Chapter 12 Earth!
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[Gundam Nova]


February 29th, 194 I.C.J. The Stellar, Deluxe Suite, 9:52 A.M


[...Entering Earth’s atmosphere in 30 minutes, every passenger aborts the stellar, please go back to your room and take the Safety Seat. I repeat…] 


I tune out the sound of the intercom lady and focus on the matter at hand, an endless line of code that left me and Mama puzzled…It was the code that Yohai was writing by itself all this time, even now, she still writing it and I can’t interact with it.


It moved too fast for me to understand properly but I got the gist at least, she is…coding her own emotions. Not just the basic ones but even more complex ones too, it is honestly… absurd. 


I have been spending every day here, to figure her out but I honestly can’t…it worries me, She wouldn’t respond to anything, and even an attempted hack from me can easily get swept over like trash…


Mama said not to worry, she believes in what I create and I should believe it too, I believe her, you know…But the fact that I can’t even talk to her… makes me sad, Haro is also asking where Yohai is too, but his emotion isn’t as complex as Yohai so he just accepts whatever I say.


Time flew by so fast as I was trying to wake Yohai up, it was already time to enter Earth…Earth after so long…5 years huh? Then..I’m going to stay at Elysium for 10 years…another 3 years for specialized courses…I wonder, how long before I can come home? 


I’m not going to see Mama face to face, the only way is to talk through the phone and Facetime. But I won’t be able to get pat by her anymore, she wouldn’t be there to reprimand me for my mistake…Huh, thinking about it like this is more depressing than I thought.


But that's okay, she could still visit me, or maybe she would move back to earth? Is that why we pack so much stuff? 


Well, I could just ask her- 




Well, speaking of which. She came back, finally. 

“So, did she wake up?” She asked, I shook my head and she understood my answer immediately. “I see, Well, there is nothing you can do, if you can’t even understand it, then who can, Am I right?”


“There is always someone better…I just need to find them, and maybe they could help me.” 


“Yeah, but that far off into the future. Right now, I think there is no one better than you about understanding Emotional AI.” She said, patting on my shoulder. “Get on your seat, it going to get rough.”


She said as she took the special seat, a comfortable Cantilever Chair, with a safety belt of course. I follow her and take my own seat too, I already put Haro to sleep, Earth’s magnet field may destroy him if suddenly exposed to it, and I will need to adjust them after we land.


Well, time to ask the important question.


“Mama, are you going to move to earth?” There, I did it.


“Yeah, Don’t worry, our house on Siga-2 is still in my name, and it will be for at least another 10 years. I just rent it out to others, that's all.” 


“Oh, so that's why you pack all our stuff.” 


“Shush now, you don’t want to bite your tongue.” She said, which puzzled me. Bite my tongue? Why would I bite–


“Kya!!!!!? W-what the?!” Hell, what was that?! Everything suddenly trembles, loud boom everywhere, and then there is even a sudden blackout!?


“That's the first time I heard you scream, and so girly at that, nehehe.” 


“Of course, I would scream! And what do you mean girly?! I am a girl!” I retort back to her, which isn't doing much as seeing her just laughing at me.


“Anyway, the ship is entering Earth Entry mode, so they take away the power to gather at the Matrix Generator, so it could prevent the ship from getting damaged by the atmosphere.” She explains to me. “Well, the next 10 minutes or so would be quite boring as there is nothing to do except stare at the earth.” And just as she said that she pressed the button on the chair, which opened up the window, revealing the Earth…


And…it was beautiful…blue ocean that seemed endless, white cloud that covered them…but most of all, the little dot of light from all the buildings, illuminating the world. Even though it should be morning, from my perspective, I see it as if it was nighttime.

“How was it, Earth?” She asked, and she would know my answer just judging from her expression, I already knew she knew it. So I just turn to her, and give a thumbs up.


And she takes it with a smile. 


[Gundam Nova]


February 29th, 194 I.J.C. Earth. 10:52 A.M.


