Chapter【2】: The Perverted Cat in the Forest
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I find myself in a situation I never would have imagined, not even in my worst nightmares. With the earth still scattered over my fur and a wild cat with claws so strong they could kill me on top of me, my mind is in total chaos.

Meanwhile, the yellowish-brown cat, with a disapproving gesture, pulls her friend's tail to get her off me.

"Emily, let him go! He's an intruder, for the love of the gods!" protests the yellowish-brown cat, trying to separate her friend from the scene.

But Emily, the black cat, seems completely absorbed, ignoring her friend's warnings and keeping her gaze fixed on me.

"Wait, Greta! Let me finish what I started!" exclaims Emily, with a mix of determination and excitement in her voice.

As for me, I can barely process what is happening. I am caught between disbelief and fear, not knowing what to do or how to escape from this unexpected situation.

I really try to avoid getting heated up by the feline, even though she's really beautiful.

Meanwhile, the yellowish-brown cat finally manages to get Emily off me, and with a firm gesture, she takes me by the neck and lifts me off the ground, placing me at a safe distance from Emily's claws.

"Get out of here, you pervert!" growls the yellowish-brown cat, looking at me with disdain.

Still dazed, I clumsily get up and shake the dirt off my tabby white fur. I look around, searching for an exit, but find myself surrounded by the two cats, who watch me with a mixture of curiosity and distrust.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to... uh... interrupt your conversation," I stammer, trying to apologize.

But Emily, the black cat, approaches me with determined steps, not taking her eyes off mine.

"Don't worry, handsome. It wasn't an interruption at all," says Emily with a mischievous smile, making me feel even more nervous.

The yellowish-brown cat, on the other hand, looks at me suspiciously, not convinced of my intentions.

"What were you doing buried in the ground, anyway?" Greta asks accusingly.

I feel even more embarrassed as I remember how I ended up in this situation.

"Well, I was... uh... chasing a ball and... I fell..." I stutter, feeling ridiculous.

Greta frowns, clearly not convinced by my explanation.

"Chasing a ball? And you ended up buried up to your neck in the ground?" she asks, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

I nod, feeling like the situation couldn't get any worse.

But then, Emily approaches me with a flirty smile, making me even more nervous.

"Well, looks like you've got a bit of bad luck, huh, handsome?" says Emily, putting a paw on my shoulder.

I am left speechless, not knowing how to respond to the black cat who looks at me with sparkling eyes.

Meanwhile, Greta watches the scene with a mixture of disbelief and concern.

"Emily, are you sure this is a good idea? We know nothing about this cat," Greta warns, trying to dissuade her friend from getting too close to me."

But Emily seems completely enchanted by me, ignoring her friend's warnings.

"Don't worry, Greta. I can take care of myself," says Emily, without taking her eyes off me.

As Emily continues to approach me with a seductive smile, I notice Greta extending her claws, approaching with clear murderous intentions.

I quickly step back from both felines, my heart pounding wildly in my chest, as Greta advances towards me with raised claws and Emily moves closer with a seductive expression on her face.

I attempt to turn around in a desperate attempt to escape, but before I can even take a few steps, Greta manages to knock me to the ground with a swift motion, while Emily steps forward and places her paw on my head, immobilizing me.

I feel trapped and vulnerable, my breath catching in my throat as I gaze at the two cats surrounding me.

Greta suggests that they should kill me, causing fear to tense my body, but Emily seems to reconsider the idea.

"Wait, Greta. Don't you think we could make use of this situation?" Emily suggests, with a pensive look.

I hold my breath, hoping to hear some miracle.

"What do you mean?" Greta asks, frowning with distrust.

Emily approaches me with a cunning smile, lowering her head to whisper something in my ear.

I listen attentively to Emily's words, as my mind races trying to process the information.

"What... what are you suggesting?" I ask, looking at Emily incredulously.

Emily steps away from me and turns to Greta, with a confident expression on her face.

"We could make a deal with this cat. He could go back home with his ball if he stays here guarding the outskirts for the clan," Emily proposes, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

I nod quickly, seeing Greta's serious face.

Greta seems to consider the idea for a moment, furrowing her brow as she reflects on the potential benefits and risks.

