Chapter no.49 The Alchemist Association
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Shen Xiu woke up with a groan. 

She really didn't like mornings.

How she wished she could turn night into her morning.

As she caught sight of the stack of notes fro the night before, she let out a smile. 

Perhaps going to class wouldn't be so bad after all.

She quickly got ready for the day, walking to class with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face.

"Good morning, class," she greeted brightly. Her unusual cheerfulness took everyone by surprise.

Why was she so happy today? They all wondered.

Shen Xiu didn't notice their shocked expressions; her gaze was fixed on the back of the room.

But the moment she noticed Nie Li's empty seat, her smile disappeared.

The sudden shift in her mood made the entire class tense.

They could all see the annoyance and disappointment in her eyes.

Without saying it out loud, they all thought

the same thing: She's so unpredictable. Meanwhile, Shen Yue was feeling worried for his aunt.

He wondered what had happened to the arranged marriage plans.

Why wasn't she trying to push him closer to Ye Ziyun anymore?


Nie Li hopped off the rickshaw and found himself standing in front of the Alchemist Association. The building was a sight to behold, majestic and tall, guarded by statues of heavenly thunder lion-dogs at the temple entrance. The roofs soared upwards, almost as if reaching for the sky.

Walking up to the front desk, Nie Li was greeted by a woman sorting through papers. Her hair was neatly arranged, and a badge pinned to her chest identified her as a 'Senior Administrator'. She looked up with a practiced smile. 

"What can I do for you, Sir?" she inquired.

Nie Li, following the system's guidance, glanced at a sign pointing towards the Library. 

"I'd like to access the library," he said.

The woman's expression changed slightly. "Oh, sir, to enter our library, you'll need an association card."

"I'm not a member," Nie Li replied.

"In that case, you'll need to join the association to access our library," the woman behind the desk informed Nie Li.

Nie Li paused for a moment, then asked, "Is there another way? Like, can I pay for an hour instead?"

The woman hesitated but then nodded. "We can do that," she said.

"Good, how much?" Nie Li asked, hoping for a reasonable figure.

"1000 per hour," the woman replied.

Nie Li balked at the price. "That's too much," he protested.

The woman leaned forward slightly, her voice lowering. "Young master, understand that you're not registered with us. Just allowing you inside could land me in big trouble. Our library contains valuable items—ancient texts, lost recipes, and numerous notes on untested products that could be dangerous."

Hearing her explanation, Nie Li let out a sigh. He knew he needed access to those resources, no matter the cost. Reluctantly, he paid the fee in cash, watching as the woman discreetly slid him a fake card.

"This will get you into the library," she whispered, making sure no one else heard. 

"Just be careful," she warned, her voice low. "This card won't hold up under scrutiny from our higher-ranked members, though they rarely visit the library. Don't let anyone see it, and try not to draw attention to yourself. Get in, do what you need, and leave."

Nie Li nodded, understanding the risk. He wondered how often she had engaged in such transactions. 

"Whatever," he thought, shrugging off the concern as he pocketed the card and made his way to the library.

Nie Li entered the library, presenting the fake card to the librarian at the entrance, Mr. Zhao. 

Once inside, Nie Li couldn't help but pause in awe. 

The library was immense, shelves stretching up to high ceilings, and rows upon rows of books extended as far as the eye could see. 

Ladders on wheels were scattered about, allowing access to the higher shelves, and tables were filled with scholars and alchemists, poring over texts and scrolls. 

It was a stark contrast to the Holy Orchid library; this place was bustling with activity.

The system's arrow directed him towards the back of the library, where the formula for the Golden Sky Pill was located. 

"I should also find the books necessary to become an Alchemist," Nie Li thought, remembering his ultimate goal. 

He cleared his throat quietly before mentally commanding, "System, I want to be the best Alchemist in Glory City."

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "I want to be the best Alchemy Master in Glory City." ]

[ Process: Creating Simulation to Identify Essential Resources for Mastery in Alchemy ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]

[ Result: Collection of Key Texts for Initiating Dream Simulation ]

[ Essential Texts: ]

  1- [ "Basics of Alchemical Reactions" ]

  2- [ "Stability and Reactivity in Herbs" ]

  3- [ "Synthesis Techniques in Alchemy" ]

  4- [ "Quantitative Alchemy: The Measure of Transformation" ]

  5- [ "Organic Alchemy: The Study of Plants" ]

  6- [ "Inorganic Alchemy: Understanding Alchemy and Minerals" ]

  7- [ "Thermoalchemy: Flame Manipulation" ]

  8- [ "Catalysis: Speeding Up Alchemical Reactions" ]

  9- [ "Electroalchemy: The Power of Thunder" ]

 10- [ "Alchemy of Solutions: Solubility and Concentration" ]




 99- [ "The Alchemy of Pill Production: On the Soul and the Body" ]

100- [ "The Comprehensive Alchemist: A Journey from Basic to Advanced Alchemy" ]

[ Actions Required: ]

  [ - Collect the listed texts to begin the dream simulation towards achieving unparalleled mastery in Alchemy within Glory City. ]

Nie Li made his way towards the section he needed, his movements discreet as he gently tapped the books, transferring them into his spatial ring. Thankfully, being mostly untranslated tomes, they attracted little attention. With his task completed, he ventured deeper into the library, the air thick with dust that made him cough.

In the quiet, a particular book caught Nie Li's eye, emitting a soft glow that seemed to call out to him. As he approached, a familiar alert appeared in his vision:

[ Simulation Conditions Met ]  

[ Commencing Simulation Process ]  

[ Book Selected for Simulation: "The Art of Yang Pills" ]  

[ Simulation Objective: ]  

  - [ To impart the knowledge contained within the book "The Art of Yang Pills" directly to player Nie Li. ]  

[ Simulation Status: ]  

  - [ Initiating knowledge transfer... ]  

  - [ Simulation of book contents is underway. ]  

  - [ Player Nie Li will receive comprehensive understanding and insights from "The Art of Yang Pills" ]

Nie Li felt a rush of information flooding his mind, insights and techniques from "The Art of Yang Pills" becoming clear to him. Once the simulation completed, he found himself with a deep understanding of the book's contents.

Taking advantage of the quiet, Nie Li pulled out a piece of paper and began jotting down the formula and instructions for crafting the Golden Sky Pill, a recipe lost to time but renowned in the era of the Saint Spirit Empire. This unique pill was known for its ability to enhance physical strength in women by converting Yin soul force into Yang soul force, a process ineffective in men due to their naturally minimal Yin soul force.

Nie Li smiled. 

Now onto the main course.

[ Player Nie Li has collected the necessary manuals ]

[ Processing... ]

[ Creating dream simulation to transfer knowledge to player Nie Li. ]

[ Simulation Progress: ]

- [ 1% ]

- [ 10% ]

- [ 50% ]

- [ 100% ]

[ Beginning Dream Simulation... ]

Nie Li blinked his eyes open and found himself in the dream simulation once again. This time, there was no puppet to fight or some weird floating heads; rather, it was a giant cauldron. As Nie Li went up to it, he began drinking from it as the knowledge and insights on alchemy began to transfer into his mind.


While Nie Li was inside his dream simulation, what he didn't know was that someone was looking at him from the shadows.


[Author Note: Who is the mysterious observer? Guess]