Chapter no.48 Money
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Nie Li flopped onto his bed, unable to keep the grin off his face.

"Plan A: Get the Tower of Scribes interested," he thought to himself, pleased. He had successfully passed on his notes to the director. 

Now, all that was left was for the tower to profit from his inscription arrays. 

"Once they see the value, I'll propose a private meeting. That's my in," he schemed. "That's a surefire way to wealth."

But then his thoughts shifted to something closer to his heart—the Heavenly Marks Family. 

"If I'm going to lead my family, I can't just sit back and watch it head into destruction," he mused. 

"We've got so much land, so many resources. The potential's right there, waiting to be tapped."

As he lay there, ideas began to bubble up. "There's more than one way to enrich the Heavenly Marks Family. But how? Agriculture? Trade? Maybe leveraging our unique skills?" Nie Li pondered, considering every angle.

He turned his gaze to the system.

"Simulate ways I can make the Heavenly Marks Family rich."

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "Simulate ways I can make the Heavenly Marks Family rich." ]

[ Process: Generating Simulation to Uncover Strategies for Wealth Accumulation ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]

[ Result: Select one of the following options. ]

  1- [ Joining the Alchemist Association. ]

  2- [ Curing Xiao Ning'er's Disease. ]

  3- [ Robbing Emperor Kong Ming's Tomb in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins ]

As Nie Li scrolled through the options provided by the simulation system, his eyes landed on the third choice: Robbing Emperor Kong Ming's Tomb in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins. 

"I forgot about that," he murmured to himself. 

The thought of uncovering hidden treasures buried beneath ancient ruins sparked his curiosity.

However, his excitement dimmed as he remembered the details of the expedition from his first life. 

"The young master of the Divine Family plans to lead a group of students to the ruins, hoping to find the tomb and its treasures," Nie Li recalled, piecing together his memories. 

But then, the stark reality of the situation hit him. The ruins were guarded by a troop of demon beasts, led by a formidable gold rank demon beast. 

He remembered, "A lot of students died on that trip. If it hadn't been for Shen Yue's hidden guards, the whole group would have been wiped out."

Nie Li bit his lip, pondering the risks. "If I choose this path, the system will likely guide me to the tomb. But going alone? That's a death wish," he thought, weighing his options.

"I'm not eager to die again."

But then, a new idea formed in his mind. 

"I have a few weeks before the expedition starts. Maybe I don't have to go at it alone. I could seek help from Shen Xiu to get me into the expedition," Nie Li considered, his mind racing with possibilities. 

"Xiao Ning'er is sick? I hadn't realized... Oh, so that's why she will drop out in a few months," he pieced together, a look of realization crossing his face as he remembered in his first life the genius Xiao Ning'er suddenly lost her cultivation and was bedridden for 2 years. 

So, she is coming to the institute despite being sick.

"I could offer a cure for her illness. Her family is wealthy, and I'm sure her father, the Patriarch, would pay a significant sum to see his daughter healthy again."

 Nie Li sat on his bed, clicking his tongue thoughtfully as he considered the option of joining the Alchemist Association. 

"Joining them sounds promising, but it means I'd have to leave the Holy Orchid Institute," he thought, weighing his options carefully. 

Unlike the Holy Orchid Institute, which was more of a traditional school, the Alchemist Association operated as an independent organization. 

It wasn't just a place to learn; it was a hub where alchemists crafted and sold their creations.

"Becoming an alchemist could definitely open a lot of doors for me," Nie Li mused, the possibilities playing out in his mind. "But it's not going to be easy. I remember from my previous life, there was a classmate who tried to join the Alchemist Association. The process was brutal."

He remembered how students in the Alchemist Association had to undergo a two-year program, shadowing professional alchemists. 

These apprenticeships were demanding, requiring intense dedication, long hours, and hands-on experience under high-pressure conditions.

"I doubt their two-year program is really for me," Nie Li considered with a sigh. "I have the knowledge to become a grandmaster alchemist in just a few hours, thanks to the system. 

But the option is joining the Alchemist Association, not becoming a master, so option 1 is most likely me gaining wealth via politics, which I would rather avoid."

He then pondered on the options. 

"Option three is too risky, and besides, I can approach it later under much safer conditions."

Nie Li also thought about curing Xiao Ning'er's disease, which could win him favor with the Winged Dragon Family. 

"Option two could be beneficial, but it's more of a short-term gain. I doubt it would provide the generational wealth I'm aiming for."

After considering each option, Nie Li found himself back at square one. 

"Option one, joining the Alchemist Association, feels too complicated and like a headache waiting to happen."

Nie Li lay on his bed, deep in thought. A question lingered in his mind, "Why am I rushing through all this?" The realization slowly dawned on him. Wealth, especially the kind that lasts generations, was on its way from the Tower of Scribes. That alone could support the Heavenly Marks Family. With that thought, Nie Li felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

"Let's rethink this," Nie Li said to himself, taking a moment to reassess his options. Options one and three were off the table; they were too risky, too complicated, and, as he now realized, unnecessary. His impatience, he mused, might just be a side effect of not getting enough sleep.

"Whatever," he concluded, "Option two is the way to go. Not for the money—that's irrelevant now—but for Xiao Ning'er." Healing her wouldn't just save a genius from being bedridden for two years; it would also win him a powerful ally.

[ Player has selected option 2: Curing Xiao Ning'er's Disease. ]

[ Setting up parameters. ]

[ Please select which path you want to follow: ]

  1- [ Immediate Cure ]

  2- [ Gradual Restoration Cure ]

  3- [ Slow Cure ]

[ Player Nie Li has selected Immediate Cure. ]

[ Generating Simulation. ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

    - [ Progress: 1% ]

    - [ Progress: 2% ]

    - [ Progress: 10% ]

    - [ Progress: 50% ]

    - [ Progress: 60% ]

    - [ Progress: 80% ]

    - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Outcome: Creation of the Golden Sky Pill required for curing Xiao Ning'er's disease immediately. ]

[ Next Step: ]

  - [ Locate Recipe for Golden Sky Pill. ]

  - [ Follow directional arrow on the player interface to find the location of the recipe for Golden Sky Pill. ]

[ Note: ]

  - [ Crafting the Golden Sky Pill requires the Alchemist Class. ]