Chapter 29: Evingside
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POV Eliza


I spent the day in the cave and waited for the night. I slept for a few hours as best I could. The humid air was cold and I could hardly recover. Because I was so hungry, I ate my only ration. So I had to leave tonight to find new food. At night I had the greatest chance of getting out of here undetected in case my pursuers were still lurking outside. I checked my status after waking up and noticed that I had regained most HP, more than usual after a couple of hours rest. This was due to my new skill regeneration. I still had a few EXP left, but I wanted to save them in case a new emergency situation arose. They weren't enough to reach level 1 anyway. At least my pain had subsided to a tolerable level and I felt that thankfully I no longer had a broken bone thanks to the potion.


Around midnight, I moved to the entrance of the cave after offering a short silent prayer toward the Luna Statue. I was never religious, but meeting a goddess incarnate converted me. After all, I now knew that gods existed. At the entrance I saw that I was in the middle of a rocky field and visibility was severely limited. That's why my pursuers hadn't found the entrance. I first listened for any suspicious noises, but I can't hear anything. There were no torch lights to be seen either. I left the cave and moved along the bottom of the gorge. Then I turned in what I thought was the south and started walking. I tried to find either a forest or a road. But neither could be found in the next few hours. But what I found was a small stream. That was very good because it meant I could quench my growing thirst. Then I thought about how I should proceed. The stream led in the direction where I thought the big river was. That meant there was a greater chance of finding a settlement in that direction. I gathered my courage and trusted that my new ability to transform into a human was good enough to deceive others. I had little other choice.


I followed the stream for a few more hours and watched as dawn broke. Then I spotted some houses in the distance. Finally, a settlement, hopefully not too big, then there would be a better chance of remaining undetected. I was able to make out its size about half an hour before I reached the settlement. There were about 10 houses and judging by the surrounding fields, probably farmers. For the last few hours I had been thinking about a story that would serve as a cover for me. It had to explain why I was here alone and, judging by the state of my clothing, not voluntarily. But first came the most important test. I focused on my skill and transformed into a human. I was briefly amazed that I had the choice to transform myself into a man, which I immediately rejected. I was and remained a girl.


A brief tingling sensation ran through me and I noticed that something had changed in me. Was it successful? I felt my head and realized that I no longer had long ears. So it worked and now I could take a closer look at myself. During the first transformation it was so dark that I could only see black and white. Aside from my ears, I immediately noticed that my hair length hadn't changed. They were still shoulder length. The hair color was still white, but it could perhaps pass for platinum blonde. But the biggest change was my bust size. As an elf, I had only a modest bust, but now it was larger, about the same size as in my previous life, which was average. I had to get used to that again. My height remained the same and I was significantly smaller than before. I guessed I was only around 160cm.


After that, I did the final test of self-aprraisal and I found that my race had changed to human. But something was still bothering me and I was about to go and ignore the feeling when I noticed it. My status values ​and my skills were very high for a person of comparable age. Then I remembered the description Luna gave me of the Concealment ability. Better I changed my values ​​so I didn't stand out so much. I thought about what values ​​might fit my made-up backstory and changed them accordingly. I obscured everything else and also changed my class to Artisan. My status then looked like this.


Name: Eliza

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Craftwoman

Age: 14

Level 2

HP: 50 / 80

AU: 11 / 80

MP: 0 / 0

Strength 20

Endurance 20

Agility 40

Intelligence 20

Charisma 20

Intuition 20

Skills: Spear, Daggers, Throwing, Aiming, Evade

Sense Presence

Pain resistance, Poison resistance

Leather Crafting, Wood Crafting, Tailoring ADV, Cooking ADV, Butchery

Body Strengthening, Body Development, Body Control, Animal Handling, Cure Wounds, Dancing, Riding, Singing, Herbalist, Identify Monster, Foraging, Survival

Unique Abilities: none

Title: none


I thought it looked pretty good. So I approached the settlement slowly but steadily, with one hand pressed to my stomach. It was surrounded by a small palisade, presumably to protect against wild animals. A person with a lantern and a spear saw me approaching and called out to me.


“Hey, who’s there? Show yourself!" <Guard>

“Help, please help me. I was attacked and now I’m on the run.” <Eliza>


That wasn't even a lie because I was attacked and I was on the run. The person, obviously a guard, called for assistance and then came in my direction with 3 other people. All armed, they looked around, but of course couldn't see anyone else. Meanwhile, I approached with slow steps, trying to appear harmless and helpless. Since my clothes were still torn and soaked in blood from the fall into the ravine, my disguise was perfect. While the three men in the group remained vigilant, the only woman approached me.


“You poor thing, you’re completely bruised. What happened to you?” <Woman>


“We were attacked by bandits, but I managed to escape. Please help me and the others! <Eliza>


“Where and when were you attacked?” <Woman>


“We were on our way to town and set up camp for the night. In the middle of the night there were suddenly a lot of bad people. They all had weapons and attacked me too. I was so scared and then I just ran away. Just get away from the noise of battle and the screams of pain. I fell several times on the way, but I kept running. I have completely lost my orientation and am glad that I found the village here.” <Eliza>


“Come in to us first. We'll see what happens next. Have you spotted anyone?” <Woman>


The woman shouted the last sentence to the others as she supported me and helped me to the village. The others just shook their heads and continued to keep an eye on the surroundings. When I arrived in the village I was greeted by other people. They were briefly informed of the situation and I could hear their murmurs.


“Terrible, the attacks. I hope we are spared.”

“The soldiers should finally do something against the bandit pack.”

“This poor girl had to suffer so many terrible things.”

“The village leader already knows. You can go straight to him.”


And so my life began in the village of Evingside.