V1 – Involvement
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“Katsumi, didn’t ya’ spend the night with that Arata girl a few days ago? I’ve been meanin’ to ask ya’.”

“No. We just ate dinner and then she left.”

“That’s a shame, she’s really cute. Plus it’s ‘bout time you get a girlfriend.”

Katsumi was lying on the couch fiddling with his cellphone. He rolled over to face Nara who was seated on the floor in front of the television.

“She isn’t really, well, my type you could say.” 

“Oh?” With her usual grin she asked, “And why’s that?”

“...I don’t like the nice girl type I guess.”

“Hm~? So you like the bad girl type then?” Nara put one hand on her chest and the other out as if she was performing one of Shakespeare’s plays. “I’m deeply and truly sorry Katsumi, but I cannot requite your love and must reject your confession. You’re just too pathetic.”

“As if… and you? The bad girl type?”

A little laugh escaped her, “Well it’s gettin’ late, I think I’m gonna get goin’. You can keep the rest of the bottle.” 

“Hey, weren’t you gonna drop off that box? I could really use it.”

“You’re itchin’ that bad right now?”

“Did you bring it or not?”

“Forgot, sorry. I’ll grab it quick and run it back. Just make sure to answer your door. I don't wanna leave it in the hallway.”

“Yeah… of course.”

Katsumi swung his legs over the couch and moved to a seated posture. 

“Hey, Nara.”

“Hm?” Nara didn’t bother turning away from the television.

“A few days ago, on that same night, when you said “just like back in high school”... what did that mean?”

This grabbed Nara’s attention—as she fully turned to face Katsumi. 

“Ya’ never noticed that?” She sounded genuinely surprised.

“Noticed what?”

“Arata always lookin’ at us—well I should say you.”

“We went to high school with her!?”

Nara burst out laughing. She fell back onto the floor and covered her mouth, but the laughter couldn’t be suppressed.

After a few more seconds she calmed down and sat back up. “Seriously? Ya’ never noticed her? She was always with that brown haired Akito girl and that other one with big tits that was too happy all the time.”

Katsumi couldn’t respond, he stared at Nara, dumbfounded.

“I guess I don’t blame ya’ though, Arata had almost no presence at all.”


Nara finally left? Jeez, they get so loud. And does Murakami even study? Let alone do anything class related?

Mayumi had been sitting in her living room with a hand on her forehead scrolling through social-media for the past ten minutes trying to bear the noise. With a sigh she stood up.

Finally I can get some sleep, don’t they know I have to get up early tomorrow? 

Mayumi was lying on her bed checking messages on her phone, ready to go to sleep. 

Three loud pounds reverberated through the walls, then shortly followed by a muffled voice shouting, “Katsumi! Katsumi! You dumbass don’t tell me you passed out already!

Those two…” Mayumi sighed.

She went to her front door ready to confront Nara when she heard, “Katsumi! Get out here! You asked me to drop this off! I really don’t wanna leave it out here. Damnit, I’ll just leave the box outside your door, you better get it soon!”

The box? Is it that box she tried giving him a few days ago…? Don’t tell me…

Mayumi opened the door and stood in the hallway with crossed arms, “What are you doing?”

“Oh, Arata. Didn’t think you were still awake.”

“I couldn’t sleep with all the noise you two were making.”

“Oh my, we weren't making that much noise… Please, don’t think such indecent things.” Nara put her hand to her cheek and tilted her head. She tried to look embarrassed but couldn’t help herself from breaking out in a smile.

Mayumi shut her eyes for a second then opened them, “Why are you here so late?” 

“Just uh, forgot somethin’. Had to come back an’ grab it.”

“Then what’s the cardboard-box for?”

“Mmm… homework?”

“Homework? Really? Even though you haven’t gone once this semester.”

“Yup! And just remember it’s a crime to open someone else’s mail.”

“I’m afraid what’s in that box is a crime.”

“Please please, no such thing. And it’s really none of your concern anyway.” 

Nara began slowly approaching Mayumi.

“Really, stop poking your nose in the business of people you don’t know.”

Even with their minor height difference Nara still seemed to loom over her.

“Ya’know, I got the feelin’ from Katsumi that he thinks you’re a pain. I mean honestly, he said some shit about not liking ‘nice girls’, but that’s just garbage. He wants you to stop bothering him. Katsumi is fine as is, he doesn’t need some hero savin’ em’. He’s got me and that’s more than enough.”


