43-Beedrill Swarming
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There were many Beedrill headed our way. Unlike a normal migration where they would carry their Kakuna and Weedle with them, these didn't have such restrictions and red bandanas on their heads. There were 7 coming at me, George who had set up right next to me, and this other bug catcher girl. George waited for me to make my move, going to try and assist from behind and the side of my front line. 

Ian had already disappeared, waiting for the right moment for his swords danced self to pop up and ambush one of the Beedrill. All three fighting types lined up in front of me as I waited for the Beedrill to divide themselves. They too far out for us to hit them and spoke amongst themselves. They chose to focus themselves and hit George and I with all 7 of them.

As this was made obvious the bug catcher tried to come across my side to flank them with her Kricketune and Dwebble while sitting back with her others. That ended up being a mistake as more Beedrill poured out of the forest and targeted her physically weaker team members while their shields were busy helping me. She called them back but they had already engaged two Beedrill in front of me and a third was joining them. 

I didn't get to see what happened to the rest of that situation as the others launched poison stings at us. We ducked behind the wide guards Ian created and the fire stopped. I poked my head out to see one Stuffel launch the other and Sin at two Beedrill. Sin spun in the air and crashed into one while the other Stuffel landed behind the group that was advancing. "Give me some sparks" I called out.

I started moving forwards, the Beedrill stopping to attack the front liners first. They were trying to stick together pretty badly and were working on dividing the fighting types attention. As one went in for a bug bite the other readied a poison sting from the back. The Stuffel that got thrown ignored my warning and instead grabbed a rock from the ground and slammed it forwards, knocking the Beedrill down to the ground to be finished with a brutal swing.

The vanquisher got hit with 4 poisoned needles but then started rolling towards its sibling again who was launching rock tombs at the remaining bugs as more appeared at the tree line. I started running forwards and protected Fly from getting hit with more darts with my body. The poison hurt and started coursing through my leg. It was purposefully weak such that I couldn't die from it, but it would very easily put me into an unconscious state if I wasn't careful.

Thankfully I was reinforced with steel TE from Ian who had shoved a bunch at me to get even a fraction of it to stick, so it was taking awhile to wear me down. I watched from the back, protecting Fly from any darts that came our way and gave warnings to the fighting types who had stopped the Beedrill in their tracks but weren't able to get them down from the sky. "Send some static clouds their way, IAN back left!"

As my orders were met the Beedrill started twitching and falling from the sky into the powered up group of fighters. Guts had activated and Sin was looking angry even through focus energy as he started destroying the Beedrill with fire punch. It was burning wildly and the Stuffel made sure to give him a bit of distance between them and their targets who they buried under rocks or flattened with rollout.

I ran out to collect the bandanas since I needed to have them to count and picked up the 3 that had just been caught off guard. The Kricketune and Dwebble from the girl were gone and I picked up the bandanas from the two Beedrill they were able to take down as well because she was having her own issues right now directing her last three Pokemon. Further out Ian had sliced into the one I called out and was flying back with two red bandanas and being chased by the next wave of bugs. George was still struggling with his two as even a few Beedrill were meant to be a challenge for single badgers while not overpowering, in other words, these were freshly evolved Beedrill.

I shoved the bandanas into a paper bag I got from the grill and met the second wave shouting orders. I had Ian change the wide guards to be more arched such that they were protected from the sky and we bunkered down as I plucked needles out and sprayed the antidote and potion on the punctures. 

After another wave the Stuffel who didn't like being tickled fainted. I moved it farther back to give it a good antidote before getting back to the fight. Sin was putting in some work with protect in my place and was more effective at the job, so I let him takeover and I worked with Ian to finish another two Beedrill.

The other Stuffel was soon done with battling as well, not down for the count but it wasn't willing to fight anymore. He walked over to his sibling and went to sleep with rest. 

I let that situation go, they weren't my Pokemon and I was thankful to have them for this even if they were annoying. As we worked our way through the second wave, I saw the grunts they had talked about with some bug Pokemon at the ready. There was one in front of George by the tree line and another far to my left. I wasn't thinking I would make it to them if more waves kept coming but the third wave seemed to be the last, no more Beedrill came out of the woods behind the grunts. 