Once the ship was fully landed, I and Mama took our backpacks and slowly got out, what did I get greeted with once I stepped foot on Earth? 


Fresh air…I mean like…real fresh air, one that wasn't filtered. It smells quite…earthly.


“So…what do we do now? Do we get a Taxi?” I ask her. She took out her phone and stayed silent for a bit.


“Nah, there's no need for that, Looks like our pick-up come, and just in time like always too.” She takes her backpack and starts walking, I follow her silently, and we walk past everyone and go back to…the port? Why? Is our pick-up going to be by plane or something-




Eh? Did I see it right? Is this…mobile armor? No, the size is quite small, so a ship? But why is there a military ship here? 


“Why are you surprised? Let’s go, I thought you like these kinds of things So I asked them.” So you ask them?! How much money would it cost just to operate that thing?! And you just casually ask them for it?! Are you their secret child or something? 


It's not like she would hear my thoughts anyway…No, wait… she definitely knows what I’m thinking right now, just seeing her smirk…I know it! She knows exactly what I think!


“If you think that I know what you thinking then you are wrong, I just love to see your puzzle face that's all.”  There, see! She knows what am thinking! 


“Well, just how much did they love you, just to use Mobile Armor just to come to pick us up because I like it?”


“Not much, they respect me and I respect them, think of it as we owe each other a favor. Well, I think Mrs. Kylie might view me as her daughter though, they don’t have children of their own after all. Oh look, there he is, still hasn't aged a day.” She points at an elderly man in a butler uniform.


The old butler…is at least 60-70 years old. From just his demeanor alone, I could tell that he was an experienced butler, completely still even with the heat, graceful but most importantly, I couldn’t tell what he thinking, his expression, even though it was that of a warm and happy smile, I could feel it…but there also more in them.


“Can you stop judging my daughter? Just so you know, she may be a genius but even genius has a limit.” Mama said, I watched her expression change rapidly, and she also became unreadable…


“My apologies, It's just that I am quite curious about your child, that is all,” he said, changing his demeanor entirely, “It is my pleasure to meet you again, Lady Araya, and it is a pleasure to meet you too, Lady Yoha. My name is Hemston Vetacrow.”


He drops down to one knee takes Mama's hand and kisses it…which she seems to use too and he looks over toward me…I look over to Mama and she just shrugs…sigh, no helping it I guess, I hesitantly move my hand and he takes it and kisses it gently…


Kinda weird feeling…he let go of my hand and got up, “Apology if my greeting makes you feel uncomfortable.” he apologized, bowing his head slightly.


“No…It's just…kinda weird feeling, You talk like one of those medieval times too, It's not weird… it's just surprising? I kinda like it tho.” I said, watching as he smiled at my word.


“It truly an honor to hear that my act has pleased you. Now then, Let us leave, Lord Stephan and Madam Kylie are waiting.” He said, taking away my backpack while Mama still held onto hers. 


“Eh, you not going to help me?” She said jokingly…she jokes a lot these days. Maybe it is her old habit?

“I would prefer to help little children than a full-grown woman like you, And I know that you are strong enough to do it yourself,” he said. 


“Eh, I was just joking, anyway let go.” Mama took my hand and we walked toward that giant Mobile Armor…or ship? I don’t really know…


“Can…I ask something?” My voice caught his attention, and Mr. Hemston turned around. “Is…it a Mobile Armor? Or is it a Military ship?”


“That one is called Armageddon, An old experiment of Lord Stephan that has been abandoned, It has been collecting dust in our warehouse, so I take them out with Lord Stephan's permission. As it was an unknown model, I thought it might pique your interest. And judging from your expression, I seem to have accomplished that.”


Eh? Is it that readable?! But an unknown model, With unknown capability! Even though it is one of the abandoned projects the fact that it is up and running means that most of the experiment goes well, so why would he abandon it?


Somehow, I feel like those two people are laughing at me but I will ignore it. After all, I got better things to care about! What kind of system did they use? What kind of AI do they use?! And what kind of Weapon does it have on board!?


