V1 – A Guiding Hand: Part Four
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The sun had long set behind the buildings. No stars were visible in the sky because of light-pollution—leading to a clear dark sky. A few cars passed the pair as they walked. Their way lit up by streetlights and those coming from the skyscraper windows.

The two strolled down the street in the direction of the nearby grocery-store. Katsumi walked two paces behind Mayumi with a noticeable slouch. 

Why does she walk like that? It looks incredibly uncomfortable…

 Katsumi took his hands out of his pockets and placed his right hand on top of his left—putting them in front of his chest. He curled his fingers slightly like he was holding the strap of a handbag, mimicking what Mayumi was doing.

This is stupid… I can’t understand how someone can walk like this… Murakami you’re an idiot,  Murakami it’s for your own good 

Katsumi twirled imaginary hair with one hand like he’d seen Mayumi do a few times. 

They passed in front of a large store-front window and he noticed that Mayumi’s reflection was looking at the window too. Her eyes had been tracking him as he mimicked her. 

He instantly stopped what he was doing and Mayumi returned to looking straight ahead.

Katsumi found his eyes drifting towards Mayumi as they often seemed to. Before he knew it, he was full on staring at her. After a moment he quickly realized this and pulled his attention straight ahead.

Despite her nagging, she is kinda pretty. I haven’t really noticed before…

“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to put a little more effort into your appearance,” Mayumi spoke.

“I’m always at home so it doesn’t really matter.”

“Well that’s on you…”


“It really does help. Getting out and meeting people that is.”

“Meet new people…?” What person is gonna want to meet me?

“It helps.”

“We’ve established that… But how?”

“It gives you more perspective.”


“Those people can help bring you up and help you make better choices. So you don’t turn out like…” She glanced up at Katsumi. 

After a moment Mayumi added on, “But you need to meet the right people.” 

With that the pair entered the grocery-store and efficiently made their way around, picking up all the ingredients Mayumi needed, mostly in silence.

The two finished shopping and returned home.

Mayumi was already in the door and taking her shoes off when she looked back at Katsumi. “It is your apartment you know, you can come in.” 

“Yeah it’s just… it feels like an entirely new place.”

With a drawn out breath Katsumi entered his home and took off his shoes. 

Mayumi entered the kitchen and set down the groceries on the kitchen island. “I will start preparing dinner, could you set the table?”

“Are you sure that’s all you want me to do? I could help with more.”

“Ah sorry, it’s just—“

“I’ll get in the way?”

“Thank you for understanding.”

After setting the table Katsumi went and fell onto the sofa. Calmed by the distant sounds of clattering dishes accompanied by the sizzling of food—Katsumi shut his eyes.

Kami— Murakami.”

Katsumi shifted on the couch and slowly opened his eyes. “Mom… What’re you doing here?


What…? Arata?

After looking into Katsumi’s eyes for a second she said, “You fell asleep, dinner is ready. I made a Mongolian dish.”

I just called her mom… I’m so glad she’s overlooking that. You know, even with how annoying she is, I gotta give it to her, she can be kind. I don’t want to tell her that though, I think her ego is big enough already.

The two went into the kitchen and they moved the dishes into the dining table. They sat across from each other and said thanks for the meal. 

Katsumi took his first bite, “Arata, your cooking—“

“You’re welcome.”

Wood snapped.

Mayumi quickly looked up from her plate. “Hm?”

“Mm? Ah—” Katsumi looked down and his chopsticks were snapped in half. He looked back up and smiled, “Yes, thank you. The food is amazing.” 

“Don’t worry, I'm glad I could help you today. Your apartment looks so much nicer.”

The two ate in silence for a minute.

“Why are you trying to help me?”

Mayumi looked off into the living room. “Why? Well… someone I know is struggling and in need of help.”

“Someone you know? We just met didn’t we?”

“We’re neighbors. It’s the right thing to do.”

“Where’s this sense of justice coming from? No one would normally do this. Did the girls in class ask you to mess with me?”

“Murakami, it’s not like that, I actually do want to help—“

“Well you’re not. All you’ve been doing is giving me shit for the way I live.”

It’s not right.” Mayumi whispered. 

  “What’d you mean ‘it’s not right’...? What you’re doing isn’t right. I mean, I didn’t even know your name until earlier this week.

“From cleaning your apartment I’ve seen how you live, Murakami. You are going to live a hard life if you continue like this. ”

“W-what? What’re you saying? That’s the most bullshit I think I’ve ever heard.”

“I’m not lying—”

“You’re wrong… You aren’t doing this out of the kindness of your heart or for some noble reason. That’s such shit… I think you’re trying to make up for something. You never show any emotion but yet you want to push all your stress onto me.

“What is this?” 


“I’ve said it before, but why won’t you listen? I’m trying to help you.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“Why shouldn’t you?”

“Because… because I don’t get it.”

“There is no trick. I’m not hiding anything… I do not know why you’re confused.”

Katsumi didn’t respond to her this time.

Mayumi sighed, “Let’s finish eating.”