CHAPTER 5 – Goodbye, town. Part 2.
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I spent the whole night building a bathroom. The girls went to sleep with Sara. Rem was the only one who stayed with me to work. I had to leave the town for some things I needed. Several adventurers knocked on my door to complain about the noise I was making, but they apologized when they saw that it was me making the noise.

In summary, it was a long night of work.

And I finished what I was doing at 5:23 in the morning.

"We're done!"

"Incredible, Dani! I've never seen anything like this before!"

"It's called a bathroom, it would be more comfortable to have one here."

We built wooden walls around the bathroom. I turned the stone floor into a wooden floor. We built a bathtub, then I would think about how to bring water for bathing. I made a toilet, but without a bottom, so that our waste would fall to the ground. I was going to clean it at the end of the day by transforming the waste into soil. It's a big and nice bathroom. Basic, but nice.

It will be disgusting to clean it at the end of the day, but it's much better than going to that disgusting area to use the bathroom.

"I still have a lot to do, but I'm very tired."

I'll finish it later.

I extend my right hand, pointing to a large amount of dirt.


I transform a large amount of dirt into a mattress. Ah, it looks so comfortable. I'll sleep like a baby.

"Actually, this spell doesn't respect the laws of alchemy... I think that's what they're called... Never mind."

Hmm... I see that I don't have any more dirt left. I wanted to make a mattress for Rem, but I ran out of dirt.

"I'll go get more..."

Ah... Yawning...? I'm dying of sleepiness.

"...dirt to make your bed."

"Don't worry, it's a great mattress, we can both sleep on it!"

"I shouldn't, but..."


"...I'm really tired."

Normally, I would refuse that, but I'm very sleepy. Sharing a bed can't be that bad. I don't think she'll rape me while I sleep, I brought her back to life. I highly doubt she's ungrateful.

I take off my vest and shirt, as I usually sleep.

"Sleep well."

I lie down on the mattress and immediately fall asleep.

(9:03 in the morning.)


I-I was woken up by a hit on the head! What did I do now?!

"Huh?!" I said, confused and scared.

I quickly get up and see my grandmother, Sara, and Alex in front of me. M-my grandmother looks angry. What did I do now?! I haven't done anything wrong!

"G-good morning... Who hit me?"

"It was your grandmother," said Sara.

"I didn't raise you that way. Taking advantage of a girl you barely know."

"Taking advantage of her?"

What does she mean by that? Rem only shared a bed with me, we didn't do anything wrong. I'll ask Rem to clarify the misunderstanding.

I turn to look at Rem and... I-I get nervous. W-what? What?!

"R-Rem?!" I said, nervous and with my face completely red.

Rem is naked next to me! Why did she sleep naked?! Ahhhhhhh! Surely my grandmother thinks that I had sex with Rem!

"Rem, wake up and clarify the misunderstanding!"

She slowly opens her eyes.


She yawns.


Uwaaaah! I can see her nipples! Daniel, don't look!

I cover my eyes with my right hand.

"W-why... Why are you naked?!"

"When I was alive, I used to sleep naked."

"Sleep naked when you have your own bed, not when you share a bed with someone else!"

I turn to look at my grandmother.

"I didn't take advantage of her! I swear! It's not my fault that she doesn't have common sense!"

My grandmother laughs and smiles at me.

"Don't worry, I know you wouldn't do that. I only hit you because I was surprised to see both of you that way at first."

"T-thank you."

I pick up some clothes from the floor.

Rem, you're weird! Who sleeps naked with a guy you barely know?! You lack common sense!

"C-changing the subject, Rem and I finished the bathroom."

My grandmother and the others enter the bathroom.

"Incredible!" Alex said.

"It's even nicer than the one we had," my grandmother said.

Any bathroom is better than ours, grandma, we have to accept it. At least it worked.

I explain to them how to use it... It was a clear and simple explanation, they understood quickly, and that's good because I'm too lazy to prolong the explanation, I'm still sleepy.

"Incredible!" Sara said.

"Now leave, I need to change."

Everyone leaves the bathroom and I change my clothes. Ah, I feel a little better now.

"Now I'm more comfortable."

I step out and realize that Rem is still naked, so I cover my eyes with my left hand.

She has no shame?!

"Rem, put on some clothes!"

"Yes, yes."