"It's true that we could use a guard on the outskirts of the clan. But... can we trust him?" Greta questions, looking at me distrustfully.

Emily turns to me, with a reassuring smile on her face.

"We can train him and keep him under surveillance. If he proves useful, we could consider letting him return home," Emily suggests, with a complicit gesture towards me.

I remain pensive, weighing the risks and benefits of Emily's proposal. I know staying in the forest could be dangerous, but I also want to retrieve my ball and return home safely.

"I just want to go back home. I never intended to invade your territory, I swear," I exclaim nervously.

Greta seems satisfied with my response, nodding in approval as she stands up.

"Alright then. We'll give you a chance, cat. But don't you dare betray us," Greta warns, giving me a threatening look.

I nod seriously, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Understood. I won't let you down," I promise, trying to show determination.

Trying, because I know I look nervous.

Greta comments that someone will have to stay to watch over me. As soon as she says that, Emily and I lock eyes, exchanging nervous and worried glances.

"I... do you mean someone should stay to watch over me?"

Greta nods seriously.

"Exactly. And I'll be the one to do it."

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of being watched over by the cat with sharp claws.

Hours pass and now Greta and I find ourselves at the designated spot, scanning our surroundings carefully.

"What do we do now?"

Greta, in a serious tone, remarks, "We'll stay here until dawn. And make sure not to make any suspicious movements."

I swallow hard, feeling trapped in an increasingly desperate situation.

Every movement in the forest echoes in my ears, heightening my paranoia and sense of entrapment. I steal a glance at Greta, who seems entirely focused on her surveillance task.

"I have to find a way out of this situation..."

I really try to concentrate on finding an escape route, but the image of Emily won't leave my mind, no matter how hard I try. There's something truly stirring my heart when I think of her.

Something that makes me want to see her again... and have her there taking care of me instead of Greta.

Looking at Greta, I gather my courage and carefully choose my words... and ask:

"... And... that black cat... her name is Emily, right?"

"Listen to me carefully, I don't recommend approaching her. I'll kill you as soon as I see you try to get close to her... Understood?"


I gulp, lowering my gaze, while avoiding thinking about anything as I endure the cold and the fear of dying at any moment.

I feel the hours passing and, as I remain watchful on the outskirts of the forest, somewhat drowsy, I hear something fall and I notice Greta, who had fallen asleep on the ground. Scared, I look around and put my paw on her head to move her and prevent her from choking against the ground for having fallen face down. The feline had fallen asleep.

My heart begins to beat a little faster as I observe where she fell. The cliff was high, but still, I try to climb it. Unfortunately, I'm not a good climber, and I end up falling to the ground.

I must return before it's too late and my owners worry. We had an important meeting very soon. I'm such a fool!

However, a noise in the bushes startles me and pulls me out of my thoughts, seeing Emily emerge with my ball in her mouth, looking directly at me.

"Were you looking for... this?"

I'm glad to see her, but I feel a strange vibe coming from Emily, which makes me nervous and somewhat blush. However, upon seeing her paws covered in dirt and somewhat sore, I perk up my ears.

"Did... Did you stay all morning looking for it for me?"

Emily remains silent and drops the ball, tossing it gently towards me.

I look into her eyes for a moment and say:

"Thank you, Emily. It means a lot to me."


I really want to say something more, but I can't think of what.

My chest heaves rapidly, but before I can say anything, I see her approach first, ignoring the state of her paws.

I take a small step back, and I look into the shiny blue eyes of the black feline, which didn't stop looking at me.

Wagging her tail, and placing her nose against my neck, she approaches me and makes me sigh deeply, making me blush.

We looked into each other's eyes again, and I swallowed hard, watching her mouth attentively.

"What's your name...?"

"U-Uhm... I'm Fidel."

The feline glanced at the sleeping Greta and then looked directly at me, more confidently.

"I'm sorry for being... very impulsive yesterday. I have severe issues with my sexual appetite... It really embarrasses me to say it, b-but..."

Her shiny eyes brightened even more and clasping her paws on the ground, she looked me in the eyes.

"Could we... go out together... sometime?"