Chapter 28: So, I´m A Hero, too?
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POV Eliza


I collapsed to the ground, exhausted from the lack of mana. I had used up all my mana. It took me a while to collect myself again. Then I realized what had just happened. I had been talking to a goddess, a goddess! How did it come to this? The whole thing was still a big mystery to me, even with the explanation I was given. A competition between gods sounded like a tale, like a story from a legend. And suddenly I was one of the heroes of the story, I can't really believe it, I can't fully understand it. What did it even mean to be a hero? In the stories I knew from Earth, a hero was a radiant personality who performed countless incredible miracles and was celebrated and applauded everywhere. I find that difficult to imagine. I have been persecuted and hunted all my life here on Narran, and I will never be a hero to the humans. But the way I understood Luna, I shouldn't do that either. I was supposed to become a hero for the other races. I could never imagine being on the same side as the four idiots either.


What else did Luna say? Erica, Niles and Monica were also reincarnated and apparently found themselves in the beastkin, dwarven and demon realms. But where were these? As far as I knew, there were elves, dwarves, and beastkin somewhere in the east. There was a huge mountain range where dwarves lived. There were elves in the forests around, but where do beastkin actually live? Everywhere? All several months of travel away. In my current condition and with my current knowledge, a trip was not possible. I was barely able to walk straight ahead without pain at the moment. My first priority had to be getting fit again so I could embark on this journey. The easiest thing would be to return to the community, but the camp no longer existed. The whereabouts of the residents were unknown to me because I did not know the destination of the escape. Without Kira I won't find the others. But that was in the future. At the moment I had to survive and was on my own.


The first step was to take inventory of everything that was available to me at the time. I had water, a day's worth of food, and some tools to search for or catch food. Then I remembered that Luna had mentioned that I could look underneath the statue for the hiding place. There I actually found a bottle next to money, the color of which was a healing potion, which I drank eventually. I felt the broken bones in my body realign themselves. The process was painful, but after about a minute it was over. Afterwards I was able to move relatively pain-free again Then I remembered that Luna was talking about breaking some kind of seal or restriction from me. What did that mean? I was supposed to have some new skills that I should use as much as possible if I wanted to survive. I activate appraisal on myself and looked for differences  from before.


Name: Eliza
Gender: Female
total: 11000

EXP unused: 5500
DevP: 0 (development points)
HP: 525
SP: 525
MP: 575
Strength: 70
Endurance: 140
Agility: 440
Intelligence: 210
Charisma: 380
Intuition: 320
Skills: Dagger, Spear, Throwing, Evade, Aiming

Sense Danger, Sense Mana, Sense Presence

Pain Resistance, Paralyse Resistance, Poison Resistance, Hunger Resistance, Sleep Resistance

Leather Crafting ADV, Wood Crafting ADV, Tailoring ADV, Butchery ADV, Cooking ADV, Body Strengthening, Body Development, Body Control, Acrobatics ADV, Stealth ADV, Hunting ADV, Animal Handling, Cure Wounds, Herbalist, Identify Item, Identify Monster, Magic Theory, Foraging ADV, Survival ADV, Dancing, Singing, (Regeneration), (Self Transformation), (Concealment MAS)

Air Magic, Water Magic, (Darkness Magic)

Appraisal, Magic Control, Mana Regeneration, Mana Vessel

(Limit Break)

Unique Abilities: Handsome, Twilight Vision (Night Vision), Good Senses (Extraordinary Senses), Strong Reflexes (Extraordinary Reflexes), (Master Concealer), (Fast Lerner), (Luck), (Weak Presense), (Affinity for Darkness Magic), (Weakness to sunlight middle)
Title: none, (Hero), (Reincarnate), (Blessed by Luna), (Cursed by Lumos)


I was speechless when I saw the changes. The slightest change was my race, which was now described as a Dark Elf. But the rest was too incredible to be true. My thoughts were very disjointed and jumping back and forth between different things. The simplest thing was the information, which was all in brackets. The brackets were probably the effect of the skill to disguise. I didn't have to do any appraisal to identify concealment as the reason. I had the ability Master Concealer and Concealment as master rank skills. That was clearly connected.