Rem quickly puts on her clothes. I-I appreciate the speed, Rem. Mental note, never share a bed with Rem again, she might try to rape me!

"You can open your eyes now," said Rem.

I uncover my eyes and sigh. This girl needs a lesson in common sense. And to make it clear that I don't want or need a girlfriend or lover! Her attempts at flirting will never work!

Ah, better not think about it anymore.

"The house has three floors, I'll build a room for each of us... Alex, do you have a house?"

"I live in a village near the castle, but I could move here."

Huh? Is Alex that poor?

"In the poor village?"

Alex approaches me and looks at me with very tender eyes. What? What is she doing?

"Yes, I was a lone adventurer, when I saw that you defeated the black demon in one blow, I was very surprised, and when you helped us with money in our village, I realized that you were a great and kind person. Daniel, you are the person I admire the most!"

I blush a little at her words... It feels good to be thought of as a good person.

Surely Alex trained her whole life to be able to lift her parents out of poverty. Alex, I promise that your family will never lack money, and if I have extra, the other inhabitants of that village won't lack money either.

"So... are you going to move in with us?"

"Of course!"

"Alright, I'll build four rooms. Sara has her own house, so there's no need to build a room for her."

"I'll go get my things!"

Alex runs out of the house.

"And Liz?" Sara asks.

"She lives in the castle, I don't think she wants to live here."

After all, in the castle, she has luxury and all those rich things. No one would come to live here when they have all those luxuries.

~Knock knock knock~

Someone is knocking on the door. Oh, visitors.

"Who could it be?"

I open the door and see Liz and Rose standing at the entrance.

"Glad to see you again, Daniel," said Rose.

"Hello, Rose. Good morning."

I see two men with suitcases behind her. What is Rose planning?

"What are you doing here?"

I hope they're not government officials coming to collect taxes from me, considering I won a large amount of money.

I don't have any money left! Ahhhhhh! I don't want to have problems with the law for not paying my taxes! I thought those were paid at the end of the year!

"My sister told me she joined your group, so she needs to be with you."

Phew. Thank goodness.

"So I'm going to move in here!" Liz said.

Ah, I'm saved... Wait, here?

"Here? In this house?"

"Yes. It's not a problem, right?" Rose said.

"I suppose not."

"Some servants will come to build rooms. You can consider it a thank you from the King."

"Really?! Thank you so much! We'll need five rooms, please."

Thanks, that will save us energy and money.

"No problem."

... Rose... I understand that she is an expert in magical matters. Maybe she knows something about the new ability I have.

I turn to look at Rem.

"By the way, Rose, I need to talk to you."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Rem, come here, please."

Rem approaches me and stands beside me.

"This is Rem, I revived her last night."

"Pleased to meet you!" Rem said cheerfully.


The two shake hands.

"The thing is, I saw her ghost, and according to her, no one can see ghosts, is that true?"

"Ghosts?!" Liz exclaimed.

She turns to look at me.

Liz looks at me with shining eyes. Wow. How adorable.

"Can you see ghosts?!"

"Calm down, sister. Honestly, I'm not surprised, normal people can only hear ghosts. According to a book I read, people with angel and demon-type magic can see ghosts."

Oh, that makes sense. I suppose it's because angel and demon attributes are related to heaven and hell, that is, related to the spiritual realm.

"Excuse me..."

My grandmother joins our conversation.

"I have angel-type magic. Can I see ghosts too?"

"I suppose you are Daniel's grandmother, you has the same eyes. Does you have angel-type magic? Daniel, your family is rare and fascinating. Interesting."

"T-thank you."

"The answer is no, only people who possess both angel and demon-type magic can see ghosts. Since you have all types of magic, you are able to see them."

Both? Wow, wow.

"Incredible... So, have there been people with both types of magic?"

"I don't know."

... What? She doesn't know?

"Then, how do you know that only people with these two types of magic can see ghosts?"

"I don't know, that's what the book says. It's a very old book. Do you want me to show it to you?"

"Maybe later. Thanks."

It could be useful, but I still have a lot to do today.

"The King asked me to tell you that he wants to meet with you, he needs to talk to you about something important."

Ah, how bothersome. I was planning to sleep a little longer and then get to know more rare animals. I want to show my grandmother the place, so she can get used to it.


"If you can."

... I'll probably get new spells or important information if I go... Ah, the work never ends.

"I suppose I can go."

"I'll go with you," my grandmother said.

