and she grasped Roberta legs behind the knees. She pulled them forward, hooked her arms behind Roberta's knees, and leaned forward.

"Now. Where were we?" Evelyn said with an intense look in her eyes.

Evelyn now had a goal. She had to dig out all of Roberta's secrets. She had to find all the triggers that put that kind of look in her eyes. Every nuance and detail was necessary.

Not only did she want that look back in her eyes, she wanted it there permanently.

Roberta's beauty must be preserved.


* * *


Roberta groaned when she woke up, the light streaming in through the windows. She slowly opened her eyes, and grimaced.

"Oh, my poor butt." She whispered, but smiled anyway. "It was so worth it." She turned, noticed that Evelyn was not in the bed with her, and turned her head. She heard some soft strokes that were familiar.

"You've woken up." Evelyn said. "Good morning. I won't ask how you feel. The tenderness will recede throughout the day, but will take a couple of days to fully come out." She said in that silky morning voice of hers. Evelyn put her sketchbook aside, came to the bed, and slid in beside her.

"How long have you been awake?" Roberta asked in a small voice. Evelyn looked into those eyes of hers, that were shy, and slightly accusatory for letting her sleep.

"A few hours. I can never sleep passed five." She ran her fingers through Roberta's hair, and leaned in. Her kiss was gentle and soft, perfect for the first kiss of the morning. "I wanted to capture that soft stillness in your sleeping form. Every time I see you, I want to capture the moment." Roberta blushed a bit.

"You make it sound like I'll be leaving soon." Roberta said unhappily. Evelyn smiled gently.

"Time and circumstances can pull even the most devoted couples apart." Evelyn said sadly. "My first love died of a disease. My second left once our peak as lovers was reached, and felt the excitement start to wane." She smiled sadly. "Even Eva was fated to leave one day, so I captured her beauty in a sculpture to remember her time with me." Roberta pouted slightly.

"So, you're capturing the moment, just in case?" Roberta asked.

"I am capturing the moment because I am an artist." Evelyn said. "Some would use a camera, but that only shows an image's surface. The subtle nuances, the sadness, the joy, fear, or any emotion a person may experience can not be transmitted properly." Roberta thought for a moment.

"Eva's statue. It shows betrayal and fear." Roberta said quietly. Evelyn smiled.

"Her body was of when she was at her peak, when she was healthy, and happy. Her eyes are of when I met her." Evelyn sighed, and put her head down on Roberta's shoulder. "That look of fear, and betrayal was there when she came into my home. It was what drew me to her. I erased that look over time, with gentleness, love, and compassion. Now, that look of betrayal is a reminder of how we met, and how much we loved each other." Evelyn said softly.

She did not lie on those points. Though she made it sound like Eva had left her, she did not lie on the rest of the details. She did love Eva.

However, love was a tricky thing for her. It would always end, and with her remaining alone. Evelyn controlled herself, and her emotions daily, but when it came to her lovers, she became more intense, and more possessive.

Roberta started to be a bit jealous of Evelyn's past lovers. She pouted a bit.

"You've already drawn a lot of Eva. Will you draw me like that?" Roberta asked in a soft voice. Evelyn smiled as she could detect that subtle jealousy.

"We were together for six months. You'll have to stick around longer than that to see, won't you?" Evelyn teased her. Roberta bit her bottom lip, only to have Evelyn lean in and suck that lip into her mouth. She softly sucked on it, and licked it.

"Now I know why you bit this lip. It's delicious." Roberta squirmed, and looked down shyly. Evelyn's eyes sharpened for a few seconds before softening again.

Roberta had squirmed her way into her heart, but not all the way. She gave her a few firsts, and gave her a look she wanted to preserve. Roberta was not all the way in yet though.

If Roberta could understand what awaited her, she would be glad she had not managed to hook Evelyn's complete attention. Unfortunately, that is what she wanted. All of her attention, and devotion. Roberta had started to fall in love with Evelyn when their night started.

Wherever there was a seed of desire planted, it would eventually sprout. The seed had been planted, and their first connections established.

It was only a matter of time before they strengthened.