Chapter 17: Dilated
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If you were wondering. "What happened last time?" Well, I'm glad you asked. Apparently, a dangerous invisible black man was in the base with me, wielding a fricking knife. You heard him saying something Granny said, right? Yeah, that's him. I despise this di-

Alright. So, I gun down the Hidden, that's what it's called, and took his knife.


Wait, took his knife... Hold on...




Wha? Since when did Decaying Winter have a "pickup_enemywpn" feature? I swear. In the original game, you cannot pick up enemy weapons, only items. That includes soda, M.R.E, canned beans, and a filtered water bottle. I stare at the knife for a few seconds, dumbfounded at the feature I just found. Seriously, I might keep questioning how this feature works. No wait, what Decaying Winter is this? Expanded area, slower storms, and more Scavengers spread. Not to mention the scavenger's attack which usually happens every time the storm comes. Now, I feel like I can get proper rest.

So, what version of DW is this? Hmm...

I walk back and forth from the mattress I used to the base entrance. Yes, I'm thinking about how this sole feature works and connecting it to a version of it. Cause I might remember something I see in the wiki. Or maybe this version came from the developer's footage? Wait... Footage...


Decaying World. 


Fridge, I should've known about this since I got taken here. 


So, how did they steal the assets of this game? I mean, did the devs leak all of the stuff they're working on? No, probably not. This looks... Surreal. To the point that this is actually Decaying World. Will I find a demon? I think I saw one in one of the trailers. 

Alright, what an afterthought. I'm gonna go get some sleep. Oh, and by the way, I don't think the Scavs are going to attack me anytime soon.


Good night... Zzz.



(A few minutes later, in The Hub...)




*Crunch crunch crunch*

"This nice." 


Jide is currently eating chips inside his apartment's bedroom. This is one of the exclusive apartments available for the higher-ups of The Hub society, including THC's executives. In Ethereal, many know who the executives of this group are. But only a few of the government people can see their faces.

The Hub Caretaker. A group that is considered a neutral group. Whether it's neutral good or neutral evil, it's up to how the people of Ethereal see them. They, the THC's executives, declared the group's neutrality. Meaning the group also indulges in some crime and dirty things. However, the group actually lends some helping hands to the government whenever a problem in Ethereal or The Hub is related to their job. They have one job, and they solely work on it. They sometimes do charity events, but the political or social observer sees the charity act as a distraction for the city residents.

And now, one of the executives noticed something. 

"Hold on, what?"

Jide noticed that he hadn't turned a switch on. The switch is a code, it's for Alf's detention. Above the code, a small comment has the name of it. 

'Character Awareness'

"So all this time, you haven't been switched on eh?"

He laid the chips down and changed the booleans from "False" to "True".

*Clack clack clack clack, clack clack clack. Cklek!'

"Phew. I bet my ass he thought the characters only act like how they act in the anime."


His phone is ringing a call. He grabs the phone on the desk and answers.

*Tuuut, tuut, tuut. Tet!' "Yeah, hello?" 

"Jide, did you put the time dilation in the urban dome?"

Cardinal suddenly burst out with a question out of nowhere. Jide is visibly a bit disturbed, but he's more curious about the topic Cardinal brought up. "Hold up, time dilation? Now, who the hell will torture him like that?"

They both went silent as if they connected their minds and found the cause of the time dilation. 

J: "Ohh, hell nah!"

C: "Oh, for f*ck sake."

They both exchange orders to... Beat some people up. "You go get Nolff, I'll scold Mio and Hopper. Meet me at the cafe." Cardinal said. Jide replies. He puts his headset down and grabs his green sweater and trousers of the darker color. He took his clothes off earlier because of the high temperature. "Alright. If you arrive first, get me an iced Espresso."

Cardinal chuckles. "Heh, sure." Then, the call ended. Jide gets up from his chair, slides the sweater to himself, and walks outside with black and white school shoes. He walks to his neighbor's bedroom, Nolff, and knocks on his door.


*Knock knock knock*

"Nolff? Open the door."

*Knock knock knock!"

"Nolff? Come on now."

The longer he stood there, the more repressive his voice gets.




"Hoaahm~ Yeah?"

Seeing that Nolff just recently woke up and not realizing the thing he makes upsets him. Jide, with a burst of rage, ran towards him. 



*John Cena's signature finishing theme played in the background.*


I think I'm not gonna post a chapter for this story. Not because I'm unmotivated, but because of the chapters I already released. These chapters are fricking trash and just now I realized it. Gotta go and fix it then, see ya. Not this fic, but the main one.