"Of course, grandma."

"I want to go too, Dani!" Rem said.

"Sure, I suppose there's no problem if you come with me, right?"

"When it comes to you, it doesn't matter," Rose said.

"When will the servants come?"

"In a few minutes, they're bringing the materials."

I turn to look at Sara, as she is the only one who hasn't spoken, probably out of respect or fear of Rose.

"Sara, don't you want to come?"

"Can I?" she asks, a big smile appearing on her face.

"Of course."

"Let's go!" Sara said, excited.

How lovely.

Ah... The castle is boring.

I don't know why she gets excited about something like this.

I walk away from them and stand in the middle of the street. I refuse to go by carriage.

I extend my right hand.

"Divine horse, come to me!"

A circle appears and the unicorn appears.

"Incredible!" Rem said, as it is the first time she sees it.

Rem seems very surprised... Well, I suppose it's her first time seeing a unicorn... Isn't it common to see unicorns in this world? I will investigate later.

"It's becoming a habit for you to call me, don't you think?" the unicorn said.

Damn... He's angry with me... I feel bad... I should use him less. He also has his own personal life.

"I-I'm sorry."

"To be honest, it doesn't bother me, I enjoy being in this world."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you, Mr. Unicorn.

Sara hops onto the unicorn... Ah... I was going to ride on it, but well, I better fly.

"By the way, do you have a name?"

"My name is Treis, pleased to meet you."

Treis... Short, but cute.

"My name is Daniel, pleased to meet you."

Treis runs off (or is it galloping?) and I turn to look at Rose.

"Well, shall we go?"

King... I just hope he doesn't waste my time.

The relationship between Daniel and Sonia was quite beautiful and pure, at least until Sonia ruined it.

They are childhood friends and have always been best friends.

That's why Daniel was so hurt by her betrayal. If she were just a girl he met less than a year ago, it wouldn't affect him as much, but Sonia was Daniel's childhood friend, someone very important to Daniel... That's why her betrayal hurt him so much.

Sonia, a girl Daniel has known since they were little children, betrayed his trust, and that's why Daniel can only trust his grandmother.

"Daniel, open the door!!"

A girl is banging on Daniel's house door. Next to the girl is a boy. The boy has black hair, black glasses, is tall and slim, and is wearing a school uniform consisting of a white shirt and black pants. The girl is just as tall as the boy, has long black hair, and is wearing a school uniform consisting of a black skirt and a white blouse.

Cris and Sonia, Daniel's childhood friends.

"Daniel, please open up!" Sonia said.

"Sonia, he won't open for you, he's really angry with you. I highly doubt he wants to see you again."

"I have to talk to him and explain what really happened. What he saw was a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Don't fool me, I'm the one who told Daniel that you were cheating on him. Do you really think I didn't notice?"

"You're an idiot, brother!!"

"Am I the idiot?! You're the idiot who lost Daniel by trading him for a manipulative person with money! Let me guess, he convinced you to cheat on Daniel because he turned out to share the same interests as you, right?"


Sonia's naive look confirmed Cris' suspicions and he clicked his tongue, irritated.

"I can't believe you fell for his deception... Sister, Daniel is my best friend, he doesn't deserve that. Just accept that you lost him and leave him alone. You messed up, sister."

"I'm sure he'll believe me!"

"Tsk. You have no shame."

"Daniel, open up!"

Sonia tries to open the door and realizes that it's not locked.

"It's not locked."

Sonia opens the door.

"Daniel, I'm coming in!"

"Hey, we shouldn't enter without permission."

"Don't be a coward. Come on, Cris."

Cris enters and locks the door.

"Alright, let's go."

Sonia and Cris search the house. There's hardly anything, just a few dishes, glasses, and a chair. The walls of the house are unpainted... It really is a poor person's house... There's nothing valuable.

"I haven't seen him in days, he must still be very depressed." Sonia said.

"Let me refresh your memory. His grandmother died, you cheated on him, and he sold what little he had to pay for his grandmother's funeral. Of course he's depressed, idiot!"

They enter a room and are scared by what they see hanging.

"Eh?!" Sonia said.

They observe the hanging rope and come to the same conclusion: "Daniel wants to commit suicide."

"Daniel wants to commit suicide?!" Cris said.

"Or maybe he already did!"

"There haven't been any news about a suicide, we would have heard about something so serious."