“Good chattin’ with ya’. Think it’s about time you go back inside and get some sleep. You have class tomorrow, right?”

“Y-yeah.” Nara stared into Mayumi’s eyes for another moment before turning and heading down the hallway. Eventually disappearing behind the elevator doors.

Mayumi heeded what Nara said and stepped inside her apartment. She put her back up against her front door and bit her fingernails.

What kind of person is Murakami?” 

For the next hour, Mayumi found herself lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

A new wave of curiosity came over her though—it was an undeniable feeling. Before she realized it, she was slipping on her shoes and out the front door.

I feel like I have to know what’s in that box… it’s for… his sake, right?

Mayumi crouched in front of the box.

It couldn’t be anything that bad. He was an honor student for years… that has to mean something.

Mayumi lifted the left flap which revealed a very small glass tube connected to a much larger one, “What is this?” Holding it in one hand she opened the other flap. She reached in and pulled out a black case with two silver latches on it. The latches weren’t locked however, and curiosity overcame Mayumi. 

A shattering sound rang-out. Mayumi fell back and pushed herself up against the wall of the hallway. 

“O-oh my god… there’s no way.” She covered her mouth and gasped.

I’m… I’m reporting this to the police. Oh my god, there’s no way. 

The door flew open and a disheveled Katsumi stood in the doorway. Looking both ways down the hallway before his eyes fell on Mayumi. 

“Murakami, I… I’m reporting this to the police.”

She was shaking

“No, you— you’re misunderstanding this,” Katsumi started approaching Mayumi. Both of his eyes were wide open and blood-shot. 

“What about this am I misunderstanding!?”

“It-it’s not mine, okay? okay? It’s probably Junichiro’s,” Katsumi kneeled in front of her and tried putting a hand on her shoulder, but Mayumi pushed his hand away.

“No, I don't understand! That means nothing to me! Why is there a case with a gun inside it by your front door!? I don't understand.

“N-Nara probably just grabbed the wrong box, alright? It’s all a misunderstanding. It was supposed to be a different box, alright?”

“What kind of shit are you making up? Why does Tagaki have this in the first place!?”

“L-like I said, it’s her older brother’s, Junichiro…” 

“Why— why does… oh my god, what the hell was in the other box then?”

“Heh, uhm–”

“No, I’m done, I-I’m going. I’m reporting this,” Mayumi stood and brushed off her pants, straightening her posture and trying to compose herself before walking towards her front door. 

“Wait wait wait, you can’t! I-I’ll spend the rest of my youth in prison!” 

“I don’t know! It looks like you are selling guns! I don’t like this… This is beyond anything I could’ve expected.” 

As Mayumi stepped through her doorway a cold hand met hers. She quickly spun around, still grasping that hand. 

“Please, you don’t have to.”

She didn’t respond.

“There has to be something. You can overlook this, right?”

“W-w-what are you even saying right now!?”

“You gotta believe me, this is all a misunderstanding. I— I can change… Please don’t go to the police. I can show you. I can change!” 

“...Can you really?” 

Katsumi nodded. 

“I just… I just don’t know…” 

The warmth that held Katsumi’s hand disappeared, leaving it coldly lingering in place. That coldness soon consumed the air around them.

“Please, I want to change…” Katsumi looked down at his hand and closed it. 

Damnit… damnit! I just need her to buy this. I’m desperate here, please! She’s so perceptive I don’t think I’ll be able to bullshit my way out of this. There’s no way… I can’t spend the rest of my youth locked away somewhere.

“Murakami… I really don’t know you at all, and I have no idea what your situation is. You're right, and I’m sorry. But I actually do care about you and… and I want to see you do better.”

Katsumi stood up.

“I don’t know if this is the right choice but… I want to work through this with you.”

A radiance filled the dark hallway. Katsumi’s hand was met by two that were soft—that felt like they were full of compassion and life. He was met by a wry smile. 

“I’ll try to help you bring that change you’re looking for. 

Katsumi couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll return this to Junichiro tomorrow, I just don’t wanna deal with it right now. Is that alright?”

“Yes… I suppose. It’s probably better to not go out right now.”

Katsumi put the case back in the box and picked it up, “I’ll keep it in my apartment tonight.”

“Alright… Goodnight Murakami.”

“Goodnight,” Katsumi entered his apartment, pressing his back against the door. He let himself slide down it and let out a sigh.

It wasn’t even my fault… But I had to get involved with her.”