Otherwise I still see new abilities and titles. I was a little surprised about luck as an ability because of everything that has happened to me, but when I thought about it more closely, it made sense. I had already survived several life-threatening situations that I probably wouldn't have survived without it. Many of the abilities related to my race as a dark elf changed too. Three Abilities of these have a stronger form in brackets. Apparently I had received a boost in addition to the abilities I had gained through my race. Either there where stronger like night vision, which allowed me to see in nearly total darkness. Or additional to the characteristics bonus EXP spended on related skills where doubled. Very strong.


I'm a bit surprised about weakness to sunlight. I was used to being prone to sunburn despite my dark skin color. The reason for this was an ability? And on middle too? Had my weakness gotten worse because the sunburn was still very bad? I had to pay attention to that in the future. But I quickly found out the reason. The Curse of Lumos, which was new to my titles, included Weakness to sunlight. It said that I took damage in direct sunlight and also that all my actions received a medium penalty while exposed to direct sunlight. In contrast, Luna's Blessing ensured that I received a medium bonus to all actions at night in the presence of moonlight. That sounded very powerful in both cases. I also received a bonus to my mental stability when I looked at the moon. That had helped me throughout my life when I was in a bad mood. I now saw Hero and Reincarnated as further titles. Hero gave me special abilities. Maybe that meant Limit Break. This allowed me to increase my characteristics for a certain period of time at the cost of MP. It also doubled the XEP I received. But didn't I also have Fast Learners? What did the ability do? It also gave more EXP. This tripled any EXP I earned. Incredible. Cheatlike. I was always praised as a genius. Nor i knew the reason.


The last new ability was weak presense. Here too I had to look at the description via appraisal and didn't know whether that was an advantage or a disadvantage. It had a bit of both. Apparently my aura was very weak. As a result, I was perceived worse by others. On the other hand, I had difficulties in other social environments because I received deductions when negotiating or managing subordinates. This was certainly a very useful ability for criminals, but for me? Well, I never wanted to be in the spotlight anyway, but I also didn't planed to become a criminal.


In addition to Limit Break and Concealment, I also see Regeneration and Self Transformation as new skills. Regeneration allowed for passive HP recovery over time similar to Mana Regeneration. HP was usually only regenerated through long rest periods, healing skills, alchemy, or healing spells. That sounded very handy. I first had to use Appraisal on Self Transformation and I couldn't breathe when I read the description. This allowed me to transform into another person, even if it was a different race? That was pure cheating, but it suited me just right. But part of the description irritated me. I had to obtain detailed knowledge of the body structure and appearance of this breed beforehand. How did I do that? All I had was the knowledge of Earth humans, but I doubt that counted. I tried it anyway and was amazed. I could actually transform into one person, in fact two people. It was a man and a woman. I immediately reversed the transformation into a man. This felt very wrong. I didn't want to be a man. Transforming into the human female cost me some mana and only lasted a few minutes. The duration depended on the skill level and it was probably zero. How good that I had 5500 unused EXP since my last appraisal. Either the successful escape had brought experience or my conversation with Luna. I guessed mostly the latter. I invested 1000 XP straight into the ability, presumably to level it up to level 1. Then I changed back into the woman. I felt my new body and also looked at myself in the water of the lake. It turned out that I looked like my old self from my reincarnation. It felt quiet nostalgic. I estimated the time I remained transformed and it was about an hour. So one skill level  was one hour of transformation. I then increased it to level 5 with another 4000 EXP. With 5 hours of transformation I should be sufficiently protected. After all, I was still a discriminated elf in the empire, also I was currently wanted. I didn't test the man because I still didn't want to become a man.


I was glad that I had the ability to transform because it gave me a tool to not stand out among people. In addition, I still had the problem that I owned almost nothing and had little money. It would be best if I went to the next town. There I will, transformed as a human, try to earn money so that I can renew my equipment. Maybe I should become an adventurer? Then I could move freely, act solo and no longer had to stay in one city. With Self Transformation I had 5 hours of time as a human being in a row. Not much, but hopefully enough to not stand out. I was curious about the possibilities if I increased this skill to the end.



How to interprete a skill:

<Skill Name> <Skill Rank> <Skill Level> <EXP sprended on skill>


Skill ranks are: None/empty (basis), ADV (advanced), EXP (expert), MAS (master), GM (grandmaster)


Information available depending on level in Appraisal (own status):

skill name: basis appraisal

skill rank: basis appraisal

skill level: level 1 in appraisal

EXP spended on skill: level 1 in appraisal


Information for others:

appraisal skill rank was lowered by 1


Generell statement:

In most cases I won't write the EXP spended on skills in the chapters to keep it easier and more simple.