"Now I feel bad."

"Poor thing, he must be even more depressed than I imagined... Huh?"

A small ray comes out of the rope.

"Huh? Did you see that, brother?" Sonia said, confused.

Sonia touches the rope with her right hand and gets an electric shock.


Sonia moves away from the rope.

"What's happening?" Cris said.

"The rope gave me an electric shock."

"The rope?"

Cris touches the rope with his right hand and gets a strong electric shock that leaves him stuck, unable to remove his hand.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" Cris screamed in pain.


Cris remains stuck and unable to remove his hand, frightening his sister, who doesn't know what to do.


Sonia tries to help him, but she also starts receiving a strong electric shock.

"Ahhhhhhh!!"- They both scream in pain.

And while they both suffer, a bright light comes out of the rope.

"What's happening?!"

The light is so strong that they have to close their eyes to prevent their eyes from burning.

"I'm scared, brother!"

The light disappears, and they find themselves in a forest.

Slowly, they both open their eyes, startled by the sudden change of scenery.

"What happened?"- Cris says, confused and scared.

"Where are we?!"

"Why are we here?!"

And so, Cris and Sonia end up in the same world as Daniel, due to a mistake by God.

(Pov- Daniel.)

I stand in front of the King, trying to process the information I just received. Did I hear correctly?

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to join our army. With your power, we could easily defeat those disgusting demihumans and take over their territory."- The King says.

They do exist... I knew it! There are demihumans! Although I'm concerned about waging war against them.

"Demihumans? Do you mean humans with animal tails and ears?"

"Most of them are like that, some of those monsters even have animal heads."

... Monsters?

I admit that it sounds strange, humans with animal heads, but why does he call them monsters? What have they done to earn the hatred of humans? I need to find out first before making my decision.

"Where are they?"

"Hundreds of years ago, they fled the country and formed their own nation."

"Give me a history lesson later. What is the name of the country?"


It's quite close, it won't take me long to get there.

"And why are you fighting?"

"They are a threat to normal humans, and besides, we believe they are helping the demons with a certain task."

Helping the demons?

"They help the demons?"

"Yes, that's why we must kill them."

If it's true that they are helping the demons, then I do believe we should stop them, but...

Honestly, it seems unlikely. Why would the demons need the help of the demihumans? What do they have that the demons don't? I need to investigate further.

"Well, well. I see... I refuse. I don't want to."

"What?!"- The King says, angry.

Did you really think I would accept? Yes, I want to kill the demons, but don't think you can deceive me by telling me that the demihumans are helping the demons just so I can help you with your stupid war.

"I can't help you without confirming your story. I will go to that country and investigate it on my own."

"You cannot go. It is forbidden, it is an order from the King!"

"Fufu. You're funny. I don't even have citizenship in this country. You cannot forbid me because you are not my King, I never swore allegiance to you. You cannot give me orders."

"Of course I can!"

"No, you can't. I'm not a legal citizen in this country."

I am from another world. You are not my King.

"Of course I can give you orders, you disgusting commoner!!"

"Well, well. Hey, I took a bath last night... Ah, you're a bit annoying. Goodbye. Let's go."

I walk away, and my grandmother and my companions accompany me. I will go to that country and try to confirm the King's story. If he lied, I will do everything possible to stop the war. Our enemy is the demons, we should focus on them and not kill each other.

"I won't allow it!"

The King stands up from his throne.

"Guards, kill Daniel!"

Huh? This must be a joke.

The guards surround us, and Sara gets nervous.

Do you really think you can stop me? Me? The guy who defeated Sandro? Do you really think simple guards can stop me? Intelligence is definitely not your virtue, is it, King?

I knew you were evil.

You have forever lost a powerful warrior blessed by God because of your stupidity, and someday you will regret your mistake.

"We're dead, we angered the King!"- Sara says, scared.

"Kill those adventurers too!"- The King says, angry.

You threatened my grandmother? Tsk. You're lucky I don't kill innocent people, that's why I won't fight the guards seriously, and I can't kill you either because it would most likely cause me a lot of problems that would ruin my stay in this world.

But someday you will regret trying to kill my grandmother, you idiot.

"Don't worry, I have a plan. Everyone, hold on to me. Muslar asio!"

My grandmother takes my right arm, Rem takes my left arm, and Sara hugs my chest.

"Arches Nexus!"

