Chapter 18: Awareness
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*Clack clack clack, clack clack clack clack clack clack. Cklek!*






Lida suddenly senses something wrong among his peers. Someone went missing... Precisely, someone who sat near him hasn't reunited yet. 


"Guys, did anyone see the kid wearing a black cap?"

The request causes nearly everyone to look around, trying to find the kid. And everyone seemingly shook together, or saying "No". All Might also notice Midoriya's classmate's disappearance. Lida takes the initiative to ask his classmates. He figured out that Shigaraki separated them all into groups. So, he approaches Deku and asks him.

"Deku, did you get teleported with the weird kid?"

Deku shook his head nervously. He gazes at Tsuyu and Mineta.

"N-No. I was teleported to the Shipwreck zone with Tsuyu and Mineta."

Lida then continued to ask everyone who they were teleported with.


For instance: Kirishima braces Bakugou's shoulder after receiving Lida's question. Shoto stood beside the shy Hagakure. Koji wanted to pat Tokoyami's shadow pet but was forbidden by the owner. Denki got "complimented" by Jiro once again while Momo just laughed seeing the "complimenting" scene.


That's the summary of them being interrogated by Lida. And the kid still hasn't been found. Aizawa doesn't show concern, but it's still his job to make sure his students are all fine. So, he tells everyone to search the entirety of USJ thoroughly and quickly move in a direction.

"Split up, everyone. Search for him everywhere. Cramped spots, hidden rooms, etc. He's probably stuck in a room, tied upside down."

Everyone disperse, scouring the facility like grasshoppers.




But soon, the result came out to a null.



(First Person POV)


Dang it!


Out of all this, why are you giving me a gun?! Game, what the hell man?!

Alright, breath. It's still useful, though not so much. Also, I hope you guys remember, because Damned can't fridging aim.

Didn't I tell you that a few moments ago?


Also, I'm currently at a hill. No, it's not the green hill with Hanger in it, it's a snowy hill. And guess what, I found a crate!

If you don't know, a gun crate contains a variety of weapons. After unboxing it, you might get a tier 3 weapon, a tier 4 weapon, a revolver, or even a fricking AWP. Well, I don't know if the AWP really exists, but a gun named AL-AWSM exists in this game. Similar to the AWP. It's probably AWP but renamed or maybe low-budget AWP.

So, besides the crate, I also found one Amoxicillin Tablet, a Fire Bomb (molotov, in other words), and a BACKPACK?!

Sheesh, I guess god gave me some more chance to survive. Also, I found all of that in several lockers and some tables. If you ask the lore behind how these things were left in a good condition like this, then you better keep it for yourself. Cuz in the original game, in the scavenging phase, the location of every loot will rotate every night. In short, I have no clue.

At the first night, you may find lots of lockers in the outpost. Then, the RNG says "Crap you" and gives you Scav War on the second night.


Pretty cool, right? I mean crippling death.


So, I got this stuff, and it looks like the storm will arrive in 10 Minutes. What a nice thing to have. 

You better understand why I'm glad I have 10 Minutes before freezing to death because if you don't, ooohh boy. You'll never understand the pain of forgetting to loot the Immobilizing Splint. Also, let me tell ya, the debuff system in this game is cursed. Like, REAL CURSED.

Here's an example: A guy with a lead pipe heading toward me at full speed. I miss-click and you know what happens next? I take some small light damage? Yes. I make a big mistake? No. Did I suffer a lot? Yes, absolutely. Because just him landing one light hit cripples me. No, I am not joking.

And do you know what's the most bullcrap thing the debuff system does? It's a deceivingly low debuff chance. So earlier, the Scav with lead pipe does a light swing and hits me with it, right? And he cripples me, right? He definitely went for my kneecaps, sure. But, my friend, the chance to receive Cripple debuff or Fracture debuff from this guy is 10%!!

You hear me?! TEN PERCENT!!


I could rant the entire day about the debuff system, but no. I should move on to another location instead. Now that I've swept this hill, time to find another place to loot.

So, I climb down the hill and continue to move in another direction. the AGENT marked any landmarks I've visited, so bye-bye getting lost in a snowy environment! After some walking simulator time, I found another place to loot. It's a... Castle? From the looks of it, it's not populated with Raiders, cool. And it took me 3 minutes to get here. So...


Uh... Basically, 7 minutes left. I think. Hold on, 10 - 3, uh... 6? Let me grab the calculator real quick.



Uhuh, so, 10 - 3 = 7. Understandable.


Now, time to become a loot goblin.

*Enters the castle*



(5 minute later...)


*Rushed breath*



"Where did that f*cker go?"

"I don't know, dude. He either's a drifter or actually the one who camped the bush when playing hide and seek."

"There's no bush in this goddamn place, dingus!! Let's just head back and report to Sledgequeen."

"*Sigh* Fine."


*Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap*


Alright... Are they gone yet? Oh, they're actually, gone, good.

