Chapter 2: Peculiar State
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Was he dead?

A weird question to ask but since he was able to ask... maybe he wasn't.

He did remember his life flashing before his vision as he took his last breath amidst extreme pain though.

Then, everything went dark.

It's especially dark where he is currently at.

Given that he was still able to propose a question and ponder about it, maybe he's in some sort of coma or something.

Nah... not likely. That pedophile-hating inmate made doubly sure to be vicious when he struck and attacked poor him. Multiple times at that.

Such grievance and he wasn't even a pedophile. He just wrote about it.

Anyways, since he's most probably some dead but conscious soul as of current, maybe he's supposed to head towards the light now.

It's just that it's so dark that he can't find where it was.

It's also very constricting for some reason, so he's likely at the mercy of someone else.

Was he supposed to wait for Death or Anubis to whisk his poor soul away?

Or was he in purgatory and in a queue to be judged?

There are also other religious texts and even cultish contexts he could turn to... to relate to the state he's in... but it seemed all the same.

There's even the Atheist and scientific stuff to turn to. Yet in those logics, he's supposed to have truly ended when he died and just another data in the fluctuating population census to take into account.

Or maybe, in a more personal preference, perhaps he was finally without a universe?

One could even consider it being universeless.

If so, wouldn't that be something?

However, that's just out-there ramblings catering to his wannabe author slash webnovel pen name.

He had mixed feelings as he thought about this one.

It was supposed to just be an exploration of creativity and writing skills. It was all for fun yet it turned out to be the source of his downfall and woes.

Then again, who told him to go about and bastardize Hollywood? Not just once but three times!

What a stupid and shitty decision that was.

Worse yet, why'd he have to write about P and G themes?

Woke culture and the rainbow people may have already raised a flag for pedophiles and groomers but the FBI and society weren't about to absolve the sins committed by that demographic.

Maybe he should've stuck with the usual fanfic practices.

Pick some famous TV show, anime, or manga... then reincarnate, transmigrate, self-insert, and do what else with it.

Something along the lines of a new One Piece entry like a Kid self-insert or getting GoT-ed into Game of Thrones... any of those story options would've been just fine.

As long as pedophilia themes are avoided, of course.

On that topic, he remembered that he went off-topic.

He should have been pandering about the inexplicable state he's in, how did he jump to what fanfic he should've written?

Maybe... just maybe... he's in a fanfic situation right now...

Dead on Earth... floating around as a soul... about to meet some cliche ROB or cliche Morgan Freeman... so that he'd be given some gacha-wish-perk for the most BS of reasons...

After all that, it's off to the fiction-verse of choice... as either some weak-to-strong, overly OP, system slave, or system-marrying fucker... erm... character...

All those cliches aren't in sight though.

Fortunately so. Because he'd rather die again than go through that kind of cringe.

Even more fortunate was the fact that he felt his constricted state start to rouse...

Something was finally happening!

It's just that it's still quite tight and uncomfortable, so he could only squirm and squirm as he could.

A respite in this darkness came as well. For he actually saw the light!



With how blinding it is, can it, at least, shine some truth to this peculiar state he's in?

Something obviously made for fun, so don't take it too seriously... as it's obviously trashy...