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 Preparations for the feast, which made full use of the cooks and the lords and ladies, were finished, and everyone was waiting impatiently for the feast to begin.

 It was almost dark, but a large campfire was set up in the center of the village, and it was hot.

 With the campfire in the background, I looked around at the people in the village.

"They're probably waiting for me. I won't talk long."

 I could hear laughter everywhere.

I'm tired of long speeches . And I'm tired of talking

"Here's to Baumgarten's new beginning!"

「「「「「 Cheers!」」」」」

 I led the toast, and the party began. Everyone was in a great mood, eating and drinking. Especially since they rarely drink alcohol. The men were drinking like children.

 With such commotion at my side, I walk into a space set up as if it were a nobleman's tea party.

 There I saw Eleonore and Claudia, each with a maid at her side. And then there was Cassandra, who welcomed them with open arms.

'Sorry to keep you waiting."

'That was cool, Dee."

'Let us toast to the growth of Baumgarten as well."

 Claudia is amused, grinning like a cat, while Eleonore holds her glass with a serious look on her face.

 Eleonore, Claudia and Cassandra all looked at me.

 I'm supposed to give the toast?

 I hold the prepared glass of wine and think for a moment before opening my mouth.

""Here's to a wonderful day when we invited their highnesses and their wives to the Baumgarten estate."


 Tipping the glass and taking a gulp of the liquor, I felt the sweetness of fruit and a hint of alcohol. I wondered if it was not a very strong sake. It is easy to drink and tastes good.

 When I tried to pour more sake with my hand, Cassandra gently restrained me.

"Here you go, ".

"Thank you."

 She must have taken the trouble to change her clothes. Cassandra looked beautiful in her dress. I'm not trained enough to look at Cassandra's cleavage.

 Maybe I had been trying not to be conscious of it, but after the night with Cassandra, I became very conscious of women. I find that my gaze is drawn to their breasts and swaying skirts.

 Can't I do something about this? I am afraid that one day I will be accused of gazing at women.

 Even when I take my gaze away so as not to be conscious of it, I still find myself glancing at them. What is it really?

 Could it be that this is one of the effects of being bathed in dragon's blood?

 It left me with a nasty curse.

"You make a perfect couple. I'm a little jealous."

"Yes, I suppose. ......"

"It's embarrassing. ......"

 Claudia is amused and Cassandra is embarrassed.

'In Baumgarten territory, you are very close to the territory's residents. I didn't expect you to throw such a big welcome party with the people."

"I was surprised, too."

Me too.

'No wonder you are surprised. The Baumgarten family was originally a barony, and since there are so few of its subjects, we must deal with any difficulties as a single unit. Rather than a noble and a commoner, we are more like comrades-in-arms who have fought together. If you say it is an easy relationship, you are right, but if you say it is not polite, you are right. Please don't be disrespectful. ......"

"I understand. I'll be rude tonight. May I join you in the circle?"

"The circle?"

 Claudia looked around the campfire and saw that the people were dancing in a circle around the campfire. Claudia wanted to dance with them.

 When I turned my attention to the maid standing behind Claudia, she shook her head from side to side, as if her head was about to fall off. The maid seemed to be against it.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. We have security issues to deal with. ......"

"I see. ......"

Sister, you shouldn't be too pushy ......."

 Claudia is visibly disappointed.

"How about some food, ladies and gentlemen? The chef has done an excellent job. I know it's not as good as the food at the palace, but I hope you enjoy it."

 I said and put my hand on the dish. This is a dish like stewed pork cubes. There is no soy sauce, so the seasoning is simply salt and herbs. Still, the pork was tender, flavorful, and delicious.

 Next, I tried the main dish, Chicken Nanban. Since there was no soy sauce, I poured lemon salt over the chicken and poured tartar sauce on top. I missed the soy sauce, but the tartar sauce was quite good, too.

"This one has mayonnaise? But there are a lot of things in it. Is it a salad?"

"This is tartar sauce, a new sauce using mayonnaise."

"Oh my!"

 Oh, by the way, Benno's doesn't sell tartar sauce yet. I guess the egg supply has not caught up yet.

 If that is the case, Eleonore and Claudia are also new to tartar sauce.

'It's delicious, isn't it?"

"Bon appétit."

"I'll have some too."

 Perhaps they were impressed by the mayonnaise, but they willingly ordered the chicken nanban.