I start to float and extend my right hand, pointing at the ground, while the guards try to attack me.


I transform the entire floor into ice.

"See you!"

The guards try to approach and slip. Well, well. It actually worked. Improvising is not always a bad thing.

"This is fun."- I say, smiling, as it's entertaining to see them trying to get up and slipping.

But, sorry, I can't stay and watch, I have to go. Goodbye.

I fly away from the castle, as I exit through an open window.

"Dani, I'm going to fall!"- My grandmother says.

"Me too!"- Sara says.

"I won't, I'm holding on tight!"- Rem says.

"Rem, don't hold onto my hair!"- I complain.

We moved quite far from the castle and I begin to descend so that my grandmother can rest, and me too! It's complicated carrying all three of them because they move too much.

"I can't take it anymore."

I go down to the ground and land. I need a little extra help.

"Divine horse, come to me!"

The unicorn, Treis, appears and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Well... get on!"

The three quickly climb onto Treis.

"Go to the village, get a carriage, and grab your things! We're leaving!"

The three nodded and I stroke Treis.

"Please, don't leave until I tell you."

"No problem."

Treis runs off, and I turn to look at the castle.

I know that in fantasy stories, the demihumans are discriminated against by humans.

I won't help humans.

And I won't help demihumans either.

I will find a way to bring peace... Our main enemy is the demons, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves.

"There's something strange in this country, I shouldn't trust the Kings. Arches Nexus!"

I fly away from there.

"Treis is just as fast as me, but he should avoid difficult paths... I think we'll be able to escape from here very quickly."

The guards are weak. I have confidence in my abilities.

The only thing that worries me is that there may be more powerful adventurers like Sandro who could give me a fight in this place.

I can't and shouldn't let my guard down.

In the village.

Sonia and Cris are walking nervously through the village, feeling quite disoriented as they don't recognize anything.

"Are we dead and in paradise?" said Cris.

Sonia observes men fighting and women walking almost naked as if nothing is happening.

"I think we're in hell."

"What is this place?" said Cris, scared and worried.

"Excuse me, miss."

Sandro approaches Sonia.

"If I ever did something wrong to you, I beg you to forgive me."

"Huh? But I don't know you," said Sonia.

"Well, I don't want to bother you. Goodbye."

"Wait, where are we?"

"You're in Central Village 1."

"Central Village 1?"

Sandro walks away.

"I have to finish apologizing, or Daniel will kill me again. I have to finish apologizing, or Daniel will kill me again," he said, quite disturbed.

"Daniel will kill you?" said Cris.

Cris approaches Sandro.

"Wait!" said Cris.

Sandro turns to look at them.


"Will Daniel kill you again? What do you mean by that?" said Cris.

"Yes, I have to apologize to all the girls I treated badly, or he will kill me."

"Daniel?" said Sonia.

"It must be a coincidence," said Cris.

Sonia and Cris watch Daniel running, just a few meters away from them.


He passes in front of them, unaware of their presence.

He runs away from them, heading towards his house, leaving Cris and Sonia speechless, as they never expected to see him in this place.

"Sonia... Is that Daniel?"

"H-he looks like him."

Sonia turns to look at Sandro.

"Excuse me, is he the one who killed you?" said Sonia, pointing her index finger at Daniel.

"Yes, he's the strongest adventurer in the guild, Daniel."

Sandro walks away from them.

"What's happening?" they both said, scared.

(Pov - Daniel.)

I enter the house and see several of the King's workers inside.

"I want you all to leave immediately, please!"

All the workers leave without hesitation upon hearing my order, and I scratch my head.

Ah, everything is ruined. Stupid King.

"They haven't arrived yet."

I enter the bathroom and take a photo of it.

"To build it later."

I leave the bathroom, grab all my clothes, and put them on the mattress.

"Where should I put them?"

I pick up a shirt.


I transform it into a box.


I put my clothes in the box, and my grandmother and Rem enter the house.

"Sara went to get her clothes, we've got a carriage!" said Rem.

"Put your clothes in the box, quickly!"

I leave the house to keep watch. I don't want adventurers, mercenaries, or whatever tries to stop us from surrounding us... Huh?


I-I see two people that I really didn't expect to see here.

"Daniel, is that you?" said Sonia.

"Sonia and Cris?!" I said, confused and surprised.

Is it really them?! Uwaaaah! What are they doing here?!