The bug catcher girl's team had broken the formation they had fought to get back to and swiftly defeated by Beedrill that went away from me. She was walking around to retrieve her Pokemon and collect her bandanas, the trainer was left alone because she was obviously not a combatant. I on the other hand had stabbed Beedrill in the thorax when they got near so they didn't have the same curtesy for me. I had to dodge those twin lances in particular, light enough to be quick but hard enough to skewer me through my clothes.

Sin collapsed from exhaustion from keeping up the intermittent protects so I recalled him after collecting my 13th bandana. The grunts had blue ones and were behind a full 10 Beedrill heading my way. I watched as the girl stole a bandana off a Beedrill I had fainted and called Ian to me and had Fly follow. We were going big or going home.

I grabbed Ian by the hilt and let him wrap his ribbon around me to power his scratch and gravity. I swung normally and he figured out the gravity settings for me as we dove through the poison stings towards the grunt with a Shuckle and sand cloak Burmy. I got stuck by too many needles and swung Ian by his ribbon to extend and cut a Beedrill out of my reach before he pulled on my arm back into my hand. It was too tiring to do the action myself.

I felt so much poison flooding my body but I kept going and struck the Burmy as she spat a string shot at me. She wrapped around Ian and pulled at him but that didn't help her when she got destroyed by two scratches. I needed to knock out both Pokemon and tag the grunt to get their bandana so I turned to the Shuckle but got stabbed by a fury cutter from a Beedrill. I elbowed it with my free arm and clutched at my side. "Ian fin-e sukle" I grunted.

I let go of Ian as I tossed him towards the Shuckle that had thrown a rock at Fly. I had faith Ian could finish the job since he had taken my energy from me through his ribbon and putting him at barely winded by all this. The grunt was focused away from me as he ordered another rock throw at Ian this time. "Get-im Fly." I groaned before dropping to my knees. I needed to stay awake and in the game to give orders, otherwise the grunt here would take away the bandanas I earned for cheating.

I turned to the Beedrill that had attacked me and pushed away its right lance. The bug type jolted to the side and stabbed again and I was barely fast enough to block the hit targeting my knees. I grabbed the lance and stabbed it in the head with my knife, leaving only a thin trickle of green blood as it fainted with a light scratch behind it's eye. I grabbed the bandana to turn and see Ian still finishing the Shuckle who had used withdraw of all things and Fly was growling as she tugged on the grunt's pant leg. He let her be but was visibly annoyed with her until Ian struck down Shuckle finally.

"Here's your points, tell your Electrike to let my pants go" I did as he said and he tossed me the blue bandana. I looked back and saw 5 Beedrill coming towards us and recalled Ian only to have him appear closer.

"Let's get as many as we can bud" I said, grinning from our accomplishment.

"Tis but a few bugs. I could wave my hand and they would die back in my hay-day" Ian responded.

"Again with the old man vibes. You're less than a year old" I sighed.

"FREEZE MOTHERF-" Fly started before I gave her a glare.

"You had better not finish that thought" I warned. My mom was strict with me about cursing and by god I was the parent here. I pushed myself up to finish another two with particularly huge, red, bulging eyes before getting taken down by the poison. I woke up to light tapping from what felt like a boot.

"Good job champ, that Honedge and Electrike pair did good work" the grunt from before said.

"Where are they?" I groaned. The poison still hurt a bit, even though the grunt had obviously used an antidote on me.

"Knocked out over there. You better hurry, other trainers are picking up your points while you lay here" he advised.

That caused me to jump up, I didn't know what else those two had downed but I wanted a good prize. I then ran around to grab all the bandanas I could and recalled my two hard workers. I had nabbed a tidy sum of 26 bandanas and George walked over to hand me another 2 that he picked up for me. Not enough for my goal, but that was fine. I had 32 points as the grunt called them and I was feeling pretty good about myself.

As I counted out the points and healed my team I found myself smiling. This had been fun.