Chapter 42 : Cassia and Grania Return, I Want A Harem Too!
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While the battle in Reno’s dorm room was occurring.
Grania and Cassia had the time of their lives in the city of Wester.
Grania and the old Reno had loved to idle around and fool around in Wester when they got any time off.
Grania took Cassia around the city to lots of weird and interesting places.
The day seemed to go by in a flash to them due to them going all around the city.
They were currently on their way back to the academy.
Grania had her arms behind her head.
“See what I mean Trista. No student apart from Reno can say that they know more about the city than me.”
Cassia slightly smiled before nodding. “I can see that. You wanted to do everything and eat everything at the same time.”
“You don’t seem to be very patient, Grania.”
Grania grinned. “I’m glad that you’re catching on.”
Grania then ran up to the floating parcel that was right beside Cassia and tried to grab it.
Before she could even touch the parcel.
Cassia lightly moved her fingers and the parcel started to float on her other side.
“Cassia, don’t go back on your word. You were the one that said we should save a parfait from the the diner for Reno.”
Grania crouched on the ground before sighing.
“That’s what the me of some hours said. The me of now says that we should eat it now and Reno can get one the next time.”
Cassia shook her head. “I say that we don’t. I bought this one for Reno after a whole 10 minutes of nagging from you so it must be Reno who scarfs it down, not you.”
Grania sulked but still got up and continued walking.
While walking, she looked at Cassia through the corner of her eye.
‘Upon first meeting, she was much more meek and shy than this. Is she getting bolder or does Reno have something to do with this?’
Grania thought about it for all but 2 seconds before not caring anymore.
Her wanting to get Reno hooked up was mostly a joke she loved to tell.
She thought that Reno and her would be single buddies for most of their life so she preferred that he didn’t get too friendly with other girls.
She herself, hadn’t been in any relationships either, so she thought it was fair that Reno stayed the same way.
‘After getting his vital core destroyed.'
'It’s like Reno’s ability to attract girls have gone through the roof or something.’
Grania then started to slightly chuckle which to Cassia seemed like she was going mad.
‘First it was the student council girl who he told me about wanting to protect him.’
‘Next it was the smoking hot Cassia who moved in with him.”
‘After that, you have miss curseallot.’
‘I swear, give him a week or two and he’ll add a milf, or maybe even twins to that pile.’
Grania then put her hand over her chest.
I wonder if I’ll get my reverse harem after losing my vital core or something.’
Grania then shook her head and continued walking back to the academy.
Aligning academy was located smack dab in the middle of Wester city.
This meant that for Cassia and Grania, it took them little to no time to get back.
After going through the reregistration process they were allowed to enter the academy.
When they were on their way to Reno’s dorm, Cassia couldn’t help but smile.
‘Can’t wait to see the smile on Reno’s face when he sees our gift.’
When the two saw the massive amounts of people in front of the dorm, however, Cassia’s smile faded.
They both ran to check what was happening.
Before they could reach within 5 meters of the dorm, a teacher stopped them.
“Sorry, going by your blue hair and psychic ability, you must be the second tenant of this dorm. Cassia Arwen, is that right?”
Cassia nodded.
The teacher sighed and then continued.
“We’re investigating a scene about some students breaking into this dorm. From the report we got, Reno is alright and is currently in training room 10.”
Cassia’s face that had turned dark, begun to light up a bit.
Hearing what she was told, she didn’t even hesitate to find out if Reno was alright.
[Psychic Art : Flight]
She took off in a random direction with top speed that surprised not only Grania but all the teachers around them.
She shortly returned however, asking where training room 10 was located.
Also, making sure to carry Grania along this time.
When they entered the room and Cassia saw Reno was alright and running around.
She wanted to rush at him make sure he was fully alright.
She let down Grania and then rushed at where he was.
Before she could come close to hugging him.
Trista had grabbed Cassia’s leg.
“You’re Reno’s roommate if I remember correctly. Don’t interrupt him right now, he’s in the middle of something important.”
Cassia looked at Reno again and her face turned pale. He was profusely sweating and seemed to be on the verge of his body breaking down.
Even so, Reno seemed to be helping someone else that was on the track.
Seeing this made Cassia smile on the inside.
‘He seems to be fine if he’s training and helping out others.’
She then turned to Trista. “You’re the person that had escorted Reno home some days ago, what are you doing here?”
Trista leg go of Cassia’s leg.
“Trista Ace. Reno’s trainer and blacksmithing mentor. You can call me anything you want as long as it isn’t a slur or disrespectful.”
“Don’t even try using other languages either. I’m versed in the curse words of Dwarf, Elf, Phantoms, etc.”
Hearing this, Grania seemed to spawn out of nowhere.
“Is that so, miss Ace Trainer.”
Trista looked over at Grania with a stern face.
“Try me.”
Grania then started spewing a bunch of gibberish she had saw in some library books about other races.
Upon hearing what Grania was saying, Trista laughed.
“I said to try cursing me, not saying some random bullshit.”
Cassia had also heard what Grania was saying and was doing her best to not laugh.
What she heard was, “In My Throat~, We in ballshack deeper than virus is up the veins of my ass hairs that are cracky.”
Telling Grania what she said made Trista burst out in laugher even more.
Seeing Trista laugh at her and Cassia trying to hold in her giggles.
Grania got pissed and went to check out how Reno was doing.
Seeing the scene before her, her mouth was open in disbelief.
‘Are those! Fucking Twins!? I called that shit! This is unfair! I want my harem too!’