I step out of the locker and recheck my loot. Good thing none of the stuff I yoinked is gone. So, yeah. This is actually a Raider's castle. And of course, Sledgequeen ceased her existence here. Oh, if you were wondering how I got spotted. Let's just say I wanted to snatch some stuff from the lockers discreetly but someone spotted me and chased me down. Well, that's my clumsiness actually. Cuz I already knew this was a Raider's castle, but the sweet sweet loot in the lockers could not get dipped. Also, Raiders = Elite Scavengers.

So, yes.

"*Sigh* I really wish I could have my throwing knives back."


Now, who is Sledgequeen? You may ask. Let me answer that in a short and summarized way.

She's literally just Bakugou but a woman and wields a Sledgehammer. Yeah, she's basically that. No, I'm not joking about her being similar to Bakugou, she's a 1-to-1 copy of Bakugou. She got mad when she saw me and had a kaboom effect whenever she slamdunk her hammer to the ground. Or when she does a high jump and crushes to the ground like V1 ground slam. Not to mention the metal song playing in the background wherever she goes. Well, at least the music lets me know her presence.

Alr, time to dip. I got some stuff and luckily, I found one blueprint that I desperately wanted and needed.


So, I walked outside and found myself on the upper wall of the castle. Yeah, I ran up here and hid in one of the lockers. And on the castle's yard, plenty of Scavs can be seen idling along with the Sledgequeen. Looks like someone's got a report, better get movin'.



"So, you both lost him?"


"In this cramped f*cking castle?"


"And not checking the lockers?!"




"Next time, get your f*cking senses up. Or else, I'll blow your head off."



Oh... Look at that conveniently placed twig. What a perfect timing and lineup for me to step on it~ Now, I have the attention I needed at the wrong time. 

God, I love you. But, why should you bring me this...



*Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*


"He's running away, get him!"


Alright, I'm basically f*cked now. Even if I manage to escape them, the storm will freeze me to death.

Well, let's think about that later. Now...



I ran as fast as I could despite having the speed debuffs applied. Luckily, she only sends her goons to chase me. Wait... Hold the heck on. She's giving orders??





I looted some more stuff back in the castle, and one of them was the Impact Grenade. Now, this should help a little. I unpin the nade and throw it toward the group of Scavs. And oh boy, look at that.



And just like that, 4 of the Scavs are dead. I knew that was a useful item, can't believe I had to use it now. Also yes, the nade does like how it's named, Impact Grenade. Explode on impact. Clearly one of the most genius inventions of all time in the universe.

I keep my speed up and halt once I know they're retreating. Yeah, they're retreating, good! But also bad news. Cause once they're retreating, I check the time the storm arrives, and oh god...

"1 Minute..."


I'm gonna get turned into an ice cube if I don't arrive at my new 'home' in time. And I don't think I will make it. It's more like I will lose lots of health. Plus, I don't have any healing items. Huft...

I guess it's a good time to give up, eh?




No, never mind. Let's just keep going. I'll find an IFAK eventually.

I try to run even faster, but my body can't keep up. I really despise this speed debuff. I'm super slow, and now I am exhausted.

"Come on, not now. MOVE!"


The more I tried, the slower I got. And it makes me fall into the snow head first. The cooling sensation breeze into my skull, freezing me into a degree lower than 20. I sat up, looking down at my legs covered with white powder.

I feel like this is my limit. At the same time, I don't want to admit it.

"No. Not now. At least I want to fall unconscious while walking."

So, I slowly get up and turn my gaze to the front, startling myself. Why? Well, because god still loves me and gave me a new surprise.


A base with two turrets guarding!




I hurriedly take cover under the base, walking behind the containers. I quickly lay down on the floor and wrapped a leftover blanket around my body.

'Phew. Nearly got turned into a cold meat.'


Oblivious to my surroundings, I close my eyes and call it a day. Just then I realized, 'Why is there a bad smell? Like a meat...'

I open up my eyes and turn my head to the left. I quickly regret lying down without checking the base interior. A decapitated head greets me, telling me that there has been a tough fight.

With a chill shivering through my bones and limbs, I slowly grab the blanket and move to another place without dead bodies, severed limbs, and decapitated heads. And you know what? This is a bloodied Agent base. There are lots of bodies here, mostly from the Scavs. I even found a Sickler. Of course, it's dead, it'll be NOT funny if it moves. I refuse to re-check that thing's dead body.

Alright, now that I'm on a part of the base with no blood and gorey view, I lay down on the sleeping bag I dragged here and tried to sleep.


Just when I'm about to sleep, my brain whispers to me. "Hey bro, are you going to sleep?"

And I answer. "Of course, why do you think I drag this sleeping bag for, hiding bodies?"

"Did you forget about the fact that the Raiders now can talk? Not to forget, the first three Scavs we see getting ripped scream someone's name. They never scream and talk before, right?"


"Also, Sledgequeen now gives orders to her simp. And she's also aware of the incoming storm and told everyone to not chase us. Doesn't that mean the castle's a safe zone?"

"You're... Right. Hold on, does that mean they won't raid our base when it's storm? EUREKA!!!"

I have a plan laid out then. We're decreasing our humanity and becoming nomadic, guys. Beware of cavemen in your caves!