“There’s no weapon on board.” “Don’t think about weapons, Yoha.” 


…The two of them spoke at the same time…it seem my face is really that readable.


[Gundam Nova]


“Amazing! These sleek interiors, ensure both comfortable stays but are still practical, easy to move, and not jam-packed together, ensuring that even in most of Chaos, there is still room for everyone in the control room to move! Not to mention just how spacious this control room really is and…”


Yoha, The daughter of Araya is looking around without bothering the staff, Which for a kid her age is quite something, normally they would be jumping around exploring every area, but she just stood there and yelled out her own amazement but not too loudly, earning a warm stare from the staff.


“You know…I never saw her geek out this much before…being inside something close to Mobile Armor must have done something to her brain…” Araya said quietly while recording her daughter, making Hemston chuckle lightly.


“I think it must come from her Father, He used to do this whenever you two talk about Code together.” 


Hearing his remark, made Araya smile sadly, it had been so long, yet it felt so short to her, the time together was almost over. 


“Are you sure about this? Lord Stephan would gladly protect you from them.” 


“And then they would continue to pursue me, through my daughter, then through you and The Ottoman, I’m thankful for the offer…but if you really want to help me then. Keep her safe, or better yet, don’t let her ever meet them, you would help me more than protecting me that way.” 


“But…What about her feelings?” Looking over her daughter, Araya smiled, it was the confident smile Hemston used to see.


“She will be fine. She’s my and his daughter after all, besides…She is already better than me in some aspects already.” Araya turns back to him, and the same bright smile is there on her face. 


“I see…You've already grown up, I don’t think Lord Stephan will need to worry anymore.” 


“Heh, That's what 20 years of isolation do to you.” She jokes lightly, making even him smile.


“Right! Haro! Uh…Mr. Hemston…where did you unload my backpack?” Yoha turns to ask him a question, Haro? He never heard of that term before…


“I shall guide you there, Lady Yoha, Don’t worry about tripping, The Armageddon is built to have a smooth take-off and landing.” With his hand out, he took the young lady's hand, she seemed quite hesitant about holding someone else hand that was not her mother's, but she accepted it, and Hemston quietly guided her to the Crew Quarter, where he had his man put the bags at.


It was a silent walk, with her admiring every corner of The Armageddon, it was refreshing, to see such a young child take interest in something that Lord Stephan deemed a failure. She has a star in her eyes, literary.


Walking through the mass hall, they finally arrive at the Crew Quarters. He quickly walks past the first few rooms and into the back, opening it up to reveal a neat room, clean of any dust.


Walking inside, the Young lady follows after him, she even marvels at the state of the room. 


Hemston quickly finds the backpacks, placing them together in an orderly manner. And before he could even say anything, the young lady was already on the move, her hand moving swiftly, opening the third bag from the right and pulling out a spherical…green ball? 


Alongside it are Laptop, which is still running? There are countless words that he couldn’t understand. Why is her laptop even running? What's more, she seems to be getting used to it.


“Lady Yoha, May I ask why your laptop is still On and Running?” Hemston couldn’t contain his curiosity, so he asked her, which made her stiffen up immediately.


“T-there nothing! I have just been running some code to test a new program for Haro, That’s all.” Or so she said, but Araya hadn’t trained her enough…the moment he mentioned the laptop, her form was already collapsing, Her breathing quickened up a bit, and her hand became stiff, but she had potential…at least she got herself back up quickly.


Her breathing becomes stable after a few seconds, and the stiffness is gone the next moment he notices, but most of all, her expression is always stable, normal, and unchanging.


Now that is good, one must know how to keep an expression still, in this world it is one of the most important skills. However, she still needs to work on her normal expression, not only when it matters.


But well, he will let it go this time. 


“I understand, do you need me to leave the room?” He asks, and she nods immediately. “I understand, I will be outside should you need anything.” making himself out of the room, He heard the low sigh of relief from the room.